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Mobility: How Important Is It To You?


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Many a first and third person shooter consist of running around maps with very strict boundaries shooting what is generally right in front of you. Sure there is a little bit of up and down but not too much.


In warframe however we are permitted to travel almost anywhere we can see. We can zoom around and above our enemies raining hell down from the sky. We can climb, wall run, and copter our butts to secret sniping spots out of enemy visability. 



Coptering has long been an ongoing discussion between players even after directional air attack was introduced.

Wall fling not totally embraced as a mechanic, yet to some a vital part of our play style.They have stated that with Parkour 2.0 pretty much any and all things movement are going to be looked at and potentially affected.


That the player can freely travel throughout the maps in every way other than the beaten path is what drew me in and keeps me here.  I avoid some of the monotony by moving around the maps in paths i havent quite taken before. Coptering and wall fling are great mechanics that add to my experience.


The wall braking (stopping mid climb/wallrun) looks like a valuable asset to our movement list. I dont want to lose the freedom I feel I have with the current system. I am curious to see how mobile we will be with the changes. 





What about the control we have over our warframes do you love and hope to see improved upon with parkour 2.0?

(auto vaulting?)


this is me flinging around 



fling is supposedly a bug, but in that video i show you how predictable and controllable it is



in the next video you can see how coptering can be used to give some creative leeway in where you go and how you go about it.



this video shows how copter can be used not only to link wall runs but to change direction mid air which can be useful too.




posting the above vid here because some players wont see it in replies, and might not have read this yet



people who trod the beaten path make me sad on the inside QnQ

Edited by T4LCOMX
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I feel like coptoring is a huge part and I will be very sad to see it changed or taken away if DE does likes hope for the best coptoring stays how it is

Yeah I feel ya man, I copter a lot too, but I started using directional melee more and more now, and it's an ok alternative.

Movement is very important to me in Warframe. It's what sets the game apart from many other third person shooters, and hopefully movement 2.0 will be as good as they've promised. :)

Edited by sushidubya
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Coptering should have been aborted when it was first conceived. Embracing a bug that 'makes it more fun' is a terrible way of doing things. If mobility was not fun... was boring or sucked, it should have been re-worked 2 years ago, not kept alive in the form of an 'official' bug.

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The fluidity of movement one can achieve using all the available options can at times be truly beautiful.


Many people have varying opinions on whether coptering should stay or go. All these opinions are nothing but that, opinions. I'm not sure on the technical term, but in the gaming industry a "bug" such as coptering is filed under, "Regarded as Feature". This happens often in said industry.


If DE wants to side with the copter-nerfers, instead of removing it completely they should give incentive to no longer copter.


Even their own poll here (Link) on the forums showed 40% of voters wanting coptering and wall-flings to stay the same. If the forum voters is in any way proportionate of the actual players (I highly doubt it is) this is too large a potion of players you will enrage by completely removing coptering, etc.


How often does anyone in game actually say "coptering should go"? Personally, I've never heard it once in over a year of playing.


I say give us a new parkour system and leave us the old, so that players can make the choice of whether to copter or not, and nobody will outpace another.

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I want to see more about this

Less this.

Yes both are 2 old videos, but nothing has change (Just reduction about the momentum on parkour)

Yeah a little less of video number two of course I still want to get speed from coptoring not nerf it too the floor which I hope DE doesn't do but ninja parkour or like they teased at tenno live I would love for that. Maybe DE will even make it, it's better to parkour instead of proc berserker and fly across the map

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Mobility is important to me. It's probably one of the few things in this game that isn't modified by a gear check. Without the options of wall-flings and slide-jumps, I'd probably derive less enjoyment from the game overall.


However, coptering is something I can live without. I primarily use coptering if I need to get someplace faster, like a dying teammate, interception point, or defense objective. I also use it when I feel like turning my brain off and moving quickly without a second thought. It's a fun mechanic at times, but it kind of takes a dump on parkour, since you don't really have to care about your surroundings what surfaces you can jump off of. Just look for an unobstructed path you can make a beeline in no time flat.


I'm going to reserve judgement to see how Parkour 2.0 turns out though. It'd be nice to see every movement option become normalized amongst each other, including coptering, wall-flings and slide-jumps. What I can hope for is that each movement option is given incentive to do so, like maybe coptering is good for rounding corners while maintaining current momentum, wall-flings are fastest but require a flat-ish surface somewhat parallel to your direction of travel, and slide-jumps being a middle ground that are available in any situation.

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very important. I enjoy fast paced games.

