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Color Pallet Pricing


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I had kept thoughts on this and expressed it on the chat ingame, in reguards of color pallets. Alternate Helmets, skins, pet acc., can stay as plat items only, however, the color pallets should not be under the "Plat Only" label. The Color Pallet Pack can stay as a "Plat Only", that many don't care about, its the single pallets that many want to buy. Wanting a price that was reasonable, but not without effort, making each pallet 500,000 credits. Many have enough already to buy one pallet, but not 2 or 3 in a row. Making them 500K a pallet would make it reasonable, since Im a casual gamer. I would like other peoples opinions being posted of whether they support or against this idea.

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It's a vanity item.  It's a F2P game.  They have to make money.  Therefore it stays plat only IMO.  Doesn't matter what value of in game currency you put on it, if you want colors and you enjoy the game enough to want to customize that badly then toss them 5-10 bucks...

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Honestly i think 5 bucks for a pallete that shares subtle shades of the same color with the Classic/Saturated palletes is overpriced and need to be reduced by at least half.


I also hope that they allow us to create a customizable pallete where we can pick our favourites from the unlocked ones.

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I personally believe the default pallete should be available from the get go for free. Now you want customized palletes okay ya its fine to charge plat for those but really...default colors....I mean ya its a vainity thing plain and simple but gotta give people atleast alittle bit of leway.

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It does seem a bit overpriced, but still people do buy them because it really stands out, especially the smoke. It's one of those little things that differentiates people who support the game by buying something (I think that's why it's above 50 plat).


I agree with the classic palette being for sale on credits though, I can't imagine why anyone would buy that one separately when the concentrated palette also provides some faint colors. 

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Two possible options for this to happen, either A: All Pallets can be bought with 500,000 Credits, or B: Pallets are 500,000 Credits, but requires Rank unlock to be able to purchuse. One of these 2 options, the second one being more ideal, would probly make everyone else who don't use Plat or buy Plat, a little happier. Warframe is getting money cause there are people that cant wait for everything. "They need to make money" trick doesnt cut it anymore. Game is still in Beta, so a great deal of more content will be released. A few Color Pallets made also for ingame primary currency isnt going to kill the game.


Making it a unlock means it gives other players something to work torwards if they want it that badly, if not, they'll be like everyone who is impatient, buy it outright.

Edited by Zenn
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I've been thinking of getting the color pack, but consider the individual packs are quite expensive for platinum, I'm holding off to see if they include smoke too in a bundle soon. Still, I would love some form of subscription for color packs.... Pay X, say 250-350, then you get all packs that will come out forever, or something similar.

Although the pricing is kind of harsh. Right now each color packs costs about €4 each if you go by the platinum base price (that is $6 in USD)That means that the current bundle packs of colors actually costs 1/3 the real world money of a normal standard PC-game at launch.


Personally, I have no problem putting plat into a game since I got a founders package, it's just that I wonder if color options is really worth that costs. Frames, weapons, even modpacks like the new platinum bonuses, have utility, but color palettes are literally for show, and nothing says how many will come out when it's finished. It's one thing as long as you have enough discounted platinum, but for new non-founders or the ones that don't have as much funds to play with, it would be a boon to adjust the pricing somewhat in the longevity of the game.


Of course, it's still so early in the game's existence so, there is much that can happen.

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In my opinion, I think that when compared to other platinum only items color palettes are proportionally more expensive. (didn't do any math on that so don't kill me for it, its all observation based)


I would like to see at least some of the palettes reduced in price, and the default one become either cheaper, or more easily available in-game(daily login rewards, random mission rewards/alert rewards, etc)


and with the knowledge that they will eventually release even more color palettes, it just  makes more sense.

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My opinion is same as lot: vanity should stay plats only.

But i would not disagree with a price drop ... 50 plats would sound good to me?


What i could suggest is you cant buy palettes with credits, but you could buy a one-time use color bp for, well maybe 10 to 20k. then craft, apply, done.

thus, each color is available, bp cost could be very high for some palettes, it will cost enough credits, and a few mats too. so that you cant change that easily?

