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New To The Game: What's The Matter With The Turbo Sliding?


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I have to agree with OP... I don't find cool to see Tenno doing so many little slide just to get that boost. When my team is rushing, I don't like to have to slide and copter continuously to catch them, but insted I'd like to use parkour in an effective way. Now most of the time I try parkour, I end up doing things I didn't want to, in an unpredictable way, losing sooo much time and forcing me to slide, copter, slide, copter: if you don't do that, you'll be left behind. Also, have you ever tried to hit (in PvP) a player moving that way? It's nearly impossible. I know most of the player is a rusher and they would rage if the slide boost and coptering would be removed, but I'm favorable to it, as soon as we get other way to move faster or rapidly (which is not the same). It is why I have big hopes for Parkour 2.0.


You don't have to slide.


It depends if you are referring to good third person shoooters or crappy ones :)

There's a line between something that might be a gameplay choice, not right nor wrong, not very bothering for most (like no fall damage which, as I said, given the lore of the game etc etc, is legit gameplay choice and might stay as it is) and immersion breaking, heavily unexpected and not-fun-to-deal-with, physics behavior. As I said, I totally understand that this might not be that big of a deal for everyone, especially for those who got accustomed to it. fine. I'm just pointing out the fact that, with the eyes of a new player who has played games like this for a very long time, this looks like a major glitch which need URGENT rework because it's PLAIN stupid that the crouch button which should result in a slide when you run has become a TURBO button instead, that you have to briefly tap on CONSTANTLY, getting all the speed boost and none of the drawbacks of a slide.  

It is not skill-based, it's not lore-based, it's against basic physics laws even for ninjas. It's against everything common sense suggests.

One might ask: If I can go THAT FAST by fake-sliding, then why move the legs at all??




See the thing is, most players do not mind or have any problem with these mechanics so going by what you're saying these features are on the 'gameplay choice' side of the line. Breaking immersion is probably not very high on the list of priorities given the fact that this game has things like the reviving mechanic. I happen to find the mechanics fun to deal with. I've had plenty of friends play this game and none of them thought these mechanics were former glitches. They actually liked them. When I picked this game up I was a new player who had played games like this for a long time, I did not share your observations. It doesn't need a rework, and it is no more stupid than the fact that weapons stick to our bodies or that we're capable of carrying several hundred bullets per gun despite not having pockets. And only part of the slide has positive acceleration. Slide for too long and you will come to a stop. The drawbacks are avoided by not completing the slide.

Since when did RL physics come first in video games?


Except Tribes feature-ized skiing by giving it an animation that made sense (I play Tribes, it used to look stupid but it looks good in newer ones) while buttsliding still looks very silly. 


If they gave it a fancy new animation, that would be a different story.


They don't need fancy animations. What's wrong with their current animations? The current skiing animation looks no better than our buttsliding animation.


Its current animation is fancy enough.


And here come the strawmen. Can't we all just be polite?


Kinda hard to be polite when nerf-supporters are already insulting mechanics and acting as if his/her opinion is fact.

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And here come the strawmen. Can't we all just be polite?

i could be, as soon as he stops telling me/us how i should play the game and what i should enjoy and what not. its ok to criticize, but dont say "i cant believe gamers here enjoy this" or "i dont believe gamers here enjoy this". the only thing it remains to say is "i dont care if gamers here enjoy this, change it!" and telling that we're not meant to move like this. 

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They don't need fancy animations. What's wrong with their current animations? The current skiing animation looks no better than our buttsliding animation.


Its current animation is fancy enough.


In Ascend the skiing animation reacts to your speed and has different rocket flares vs. when you're jetpacking. Back in the original Tribes, you did it by spamming jump. It looked like you were twitching, or bugging through the world. People actually though it was done with some sort of hack or something, that's how weird it looked.


Our current animation isn't bad, but it's a bit ungainly. It just needs something to indicate that yes, this maneuver speeds you up. The maneuver itself is fine.


i could be, as soon as he stops telling me/us how i should play the game and what i should enjoy and what not. its ok to criticize, but dont say "i cant believe gamers here enjoy this" or "i dont believe gamers here enjoy this". the only thing it remains to say is "i dont care if gamers here enjoy this, change it!" and telling that we're not meant to move like this. 


Why does that mean you can't be polite? Say that you enjoy it, explain why you think they're wrong, do actual debate stuff.


Instead of "you're just jealous and flaming and can't spell, go home noob".

