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Kinperor Here - Ask Me Only One Very Specific Question (Amoovsq)


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I am physically able to report the thread, yes.

If I were to burn down a green house using flint, which direction would be best to lightly jog towards in order to avoid random bypassers?

Good question. For starter, I assume the house is not made of steel beams, since it's green, so you don't have to worry about flints being unable to melt steel beams (they cannot). Green as a color is perplexing, because very few material have this colour naturally. I assume said house is made or covered by old copper, in which case you might want to upgrade to something a bit stronger than a flint. Jet fuel has a bad reputation because of steel beams houses, but I think in your case it will work just fine.

To focus more on the jogging part of your question, copper turn green with time which varies based on how quickly it oxydize. In this case, I assume the house is old. Furthermore, I extrapolate that if the house is old, so are the people living in proximity. Old people only have limited chasing prowess and their vision is poor, so the situation is to your advantage (I assume you are young and healthy).

Typically, you would be able to run in any direction in relative safety, but if you want to be on the safe side, you have three options: run south and hide among the illegal migrants that are assuredly hired by the olds to pick their crops (they aren't paid enough to snitch you out). Second option is running east after starting a morning fire so that your escape is covered by two bright spectacle (your fire and the sun). Finally, you can run in the direction of the wind to camouflage in the smoke cloud caused by your fire (this kills your lungs).

I hope this help.

You gave sincere answer in "AMA" thread. Booooo! Where is downvote button?

Tutut, you already asked one question and you don't get any favoritism.

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Tutut, you already asked one question and you don't get any favoritism.

This right here is all the proof I need to know you're not russian.




Also, you seem to know awfully lot about burning houses.

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This right here is all the proof I need to know you're not russian.




Also, you seem to know awfully lot about burning houses.

It's all coincidental knowledge. Coincidentally acquired with on-hands practice.


Originally we were supposed to start killing sunday the 12th at 2100 EDT as usual, but it turns out the new season of Game of Thrones interrupted our efforts and now we're just plain procrastinating.

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