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Rapt0Rman's Warframe Concept Archive [04/24/15- Umbra Prime (Plasma Sword Prime)]


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So, this here is going to be a thread dedicated to holding any miscellaneous warframe related concepts I come up with!

I have two to start off with, both having some small design hints taken from real classic weaponry.

Boltron Prime


The Boltron Prime is a bolt-action bolt-rifle from the Boltor family, that fires massive bolts through magnetic induction... bolt.


Total damage- 150 550!

Impact- 55
Puncture- 495
Slash- 0
Crit chance- 5%
Crit damage- 2.0x

Status chance- 25%

Trigger type- semi-auto

Magazine- 10
Ammo max- 540

Accuracy- 100
Reload speed- 2.75 sec.
Fire rate- .5
Projectile speed- 200




bolts have 5m innate punch through, no arc, will carry corpses, and will suffer close to no accuracy loss from Heavy Caliber.


A very similar animation to the Boltor Prime's reload is played every time the Boltron Prime is cocked, this Bolt-action animation happens automatically after reloading and after every subsequent shot (hence the .5 fire rate, but of course it speeds up with fire rate mods). After it's been fired it also ejects a red hot (purely visual) spent cartridge with the bolt-action animation, that cools to black before disappearing.


Roughly based on the silhouette of the Lee Enfeild No.I Mk.III, I started dreaming this up after I got a hold of the Tiberon and noticed that it looked sort of similar (but not enough) to one of my favorite classic guns.



Skaad and Twin Skaad



The Skaad is a compact, burst-firing pistol cousin of the Grakata.


Total damage- 11

Impact- 3.7

Puncture- 4.4

Slash- 2.9

Crit chance- 25%
Crit damage- 2.0x

Status chance- 20%

Trigger type- 5 round burst

Magazine- 60
Ammo max- 400

Accuracy- 28.6
Reload speed- 1.5 sec.
Fire rate- 20

Burst rate- 10 busts/sec.


What's better then one mini Grakata? TWO MINI GRAKATA!


Total damage- 11

Impact- 3.7

Puncture- 4.4

Slash- 2.9

Crit chance- 25%
Crit damage- 2.0x

Status chance- 25%

Trigger type- 5 round burst

Magazine- 120
Ammo max- 400

Accuracy- 14.3
Reload speed- 2 sec.
Fire rate- 30

Burst rate- 10 busts/sec.




Base damage Is the same as the Grakata's except that the impact and puncture have been switched for the hell of it.


Single Skaad's accuracy and recoil are identical to the Grakata's, while the Twin Skaad takes a slight hit to both.


The Twin Skaad can begin firing it's next burst before the previous burst is completed.


Obviously a fusion of the Grakata and the C96 Mauser.

Edited by rapt0rman
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Oh man would I love me some semi-auto Boltor action. As much as I hate to be an advocate of power creep, I think your Boltron needs a bit more power. A semi-auto weapon should have comparable DPS to its full auto counterpart. The Boltor Prime has 55 dmg x 10 rps = 550 dps. With a fire rate of what I'm assuming is 0.5 rps, your Boltron effectively has a quarter of that at 75 dps, plus heavy punishment from misses innate of semi-auto weapons as they can't hose an area down plus travel time. With that fire rate, which is slower than a charged Paris Prime I may add at 1 round every 2 seconds, I think it would be appropriate to kick it up to at least 250 base damage. DPS would still be a low 125, but it would at least pack some punch with a single shot then, reminiscent of a bow that doesn't crit.


Numbers critique aside, I would buy a PA just for that beauty. 11/10 would buy!

Edited by -CM-Jaypalm
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Thought I would hate this post because of the name "Boltron Prime"... Was pleasantly surprised, then the Twin mini grakata's, WANT, NOW!

You get an upvote.

Ha, yeah I was thinking something along the lines of "oh god, I'm creating a monster" the whole time I was designing it.

Edited by rapt0rman
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Oh man would I love me some semi-auto Boltor action. As much as I hate to be an advocate of power creep, I think your Boltron needs a bit more power. A semi-auto weapon should have comparable DPS to its full auto counterpart. The Boltor Prime has 55 dmg x 10 rps = 550 dps. With a fire rate of what I'm assuming is 0.5 rps, your Boltron effectively has a quarter of that at 75 dps, plus heavy punishment from misses innate of semi-auto weapons as they can't hose an area down plus travel time. With that fire rate, which is slower than a charged Paris Prime I may add at 1 round every 2 seconds, I think it would be appropriate to kick it up to at least 250 base damage. DPS would still be a low 125, but it would at least pack some punch with a single shot then, reminiscent of a bow that doesn't crit.


Numbers critique aside, I would buy a PA just for that beauty. 11/10 would buy!

I'm considering doing that and maybe throwing a scope on it and calling it a sniper.

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I'm considering doing that and maybe throwing a scope on it and calling it a sniper.

We need more snipers, much more snipers.

Oh boy my excitement upon reading that! We do indeed need more snipers, and this would be the first Prime sniper too! If you make it a sniper though, it either has to crit or hit way, waaaay harder to make it worth using over say, the Lanka, which would be a good core numbers comparison. Keep in mind that with a slow fire rate like 0.5, it's important to look past DPS. As it stands currently, rather than thinking of it as 75 damage per second like I said earlier for the sake of comparison, it's 150 damage per two seconds. That means a lot of downtime between shots, thus more punishment for misses.