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In Ascend the skiing animation reacts to your speed and has different rocket flares vs. when you're jetpacking. Back in the original Tribes, you did it by spamming jump. It looked like you were twitching, or bugging through the world. People actually though it was done with some sort of hack or something, that's how weird it looked.


Our current animation isn't bad, but it's a bit ungainly. It just needs something to indicate that yes, this maneuver speeds you up. The maneuver itself is fine.


I know what it looks like, I used to play it. It doesn't look any better than our stuff.


I disagree. Why do we need anything more than the increase in speed?

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....  Since when did RL physics come first in video games? ...

They have done so for a very long time, it is why programmers have created entire engines to deal with making games act more like real physics.  It may not come as the very first but it is a huge highly encompasing priority.


Just about every aspect of gameplay and animation with in warframe and other games deals with physics on some level, and developers spend many hours trying to achieve that.


It makes for better immersion..  you know that reason we got an updated but less efficent/functional UI.

Edited by Loswaith
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I know what it looks like, I used to play it. It doesn't look any better than our stuff.


I disagree. Why do we need anything more than the increase in speed?


I'm not talking so much about the actual look but what the animation conveys. The buttsliding animation does not intuitively convey an increase in speed.

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In Ascend the skiing animation reacts to your speed and has different rocket flares vs. when you're jetpacking. Back in the original Tribes, you did it by spamming jump. It looked like you were twitching, or bugging through the world. People actually though it was done with some sort of hack or something, that's how weird it looked.

Our current animation isn't bad, but it's a bit ungainly. It just needs something to indicate that yes, this maneuver speeds you up. The maneuver itself is fine.

Why does that mean you can't be polite? Say that you enjoy it, explain why you think they're wrong, do actual debate stuff.

Instead of "you're just jealous and flaming and can't spell, go home noob".

Because i cant stand people who tells me how to play. Is like "you're too stupid to know how to play, ill show you" so no no need in being polite. Also for someone who almost did not touched warframe and the first thing he does he comes to the forum and starts to spread hate by "nerfing whatever i dont like" he shouldnt initiate a thread the way he did. Respect is a two way street. If he doesnt respect, why should i. Nobody can tell nobody how to play, and by doing it you are actually saying that you know more than someone. And btw if u guys like realism or immersion, why dont you talk about archwing and the fact that you can hear sounds so clearly in space when sound need matter to travel and there is no such thing in space? Also the fact that you only need two engines to move freely around in space when you would actually need a lot of thrusters to move in each direction. And even if its not realist, i love archwing. Edited by Rayden_Tenno
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slide until you come to a stop hmm... lol... if you're planning on that then you might as well just take sliding out altogether. 


I wouldn't mind them taking out the jump copter because i just think it's irritating as hell, especially when i'm trying to ground slam and end up side swiping into the ground instead... so annoying, 

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They have done so for a very long time, it is why programmers have created entire engines to deal with making games act more like real physics.  It may not come as the very first but it is a huge highly encompasing priority.


Just about every aspect of gameplay and animation with in warframe and other games deals with physics on some level, and developers spend many hours trying to achieve that.


It makes for better immersion..  you know that reason we got an updated but less efficent/functional UI.


Oh really? Then explain why so many games completely ignore RL physics due to the rule of cool. Explain why Cloud is allowed to swing around such a massive sword. Explain why Mario can swing bowser around. Explain why we can stick to walls. Explain why characters in Battlefield can lob grenades so far. etc etc etc. Physics engines are important, but making sure that they adhere to all the rules of RL physics is not nor has it ever been in video game creation as a whole. While some game strive for realism, many do not. Realism is not a requirement.


Notice how that UI change was not fully designed to be 100% immersive (we still have plenty of dialogue boxes). Notice how many parts of this game ignore immersion (hammerspace).


I'm not talking so much about the actual look but what the animation conveys. The buttsliding animation does not intuitively convey an increase in speed.


I don't see why it has to when the fact that you go faster for the first bit of it already exists. Not everything has to hold your hand and carefully explain every nuance of what it does. I don't see there being much that could be done that would convey an increase in speed that wouldn't simulatneously lead to the ultimate end result of sliding being misleading (completing your slide ends in you stopping).

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well see DE wanted to remove it but the community flipped out and so they decided not to. DE pretends they decided to leave it in.


If DE didn't want to leave it in they would have gotten rid of it. Look what they recently did to Excal. Look what they did to Viver. Look at old Gorgon. Look at old Hek. Look at the Kohm. DE has no problem getting rid of things that the community likes. 

