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Overload is honestly more annoying than useful.

its useful sometimes, especially if you surrounded, pinched by enemies and taking cover behind electric shield. overload then use your speed to get run and atk speed on melee, slash your way through stunned crowds, more crowd + atk speed = much easier to get 2x melee multiplier. my net is disconnected this morning when i play t3s with clanmates, left alone with lv 60 enemies. i did that thing above, it really helped.

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its useful sometimes, especially if you surrounded, pinched by enemies and taking cover behind electric shield. overload then use your speed to get run and atk speed on melee, slash your way through stunned crowds, more crowd + atk speed = much easier to get 2x melee multiplier. my net is disconnected this morning when i play t3s with clanmates, left alone with lv 60 enemies. i did that thing above, it really helped.

you are grossly overexaggeraing the duration of the stun, let alone the amount of time it takes to proc

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its useful sometimes, especially if you surrounded, pinched by enemies and taking cover behind electric shield. overload then use your speed to get run and atk speed on melee, slash your way through stunned crowds, more crowd + atk speed = much easier to get 2x melee multiplier. my net is disconnected this morning when i play t3s with clanmates, left alone with lv 60 enemies. i did that thing above, it really helped.

Proper placement of Electric shields certainly does let Volt do stuff with relative safety for whatever that is worth.

Though I tend to place Electric shield for my slower allies to rely on then I use Overload and speed in the opposite order.

Using Speed (with the augment) allows me to run near enemies and the insta-proc stuns them for sure.

Then I have time to deal with Overloads animation (with the augment) to deal damage to clustered enemies and replenish my shields.


With the augment granting a defensive/replenishing aspect to Overload I am less concerned about it needing to hit harder or stun longer.

Though it feels like one of those times where I am using the augment to make the power worth using....which shouldn't be required.

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Not every ult needs to be a nuke...Overload is fine as is.


If you want it better ask for better cc. Stop trying to make every frame into a nuker.

Pretty sure I said nothing about making it a nuke

Pretty sure what I asked was to make it an actual useful ability that isn't a one off as soon as all electronics are all burnt out

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you are grossly overexaggeraing the duration of the stun, let alone the amount of time it takes to proc

did i say the duration is long? volt is a quick play warframe, even 3 seconds stun is enough for volt to activate his speed run + atk speed to slice through enemies in front of you and find safer room to place electric shield and kill them with critical type gun, pretty tactical right? compared to what vauban does. maybe youre just one of spoiled players who cant live long enough without good CC like disarm, chaos and mprime. youre one kind of player who loves to underestimate what a warframe can achieve just because it doesnt suit your taste. 


volt overload is pretty useful sometimes when you cant stun enough enemies with your shock, but i never say it shouldn't be upgraded. i'll be more than happy if overload can be more useful than current state.

Edited by FitzSimmons
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  • 2 months later...

Volt Prime's Overload is underpowered especially against Grineer faction. I have about 82 Days played and Volt is my 2nd most used frame. I have to admit I was disappointed with the update. 


As a prime warframe Volt prime was given an armor buff and energy pool buff as well as a slight speed buff. Over 800 energy one would be like "awesome." For me this is not the case. I love Volts Overload animation even with the cast time. The damage however has been an issue for me. Using Overload on enemies at about level 20 a below, it kills. Start moving up on the power strength utilizing the 800+ energy pool Max transient, Blind Rage, Intensify. Enemies of about level 30+ it barely does any damage at all. Corpus/ infested it does ok but when you have Ancient Healers and Ancient Disruptors/ Eximuses etc, and fails hard. 


I think it's fair to say that Grineer is the most faction the community plays against. Electricity/ Grineer do not get along. At about level 20 against grineer, Overload it pretty much used as a super short CC and that is about it. 


Again as a PRIME WARFRAME, overload is terrible. There are so many more other warframes to people would rather use because of the low damage of overload. Because of the weakness of overload it limits what you can actually do with him and what game modes he would be effective at.


I mod him either for duration (speed runs, and camping using the shields.) Or overload, without blind rage, and using his Util as a crowd control only. At higher levels is it pointless to even mod overload for any damage at all considering all of his skills together use duration, strength, and range. 


Ember Prime for example received some very good upgrade that make her actually effective, an infested killer. 


IMO Overload needs a buff and a shorter cast animation without the delay in between casts. 

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My thoughts on Overload:


Currently, Overload takes a bit too long to do so little (in terms of crowd control).  

You activate the Ability, the initial pulse is released which Electric procs nearby enemies, setting off nearby Electronics immediately after.

Then, you are free to move as the following 4 pulses are released within a very short period of time.

This time is short enough that the stun of the initial pulse's Electric proc has yet to finish.  


What I suggest, is that the time between each pulse is increased, causing each pulse to be distinct from the others, allowing each pulse's Electrical proc stun to be used to your advantage.  

Furthermore, I feel that Power Duration should affect the number of pulses that Overload releases, allowing for increased crowd control, aswell as further damaging capabilities.  


Additionally, but not necessary: After the above changes, an extra pulse or two being added to Overload would help with the new Power Duration scaling.


Capacitance Augment:

It's solid when it works, but sometimes it doesn't do as much. Really happy it can make Overshields though, was hoping it could ever since the leak.  

The values could probably use further tweaking, and maybe it could have a small default amount that it restores (like how Absorb was given a minimal starting damage).  

Please completely remove the infamous "Electric Jesus" animation from Overload's code.
It seems to only show up when you've triggered a bunch of electronics, but it makes you unnecessarily vulnerable in a situation where you should have the edge.


I like the idea of extending the time between the pulses, because it then works with my other suggestion:

-Any enemy currently under an electric proc also acts as an electronic to fuel Overload's power.

This allows Volt to cast overload, then aim and shock nearby targets as the overload wave goes out, allowing for increased damage. It also synergizes with his Speed augment, allowing you to drop Overload at a distance, then run into and melee enemies -- triggering the Shocking Speed to electric proc the enemies around you, so that they arc for more damage.

Because power synergy is something we need more of.

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Not every ult needs to be a nuke...Overload is fine as is.



lol, certainly not! I like Volt and play him quiet regularly yet there is no denying that his fourth ability is crap. I mean for the most part I only use it when I'm at the extraction point waiting for other players since it puts up a nice light show^^

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Overload is useful as a radial stun if you have a lot of efficiency. And if you think the casting speed is killing you, you must not be protecting yourself with Electric Shield at all. 


The only change Overload needs is for electronics to respawn after a short period so they can be used again for the ability, or consider rollers, moa's and osprey's electronics for the purpose of Overload, along with other stuff like moa hacking panels, terminals etc. 


But it doesn't need a huge rework or a damage buff. Maybe it could cast faster though, that would be nice. 

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Overload is useful as a radial stun if you have a lot of efficiency. And if you think the casting speed is killing you, you must not be protecting yourself with Electric Shield at all. 


The only change Overload needs is for electronics to respawn after a short period so they can be used again for the ability, or consider rollers, moa's and osprey's electronics for the purpose of Overload, along with other stuff like moa hacking panels, terminals etc. 


But it doesn't need a huge rework or a damage buff. Maybe it could cast faster though, that would be nice. 

I support the recharging electronics idea (either with a cooldown or with % recharge over time.)  I also think that allowing the procs to overlap (either by changing the animation mechanics or spacing out the pulses more) would assuage any doubts about Overload's CC potential.  

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