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Loki And Nova Are Too Op. They Must Be Nerfed


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People, I've said this before and I'll say it again.


You can't bring your Soma Prime or Boltor Prime to Mercury and scream nerf just because it kills everything in there in one bullet/bolt.


Same freakin' reason you can't scream nerf to Loki and Nova just because they explode everything on Jupiter damnit.


Tried running 2 hours survival and call me again when Nova MP is useful there, she barely tickles.


No time to run 2 hours? Have not ran it before? Then, please, for the love of everything good in the world, stop commenting on something you have never done, because it is not, and never will, be relevant.

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Loki's Radial Disarm is not OP. They still do relatively high damage while disarmed (especially in high level missions and if you're squishy).


And besides that, Loki in general is pretty squishy.

Of course, it's probably just me sucking, but even with radial disarm I sometimes struggle from the high numbers of enemies and things such as that.

If you don't like it then don't use it.


So you're saying Loki, the frame only frame that scales perfectly with all abilities across the board, the only frame that is actually balanced out and polished, is overpowered. Warframe community everyone.

Also, this.

(inb4 omg you're so biased you have a loki prime avatar ofc ur going to disagree with op)

Edited by ArcariusAero
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The radial disarm is not OP, like some other says in high level the disarmed enemies still doing a lot of damage and i think that nova is OP at certain levels but is like other frames, any frame well used is OP, they dont need to be nerfed and the only thing that maybe is a issue is that you get borred of using only one skill :).

Edited by chofranc
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Loki is one of the few frames that can actually scale throughout all content, and is versatile. He's literally a good frame that can do well in many different situations.


He doesn't need a nerf, neither does Nova. If anything, our other frames should aspire to be as good as they are, not nerf down these good frames for the simple reason of "I don't like it". That's stupid.


Make the bad frames good, and keep the good frames good.


If we had all our frames to a level of versatility as Loki does, then we'd all have very good frames and end-game could actually be approached by all frames, rather than the meta dictating that only a few can make it that far.

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to everyone who cries OP PLZ NERF




when people work together it is not OP it is teamwork, if you dont like it because its too easy or boring ask the people to tone it down a bit, most likely they will say no because it works

Edited by Clats01
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loki invisibility should work like itzal invisibility, draining energy over time (we can still move of course). This would make managing invisibility more challenging.

his ulti should have a duration too.


For nova, having a cap on the speed debuff should be ok, her ulti would still be op.


Although excalibur nerf was more a repfarm nerf, all ulti should work with LoS.



He doesn't need a nerf, neither does Nova. If anything, our other frames should aspire to be as good as they are, not nerf down these good frames for the simple reason of "I don't like it". That's stupid.


I love loki, but having abilities that trivialize all content until we pass the 50 min mark in t4s where ennemies keep getting stronger to the point of one shot every frame, now that is stupid. Enemy scaling is getting out of hand because of that. So much for space god ninja, getting downed by trash mob.


But loki is not the only one, not even the worst. I saw 3h of T3s, this should show you how broken this game is...

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loki invisibility should work like itzal invisibility, draining energy over time (we can still move of course). This would make managing invisibility more challenging.

his ulti should have a duration too.


Although excalibur nerf was more a repfarm nerf, all ulti should work with LoS.


I love loki, but having abilities that trivialize all content until we pass the 50 min mark in t4s where ennemies keep getting stronger to the point of one shot every frame, now that is stupid. Enemy scaling is getting out of hand because of that. So much for space god ninja, getting downed by trash mob.

His ulti having a duration means that there will be more Lokis with just invisibility builds to extend everything. His ulti is not too strong, and is pretty balanced as is. It's not like the enemies get completely disarmed and can not attack at all.


No, not all ultis should work with LoS. That means: RADIAL disarm (a shockwave like thing 360 degrees) should have LoS. That means Absorb should have LoS. That means Shadows of the Dead should have LoS. No.


Do you know how easy it is do die as Loki, even with things such as invisibility? There are so many ways you can die from everything (even by accident) from say, gunfire shooting at your allies but hitting you instead, to things such as Moas still shooting the same spot, even though you went invis (and thus hitting you for a bit).

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that ulti is not balance, you remove pretty much any challenge from enemies. A corrupted bombard with a knife is dangerous? Come on...


For ulti and LoS, yeah bad choice of words, only 360 abilities that work like excalibur. I mean by that ulti like saryn and oberon for exemple. That is only fair to excalibur, i don't know why he should be the only one.


And we know loki is squishy, thats why loki is always a bit away from team mate, grenade are a pain too, thanks to all the t4s campframes players. But if you disarm where are your gunfire? same for moa. they kick, it's hilarious.


I mean, can we stop pretending loki is not OP. It was the last frame i made and i pretty much only use him now. Within a few hours of use, i could go for 40 min solo T4S without a sweat.

Edited by Gilmaesh
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that ulti is not balance, you remove pretty much any challenge from enemies. A corrupted bombard with a knife is dangerous? Come on...


For ulti and LoS, yeah bad choice of words, only 360 abilities that work like excalibur. I mean by that ulti like saryn and oberon for exemple. That is only fair to excalibur, i don't know why he should be the only one.


And we know loki is squishy, thats why loki is always a bit away from team mate, grenade are a pain too, thanks to all the t4s campframes players. But if you disarm where are your gunfire? same for moa. they kick, it's hilarious.


I mean, can we stop pretending loki is not OP. It was the last frame i made and i pretty much only use him now. Within a few hours of use, i could go for 40 min solo T4S without a sweat.


