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Kubrows Need More Love!


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Get rid of permanent death and I'd be totally happy with actually using one.

Also making utility sentinel and kub mods universal to pets would be awesome or at least having vaccum for everyone, routines that generate dmg reduction/CC while reviving/doing objectives

Edited by Beleghost
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Uh...Yes. There's a reason almost no one uses Kubrows and stay with Carrier.

most of the comments I see is cause they are kinda expensive. Most people don't bother with late game matches as well which is probably the reason since carrier won't last that long in endless missions.
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most of the comments I see is cause they are kinda expensive. Most people don't bother with late game matches as well which is probably the reason since carrier won't last that long in endless missions.


Yea i don't take Carrier into anything with high level enemies. My pup is much tankier + hits like a truck and they aren't that expensive tbh. I have tons of DNA stabilizers saved up but the fear of my Kubrow perma-dying if i am unable to get on Warframe is what bothers me a lot. I used a reactor and forma'd it 7 times, so i know why some players really dislike the death thing. It should be replaced with something more lenient or it should take much much much MUCH longer for it to die from DNA instability.

Edited by EmptyDevil
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I told everywhere about an addition that would make them as reliable as a player could wish :


Have you considered adding COMMANDS to them?


Simple orders : "go there","stay here", "get this foe first", "enter in a stealth mode and follow me close"....


This makes so much sense! I was astonished they didn't bring this at release...



Hell, they could do this with markers:

Mark another player, your dog follows them;

Mark the floor and dog stays there, guarding within a small circle;

Mark a locker, dog tries to open it;

Mark an enemy, dog prioritises it;

Mark yourself (somehow), dog enters stealth mode with you.

Edited by AlfieSR
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@ EmptyDevil - it should take MUCH, MUCH longer before your Kubrow dies from the lose of DNA integrity.

Like I mentioned in a comment before, there is no creature on this planet (and a game although not reality, should have some reasonableness to it) that degrades at a RATE of 10% PER DAY, and is STILL strong enough to go into a war and be strong enough to fight a fully equipped military unit. That just makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE. Like it needs to be reasonable.

If you REALLY, REALLY had a creature that will die on you within a weeks worth of time if you don't care for it, clearly it's not the efficient choice to take into combat. Like if you really were a Tenno and I told you here is a creature but it loses 10% DNA integrity daily will you be like "oh that's a genetically faulty creature" or will you be like "yes, that sounds like it's fuckin' awesome"?

Like let's be reasonable DE. Anything that is breaking down at that alarming of a rate can only be consigned to a hospital bed. I know it's just a game but you got to make it reasonable and believable.

Edited by (XB1)Lorewalker1022
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Hell, they could do this with markers:

Mark another player, your dog follows them;

Mark the floor and dog stays there, guarding within a small circle;

Mark a locker, dog tries to open it;

Mark an enemy, dog prioritises it;

Mark yourself (somehow), dog enters stealth mode with you.

Yeah, waypoints is an easy way to give orders...


You want your friendly AI to stay near the defense objective? Mark the pod.


You want your friendly AI to escort the hostage? Mark the hostage.


You want your friendly AI to make yourself a sandwich? Mark the kitchen. And they'd better hurry up!

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most of the comments I see is cause they are kinda expensive. Most people don't bother with late game matches as well which is probably the reason since carrier won't last that long in endless missions.

I'm sitting on 2m credits, MR18, got only a few weapons/frames left to level and enough credits for most mods. 3 Syndicates leveled to max.

I still think Kubrows aren't worth the constant care for what they give.

