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People Who Complain About Grineer Manic.


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I met one for the first time yesterday on Phobos. I didn't even notice he was there until he was slashing at my face. We had a little dance, and honestly, I don't know how I as supposed to kill him. It seemed every time I got to hit him he would run away then come back with full health. Glad I had Viral though, took care of him after 2 minutes or so, but I still lost the mission (forgot it was a Sabotage). Waas pretty fun though, just need some tweaks here and there. Health Regen needs some serious looking.

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I ran a Syndicate mission with lvl 25-30 Grineer. Had a lvl 15 Chroma with maxed Vitality and Steel Fiber and both Dex weapons. My Dex Dakra were around lvl 15, but modded well enough to kill everything in that mission almost instantly. My durability was so good I could jog around leisurely while ten Grineer were shooting at me. Then He came. I switched to my melee and blocked his pounces, but after a minute of whacking I realized my Dakras couldn't get past the regen and invulnerability phases. So, I decided to run around and do the Sabotage, because hey, these other guys aren't even a threat, so it's not like a Manic can kill me in one hit, ri- wrong.


I used to think these guys are ok, but that's with my maxed Marelok and/or Dread and a team. This encounter made me realize how awful Manic's design really is. It's like random lvl 40 Ballistas popping up on Mercury. Sure, one could call that challenging, but good challenge isn't easy > easy > YOU DIE. It's like this enemy was made to challenge the guys who speedrun lvl 25 missions with their multiforma'd Boltor Primes and not the ones who actually use level-appropriate gear.

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He is a lot of fun to fight, I REALLY like him, and I wish stalker fought more like him.


that being said he does need a nerf. 


there should never be a mob in the game with invincibility phases. there NEVER should be.


bosses are okay with it because they are a boss, but a mob like manic should not.

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Invincbility phases?




Bad is that he can keep spamming invincibility, which will make him equal to an non-debuffed Valkyr in the old conclave.


If you can't one shot him ,then he'll just keep on going and in high levels, that will make him literally invincible.

Edited by jjpdn
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You all wanted challenging enemies, there you have one.

No. Not since it all gone to S#&$.

Ever since the Infested rework (flying arses, grappling hooks, poison clouds of instant death) all I wanted is for that "challenge" to go away.

It only got worse since then.


He is not that hard, yes maybe he is hard to catch, teleporting, invisible and hp regenerating thingy

but that is what is good about him. and it is challenging.

That thing shakes off fully upgraded Vaykor Marelok headshots as if they were nothing, disappears and then re-appears after no more than three seconds with the same amount of hp as if you didn't even scratch it.

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My only problem with him in the invincibility phases as well.


Huge damage is ok, he only spawns once or twice on normal missions. Plus you could hear his(her) laugher before the attack.

His stealth and behavior are in fact rather fun and challenging on their own. Knocking over and slapping warframes looks rather humorous I admit.


But then...

"I have you cornered little sh*t, taste my Opticor! Oh you are stealthed now. That's cute but I know you are still there. *Boom* 0 damage dealt. What the flying f..." *Manic proceeds to run away laughing*


So yeah. (S)He has stealth, huge damage + bleeding proc, good speed and good armor. That's enough. No need for cheap inexplicable mechanic of invincibility which makes no sense neither gameplay, nor lore-wise (Grineer and shields? Together? What?).

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Yeah, actually, to add on to what I said earlier, try fighting him during the Law of Retribution. He seems to spawn multiple times in the same instance, and will keep respawning even after you kill him. Normal manic anywhere between level 20, 30 and 40? Fine. But when he's level 80, keeps spawning, and it's not as easy to instantly kill him, and he will literally activate his invincibility every other shot -- that's where you can really see the flaw in his design. Just hope he doesn't decide to keep healing. Still, his attacks weren't too bad until he knocked me down and pummeled me to death where the damage scaling then made it impossible to survive even a third of the way into the attack.


Edit: that's another thing I forgot to mention: removing control from the player is also pretty bad. pls stop.

Edited by Kygro
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Manic was the last thing to spawn in an exterminate yesterday.  My group sat around typing to each other about how poorly designed this enemy was for about 4-5 minutes.  Took the same amount of time to kill this one guy as it did to kill the other 102 grineer.

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"hurr u just dun liek it cus u have to ADAPT XD" -literally every idiot in response to any complaint ever


invincibility phase =/= challenge


A challenge is an obstacle that can be overcome with skill.

Having to wait for an invulnerability phase to pass is not a challenge.



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Aside from everything that's been said about his invincibility, can you please stop adding mobs that remove hysteria? I can understand the Stalker or Zanuka or even the stupid cheese-factory nullifiers, but now we have something that teleports, and at level 30, will oneshot a max health, max armor Valkyr in Hysteria.


Just remove Hysteria from the game already if you hate it so much. It's bad enough to be stuck in the role of a revive monkey in higher end mission, what's the point of it anymore anyways? 

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DE are like: "Don't you @(*()$ dare soloing in our game ever again!"

Also If I remember correctly, Hysteria merely delays the incoming damage, which means that if you don't manage to kill the evasive bastard while the ability lasts, you're dead anyway. Dispell, however, is an overkill.

Edited by LABAL
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You all wanted challenging enemies, there you have one.


He's not challenging but cheap, jumping from the behind and killing rhino in iron skin with full hp and shield without any possibility to throw him off.


There must to be some clue to recognize where he is, maybe by dust clouds on the floor or his footsteps, something, and some way to avoid his leap attack, but not by the qte nonsense of course if possible. imo.

Edited by Grom-84
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I have seen some threads where people are asking for him to be nerfed.




You all wanted challenging enemies, there you have one.

He is not that hard, yes maybe he is hard to catch, teleporting, invisible and hp regenerating thingy

but that is what is good about him. and it is challenging.

and he usualy spawns ONCE in a mission. (when i encounter him he usualy shows up only one time)


Also he is (as from what i understand) even immune to some ultimates. Good.


Use environment, tactics, different weapons *throws boltor prime in trashcan and picks up Dread*



In the end what i wanted to say is,

grineer manic is not so OP as some may say, it just means we need to advance

you just need to think harder how to defeat him,

not everything can be rhino stomped or boltor primed to death

(no hate on rhinos or boltor primes)

you don't understand:


normal people, like you and me,  want more challenging enemies .... most of the kids in this game want only to see tons of damage with no posibility of them getting killed.

Edited by nekrojiji
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you don't understand:


normal people, like you and me, want reasonable challenges .... most of those who do not want reasonable challenges in this game want only to see tons of damage with no possibility of them losing their rewards.



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Anyone who says that the Manic is OK should go to Exta alone about five times. Then count how much they were wrong by substracting remaining revives from their initial number and adding failed attempts.

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