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Recent Afk Fix Makes It A Nightmare To Play Now


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I'm not even sure if it is the "anti-AFK" system or not, but players can't pick up energy orbs and can't pick up energy plates if they have no moved or shot an enemy within X amount of seconds. This is truly aggravating in Defense.


The most recent case was incredibly detrimental to endgame gameplay.

Made it to wave 81 in T4 Defense and had to deal with a number of issues where our group stood still for too long while spamming abilities, disallowing for energy pick ups, plate energy, etc. 


(If you were curious: we died on wave 81 to an unknown source of damage. We think it was a grenade, but recording shows that Frost globe was up when we wiped. (Placed so that grenade could not reach players)


NOTE: we did not die because of anti-afk, we died from enemies. That is not what I am talking about. Just wanted to show off xD


This is a really strange thing to put in this game. In Defense, as well as Mobile Defense, warframes usually rely on abilities. Players that max out their ability builds tend to channel or spam these abilities in a way that this anti-afk crap thinks they aren't doing anything.


Mag spamming pull, doing damage to enemies, couldn't pick up energy because the game deemed him AFK...?


This is wrong DE. You need a more complex set of triggers for the system to deem a player AFK other than simply not moving...


Anyone else having similar problems?

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Ya but like mesa can't get energy while peacemakering... so after its done move literally one step. Its even easier for mag since pull takes no time to cast and she could easily move 1 step between pulls.


PS https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/416125-afk-hotfix-say-goodbye-to-mesa-and-late-game/

Edited by immolator1001
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Simply just add a vote kick option if someone afk for long time. Yesterday we did a void t3 extermination and a guy who invited by one of my friend went into afk after 4 min playing then he was afk for long and we needed a full team to beat them but hardly succed.


Same happend with on public on Fossa 1 guy went afk and after 10 min waiting we left the game because he/she was totaly afk. 


My bet a vote kick option would be simplier and better than auto afk system.

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Simply just add a vote kick option if someone afk for long time. Yesterday we did a void t3 extermination and a guy who invited by one of my friend went into afk after 4 min playing then he was afk for long and we needed a full team to beat them but hardly succed.


Same happend with on public on Fossa 1 guy went afk and after 10 min waiting we left the game because he/she was totaly afk. 


My bet a vote kick option would be simplier and better than auto afk system.

And it'd be a lot more abused. Stop with this arguement already.
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The 2 minute afk timer effectively starts when you're not doing ANYTHING for those 2 minutes. So Mesa can't possibly go "afk" during Peace Maker granted the player isn't just sitting there and not firing at anything.


Now Absorb and Soundquake are a different beast. You can actually "afk" during this.

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Ya but like mesa can't get energy while peacemakering... so after its done move literally one step. Its even easier for mag since pull takes no time to cast and she could easily move 1 step between pulls.


PS https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/416125-afk-hotfix-say-goodbye-to-mesa-and-late-game/

I just think it is sort of a cheap fix. It's like a goddamn flash game. "Make sure you move your mouse, or else the game will pause"


Cheap fix is cheap.



The 2 minute afk timer effectively starts when you're not doing ANYTHING for those 2 minutes. So Mesa can't possibly go "afk" during Peace Maker granted the player isn't just sitting there and not firing at anything.


Now Absorb and Soundquake are a different beast. You can actually "afk" during this.


Not sure what to tell you: our Greedy Mag - who was DEFINITELY pulling - wasn't getting any energy.


He had to actually shoot at enemies before it gave him any energy.


Again: garbo fix is garbo.

Edited by AuraMau
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I just think it is sort of a cheap fix. It's like a goddamn flash game. "Make sure you move your mouse, or else the game will pause"

Cheap fix is cheap.

Not sure what to tell you: our Greedy Mag - who was DEFINITELY pulling - wasn't getting any energy.

He had to actually shoot at enemies before it gave him any energy.

Again: garbo fix is garbo.

You can't particularly confirm that either since you couldn't see what they were seeing you know? We just have to ASSUME your Greed Mag wasn't just pulling some legs. Could be true though... never had a reason to just stand around like a petrified tanuki for 2 minutes pressing 1 or 4 the entire time.

Edited by littlewomba
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You can't particularly confirm that either since you couldn't see what they were seeing you know? We just have to ASSUME your Greed Mag wasn't just pulling some legs. Could be true though... never had a reason to just stand around like a petrified tanuki for 2 minutes pressing 1 or 4 the entire time.

I guess you're right, I can't say I saw it with my own eyes. But he was freaking out over Teamspeak because he had no energy when he had very clearly just pulled a ton of it in.


That was confirmation to me. *shrug*



Simple fix is simple.


Sorry you can't be bothered to move. 


Sorry DE can't be bothered to come up with a more complex check-system.


We shouldn't be bothered to move. Not in a tight little bubble that - everything outside said bubble one-shots - doesn't have a ton of space.  You tend to find your spot and stick to it.  Not sure what else to tell you bro :P

Edited by AuraMau
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I guess you're right, I can't say I saw it with my own eyes. But he was freaking out over Teamspeak because he had no energy when he had very clearly just pulled a ton of it in.


That was confirmation to me. *shrug*


If he wasn't moving and the AFK stuff hit, then yeah, abilities don't break that and he'd have lost all that energy. Sucks for some situations but it's something people will have to take in account now, all because of some incredible insane ability spam.


Hopefully we get more accuracy overhauls later and some nice stuff with parkour 2.0 to give even the sturdiest spammer a reason to jump around.

Edited by Adorable_Ookami_Momiji
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Or as testers of the game we have every right to voice our opinion.

EDIT: "IMO" this isn't an opinion. This is saying that the game should play itself for you and give you everything without you haven't to work for it. Do you understand what the point of a game even is?

