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Dark Sector Credit Rewards Should Scale On Waves Or Minutes.


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And maybe with increasing rates, with a fair bit of balance. That would mean that the further you go, the more you get for each 5 waves or minutes. First easy 5 waves might be worth 3k credits, the second 4k (7 in total) and in high waves where there's real challenge players could be awarded a ton more credits for each wave or minute so players would be encouraged to stay and get a better credits per hour ratio if they are skilled and geared enough than repeating the same 5 waves on ceres dark sector.


or as someone suggested, enable this to some extent to all endless missions. Not just with credits, but with anything.




...or whatever, based on my experiences community seems to only enjoy booring, repetitive, easy and grindy missions instead of having some fun in their lives. But maybe this will get through.

Edited by Aure7
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Since I can predict the future, this is what would happen:

The change goes through, credits now scale with endless missions. However, in order to get the amount we get now, you'll have to run 15 waves/minutes. It will only end up benefitting those who run 20+ minutes, and even then, not by much. People will argue back and forth that DE is taking away the easy ways to get credits, and others will counter that those people need to "git gud" in order to make money.

So sayeth the Sage.

Edited by Archistopheles
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Since I can predict the future, this is what would happen:

The change goes through, credits now scale with endless missions. However, in order to get the amount we get now, you'll have to run 15 waves/minutes. It will only end up benefitting those who run 20+ minutes, and even then, not by much. People will argue back and forth that DE is taking away the easy ways to get credits, and others will counter that those people need to "git gud" in order to make money.

So sayeth the Sage.

DE already did take away the good way to get credits. T3's used to be worth 70K. I played damn often back then (literally all my free time) and I never had enough because I was constantly spending money fusing mods all to max. But then people had to complain they had too much money and nothing to spend it on, when they had things to spend it on but didn't. So DE nerfed void credits.

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