The move is an ultimate. It costs 100 energy. Loki only has 225 (unmodded) at rank 30. That means almost half your mana is consumed in 1 move, add in to the fact you're so squishy, you need to be invis constantly which costs 50, doesn't seem balanced. Please stop. You're trying to argue that his Ultimate is to too strong compared to other frames', which are used in different ways to different ends. It isn't a fair comparison and doesn't achieve balance. Besides making RD duration based would be one of the silliest nerfs as it will reduce Loki to a 1 build from, maxxing duration. 

Edited by BloodForTheBloodGods
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Loki's disarm with Nova's MP is too OP and make defense missions dull and boring. Please nerf them to make the game more challenging. I suggest some minimum tweaks:

Loki disarm seems to be the only permanent cc in the game and is too OP. please add a duration to this ability.

Nova's MP already has superior damage bonus. speed debuff affected by power strength is overdone. please cap the maximum speed debuff to 30% or less.

Don't use them if you want a challenge, forcing people to play your way because you want a challenge is a bad idea.

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that ulti is not balance, you remove pretty much any challenge from enemies. A corrupted bombard with a knife is dangerous? Come on...

What are walls of overshielded Prodmen and Shockwave Moas.


What is the entire Infested faction.


This is what I mean when I say people who don't play the game enough, or people who only hang out on the starter planets, should not be allowed to dictate what should and should not be nerfed and what the game balance should be. Gilmaesh obviously never progressed far enough in the actual game to fight anything besides the Grineer. If he had, he would understand that Radial Disarm is a situational power that is only truly "overwhelming," if one could even call it that, against a single faction.


I don't hear any of you crying about Shield Polarize, even though it absolutely rapes the Corpus. It's almost like you just personally don't like Loki, and are looking for things to complain about.

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The move is an ultimate. It costs 100 energy. Loki only has 225 (unmodded) at rank 30. That means almost half your mana is consumed in 1 move, add in to the fact you're so squishy, you need to be invis constantly which costs 50, doesn't seem balanced. Please stop. You're trying to argue that his Ultimate is to too strong compared to other frames', which are used in different ways to different ends. It isn't a fair comparison and doesn't achieve balance. Besides making RD duration based would be one of the silliest nerfs as it will reduce Loki to a 1 build from, maxxing duration. 


Who ran loki unmodded? And thats the case for every frame. Furthermore 50 energy for 25 sec invisibility, 100 energy for a non duration ulti, that's quite the fair trade (and sure nobody use efficiency mod). As for his ulti, that doesn't mean that duration is the only solution. I don't really have THE answer, i guess if his ulti was to change some others things would have to change as well. To be honest i don't think they will ever change his skills.


I have fun with him, i will continue to have fun with him but i know that perma invisibility and disarm are over the top. He is not the worst offender, but this thread is about him.


I see threads in this forums about the need to improve ai for mob. If i were DE why would i even bother since ton of our abilities make our enemies dumb. Better go infinite armor and life, less work. 

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And only corpus. Nova rapes all. That's the difference.

Good job changing the subject with a complete non sequitur. I wasn't talking about Nova.


Also, on Mars, sure. Again, do you even know what part of Nova's ult is the truly powerful thing about it? I suspect you don't, seeing how literally every person who has called for it to be nerfed has completely missed the reason for why it exists.

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Loki disarm seems to be the only permanent cc in the game and is too OP. please add a duration to this ability.



A duration.. you know the enemies guns just phased out of existence right.. but yeah lets give them time to just go and build some more.

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Good job changing the subject with a complete non sequitur. I wasn't talking about Nova.


Also, on Mars, sure. Again, do you even know what part of Nova's ult is the truly powerful thing about it? I suspect you don't, seeing how literally every person who has called for it to be nerfed has completely missed the reason for why it exists.


Ummm... perma slow + huge damage multiplier regardless of faction or speedboost for enemies to accelerate farming progress?


And I really hope you don't tell something because of farming or because warframe's scaling concept is bad.


Honestly I just wanted to bump in because people telling us that some frames are in some situations and against some factions op to deviate from the fact that if a nullifier isn't there to guard a unit, everything else bows to her.

Edited by SIDESTRE4M
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Ummm... perma slow + huge damage multiplier regardless of faction or speedboost for enemies to accelerate farming progress?

And I really hope you don't tell something because of farming or because warframe's scaling concept is bad.

Honestly I just wanted to bump in because people telling us that some frames are in some situations and against some factions op to deviate from the fact that if a nullifier isn't there to guard a unit, everything else bows to her.

Have you gone past @(*()$ 30 in any high level defence or survival? Hell, even before that her MPrime becomes a debuff, not a nuke.

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Have you gone past @(*()$ 30 in any high level defence or survival? Hell, even before that her MPrime becomes a debuff, not a nuke.


Whoa, you're right. I forgot that she can nuke at lower levels. Thanks for the friendly reminder.


However I have to take a few steps back. I fooled a bit around in simulacrum and the debuff isn't really that huge if enemies are level 90.

Edited by SIDESTRE4M
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Trivializing Content = 4 Tenno Devastate Massive Enemy Army = The Core of Warframe:


Warframe: Developer Q&A , Answer to Question 4:

The core is the 4 guys against a massive army.  And, generally speaking, they are devastating. The core is not something like in Gears of War where the one on one is something a bit more balanced.  One Space Ninja against a whole ship of Grineer is the idea.  But, that needs to be balanced by boss battles, and by like desperate scenarios.  But, generally speaking, the whole idea of it, even an old ninja (right?) is that the untrained militia get devastated by a single one.

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