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Concerns Of A Zephyr User, The Update 16.7 And 16.8 Revival: Now With Even More Turbulence Ranting!


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I feel like a hover mode would fit Zephyr's kit better as a replacement for Dive Bomb; it should definitely be useful for mobility. A hover mode is certainly the most popular suggestion I've seen. I feel like this thread is more about fixing Zephyr than changing her at this point.


Maybe this thread should be in the bug section aswell.

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My suggested changes should fix every one of these problems. Now if only DE would open their eyes and actually glance at the feedback forums every once in a while.


At least fix this Turbulence bug that I've been screaming at you to fix for TWO SOLID MONTHS!!!

6 days and Rebecca hasn't seen my PM. On day 14, I'm copying all the text, deleting it, and sending another one with a different title. I will repeat this process every 14 days until she knows about this bug.

I agree with you, your ideas are excellent. DE, please read this

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Updated the Turbulence section of the OP. In addition to the horrific bugs, I added information on a potential rework. Check it out!


5 days to go before I make another futile attempt to directly inform DERebecca of Turbulence's tumorous bugs.

Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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Updated the Turbulence section of the OP. In addition to the horrific bugs, I added information on a potential rework. Check it out!


5 days to go before I make another futile attempt to directly inform DERebecca of Turbulence's tumorous bugs.

Keep the fight up! :D

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I hope they balance this Warframe out in the YEAR OF BALANCE. Too many unpopular warframes are unbalanced or broken because DE seems like they don't care or fogotten them but they do care about new and popular ones. At this point DE actions speak louder than words but I hope one day they get it done and make us fans of these unpopular warframes feel important too.

Edited by (XB1)BLK THORN
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No to merging Tail Wind and Dive Bomb. I like being able to determine for myself when I use them together or individually like you already can.


I see no reason why merging Tail Wind and Dive Bomb wouldn't let you still be able to. Dive Bomb would actually be improved by this change since you would now be able to use it at an angle instead of falling straight down. You literally lose nothing.

Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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Maybe this thread should be in the bug section aswell.


I've created an extension of this thread in the Bug Reporting section devoted entirely to Zephyr's bugs. You can find it here.


Day 12/14.


This is also my 500th post! Huzzah!

Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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I've created an extension of this thread in the Bug Reporting section devoted entirely to Zephyr's bugs. You can find it here.

It's a shame I can't post there since it's a PC specific bug section :/ I wish there was a universal bug section, since many bugs are present on all platforms.


I'm pretty sure Dive Bomb has a glitch where it doesn't hit some (most?) enemies that are knocked down, which is especially annoying when doing Tail Wind - Dive Bomb in a quick succession. I haven't tested it in a while though, and it might be Client only thing. It's easy to test in low level infested defense missions, since Dive Bomb should kill most of the enemies, yet they survive with almost full health.

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I still make full use of zephyr's entire kit, depending on the situation. I like the suggested fix by agent orange on fixing tailwind, but i have to disagree on the air melee range nerf suggestion. My reasoning, is because i've yet to have an issue with air melee and tailwind tie in maneuvers. Tailwind as it stands and as far as I am aware of is the only power that can be manually scaled by the player. One only needs to hold a dragon kick and or slide then activate tailwind. a dragon tailwind travels double the distance, and height, as well as tapping your crouch will drop you out of tailwind when you wish.


just my two cents.


Source: 83 million XP on Zephyr.

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All I would like is Divebomd to have more use, and for Turbulence to work correctly with its accuracy debuff aura and homing rocket redirection.

I think you're taking things a bit I to be honest OP.


Fortunately, with Dive bomb and Tail wind being merged, you'll be able to do the equivalent of activating Dive Bomb at an angle.


What am I taking things a bit? Too seriously? Are you referring to the Turbulence section? Considering that DE has completely ignored an absolutely game breaking bug for literally three months now, I think I have a little bit of a right to get upset. This reflects very negatively on DE as a game development studio.

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Oxium is quite easy to obtain nowadays, so it's not much of a problem. You can get like 100-200 Oxium per run if you do certain missions. Also those 300 Oxium alerts help quite a bit as well. After the Oxium drop change, I think I've build Helios (300 Oxium), 4 Distilling Extractors (150 Oxium each) and Halikar (500 Oxium) and I still have like 1,000 Oxium left at the moment.

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Awhile back, Oxium ospreys were changed to drop 10-13 oxium per osprey. I imagine this image was created before that change.


Today is the day I re-send my PM to DERebecca. Also, Turbulence has now officially been broken for 3 months!

