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Offline Mode?


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Closest you're gonna get is selecting "Solo" before a mission.


EDIT: Also as for builds, new relay updates will include a danger room which will be perfect for this. I just hope there is a fully functional arsenal in there...

Edited by Stratego89
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They wont.

Pretty sure that would make everything client side and that would give people the ability toooo

Edit their credit and platinum amounts on their side and have it affect their online stuffs. 

You could easily get rid of this threat by simply having all resource amounts, plat values, and wealth related stats saved on warframe servers, and they can have an auto ban for people who modify the value or try to modify it offline. It would just be really really nice to be able to run missions without having to be connected to the internet, you could play in the car on a road trip, or while your on an airplane, when the power goes out. It would be wonderful just to be able to play.

When I say nothing can be changed i mean nothing. You cant get resources, you cant get weapons, you cant get syndicate, you can only use what you currently have. The only thing that could be saved would be loadouts. (Cant upgrade mods either there could be an exploit hidden in there.). Moreover I am pretty sure they could combat almost all forms of offline game play related cheating without breaking a sweat.

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normally i would say no - however, you did think ahead and mention being okay with having no progress saved while 'offline'.

if that was the case, by all means!

Offline Mode would just disable all Enemy drops, Mission Rewards, the Market, Et Cetera.

or alternatively, Offline Mode could be like a sandbox, not connected to Warframe in general. so you can't play with anyone else (Solo only), and you have infinite of everything.

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Or they could do it where you create a new local save that you'd use for playing offline and it would no way be connected to your online account. Where the games basically the same drops and all but they are all local but they just are in any way connected to the warframe servers. Kinda Like GTA Online

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I think these two ideas already stated here are the best:


Either having an offline option which completely disables all possible progress you could make. No resource drops, no credits, no mission rewards, no affinity, no rep, no MR, nothing. Just the gear you currently have and the missions you currently have unlocked.




Two saves. A local offline save that gives you all of Warframe but without any online progress (and not being connected means you can't buy anything from the market, you can't trade and you can't receive updates unless connected to the internet in some way) and your regular online saved data.

Edited by Powersocke
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You could easily get rid of this threat by simply having all resource amounts, plat values, and wealth related stats saved on warframe servers, and they can have an auto ban for people who modify the value or try to modify it offline. It would just be really really nice to be able to run missions without having to be connected to the internet, you could play in the car on a road trip, or while your on an airplane, when the power goes out. It would be wonderful just to be able to play.

When I say nothing can be changed i mean nothing. You cant get resources, you cant get weapons, you cant get syndicate, you can only use what you currently have. The only thing that could be saved would be loadouts. (Cant upgrade mods either there could be an exploit hidden in there.). Moreover I am pretty sure they could combat almost all forms of offline game play related cheating without breaking a sweat.


I wonder if even simply enabling changing loadouts would be a risk for cheaters. I'm no programmer, but wouldn't that enable access to what items you have and how many? Sounds like that's opening the door to item hacks etc.


As someone else said, if you can already play solo, what need is there for this? Remember that for any new thing they have to dedicate dev resources, no matter how small or big, if it's unnecessary, I don't see them doing it, and I wouldn't blame them...

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I think these two ideas already stated here are the best:


Either having an offline option which completely disables all possible progress you could make. No resource drops, no credits, no mission rewards, no affinity, no rep, no MR, nothing. Just the gear you currently have and the missions you currently have unlocked.




Two saves. A local offline save that gives you all of Warframe but without any online progress (and not being connected means you can't buy anything from the market, you can't trade and you can't receive updates unless connected to the internet in some way) and your regular online saved data.

I'd enjoy option 2 more.


The advantage of having a solo mode is great, especially if you lose internet for whatever reason, or if the WF servers are down.


I don't like the idea of option 1, it just seems like it'd be pointless unless testing out some weapons. Still....you could simply do it online solo.

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