Edited by Stratego89
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This isn't an opinion. This is saying that the game should play itself for you and give you everything without you haven't to work for it. Do you understand what the point of a game even is?

There is no solid point in this game. Some people make their point/objective in the game to get to the current highest MR and reach MR30 or a.k.a completionist. Others make their goal to collect all and build all items and store them, complete all events and get all exclusive stuff from them, collectionist. Some just play the game for fun, have fun, waste time, or the hobby guy. Do you understand the term feedback?

Edit: before you jump the gun and say I'm supporting the OP's side I'm not, I'm simply implying that anyone should be allowed to voice their opinion on a topic. If we weren't allowed to voice our opinions the majority of things in this game would be completely different.

Edited by izzatuw
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This isn't an opinion. This is saying that the game should play itself for you and give you everything without you haven't to work for it. Do you understand what the point of a game even is?

No, you just tried denying our right to voice our opinions WITH YOUR OWN OPINION.  You are saying that there is only one way to play this game - your way. 


You're being so ignorant right now man. 


So what if people want to "press 4 to win", that's their choice.  The button is open to be pressed every half second, so if you have the energy: why not?  I don't blame people for NOT pressing it, so why are you criticizing people for pressing it?  Is it some moral dilemma to you?


EDIT: How people play the game isn't your choice to make, criticize, or dictate... and it's causing one hell of a derail

Edited by AuraMau
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EDIT: "IMO" this isn't an opinion. This is saying that the game should play itself for you and give you everything without you haven't to work for it. Do you understand what the point of a game even is?

I think its you that don't understand what is being reported here. Mag was not afk, he was there doing his part playing the game, pullling (No macro). And was not getting energy. 

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If you looked at the image in OP, this was a t4 def. Also, as I know and have played with everyone in that group, I'm like 99% certain they never went to e-gate for farming. It's kind of a bad joke that most serious players wouldn't waste time with.

The E-Gate comment was really more of a "for those to whom this applies" more than directed at OP

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EDIT: "IMO" this isn't an opinion. This is saying that the game should play itself for you and give you everything without you haven't to work for it. Do you understand what the point of a game even is?

Kind of wondering what you consider "work for"...

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The 2 minute afk timer effectively starts when you're not doing ANYTHING for those 2 minutes. So Mesa can't possibly go "afk" during Peace Maker granted the player isn't just sitting there and not firing at anything.


Now Absorb and Soundquake are a different beast. You can actually "afk" during this.



Not really.  As Mag, I've stood in front of a cryopod on a void def mission, not moved, only cast, and LED the team in kills and got the big black square for the reward.


The AFK detection does need work.

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No, you just tried denying our right to voice our opinions WITH YOUR OWN OPINION.  You are saying that there is only one way to play this game - your way. 


You're being so ignorant right now man. 


So what if people want to "press 4 to win", that's their choice.  The button is open to be pressed every half second, so if you have the energy: why not?  I don't blame people for NOT pressing it, so why are you criticizing people for pressing it?  Is it some moral dilemma to you?


EDIT: How people play the game isn't your choice to make, criticize, or dictate... and it's causing one hell of a derail

Ok then. I am the kind of person who condemns saying there is only one way to play a game, because that is entirely untrue. I will agree that I was posting an OPINION that a game of this complexity isn't meant to be played by smashing one button for an hour. It is also my opinion that these changes are very nice and fix something that is a massive problem in the game.

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I think its you that don't understand what is being reported here. Mag was not afk, he was there doing his part playing the game, pullling (No macro). And was not getting energy. 

IMO sitting still pulling as Mag, though helpful to the team shouldn't count towards keeping the afk timer from affecting someone. It is not hard to literally tap a movement key every 30 seconds or so to prevent afk timer from kicking in. You are not forced to sit in one spot and spam pull in any game mode, this is a choice.

Kind of wondering what you consider "work for"...

What I consider working for is anything that does not including sitting in one spot on top of your team for over 30 minutes doing nothing but spamming 4 and receiving rewards.

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IMO sitting still pulling as Mag, though helpful to the team shouldn't count towards keeping the afk timer from affecting someone. It is not hard to literally tap a movement key every 30 seconds or so to prevent afk timer from kicking in. You are not forced to sit in one spot and spam pull in any game mode, this is a choice.

What I consider working for is anything that does not including sitting in one spot on top of your team for over 30 minutes doing nothing but spamming 4 and receiving rewards.

So, what you DO consider "work for" is something you're so ashamed of doing that you can't actually mention it, jand instead ust try and make fun of others?

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There is no solid point in this game. Some people make their point/objective in the game to get to the current highest MR and reach MR30 or a.k.a completionist. Others make their goal to collect all and build all items and store them, complete all events and get all exclusive stuff from them, collectionist. Some just play the game for fun, have fun, waste time, or the hobby guy. Do you understand the term feedback?

Edit: before you jump the gun and say I'm supporting the OP's side I'm not, I'm simply implying that anyone should be allowed to voice their opinion on a topic. If we weren't allowed to voice our opinions the majority of things in this game would be completely different.

You make solid points and I understand that games are played in a multitude of ways. I'm just saying that IMO spamming 4 for an hour is not playing a game. It's mindlessly progressing. Games are made for people to enjoy, interact, and have fun with.

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So, what you DO consider "work for" is something you're so ashamed of doing that you can't actually mention it, and instead just try and make fun of others?

FFTY. This makes no sense. I'm in no means ashamed of "what I consider work for". I was simply giving a very VERY broad spectrum of it. If you want me to go into detail, it would be this. Run around. Shoot things. Don't sit afk pressing one button. BE A SPACE NINJA!

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