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Rhino Vs Chroma


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rhino cant compare to a well build chroma on higher levels sorry :)

max armor build with arcane guardian and duration just gives insane survivability on higher survival/defence/interception + a HUGE dmg buff.

Chroma Vuild and video proof please~


Or else you are just lying through your teeth and just being a troll. ;)

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Chroma Vuild and video proof please~


Or else you are just lying through your teeth and just being a troll. ;)

From Sappin, on her review of Chroma and comparing him to Rhino(prime) to me:


"I've been in levels 50+ with Rhino Prime and Chroma, both of them had high strength mods, RhinoP's IS got shredded at 50+ levels, I was fighting to stay alive and almost always got two shot, forcing me to spam stomp and energy restores, which still didn't help, as when using stomp I would get downed. Now on to Chroma, all I have to say is that even at levels 50+ I could still facetank a barrage of heavy gunners, bombard knockdowns, and butcher chopping."

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Chroma has become my new waifu.


I always love the classes in games that can put on a load of defensive buffs so they can focus on maximizing offensive output, instead of half-concentrating on staying alive, and Chroma allows me to do that, without looking like a total scrub/n00b in the process because of Rhino's cheap foil skin.


Chroma has fallen perfectly into my playstyle, and my dignity is still in-tact, because I haven't had to touch Rhino.

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Limbo was abused as troll, still, plenty of ppl tried to defend him because he was new.

Mesa needed some tweak but still once she came out she got defended because she was new.

Some are gonna still use Chroma because Dragonframeforkids but still in the next 2 frames he's gonna go forgotten like Mirage and such.


Core Frames are Vanilla Frames, when sh1t has to be done.

Edited by Gr3vi3R
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Even Valkyr is a better 'tank' than Rhino. If you think Rhino is better than Valkyr because Valkyr doesn't have access to guns, you're wrong. No I'm not talking about her using Hysteria, I'm talking about Warcry. Ever heard of it? Not many people have apparently. All the people here comparing Rhino to Valkyr have only mentioned Hysteria and how it's too bad you can't use guns unlike Rhino...

Edited by SunsetChaos
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Limbo was abused as troll, still, plenty of ppl tried to defend him because he was new.

Mesa needed some tweak but still once she came out she got defended because she was new.

Some are gonna still use Chroma because Dragonframeforkids but still in the next 2 frames he's gonna go forgotten like Mirage and such.


Core Frames are Vanilla Frames, when sh1t has to be done.


Mirage wasn't forgotten at all, people know her power, they just use other frames because they're easier to use. Chroma is loved by some people because of his Drac (original) helmet, it looks like a greek dragon knight, which is something that's MUCH more mature than his alt (now default) spiky Rhino helmet. Stop defending your Rhino with salt, he is a terrible frame and is in need of a great rework, NOT a buff.

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Effigy is a guaranteed scream every time you cast the ability and does a aoe knock back ragdoll move everytime you walk close to it while enemies are near. Pretty consistent to me.

I'm getting different result. Scream is just one of Effigy move. Sometime it does the fire breathing thing. I also don't consider aoe KD an efficient cc compare to aoe stun. All it did was scatter the enemy which make them harder to hit

Edited by Neogeo
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Nope, I just said that Rhino's the always hated and Chroma the common New Love.


And since it's a Dragon Frame, he's always gonna be loved.

And since Rhino is the r3tard3d frame, he's always gonna be hated.


Just confirmed the obvious.

I do play it because I like it (Rhi), but I know Im the only one in the world lol :)


Wanna know what? I hope that Chroma's gonna replace Rhino in everything tbh so nobody will play it again.

Edited by Gr3vi3R
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