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Anyway This Game Can Use Less Cpu And More Gpu


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This is how it is: with only Warframe application open. Is it possible to make it so it uses my gpu aswell, cause this thing looks bad and my framerate drops like crazy. it peaks upto 85% and hovers around 80% when I'm warframe


Edited by Husla
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There shouldn't be too much of a problem or impact on performance if your CPU is not maxing out (if it's hitting 100% then your CPU becomes a bottleneck).


Considering that almost all games require a decent CPU now (multithreading and multi-cores are a thing now).


What model CPU do you have? And can you show us what the actual percent usage of the CPU Warframe is using from the "Processes" tab?

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There shouldn't be too much of a problem or impact on performance if your CPU is not maxing out (if it's hitting 100% then your CPU becomes a bottleneck).


Considering that almost all games require a decent CPU now (multithreading and multi-cores are a thing now).


What model CPU do you have? And can you show us what the actual percent usage of the CPU Warframe is using from the "Processes" tab?

Cannot show you as I finished doing what I did for the first image. As for model of my cpu; It's a G3258




Use direct 10 &11, they will use more GPU.

 Where is the option to use those?

Edited by Husla
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Cannot show you as I finished doing what I did for the first image. As for model of my cpu; It's a G3258

You can't start the game again, get in game and then view the "Processes" tab to view the actual % use that Warframe is consuming? This is all I'm asking for in order to see the actual % of the CPu that Warframe is using (and how much of it is other processes).


Also, the Intel G3528 is a really low power processor. It is not meant for gaming.


 Where is the option to use those?

DX10/DX11 can be enabled in the launcher settings (gearbox button near top right of launcher). If you can enable DX11, just enable that (and not DX10). If you cannot enable DX11, then just enable DX10. Also set the game to 64-Bit and Multithreaded Rendering.

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You can't start the game again, get in game and then view the "Processes" tab to view the actual % use that Warframe is consuming? This is all I'm asking for in order to see the actual % of the CPu that Warframe is using (and how much of it is other processes).


Also, the Intel G3528 is a really low power processor. It is not meant for gaming.


DX10/DX11 can be enabled in the launcher settings (gearbox button near top right of launcher). If you can enable DX11, just enable that (and not DX10). If you cannot enable DX11, then just enable DX10. Also set the game to 64-Bit and Multithreaded Rendering.

My G3258 is more than capable of gaming, I've played AW on it with no issues.




as for the DX11, I don't see the option for it.

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That's a dirty process list no wonder you cpu is choking, so many useless sync apps running.  I'd use Process Explorer from Sysinterals its much more accurate over the native task manager in windows 7, that's why Microsoft brought them and used their designs in windows 8.

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At a time when the total usage is really high like in the first post screenshot, go to the processes section, click "show processes from all users" and then see what's using what percentage of that total.

That's a long line up..


That's a dirty process list no wonder you cpu is choking, so many useless sync apps running.  I'd use Process Explorer from Sysinterals its much more accurate over the native task manager in windows 7, that's why Microsoft brought them and used their designs in windows 8.

So you want me to download another application to my dirty process list?

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Also, the Intel G3528 is a really low power processor. It is not meant for gaming.

It can overclock like a champ though :p


Which leads me onto:


This is how it is: with only Warframe application open. Is it possible to make it so it uses my gpu aswell, cause this thing looks bad and my framerate drops like crazy. it peaks upto 85% and hovers around 80% when I'm warframe


Have you overclocked the CPU?


People tend to get that chip anywhere from 4.2GHz to 4.8GHz. A huge step up from the base 3.2GHz frequency. And it makes a noticeable difference in games (A 1GHz overclock is a big overclock)


That being said, Warframe is quite a CPU limited game. A better CPU will usually yield greater results than upgrading the GPU....relatively.


But onto the matter of using more of the GPU, you state that the game looks bad already running on your set-up? The CPU shouldn't have too much influence on the way the game 'looks'. If the game looks bad you can try turning up the settings in-game to see if there is any difference. There may be one or two settings (i can't recall all the settings) where the CPU load may decrease by a tiny bit, but by and large, most of teh settings affect visuals which directly effect the GPU you are running


Which leads onto:


What GPU are you running to accompany the G3528?

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It can overclock like a champ though :p


Which leads me onto:


Have you overclocked the CPU?


People tend to get that chip anywhere from 4.2GHz to 4.8GHz. A huge step up from the base 3.2GHz frequency. And it makes a noticeable difference in games (A 1GHz overclock is a big overclock)


That being said, Warframe is quite a CPU limited game. A better CPU will usually yield greater results than upgrading the GPU....relatively.


But onto the matter of using more of the GPU, you state that the game looks bad already running on your set-up? The CPU shouldn't have too much influence on the way the game 'looks'. If the game looks bad you can try turning up the settings in-game to see if there is any difference. There may be one or two settings (i can't recall all the settings) where the CPU load may decrease by a tiny bit, but by and large, most of teh settings affect visuals which directly effect the GPU you are running


Which leads onto:


What GPU are you running to accompany the G3528?

I'm using the 750ti, I have everything on high minus some settings that make my eyes bleed as they are too bright. I didn't say the game looked bad but I just wanted it to use my gpu so it would have stable fps.


And no, I haven't really bothered to OC it. Maybe I should do

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I'm using the 750ti, I have everything on high minus some settings that make my eyes bleed as they are too bright. I didn't say the game looked bad but I just wanted it to use my gpu so it would have stable fps.


And no, I haven't really bothered to OC it. Maybe I should do

No such things as stable FPS in Warframe. Not bashing the game. The game is highly variable and you can get a crap tonne of stuff happening at once......I'm looking at Mirage >_>


I have an 8320 OC to 4GHz with a GTX 970 and my frame rates go up and down like a yo-yo. I'm not complaining though, but that is just what it does.


