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Recent Afk Fix Makes It A Nightmare To Play Now


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I have tested to see how much movement needs to be done. You have to move about 5 meters to clear three afk status. You are right though, a macro can do that very easily. That's not what this thread is about though. This thread is about how the current implementation of the afk system impedes on normal gameplay. I haven't had problems with it outside of it bugging out but theoretically the bugs will be fixed eventually. What the poster of this thread is detailing is an example of how the afk system ruined a game he was having with his friends. Why is that so hard to accept? He isn't making this up people, to what end would anyone make up the complaints with the afk system?

Macro's can do anything, if there were macro farmers, they aren't going anywhere because of these afk rules, because adding a little wsda into their inputs is trivial. It's the regularl players who suffer needlessly.

It is EXACTLY what this thread is about.


The anti-afk system can be readily defeated with a teeny bit of planning on the part of the people who are actually going AFK.


The anti-afk system can kick in easily against people who have 100% of their focus on the game, but aren't in a situation where "remember to move slightly" even kicks in--"better walk to be considered at my keyboard" isn't something you have time to think about when you're inside a tiny shelter of volt shields trying desperately to gun down a sea of lvl 200 enemies before they can reach you through your team's crowd-control spam.


In light of this fact, the anti-afk system is really quite useless AND counter-productive. It clearly should be revamped or removed. There are better solutions that don't eff over people who are actually playing.

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The other night I was on a defense mission to which I joined as a last member, by the time I got there I was hit by the AFK even before I started the mission, I was running all over the place and was getting ZERO energy for a long period. That is ridiculous.

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The other night I was on a defense mission to which I joined as a last member, by the time I got there I was hit by the AFK even before I started the mission, I was running all over the place and was getting ZERO energy for a long period. That is ridiculous.

Is there even some sort of indicator that actually shows you being hit by the afk status?

Also: it does not come off? In any game the moment you press a key, ANY key related to your character, the AFK status is cleared. Dont tell me they managed to go full genius.jpg again and make the afk status permanent...

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you are sooooo broken in the head you cant even realize it , my only guess is you never play defense missions especially t4 def , i was just leveling my frost and suddenly get no energy because apperantly i was "afk" , i was shooting , standing on pod and make globe ,after wave cleared i would walk and loot , died on a simple defense mission and you expect us to run a t4 def? do you even realize how broken bombard splash dmg is? nullifiers? even lancers one-shotting you? you are obligated to stay in one place so you get no harm and do your job. But yea im also guessing this is too hard to comprehand for you

First of all I would like to thank you for insulting my mental state. Secondly I would like to state for the record that I play defense every day, and T4D every other day or at least every third day. Shooting keeps the afk timer from kicking in, so either you obviously weren't and are just making that up, or there is a bug that you should report rather than complaining that you don't like the new feature. Lastly, yes- explosives are OP and bombards moreso due to their spam. Nullifiers are in a good place in my opinion. Once again, standing in place is a non-issue, as long as you are shooting things you will not stop gaining energy, and even if you DID lose energy from actually just not moving, you can shuffle around inside your globe occasionally. None of the issues you mentioned actually has anything to do with the new afk feature, you're just complaining about something entirely seperate.


P.s. Apparently* I'm* Comprehend* You're welcome.

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Once again, standing in place is a non-issue, as long as you are shooting things you will not stop gaining energy, and even if you DID lose energy from actually just not moving, you can shuffle around inside your globe occasionally. None of the issues you mentioned actually has anything to do with the new afk feature, you're just complaining about something entirely seperate.


P.s. Apparently* I'm* Comprehend* You're welcome.

I will restate: In T4 Defense, particularly in higher waves, there is no way in hell you can get by with moving or shooting.


You say that movement is a non-issue, but that isn't the case. This AFK system is the bane of endgame gameplay, where you have to give up movement and gun-play for the only strategy that works: abilities.


Someone earlier in the thread said that to be considerred not-AFK, you have to walk 5 meters. ... When you've got a snowglobe that is 10-12 meters in diameter or a Limbo bubble 7-10 meters in diameter, that is NOT REALISTIC.  

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I will restate: In T4 Defense, particularly in higher waves, there is no way in hell you can get by with moving or shooting.


You say that movement is a non-issue, but that isn't the case. This AFK system is the bane of endgame gameplay, where you have to give up movement and gun-play for the only strategy that works: abilities.


Someone earlier in the thread said that to be considerred not-AFK, you have to walk 5 meters. ... When you've got a snowglobe that is 10-12 meters in diameter or a Limbo bubble 7-10 meters in diameter, that is NOT REALISTIC.  

My god you will not let this die, it has been a week man! Ok. First off, DE clearly is trying to get rid of being able to win the game by simply casting abilities, this was the point of nullifiers, at the point where only abilities work anymore, it has become a suicide mission and you should be extracting. Also, whoever said you have to walk 5 meters to be considered "not-AFK" is full of bull- if you had taken literally 5 min to test it in game like I have (SEVERAL times) you would know that you simply have to nudge less than 1 meter in any direction, which can be done in between ability casts. Let this die man, DE is trying to remove press 4 to win from the game...


EDIT: Even IF the "you have to move 5 meters" claim was accurate, if you can't move 5 meters then shoot once and done.

Edited by Stratego89
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