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Please Don't Take Advantage Of New Players / Unknowing Players


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So many cockroaches scrounging for a quick buck at new players expense.


I am a newer player, I am not an idiot.  Why do you think all or most or even a significant number of newer players are morons?  Is this some sort of superiority complex you are suffering from?

Edited by GorillaJuice
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My observations with trading in warframe: If someone offers you below-market price it's a "sale," but if they go above it's "immoral" or "scamming."


I sell my extras cheap to get rid of them and go back to playing and not once has anyone offered me the "fair price" instead. I imagine plenty of new players lowball themselves out of ignorance of market value as well.


On the other hand, if I tried to get top plat for my items I'd probably end up on the General Discussion's Most Wanted.

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A fool and his money are soon parted with.


Ill keep buying low and selling high all I want to, it isnt my fault if they set the price. Consumer responsibility. It doesnt matter if the player is new or not, they set the price, they agree to pay it, and they DO pay it. Theyre on an online game for christs sake, if theyre too stupid to alt tab to check prices then they really werent very concerned about wasting their money.


Now if youll excuse me, I have more overpriced crap to sell to noobs. I could care less if theyre ignorant, capitalism takes no prisoners.


Edited by quan256
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Hum that might explain something that happened to me this weekend.


Some new guy was asking for a vitality mod in the trade chat, i asked him if it was a maxed one he was searching, he said no, i told him i would give one for free and he insta replied that it was ok and that a friend gave one to him. I thought it was weird how fast he responded and why he didn't ask said friend before posting in trading chat.


Maybe it was you ^^

Edited by Gilmaesh
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If you're new and you ask for for a price, your seller gives you  a greatly exaggerated price and you take it later on you see that price was waay above the normal, yes you can say he robbed you for it. That is taking advantage of a new player


But if you're new and you provide and offer you believe is the fair price (whether it is or not) has nothing to do with the seller. The seller is not to blame for your ignorance.


If someone wanted to buy my Vitality unranked for 100P i wouldn't flinch to sell them it. However if someone want me to sell them oen i would give it to them for a common core.


OP your heart is in the right place but you method is horrible, sorry. If a seller values his items waay below market price as a buyer i am not going to deliberately make myself pay more, the seller should have done his research. Likewise if you want to buy a common mod for 100P, exactly why should i be stopping you when you put up the offer?

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Can figure out why people just cant be nice to eachother. If its a new guy, I cant figure out why people didnt just give him a few starter mods, insteed if trying to make a profit.

Because some people are heartless only childs who don't understand basic compassion nor have a single iota of empathy.

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That's illegal under the law of entrapment, just saying



Far as I know, it's only entrapment if you convince someone to do something they wouldn't otherwise do.  So you can't badger or force someone to do something illegal and then arrest them for it.


But in that example of setting up a fake car and seeing who tries to steal it?  That doesn't scream entrapment to me.  I mean, it's LITERALLY a trap, but that's not what the legal phrase "entrapment" means.  Or at least, that's how it was explained to me

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OP your heart is in the right place but you method is horrible, sorry. If a seller values his items waay below market price as a buyer i am not going to deliberately make myself pay more, the seller should have done his research. Likewise if you want to buy a common mod for 100P, exactly why should i be stopping you when you put up the offer?


^ What he said


To me you both agree'd on a price ..


OP : Is 100p a fair price

Seller : Sounds good to me

OP :  ok sure, lets go


Regardless of whether it was fair or not, the OP agree'd to the final price and is trying to lay a moral blame on the seller in this post. 

He even says so : 'Because u wanted it for that price'

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Well I'm no saint.


He did not do the right thing, but let me point some things out, namely because you weren't as much 'in the right' as you think you were.


He did not force you to make the deal. He did not begin the discussion.

You did.


In this game, there is no fixed price for anything, hence no 'right' price. A mod is worth however much a person values it to be.


So you offered him a good deal, and he agreed to it. He wanted to make a profit. 