Edit: As a sniper, you could kick up its damage a few fold and make it the first non-crit sniper with consistant damage rolls rather than banking on crits.


Looking forward to seeing where you take this.

Edited by -CM-Jaypalm
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Ive heard a good coment for snipers before, mostly that they all need a 40% crit chance to be vaible, I think that would be a good way to buff this weapon if it was a sniper instead of buffing the raw damage.


EDIT, That may make it way OP, but if all snipers were like that, well it would be nice, and a more skill needed [or point blank] weapon would be nice, I can imagine sniping with this gun would be a nightmare at first.

Edited by Incrodon
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Oh boy my excitement upon reading that! We do indeed need more snipers, and this would be the first Prime sniper too! If you make it a sniper though, it either has to crit or hit way, waaaay harder to make it worth using over say, the Lanka, which would be a good core numbers comparison. Keep in mind that with a slow fire rate like 0.5, it's important to look past DPS. As it stands currently, rather than thinking of it as 75 damage per second like I said earlier for the sake of comparison, it's 150 damage per two seconds. That means a lot of downtime between shots, thus more punishment for misses.


Edit: As a sniper, you could kick up its damage a few fold and make it the first non-crit sniper with consistant damage rolls rather than banking on crits.


Looking forward to seeing where you take this.

So I suddenly remembered that the Opticor exists. 500 damage, 15% crit, plus some AoE splash, and it's not even counted as a sniper or a "launcher"....


So it wouldn't even be that much of a stretch to, for instance, throw another zero onto the Boltor Prime's 55, for a whopping 550 on a low crit, low fire rate. miss punishing gun.

Edited by rapt0rman
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So I suddenly remembered that the Opticor exists. 500 damage, 15% crit, plus some AoE splash, and it's not even counted as a sniper or a "launcher"....


So it wouldn't even be that much of a stretch to, for instance, throw another zero onto the Boltor Prime's 55, for a whopping 550 on a low crit, low fire rate. miss punishing gun.

Comparing that to the Opticor, I can see it happening.

Opticor has splash, Boltron has punch through and carry.

Opticor has high damage and a pinch of crit and status, Boltron has higher damage and negligible crit and considerable status.

Opticor is hitscan with small clip and charge time, Boltron has travel with larger clip and no charge.


I'd say the trade offs are fair!

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Wham bam, busted out a new one! Or rather, finished up an old one. Either way I had fun with it, I present to you:


Umbra Prime (Plasma Sword Prime)


Over the eons, the true name and infamous reputation of the plasma sword had been all but lost and forgotten... until now.


Stance polarity- Madurai (V)
Total damage- 35
Elemental type- Radiation
Crit chance- 25%
Crit damage- 2.0x
Status chance- 15%
Attack rate- 0.687
Jump attack- 70
Slam attack- 25
Slide attack- 75
Channeling damage- 1.0x
Channeling crit chance- 75%




Has a channeling crit chance bonus instead of a damage multiplier and can reach 150% crit chance while channeling with True Steel and True punishment.



Working on Umbra Prime's big brother Gram Prime next, it'll have a very similar channeling bonus.

Stats for it here:

Gram Prime

Stance polarity- Vazarin (D)
Total damage- 100
Elemental type- Radiation
Crit chance- 20%
Crit damage- 2.0x
Status Chance- 15%
Attack rate- 0.950
Jump attack- 200
Slam attack- 200
Slide attack- 200
Channeling damage- 1.0x
Channeling crit chance- 35%

Edited by rapt0rman
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Wham bam, busted out a new one! Or rather, finished up an old one. Either way I had fun with it, I present to you:


Umbra Prime (Plasma Sword Prime)



Over the eons, the true name and infamous reputation of the plasma sword had been all but lost and forgotten... until now.


Stance polarity- Madurai (V)

Total damage- 35

Elemental type- Electricity

Crit chance- 25%

Crit damage- 3.0x

Status chance- 15%

Attack rate- 0.833

Jump attack- 75

Slam attack- 35

Slide attack- 75

Channeling damage- 1.5x

Channeling crit chance- 50%




Can reach 100% crit chance while channeling with True Steel and True punishment.



Working on Umbra Prime's big brother Gram Prime next, it'll have a very similar channeling bonus.

Stats for it here:

Gram Prime

Stance polarity- Vazarin (D)

Total damage- 100

Impact- 15

Puncture- 15

Slash- 70

Crit chance- 15%

Crit damage- 2.5x

Status Chance- 15%

Attack rate- 0.950

Jump attack- 200

Slam attack- 200

Slide attack- 200

Channeling damage- 1.5x

Channeling crit chance- 25%

One possibility I've been thinking about is having the both of them deal radiation damage like Orokin laser traps.

Yes, make them Radation, It is a rather amazing Damage type if the weapon can proc decently. Which these do.

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i dont like burst weapons... but the design is epic... if that SKAAD can not be burst fire... that would be cool xD

(star wars fan here)

Yeah, truthfully I wanted it to be a pretty punishing downside to the fact that it has crit, status, AND accuracy.



wow. blown away

Thank ya' kindly.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Amazing art. Now we need a grakata-themed melee weapon to complete the set!


Is the gram/plasma sword even a tenno weapon though? It doesn't seem to have the same aesthetics.

Truthfully I've met plenty of people who insist that they're corpus or even grineer, but I think they fit tenno aesthetics to a T, too organic and ornate to be corpus and too sleek and sophisticated to be grineer.

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