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Void Trader Will Bring Something New


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Prisma brakk... since I cant get the G3 to spawn to save my life.

Pfft...I've only needed the damn receiver forever...got ~8 Brakk Blueprints and ~5 Barrels...

EDIT: Literally the ONLY secondary weapon I'm missing...

Edited by KidMemphis
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Obvious one is Primed Split Camber.


Should work out just like Primed Pint Blank which capped at 90% aswell, so you can buff it up to +165% and require DE to increase the difficulty of all the bad guys, or just bring in T5 missions. That said the cost of raising it to the higher levels beyond most new players so it wouldn't really 'break' the game, and in effect would cause a mass panic and buying of platinum to buy maxed out versions .. win for us and win for DE.


I'll second Primed Rush

Would happily sink a million credits and every core I own into that mod for an extra +25% speed increase.


If we're never going to get the +120% impact mods then a set of Primed impact mods would be a useful and extremely expensive alternative.


Also, if the dual stat electric mods (eg. Jolt) are never going to become drops, then how about some Primed electricity mod like the previous Primed Heated Charge.



As for weapons, Prisma Opticor !!

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R0 Common Fusion Cores for 100 ducats and 500k credits per core. Seems legit :) since baro cant seem to find new things, he might as well sell the useless kind of fusion cores.  But then comes the day Primed Streamline and Intensify, and possibly a new prisma weapon, oh wait, he is too mainstream for that. 

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R0 Common Fusion Cores for 100 ducats and 500k credits per core. Seems legit :) since baro cant seem to find new things, he might as well sell the useless kind of fusion cores.  But then comes the day Primed Streamline and Intensify, and possibly a new prisma weapon, oh wait, he is too mainstream for that. 

They did this on purpose. You know that they have a literal S#&$ ton of new stuff in reserve right?

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Guys how special the void trader actualy is? He seems to be the only guy in the universe who can imbue your equipment with the power of the void. Because if that wasn't something super super rare like it seems to be now. Atleast the corpus would be already walking around, shooting prisma supras at ya.

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Would like to see a Primed version of the Expel mods. They currently go up to 30% with 5 ranks which seems a bit lacking. If we were to get a Primed Version with 10 ranks it would most likely go up to 60% which would make quite a difference. If not expel I would love some Primed Crit Chance or Crit Damage Mods.


If he decided to bring a new Prisma weapon well that wouldn't be something i'd complain about. Would love a Prisma Twin Gremlins they seem to be the only Auto trigger dual pistols i don't seem to have an ammo issue with. I haven't used my Gram in some time a Prisma Gram would remind me of the old days. But if were talking about primarys i'd be tied between a Prisma Hek and a Prisma Attica both weapons which I like the feel of but there just lacking a little something which Prisma may fix.

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Would like to see a Primed version of the Expel mods. They currently go up to 30% with 5 ranks which seems a bit lacking. If we were to get a Primed Version with 10 ranks it would most likely go up to 60% which would make quite a difference. If not expel I would love some Primed Crit Chance or Crit Damage Mods.


If he decided to bring a new Prisma weapon well that wouldn't be something i'd complain about. Would love a Prisma Twin Gremlins they seem to be the only Auto trigger dual pistols i don't seem to have an ammo issue with. I haven't used my Gram in some time a Prisma Gram would remind me of the old days. But if were talking about primarys i'd be tied between a Prisma Hek and a Prisma Attica both weapons which I like the feel of but there just lacking a little something which Prisma may fix.


An Expel at 30% is already pretty good. They don't work like serration or other base damage mods, they work multiplicative like charged or primed chamber. It multiplies your final damage (that includes elementals etc.) which is a much bigger increase in damage than most would think.

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An Expel at 30% is already pretty good. They don't work like serration or other base damage mods, they work multiplicative like charged or primed chamber. It multiplies your final damage (that includes elementals etc.) which is a much bigger increase in damage than most would think.


I've got some builds to redo, then.

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