When you buy diamonds, you buy them x10 of their original price, as many people trying to resell them have found out. Were you scammed? No. You can argue you did not know, but then the question comes up why didn't you research into it?

Most players in trade chat do not have the time to carefully look into your profile, deliberate on your newbie or not status and then make a price. They see a good deal, they take it. IRL if you see a rollex go for 10$ you buy it and call it a bargain. But going by your rules, you just scammed the guy selling. Now you say 'but he offered!'


In this case, so did you.

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Not a scam when all parties agree to said price with resources in order to research readily available.


Free market people, get used to it

Usually a scam victim will 'agree' to the price because they aren't aware of the scam. Also facepalming forever @"Free market, get used to it" .

<---Reddit is thataway, kiddo.

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What if they call you a hacker, in cooperative play?


I was excavating on Cambria, Earth with 2 new people, a volt, excalibur and my friend.  The excalibur literally bought a ton of weapons, because he had a Mutalist Quanta (which he didn't even know how to use), an Angstrum (he blew himself up with it once), and a Kama.  All of them were rank 0.  The volt had a rank 5 volt with rank 10-12 weapons.  My loadout was Valkyr, Braton Prime, AkZani and Jat Kittag


The Excalibur called me a hacker when he got downed and I used hysteria to make myself invincible so I could revive him.  I immediately stopped reviving him because he was being useless by just spawning excavators without anyone else around him.  So he died, and he revived and died again 5 seconds later because he point-blank shot a heavy gunner with his angrstum.  He used 2 more revives within the next minute and died before the excavator finished digging.  He kept typing "Who's shooting me?"  while he was standing right next to the excavator.  After he used his last revive, he said "GO TO EXTRACTION GUYS ITS TOO HARD!"  The excavator he was at just finished digging and yielded a T3 Survival.


The Volt on the other hand was literally worshipping me...which is just creepy.  He kept saying things like "OMG YOU HAVE A BRATON PRIME?  YOU ARE SO BOSS!!!"  I really don't know what to do, pity him for his naivity or just say thanks or what...


I understand new people don't exactly understand the game, but to the point when they call me a hacker when I'm helping them?  That's just messed up...

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I'm a new player and I've experienced a lot of players trying to either scam me or milk me for every plat with intentions to inflate 10x the avg going rate. I might be new, but I'm not stupid. It's everyone's personal responsibility to do their research before engaging in transactions whether on a game or irl. I wouldn't buy something on Craigslist to a car lot without comparing new vs used, abundancy, avg going price, condition, and ability to haggle.

Google is our friend and any new player should use it. But if you have the money and don't mind spending 100p for a 0R Heavy Cal or 250p on Loki sys. Knock yourself out. But you can't or shouldn't expect sellers not to be salesmen.

But I will add, I have run into several traders who gave me necessary mods because they felt I as a new player and every new player should have it without expecting anything in return. So there are good people out there.

Edited by Ded_man
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Idk who is more in the wrong. The guy trying to make big plat or the guy baiting him then giving a lecture about morals.

I don't even see what the guy selling it for 100p did wrong. OP wanted to buy it for 100p, the guy only wanted to fill the order.

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I don't see the problem if the buyer offers the amount. Sellers are on trading chat to make a profit and the buyers have several places where they can get an idea about the prices.

Like, the other day this guy just PM'd me out of nowhere and asked if I had any maxed mods to sell because he needed 3 max Primed mods. I told him I do have them maxed if the price is right. He offered 1200p for each and 800p for a Blind Rage. I didn't tell him that I've been selling those mods for half of that amount, because why would anyone do that. I know platinum is not real money so this isn't the best analogy, but in all honesty would anyone not sell their $1000 car in an instant if someone offered them $5000 right there and now?

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I'm totally against the whole taking advantage of new players.......but I'm also against players like you who purposely seek to cause fights. Too make an offer just to mock and exploit this guy is SUPER SCUMMY. I see why you could hav done it, but regardless things like this are why people hate to reach out.

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