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Think We Need A New Planet


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Not sure if serious.

Basically half of the *planets* in WF are moons and not planets.

There are only two moons, Europa and Phobos.


Ceres would be considered an asteroid, whereas Sedna and Eris are Trans Neptunian Objects.

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Convert Ganymede on Jupiter into a full planet? It has oceans layered with ice underground, which would make it a good place to put in Corpus Shark-wing.


And I always imagined its surface sections would be like an Orokin ship graveyard, with destroyed Orokin Ships dotting the landscape; the scars of the Old War, sitting atop long inactive volcanic rock covered in red moss and red plant life. Just imagine that landscape, and then image extreme tall, MOA-like corpus robots called CRANES patrolling, acting as walking guard towers to ensure no Tenno intrusion.

I liked this one!



why not have a sun thats a planet a moon lol




Edited by Wulfhram
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Ceres is an asteroid (though I guess planetoid does fit) as are Eris and Sedna iirc.

I say use Charon as a "planet".

According to NASA, all three (Ceres, Eris, and Sedna) are dwarf planets and not asteroids.


For reference:





I think it would be nice if they balanced out the size ratio to missions. For example Jupiter is 11 times the size of earth but they both have 15 missions. And since Tenno are the ones clearing a planet of hostile activity, it makes since that planet size is taken into account. Though it would be ridiculous to have 15 Earth missions and 165 Jupiter missions. Just a bit more balance is all.


Also perhaps making a scale of light availability on semi-realistic scale. That way our flash lights have a real use once again.

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Make all the moons into new planets.


Also make it so that there is less Taxi for new players. Something to encourage them to stop being lazy and clear the whole Solar Map.


Like a reward for clearing each planet and a big reward for having all the nodes unlocked and cleared.

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A totally new and unique tile set.

I dont want a new planet that looks the same as another, they should remap current planets.

Volcanic fireworld or something.

Yep, Lava world would be nice, with lots of parkour over lava rivers on mountain-like terrain, and lava geysers and all the cool stuff C:

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Instead of adding new planets, why don't we finish the old ones first? I mean, Venus is supposed to be the hottest planet in the entire solar system, but what do we have as the current tile set? The icy outpost ffs. When what we *should* have, is this: 



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We need ne map to look like this.



And to jump on the building with new parkour... like a real ninja :)



Agreed! We need an actual populated/city center kind of map, where we can see stuff happening in the background, where we actually know the innocents we're fighting to protect *live.* Let us run down a city street with cars zooming past, fighting Infested chargers in back alleys while Civilian [Level 1] runs for his life. Little touches that can go a long way to reigniting our passion for this game.

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