Edited by Bulletjunkie
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Yea i don't take Carrier into anything with high level enemies. My pup is much tankier + hits like a truck and they aren't that expensive tbh. I have tons of DNA stabilizers saved up but the fear of my Kubrow perma-dying if i am unable to get on Warframe is what bothers me a lot. I used a reactor and forma'd it 7 times, so i know why some players really dislike the death thing. It should be replaced with something more lenient or it should take much much much MUCH longer for it to die from DNA instability.

yeah I'm the same I don't like it getting past 60 percent. Hey are u excited for that sanctuary mod Rebecca mention?
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I'm sitting on 2m credits, MR18, got only a few weapons/frames left to level and enough credits for most mods. 3 Syndicates leveled to max.

I still think Kubrows aren't worth the constant care for what they give.

ok then sounds like your just cheap in my opinion it's just an opinion lol. Yeah I would really love it if DE would take the cost of them of completely or maintenance fees on sentinels then people will see the upsides to the dog.
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No one also forces us to use kubrows...  Really Rebekka i would not have thought to hear such a spiteful answer from you.


But look at your statistics and wonder why about no one uses Kubrows anymore.. They cant get hurt in stasis.


A friend of mine left the game cause her Kurbrow died in the month she could not log cause she moved in RL, and the provider took their time to restore her connection in the new flat. 


And Ordis kicks it out of the Airlock formaed & whatnot instead of emergency-freezing it, before  death.


I have 4 of each, one of each type.. so my collectors needs are satisfied. 


I dont play Warframe every day. It is not WORTH to unstasis them, then wait 3 hours (or pay RL money, to haste recovery) then play with them (worse than a Senrinel) and put them in the Icebox again.


They stay in the Iceboxes - dont degenerate (weird, my RL dog dosnt need Meds to not "dna degenerate/die"), cant get hurt, no emotional abuse by the game when they die...and.. are utterly USELESS to have been implemented at all.


A sad day for a developer to tell him, that a system they made is useless in ist current form, hampered by greed.. But that is what Kubrow are, right now.

Edited by Merlinhawk
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@ Mazda - I don't think it's not necessarily cheap, just don't see the point> I purchased Volt Access which is a lot more costly then maintainly a Kubrow so it's not necessarily if someone is cheap about it. It's there's no point to it. And I think a lot of people don't see any important upside to maintaining a Kubrow as it is.

You even said it yourself...you wish that DE will take the cost of them off or put maintenance fees on sentinels. So there you have it. That statement alone suggests even you believe that people don't see enough upside to maintaining a Kubrow as compared to having a Sentinel that doesn't need ANY maintenance fees.

And the truth is there just isn't much of an upside. People mention how boss their kubrow is and how is doesn't just die in battle, but really like I can regularly run frames that range anywhere from 1400 cc to 1600 cc, do you REALLY think it makes a huge difference to me if I bring a Kubrow or a Sentinel? Do you really think I need either to stay in the game and contribute? The answer is obviously no.

Also I have seen plenty of people revive the S#&$ out of their Kubrow so it's not like that thing won't go down. Some dude on here mentioned his Kubrow is the effin S#&$ because he sunk 7 formas into that thing. Well I'm sure it is the baddest thing on the planet BUT YOU SUNK 7 FORMAS into it. It's not like you're kubrow came out of the kit a badass mothereffer. Most things in this game if you truly want to make it badass you have to build it right. So you saying you sunk 7 formas into your dog doesn't mean Kubrows are the S#&$, it just means your kubrow is the S#&$. I've seen plenty of S#&$ty Kubrows prancing around.

So the point is and always will be, would you rather have a side kick that you TOTALLY don't have to care for or a sidekick that you have to maintain, nurture and cost you credits and time (even if you think it's insignificant cost in terms of credit and time). And I think most people will tell you it's not worth it. Because honestly if you spend time building up your ACTUAL warframes you don't need a effin sentinel or an effin dog in battle.

Edited by (XB1)Lorewalker1022
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@ Merlinhawk - yes nobody is forcing any of us to play this game. So feel free to stop playing it. What did you expect her to say? She said what was on her mind just like most people do here on the forums. I actually appreciate her straight forwardness instead of trying to be politically correct. Like you said in your own post, you're not forced to play this game, you don't like any elements about it or what anybody is saying, don't play it.