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The reason that the colors (in my eyes) are for platinum only or for events is really simple. They are not needed at ALL for gameplay except for maybe frame identification. And even still, they give you like 10 free colors and there have been colors for events. The colors have NO other aspect of play AND they are for all of your gear. Imagine if you had to buy a color pack whenever you wanted to modify a new weapon, having to buy a new color pack for each weapon. They could have gone there, and they didn't. That flexibility, to me, is worth that 75 platinum for a full color pack. Personally, I bought the Fire one because I like the reds. These color packs, to me, are worth the amount put on them, because they're just that versatile. They're not available through blueprints for one simple reason. They have no grand effect on gameplay. They give no boosts at all, unlike the helmets (which I have seen mentioned in this post) or the weapon skins. I'm actually surprised the Dagger Axe skin is available for Blueprints since it doesn't have any stat changes. Sentinel parts are for platinum only for just this reason. They give no bonuses to your Sentinel, don't increase shields, health, damage or anything else. They just make it look pretty. 

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The problem with your idea is that here is no random chance to it.  Play the game long enough and you'll have color pallet and then everyone will have them and the developer won't get money out of it, other than more people rush/grinding missions.


How about this:  One random square of color, from the original pallet, for a new ?? reward for alerts, that is randomly offered on alerts as a rare event?  There's no guarantee you'll get the color that you want, and it teases you more to buy the color pack to simply get all the colors you desire.  Or you keep playing until you get that one color you really want from the ?? chance.


Go Warframe slot machine!

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I get that they gotta eat as much as the next upcoming game studio, but 75p is more or less 5$ with the current plat system. I can get full scale character model changing costume options on Pay 2 Play games for 2$ or cheeper, and color packs for less than 1$ a piece generally with a variety of color options. Not even paints in TF2 are 5$, and they can be randomly dropped...


I'd be more in favor of raising the price on some other items than keeping the current price of the color pallets. It's sad when potatoes are easier to buy than a cosmetic item that could just as easily be replaced by a free and universal color wheel option anyways. Doubly so when potatoes are log in and alert mission rewards...

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I think making them all buyable with credits would cut a bit too much into the developers' livelihood.

However, making the first "basic" pallette buyable with credits would be a good idea. Either that 500k for the whole pallette, or something like 50k for each additional color.

A little something to allow more customization for players.

Smoke, Saturated and all those can stay the way they are for all I care. What I would like is just a little more shades of colors and a black color for cheap/casual players.

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I have no problem with colors being Plat only. My issue is that at 75 plat a pop, they are simply not worth it. Nor will they ever be, at that price. 

75 plat=five dollars (US), if I remember right.


I'd happily buy them all at two dollars a piece. I have plenty of cash to spare on this game, but I cannot, nor will I ever, justify spending five dollars on a color pallet (buy them all and you're halfway to buying a brand new triple A title, or all the way to buying an older one thats on sale).


This is kind of a sticking point for me with this game, the plat pricing in general is so aggressive (with the colors being the worst) that you could buy one warframe, say Ash, one weapon, maybe a bolto and all six color pallets and boom, you've just spent fifty bucks. 


$50. For a warframe one handgun and some colors. No.


Nope, nuh uh, not ever gunna happen.

(for me, can't speak for anyone else)


I would really like to support this game and the devs, but the pricing has to make some kind of sense. I should feel good after making a purchase, and excited to try out my new content. 


A benefit of smaller prices, I believe, would be an increase in overall sales, resulting in more money for the devs. I don't think I or anyone else would hesitate to fork over two bucks a peice for the color pallets. Less money per transaction, yet many many more spending money. Funny thing about money, the easier it is to spend (as in I don't have to think twice about justifying the purchase) the more I spend. I might, in the long haul spend just as much money on lower priced items as I would if I had choked down my common sense and payed the current prices. Chances are good however that if the pricing stays as it is I will likely not spend anymore on the game and eventually abandon it before I'm one or two hundred dollars into the game without a whole lot to show for it. I may well spend that one or two hundred bucks on this game but I have to feel like I'm getting my monies worth on every purchase or it's just not going to happen. 



DE, I really really want to give you (more of) my money, but you have to work with me here. Drop prices to something reasonable, get people spending, get the money flowing, produce more content for us to spend money on, rinse and repeat. And repeat Repeat until you are filthy rich and you have a game that is fun to play, full of awesome content and has a massive fan base spending tons (a little at a time) of cash on it. 


EDIT: This not a "lower the prices OR I QUIT!!1!!1!" rant, though it appears to be. I love this game and am in no danger in leaving anytime soon. I'd just like to spend more money on the game, but I can't justify it at these prices. Also note this whole thing applies primarily to the color pallets as thats what I'd most like to buy at this point. (Though after getting some new colors I'd probably want to trick out a shiny new frame with em, probably without the grind. Course a new frame warrants a couple of new weapons to really mix up the gameplay, and since I'd want to use them right away with my new frame. . . .yup buying em. Boom, more money for the devs; more content; more awesomeness allround.)