I'll use the tipedo until the sad day they remove copter (or, improve movement in other ways) doesn't matter if some other melee does 600% more damage I'll use tipedo forever for the mobility.

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Anyone who's gamed with me, knows a few things.


1: i'm all over the damned place, via zephyr's intense mobility.


2: I'll wait for you to catch up, but i almost always keep up.


I've played for a good while, as most of the others, as well as the OP. I believe whole heartedly that not only should we keep current mobility based movements, (slide catapult and wall fling) but that we should expand on them, add flair to them. Completely ignoring spess kneenjaw for a second and just looking at the overall parkour system, is a clear indication that we are ment to go everywhere, anywhere, any time.


SO, instead of taking things out, lets continue to expand. I for one, WANT to keep the wall fling, for a multitude of reasons, most important two being it's intensely EASY to accomplish, as well as once mastered allows for slower frames and newer players to keep up, or catch up.



no more removal of non broken things. expand, improve, transcend.




(so very drunk right now.)

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Anyone who's gamed with me, knows a few things.


1: i'm all over the damned place, via zephyr's intense mobility.


2: I'll wait for you to catch up, but i almost always keep up.


I've played for a good while, as most of the others, as well as the OP. I believe whole heartedly that not only should we keep current mobility based movements, (slide catapult and wall fling) but that we should expand on them, add flair to them. Completely ignoring spess kneenjaw for a second and just looking at the overall parkour system, is a clear indication that we are ment to go everywhere, anywhere, any time.


SO, instead of taking things out, lets continue to expand. I for one, WANT to keep the wall fling, for a multitude of reasons, most important two being it's intensely EASY to accomplish, as well as once mastered allows for slower frames and newer players to keep up, or catch up.



no more removal of non broken things. expand, improve, transcend.




(so very drunk right now.)


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now i feel the need to justify copter with videos of how awesome it is. 



some older stuff




but looks like i need to make a newer one with some tippydough

That are usseles movements in tile sets, u never are going to see a player doing it, its more easy a powerfull rocketlauncher slide and cover a half of map.


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now i feel the need to justify copter with videos of how awesome it is. 



some older stuff




but looks like i need to make a newer one with some tippydough

I dont ever copter cause I like using heavy melee, but these videos are dope as hell bruh

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I dont ever copter cause I like using heavy melee, but these videos are dope as hell bruh


Eh. Still easy enough to keep up even with a heavy melee like the Scindo or Reaper. Slide>Jump roll(somersault(?))>Directional melee>Repeat


Anyway, I'd be a bit sad over coptering being removed, but I've always had other ways moving quickly through the map so it wouldn't affect me too much. 


Never got why people complain about coptering being too op in terms of mobility, but I do get the argument about it being originally a bug. I mean, some of these maps are just so damn huge, so like hell I'd want to run through a lot of these maps over and over without some means of fast transportation.


Hope movement/parkour 2.0 will work out well

Edited by Nebam
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Eh. Still easy enough to keep up even with a heavy melee like the Scindo or Reaper. Slide>Jump roll(somersault(?))>Directional melee>Repeat


Anyway, I'd be a bit sad over coptering being removed, but I've always had other ways moving quickly through the map so it wouldn't affect me too much. 


Never got why people complain about coptering being too op in terms of mobility, but I do get the argument about it being originally a bug. I mean, some of these maps are just so damn huge, so like hell I'd want to run through a lot of these maps over and over without some means of fast transportation.


Hope movement/parkour 2.0 will work out well

By heavy I meant Jat and Magistar.


I think you can do it with Jat but with Magistar? ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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Eh. Still easy enough to keep up even with a heavy melee like the Scindo or Reaper. Slide>Jump roll(somersault(?))>Directional melee>Repeat


Anyway, I'd be a bit sad over coptering being removed, but I've always had other ways moving quickly through the map so it wouldn't affect me too much. 


Never got why people complain about coptering being too op in terms of mobility, but I do get the argument about it being originally a bug. I mean, some of these maps are just so damn huge, so like hell I'd want to run through a lot of these maps over and over without some means of fast transportation.


Hope movement/parkour 2.0 will work out well

DE already say that coptering its not going to be removed but yes his speed and range its going to be reduced (prepare for outcry like happends with Chroma helmet in forums) and Parkour 2.0 coming all movements its going to change.

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For the start warframe never was a fast paced game...
I dont think DE has created bigger maps just to copter around and finish the mission in 2 minutes, on most of the public matches all u see its people coptering around doing coptering and forcing you to get to X point to A point.

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