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@ Merlinhawk - yes nobody is forcing any of us to play this game. So feel free to stop playing it. What did you expect her to say? She said what was on her mind just like most people do here on the forums. I actually appreciate her straight forwardness instead of trying to be politically correct. Like you said in your own post, you're not forced to play this game, you don't like any elements about it or what anybody is saying, don't play it.


Don't go there. This forum is for GIVING FEEDBACK. That's the REASON for this forum.What are you suggesting - stop playing instead of giving feedback on things you dislike?

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@ Ryusuta - are you not reading any of the posts before mine before you start voicing your opinion and lecturing me on what this forum is for? He went there first. I was simply piggybacking off of his response to a response the Rebecca had. So don't tell me where to go or where not to go on this forum. Go back and read Rebecca's comments first and then read his comments and then read my comments. It wasn't me who told him to not play this game. So before you get on that high horse of yours go effin read the whole conversation.

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i am another player that prefers Kubrow over sentinels.


there is absolutely NO problem with Kubrow maintenance for those that use them often. Players just want everything easy. "Lets whine about that 75k just because, why not?"


DE has the metrics, and they know what the truth is. Many players DO use Kubrows (they are used more than carrier) and 75k every few weeks is nothing compared to the utility of Kubrows. koV4OAA.png



Huras doesnt need sanctuary because it cloaks me when i revive teammates. Cloak is 10x better than sanctuary, can't say the same for other breeds though. Huras cloaks me when i hack. Huras is 10x more useful than Carrier will ever be. I can pick up my own loot just fine. I dont get the obsession with Carrier really.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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It's not about the 75K. Nobody is being cheap here. I spend plats on this game quite a bit, trust me. It comes down to need. Do you need a kubrow or a Sentinel?

The answer to both is ultimately NO. You should be concentrated on modding out your frame and weapons. If I'm running around with a 1500 - 1600 loadout and I still need a dog to survive high levels then I did something wrong. So do you want to pay to maintain, and commit time to something you don't really need or do you want to pay nothing and be able to freely take and leave your sentinel?

That's it. It's really that simple. DE hasn't shown us enough of an upside to having a Kubrow that makes the general playing public feel like it needs to get one.

If you have an awesome Kubrow, then good for you. But your kubrow like the sentinel didn't start out of the kit that awesome. You modded it out, and you may have even forma and re-forma it again and again. Which is cool. But the point is you don't need it. So why pay anything for it? Like what is the huge upside that makes me what to pay for a companion versus having a free one?

The best response I've gotten so far is that at high-levels you can have a Kubrow build that is effective and survivable while the sentinel is just going to die. Okay, maybe so. But once again, at highlevels even when my Sentinel dies (or Kubrow, as I have both), I don't even notice it, because my ACTUAL warframe and weapons is good enough where I can still accomplish what I want to accomplish. Which is what most players gear towards ---> having a highly survivable/ and proficient frame with weapons. Not having a highly efficient/proficient dog or floating device. So then the player has got to ask himself/herself, if I dont' really need it, why not take the FREE one over the one that will cost me some credits and is more inconvenient to keep alive while on board my ship?

And the answer more often then not is 'there really isn't that big of an upside to the Kubrow for me to take it over the Sentinel'.

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That's not my point. Read through the rest of my posts. I have quite a large chain of posts in the last few pages. You will notice my point is the following

You don't need a Sentinel or a Kubrow. Most people will develop frames and weaponry that will allow them to succeed in high-level content areas without the assistance of a companion. I specifically gave an example as follows ---> If you have a 1500 cc or 1600 cc loadout even when your companion (kubrow or sentinel) dies in high level situations, you really won't notice it. Like I don't notice it at all, cause I'm usually doing just fine. SO THE QUESTION BECOMES THIS. AND HERE IS MY POINT ----> Why would anyone want to A) Pay to maintain, B) take time to care for C) wait on it to be used (when removed from stasis) of a creature that you don't need, when on the other hand you can have a companion for FREE, requires no maintenance fee, requires no stasis or the time associated with it, and has more accessories?