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Instead of removing it

Let's add a lore to slide and Coptering

Along with magnetic repulsion, there are micro jet nozzles all over the warframe to help them to change their postures in the air

And they get speed boost from it

"Magic", it's now reasonable

And you won't question why there is no fall damage in portal, right?

Same here

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Instead of removing it

Let's add a lore to slide and Coptering

Along with magnetic repulsion, there are micro jet nozzles all over the warframe to help them to change their postures in the air

And they get speed boost from it

"Magic", it's now reasonable

And you won't question why there is no fall damage in portal, right?

Same here


I thought the protagonist in portal was wearing some sort of leg thing and that's why there was no fall damage...

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They are both ridiculous, I'm not a fan of either. Like anything else in this grind heavy game, any slight bug/advantage to speed up the grind gets heavily used. Personally it hurts my hands after awhile of playing with me constantly coptering or jump sliding.

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Movement in this game is one of its unique and compelling aspects.  On the other hand, OP definitely has a point.

So, on the plus side:


1. Helps us get around maps quicker and it's a bit of an adrenaline rush.

2. Makes that speed dependent on skill.

3. Warframes whizzing through the air look cool.

4. When you get the hang of it, it works quite well.

On the negative side:

1. It's a steep and unintuitive learning curve.

2. Newbies can be frustrated/intimidated when trying to keep up with established players.
3. Occasionally, it is just plain dumb.


There are three changes I would absolutely make:

- When someone slides and switches back to running/sprinting, make them slow down.  Otherwise it looks stupid.

- Speed up sprinting a lot and stop it using stamina.  It would still be slower than front-flipping/slide-jump, however...

- Make front-flipping/slide-jump use stamina.  

I'd be tempted to stop air sliding speeding you up because that's stupid.

Coptering was another bug and is kinda harmless IMHO.  Coptering is based on your launch speed which is why it's dependent on sprint speed, sliding and attack speed.

Directional melee (jump-melee) is a deliberate addition to the game and I'm not sure it's a great one.  It looks OK (in an anime kind of way) and improves map navigability.  But it largely eliminates any need for proper parkour.

Movement is really complicated in this game and Parkour 2.0 is coming.  Thus it's almost pointless discussing this.  I think DE should give us a proper preview of each manoeuvre in Parkour 2.0 so that we can give proper feedback.

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hi everyone. I know nothing about grinding, farming, op items, underpowered frames ecc, and I won't talk about that.


There's a thing about this game that really bewilders me, it puzzles me, it shocks me and there's many more words I'd like to use to describe the feeling but you get the idea, I hope.

I mean... why the hell sliding makes you go SO FREAKING FASTER? seriously, this is a huge gameplay bummer.

As if it wasn't annoingly weird enough, the same crouch button makes you go as faster EVEN IN THE AIR.

I mean... WHY? I've been playing videogames like this for 15 years and this really looks like a 0.0001323 alpha version bug.

I saw this when I first tried this game when it came on steam like one year and a half ago (maybe it was early access, don't remember) and i thought "well, it's a crappy glitch of the early days", this and other crappy things made me uninstall the game right away.

Yesterday I reinstalled it, steam made good advertise of the latest amazing content and I thought "let's take a look at how things are now with this game". I see many things have changed, the game looks and works better in many ways but you still have this STUPID MOVEMENT MECHANIC. just tell me how is this possible. How is that gamers might like that, because there's no universe in where a gamer might enjoy moving like you have to do in this game.

please change this stupid thing. make it so that when you slide you have to go through the entire slide (until you are nearly still) or something like that. It makes me feel really silly to have to continuosly lightly tap on this button to have the "turbo" mode when it should be intended to just slide. It REALLY is shockingly stupid. And moreover is weird and annoying to see people do that all the time, they go fast like nobody in a game like this is meant to go. Or at least not nearly as frequently.

please, make the slide just a slide and not the TURBO button. Is it too much to ask for?

Actually, I'm astonished that a post like this one is even needed. Just fix this already.

Oh, im sorry, i couldn't hear you over the sound of my Space Ninja wielding a Mega-Laser-Gun, a 2-handed sword that denies the laws of momentum and shuriken, that punch through solid metal, while wielding the powers of ice because of reasons. Could you repeat please?