If you want to OC your CPU a little check out the video in the spoiler. I believe (for the most part) @4.2GHz you get similar gaming performance to an i5...i say "similar" because it depends on the game. A game that wants more cores won't benefit too much from a CPU with 2 fast cores.


NOTE: Your mileage with overclocking your CPU will largely be determined by your motherboard, and then your luck with the chip itself.


FURTHER NOTE: Don't go crazy with overclocking. Overclocking requires you take time to get things right or things can (and will) go horribly wrong.


As for making the GPU do more CPU related work.....That's something that requires re-writing the base code of the engine. You can't just tell the game to run AI code on the GPU for example. The engine needs to be able to give the GPU the type of workload it can work with. GPU and CPU work are both very different.

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this is a known issue that they have not fixed,every since update 15 which made the game more cpu dependant then gpu an even killed physx and apex in favor of the crappy cpu based particle 2.0 system,no matter what gpu you use the game will have low gpu usage since it barely uses the gpu anymore ,i for one am not spending another penny til they bring back real physx and gpu excelleration on the game and if they never do meh it was fun while it lasted and i got my moneys worth,but to really answer the OP there is no way to make this game use more gpu,they have made it use less gpu and more cpu on purpose and it sucks

Edited by TheSilverBackWolf
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this is a known issue that they have not fixed,every since update 15 which made the game more cpu dependant then gpu an even killed physx and apex in favor of the crappy cpu based particle 2.0 system,no matter what gpu you use the game will have low gpu usage since it barely uses the gpu anymore ,i for one am not spending another penny til they bring back real physx and gpu excelleration on the game and if they never do meh it was fun while it lasted and i got my moneys worth,but to really answer the OP there is no way to make this game use more gpu,they have made it use less gpu and more cpu on purpose and it sucks

Ambient occlusion and dynamic HDR are quite expensive graphical additions. It a complete fallacy to state Warfrmae isn't doing anything on the GPU side.


Making Warframe more GPU bound isn't something you can magic into existence. The base engine needs to be reworked, and irrespective of how much you push to GPU, the CPU still needs to prepare the work for it to calculate.

Furthermore, updating all the more GPU dependant assets (meshes, textures, shaders, animation and effect work) takes a lot of man hours. Point in case; the slow updates to existing Warframe assets to the new PBR technique. 


As for your ranting about PhysX:


PhysX load on my dedicated physX card (GPU2) is greater than the load on my main card rendering the entire scene. So to say PhysX is "killed" is misplaced.


Do you have a source that states the new Particle effects are CPU bound?



Also, PhysX isn't something the devs can iterate on. What you see is what is provided by Nvidia. The devs have no control over how the effects look when implemented into the game.

Creating their own particle system allows them to develop the effects to better suit warframe. If a weapon want's to do something different to a frame, the devs can manually code the changes. They can't do that with PhysX. The frame and weapon would end up using the same effects.

Edited by MillbrookWest
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My CPU usage for the Evolution engine is about 25% max. However, the Task Manager shows that the 1st CPU core is constantly pegged at 100%. My FPS ranges wildly from sometimes 900+ fps in the liset to ~75fps in the Neptune - Triiton mission. In the latter case I notice a clear slowdown in frame rate when playing the game with a 120hz monitor. It's clearly less fluid.


I'm no programmer, but perhaps it's possible to more optimally spread the load over multiple cores? I'm using a 6 core 12 thread 3960X CPU clocked at 4.6GHz with 3x Titan cards in SLI. It doesn't matter what resolution I use or whether SLI is disabled. The game appears to be constantly CPU bound by that single maxed out core (multi-threading is enabled, OS Windows 8.1).

Edited by cx-dave
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Ambient occlusion and dynamic HDR are quite expensive graphical additions. It a complete fallacy to state Warfrmae isn't doing anything on the GPU side.


Making Warframe more GPU bound isn't something you can magic into existence. The base engine needs to be reworked, and irrespective of how much you push to GPU, the CPU still needs to prepare the work for it to calculate.

Furthermore, updating all the more GPU dependant assets (meshes, textures, shaders, animation and effect work) takes a lot of man hours. Point in case; the slow updates to existing Warframe assets to the new PBR technique. 


As for your ranting about PhysX:


PhysX load on my dedicated physX card (GPU2) is greater than the load on my main card rendering the entire scene. So to say PhysX is "killed" is misplaced.


Do you have a source that states the new Particle effects are CPU bound?



Also, PhysX isn't something the devs can iterate on. What you see is what is provided by Nvidia. The devs have no control over how the effects look when implemented into the game.

Creating their own particle system allows them to develop the effects to better suit warframe. If a weapon want's to do something different to a frame, the devs can manually code the changes. They can't do that with PhysX. The frame and weapon would end up using the same effects.






noone said the gpu wasnt doing anything at all so i dont know where you made that up from,ok since we gonna nitpick lol there are a few enemies that have physx/apex that is all,it is no longer on deaths ,i dare you to say the barrels explode the same,it has been removed from our warframes specials,this has been proven by others on this forum so your cherry picked screenshot shows what we already knew lol that a very few enemies have it ,but its been heavily nerfed,if you cant tell that before update 15 that the game used way more gpu then it does now then i dont know what to tell you as again many on this forum have reported,also the many reporting much more cpu use an less gpu use since the update,sorry you cant see that the update made the game more cpu  dependant instead of gpu dependant,and its pretty simple acutally,with physx gpu would spike up usage on particles,now with ps2.0 the cpu spikes gpu does not

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