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While some of the OP's option sound good (merging tailwind/divebomb in particular) remember that Zephyr has less reliable powers because she has superior base stats.  The highest Health and Shields (at 150 base each) and faster movement than many other frames as well.  Zephyr is actually at a good balance level, with not being hugely weak nore overpowered (doesnt mean she couldnt use tweaks, but it is not just about the powers).


With Tornado though having it as it is but one of the 4 hit the target your aiming for would give a 25% reliability boost for that power which is a decent boost. Making it 4 seperate hits increases that reliability hugely making her vastly more powerful than she is (while making it more akin to lower point siingle target powers), and thus to keep some balance would need to lose the reliablity elsewhere to maintain that balance level.




Oh and Remember, Zeph has 15 armor, the lowest in the game. Without a Decently working Turb, Zeph is locked to the most dedicated or experienced tenno in terms of time its takes to learn to play her with the current, very outdated zeph.


While Zephyr does have only 15 armor like many other 'light' frames she also has the highest health and shields of all frames, even higher than Rhino and Frost  and double that of Valkyr (the clasified "tank" frames).


...  6 days and Rebecca hasn't seen my PM. On day 14, I'm copying all the text, deleting it, and sending another one with a different title. I will repeat this process every 14 days until she knows about this bug.

Keep in mind that Rebecca likely gets 100s of PMs per day (it fairly common for ppl to sugest it on the forums), at best it is going to take a long time to wade through them and the forums.

Edited by Loswaith
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Keep in mind that Rebecca likely gets 100s of PMs per day (it fairly common for ppl to sugest it on the forums), at best it is going to take a long time to wade through them and the forums.


I just sent the next PM. It says on DERebecca's profile page that anyone who PMs her should expect a significant delay, but I think two weeks is significant enough. My first PM wasn't even read.

Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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Awhile back, Oxium ospreys were changed to drop 10-13 oxium per osprey. I imagine this image was created before that change.


Today is the day I re-send my PM to DERebecca. Also, Turbulence has now officially been broken for 3 months!

 May the wind guide you.

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You are not the only one blabering about Zephyr and especialy Turbulence ....... 


I agree with you but ..... your 15m effective range is not realy true ...... there are a lot of spots in the grineer tile sets where you get hit 100% of the time (by lvl 10 enemies) even at 5m (with 58m outer radius).... even if I've seen turbulence make grineer miss at point blank range.


Now... about your suggested fix for Turbulence ....... there shouldn't be even the smalles chance to hit for projectiles (even hit-scan) and, for crying out loud, bombards' missiles that are deflected by Turbulence should lose the tracking ability, at least if the bombard is inside the outer radius.


Think about it ..... so the power would work like this:


 - non hit-scan projectiles are deflected by powerfull winds (inner radius);

 - hit-scan projectiles are too fast to be deflected by winds (inner radius), but the winds(outer radius) affect the weapon in the hands of the enemies so it's never pointed against allies.


How does the @(*()$ missile know what target to track after is has been deflected at a random angle in the oposite direction from the target!? Does it "know" what the target looks like ..... do bombards have pictures with any type of tenno warframe and they are uploading them on the fly?! ..... isn't it most likely guided by some kind of wave!? ..... and if that is so can't the wave emitor be affecetd by turbulence so it's not pointed at any of Zephyr's allies?!  That's what I would do if I could move air with the speed and direction I want!

Edited by nekrojiji
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I agree with most of your suggestions. Zephyr is my favorite frame. But I don't dare to take her to t4s for a long run simply because of nullifiers almost one hitting her when turbulence is active and for some reason the lasers from moa's don't get deflected/reflected (don't know the correct word) anymore wich is a shame. I believe they made that change in a hotfix.

The wind should make it harder for bullets to hit you. The x% and y% suggestion sounds great ^^, I just want my bird frame to get hit less and fly more.

Her tornado's are fine by my opinion. sometimes they can spawn in odd places and you have to guess where they are but most of the time they are pretty good in picking up enemy's and keeping them busy. And I have to say I don't like the idea of spawning one tornado each time where I aim I would prefer the current situation but with making the tornadoes spawn at enemy's a little closer to me first (like embers world on fire) I never use tornadoes to damage enemy's I use them to keep them busy like some sort of cc ability.

It's why I don t like the funnel clouds augment it spawns 8 tiny tornadoes and it doesn't pick up enemy's thats not my type of thing. The suggestion someone did into making it one tornado around zephyr isn't my type of thing maybe it could be an augment so people can choose to use it.

Combining dive bomb and tail wind sounds nice but I don't know what a nice second ability could be for Zephyr and I don't really see the need for that change.

Edited by MissFairy
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