EDIT 2 I'm sleep deprived and only semi coherent, so I apologize for this ridiculously long rambling post. (Also for the blatant overuse of parentheses ((I love parentheses)) 


EDIT TRES I just missed and Orokin Reactor alert while I was busy hammering out this little gem. FML. 





EDIT AD NASEUM Another potato alert popped up, got my tater. Huzzah. Going to bed. 

Edited by Amp1
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I have no problem with colors being Plat only. My issue is that at 75 plat a pop, they are simply not worth it. Nor will they ever be, at that price. 

75 plat=five dollars (US), if I remember right.


I'd happily buy them all at two dollars a piece. I have plenty of cash to spare on this game, but I cannot, nor will I ever, justify spending five dollars on a color pallet (buy them all and you're halfway to buying a brand new triple A title, or all the way to buying an older one thats on sale).


This is kind of a sticking point for me with this game, the plat pricing in general is so aggressive (with the colors being the worst) that you could buy one warframe, say Ash, one weapon, maybe a bolto and all six color pallets and boom, you've just spent fifty bucks. 


$50. For a warframe one handgun and some colors. No.


Nope, nuh uh, not ever gunna happen.

(for me, can't speak for anyone else)


I would really like to support this game and the devs, but the pricing has to make some kind of sense. I should feel good after making a purchase, and excited to try out my new content. 


A benefit of smaller prices, I believe, would be an increase in overall sales, resulting in more money for the devs. I don't think I or anyone else would hesitate to fork over two bucks a peice for the color pallets. Less money per transaction, yet many many more spending money. Funny thing about money, the easier it is to spend (as in I don't have to think twice about justifying the purchase) the more I spend. I might, in the long haul spend just as much money on lower priced items as I would if I had choked down my common sense and payed the current prices. Chances are good however that if the pricing stays as it is I will likely not spend anymore on the game and eventually abandon it before I'm one or two hundred dollars into the game without a whole lot to show for it. I may well spend that one or two hundred bucks on this game but I have to feel like I'm getting my monies worth on every purchase or it's just not going to happen. 



DE, I really really want to give you (more of) my money, but you have to work with me here. Drop prices to something reasonable, get people spending, get the money flowing, produce more content for us to spend money on, rinse and repeat. And repeat Repeat until you are filthy rich and you have a game that is fun to play, full of awesome content and has a massive fan base spending tons (a little at a time) of cash on it. 


EDIT: This not a "lower the prices OR I QUIT!!1!!1!" rant, though it appears to be. I love this game and am in no danger in leaving anytime soon. I'd just like to spend more money on the game, but I can't justify it at these prices. Also note this whole thing applies primarily to the color pallets as thats what I'd most like to buy at this point. (Though after getting some new colors I'd probably want to trick out a shiny new frame with em, probably without the grind. Course a new frame warrants a couple of new weapons to really mix up the gameplay, and since I'd want to use them right away with my new frame. . . .yup buying em. Boom, more money for the devs; more content; more awesomeness allround.)


EDIT 2 I'm sleep deprived and only semi coherent, so I apologize for this ridiculously long rambling post. (Also for the blatant overuse of parentheses ((I love parentheses)) 


EDIT TRES I just missed and Orokin Reactor alert while I was busy hammering out this little gem. FML. 





EDIT AD NASEUM Another potato alert popped up, got my tater. Huzzah. Going to bed. 

I would say that about sums up my feelings (more or less), but I don't think any sane person would call that a summary  :)  Even so you made a lot of good points (however scrambled they may seem) and so for that I give you a bump!

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I'll rather ignore the palletes and focus on more cutsomization options.

500k seems to be a huge quantity, but I won like 300k in two days, only leveling boltor/latron, so if you expect them to put it for sale, maybe it will cost much more than that.
Nevertheless, it would be OK

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I must add my agreement with this sentiment: while I have no substantial objection to customisation options being Platinum only, I would certainly advocate two key changes:

1) Open up the whole Classic pallet to all players, as limiting them to such a paltry selection feels a little disengenuous.


2) Reduce the Platinum price of the other pallets - £4 is simply not an acceptable price for a single colour pallet. I might have been tempted to purchase one (or more) pallets if the prices were more palatable.

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I also think the color prices are too high to justify spending any money on them. I'd understand more if there were special colors for camouflage patterns of some kind, but solid colors should at least be lower in price.

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