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well ladies and gentlemen, here we have, a young and recently discovered specimen of "nerf whatever i dont like". this type of beings will flame the forum with "hey how did X got moar killz dan i deid!??!!??!!?? NERF HIM, HE CANT BE BETTER THAN ME!" he will soon start to criticize boltor prime, as soon as he sees it in action "DUDE HOW CAN BOLTS REMAIN IN AIR/IMPALE SUCH BIG GUYS!?AND DAMAGE! NERF NERF NERF!!" and ofc he will say that every other frame appart of his favorite one is OP and they should all be nerfed. 

your first post and already crying for nerf/removal of mechanics, if the game bothers you there are many games out there and if you're used to call of duty mechanics its your problem, don't come here and tell us how to play the game or how it would be better to play the game. and sliding is present in many other games, but those other games dont have what this one has. Warframes and Energy. Get used to it.


I'm disappointed to see that there's people like this one who can totally miss the point of a simple text like the one I wrote. I didn't mention anything about nerfing this or that. It's not a balance thing since everyone can use it regardless of their level or how much money they've spent.

I've not been constantly killed by people abusing this mechanics. Actually I scored a couple of cephalon captures by using it in my first and only 2 games of pvp, I even had a positive K/D ratio. I use it all the time, apparently even more than people who have been playing this game for much longer than me.

So, learn how to understand what you read please and stick to the point like many other did if you want to give any contribution.

Edited by Armage
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Movement is really complicated in this game and Parkour 2.0 is coming.  Thus it's almost pointless discussing this.  I think DE should give us a proper preview of each manoeuvre in Parkour 2.0 so that we can give proper feedback.


Yeah, I think they should. I trust they'll do that as soon as they can.

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- When someone slides and switches back to running/sprinting, make them slow down.  Otherwise it looks stupid.

- Speed up sprinting a lot and stop it using stamina.  It would still be slower than front-flipping/slide-jump, however...

- Make front-flipping/slide-jump use stamina.  

I'd be tempted to stop air sliding speeding you up because that's stupid.

Coptering was another bug and is kinda harmless IMHO.  Coptering is based on your launch speed which is why it's dependent on sprint speed, sliding and attack speed.

Directional melee (jump-melee) is a deliberate addition to the game and I'm not sure it's a great one.  It looks OK (in an anime kind of way) and improves map navigability.  But it largely eliminates any need for proper parkour.

Movement is really complicated in this game and Parkour 2.0 is coming.  Thus it's almost pointless discussing this.  I think DE should give us a proper preview of each manoeuvre in Parkour 2.0 so that we can give proper feedback.


-I'd rather they not scrap the 'turbo sliding' mechanic.

-This would completely upset the balance that currently exists with frame stats, it would make some frames absolutely ridiculously fast, and adding Volt's Speed into the mix would make most frames uncontrollable. It would also  make us that much harder to kill as speed negatively affects enemy accuracy.

-Those maneuvers are used because they help decrease our overall stamina use.


It is no more stupid than all the other rule of cool things that exist in this game.


Was, now its a feature.

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A bunch of warframes sliding across the ground like dogs with worms is one of the funniest, dumbest gameplay mechanics in this game. I'd like to see sprinting actually be, you know, sprinting. As in moving faster than butt scratching. If only sprinting actually worked...

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A bunch of warframes sliding across the ground like dogs with worms is one of the funniest, dumbest gameplay mechanics in this game. I'd like to see sprinting actually be, you know, sprinting. As in moving faster than butt scratching.


yeah, you get the point

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Seriously Armage, what is your problem? Have you seen Warframe's latest reveal video, "Rise of the Sentients"? The whole gravity-defying parcour run the Excalibur is doing, that would be completely impossible under the laws of physics as we know them? This is a GAME, for heaven's sake. A game about trans-(or super-)human warriors who do impossible things on a daily routine, as basically all video game heroes do.


I suggest that you either relax and change your attitude or find a game that suits your taste better, if you find the fast movement so intolerable.

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There are three changes I would absolutely make:

- When someone slides and switches back to running/sprinting, make them slow down.  Otherwise it looks stupid.



You see, maybe it's because I'm kinda new to the game and, not being so used to it, maybe that's why in my point of view the solution is quite simple and I believe it'll not upset so many people: in combat games of any genre and setting, sliding is intended to reduce your hitbox while still moving, and that is what it should do (EVEN for ultraskilled-space-alien ninjas). So make it go not faster nor slower than normal sprint, cover a fairly long distance (after all, they're ninjas) and give it a small cooldown. That's it.

After that, if people (or the game) should experience a lack of speed or dinamism, sure, they can make running go a bit faster than it is now to balance things out or... who knows, many other things that don't look so dumb as "ninjas scratching their butt on the ground like dogs with worms", as someone said.

Edited by Armage
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