So far, in my opinion, the only reason I can come up with is because YOU WANT TO. Because you certainly don't need to. So if it's a you want to situation then don't be surprised when a lot of people don't want to, because the fact is DE (and I'll repeat myself again) just hasn't given the Kubrow any upside to it that really makes people feel like it's worth their time and management.

And it's as simple as that.

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Kubrows have an upside though. I love my Raksa. It helps keep me alive and contributes to the team by providing CC and regening my shields when they are low. They could use a lot more stamina though since most animals have way more stamina than humans, which might be why they attack less sometimes. Stamina should be like 600 on a Kubrow.

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@ Merlinhawk - yes nobody is forcing any of us to play this game. So feel free to stop playing it. What did you expect her to say? She said what was on her mind just like most people do here on the forums. I actually appreciate her straight forwardness instead of trying to be politically correct. Like you said in your own post, you're not forced to play this game, you don't like any elements about it or what anybody is saying, don't play it.


Theres a saying in Sales - "Customers who offer critique dont want to go.. but want to be heard, those who want go, just vanish".


If a DE Representative effectively tell you to bugger off if you dont like their systems, instead of offering critique, wich might make the game better... its not very healthy for the game, and might point out that they rather get new players who spend a bit, than retaining customer satisfaction. Especially if satisfaction here would be easy to achive.


What i do expect? Surely not a spitful retort. but a constructive solution, especially to the Pay plat EVERY FRIGGING TIME or 3h wait to use.. and the 75K cost to keep the Dog healthy.


I dont see many Kubrows in my games anymore and the feel the while game system isnt worth it gets often mirrored here. So i expect that those in charge think about how they can make their pet doggies into something that has either the use for its cost.. or adjust the cost to usefulness.


As it stands right now, maintainance cost, in Credits, plat and emotional response are just not worth it, compared to Sentinels.

Edited by Merlinhawk
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@ Merlinhawk - to be perfectly honest by the time I woke up this morning, got to work, had my coffee and read your response to my response to your response to Rebecca's comment, I no longer remember exactly what we're arguing about and it's probably not important enough for me to flip back through the pages to recollect my memory. But I will say that your last sentence --->" As it stands right now, maintenance cost, in credits, plat and emotional response are just not worth it, compared to Sentinels" ... I agree with that statement 100%. And that statement in a nutshell is what I have also been trying to explain to some of these other posters on here as to why most people don't play Kubrow.

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My 3 biggest failing with kubrows:

1.Stasis weakness is garbage, this single feature means only 1 kubrow is worth using at all. I currently have 2, the one in stasis never comes out of it. Without this i could make a lot more, this is a huge turnoff. I know people pay plat to speed up recover but i think that is short sighted, when armors are added the more kubs people have the more they will buy.

2.They really need the command feature that syndicates just got. Heal and defend.

Heal woud be a stay close command, it is so annoying going to fight ruk for instance and you are firing at it from range and the kub dies over and over cause it keep running at him in close range.

Stay or defend, if you are doing a defence you could tell it to stay in the middle and not move. Or only attack something that is in very close range.

3.A kubrow should not die on the ship which has the ai system. It should go into heavy stasus if it reaches that point. Heavy stasus would takr 1 week to recover from.

If you really like your kub and have some rl emergency, like a death in the family or something you should not come back to it dead.

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This chart should be taken with a grain of salt since it was only a two week window of data.

Yeah, I don't buy it at all. It implies 41% of the time a player had a kubrow out, it seems like? Maybe 1 in 20 people in my last series of missions had a kubrow with them. I don't believe this chart for a minute.

Edited by Endrian
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