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The 'tenno Are Energy' Theory Is Busted


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Not really there are millions of us.


No, there aren't. Lore states there are 'only a handful' left. There are billions of THEM (Grineer, Infested, Corpus constructs), and lorewise only maybe tens of thousands of us. We're relatively rare, the stuff of nightmares. Most go their entire lives without even believing we exist.

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What is the "weirder metaphor"?


Something something abortion/miscarriage.


 I think there is a difference between the Mirage we see in-game and the Mirage from lore. That wasnt just a mirage "wearing" Tenno, that was the original Mirage. 


We dont know how the original WF and the tenno we have now are different, but they are.


We know this for a fact? I haven't seen anything that suggest they are.

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No, there aren't. Lore states there are 'only a handful' left. There are billions of THEM (Grineer, Infested, Corpus constructs), and lorewise only maybe tens of thousands of us. We're relatively rare, the stuff of nightmares. Most go their entire lives without even believing we exist.

There are as many Tenno as there are players. Because we are the Tenno.

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I am of the opinion that there was originally One Warframe of each model and One wearer, One Tenno.

This was during the war when the Orokin poured everything they had into their last hope of survival.

Therefore the loss of one meant a enormous casualty and made each Tenno and each warframe precious, both in what it was worth in resources and the fact they might not be able to build another one.

In time they managed to build more when the Tenno began winning, but Mirage, Limbo and Valkyr all illustrate how much Lotus valued them.

Of course Tenno and warframes are still considered valuable, but the threat is not the same now.

When the Sentients return I imagine it will be much harder, but we will never have permadeath, though DE might stretch to not allowing revives in certain missions, and that would basically be the same thing.

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There are as many Tenno as there are players. Because we are the Tenno.


Yes. Outside the fourth wall. -w- Atop the fourth wall looking in, or inside the fourth wall... things start taking a different shape. In-game lore vs. outside-the-game playerbase. Guess which one wins for me?

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No, there aren't. Lore states there are 'only a handful' left. There are billions of THEM (Grineer, Infested, Corpus constructs), and lorewise only maybe tens of thousands of us. We're relatively rare, the stuff of nightmares. Most go their entire lives without even believing we exist.

I dunno we are referred to as the Tenno.

There are 14 million Tenno.

The problem is that the Grineer and Corpus out number us one to a thousand.

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Yes. Outside the fourth wall. -w- Atop the fourth wall looking in, or inside the fourth wall... things start taking a different shape. In-game lore vs. outside-the-game playerbase. Guess which one wins for me?



I dunno we are referred to as the Tenno.

There are 14 million Tenno.

The problem is that the Grineer and Corpus out number us one to a thousand.


Already answered?

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Damn! I thought it was around a few hundred thousand, but 14 million?! GG.

And Spartans number in the dozens :p

“We’re a developer that can successfully develop, self-publish, and support an international hit. We proved as much with Warframe and its 14 million players.”

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Already answered?


Technically neither of you have to be wrong.


If you take a moment to consider the numbers of Grineer, Corpus, and non-affiliated Civilians that would be needed to maintain as huge a grip of the entirety of the Origin System as there is "14 Million" ISN'T that much, That's not really even that much of the total number of people on Earth - which is, what, 4.2 billion or something like that?


So, while there ARE 14 million Tenno, the numbers our enemies have are SO DRASTICALLY MORE than that it's "only a handful" in comparison. They out number us 1,000 to 1, as someone else said.

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That's what I wasn't sure about, in the lore pre-sh*t show 4, there are only 5 or 6 Spartans still alive, but if he was saying there are only dozens of Halo players left... Well, with the butchery 343 is doing to Halo, I could do it. Real shame, my affinity for gaming started with the first Halo, and I'm starting to think 5 will be my last.



That's not really even that much of the total number of people on Earth - which is, what, 4.2 billion or something like that?


7, there are 7 billion people on Earth.

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7, there are 7 billion people on Earth.


Eh, not going to make any excuse. I literally had/have no idea and was too lazy to look it up.


Just goes to further stress my point.


I'll give you a complementary "how can there be 7 billion people on Earth if our eyes aren't real?", though.

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Densly, overpopulated. The numbers we kill are too many to make sense outside of game-mechanics.

No, I prefer that the Tenno are fewer since it will never matter. In Lore it fits better to have few but powerful heroes. But in game, we will never meet more than a two handfuls anyway.

I hear you though. Anything everything personal preference.

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Densly, overpopulated. The numbers we kill are too many to make sense outside of game-mechanics.

No, I prefer that the Tenno are fewer since it will never matter. In Lore it fits better to have few but powerful heroes. But in game, we will never meet more than a two handfuls anyway.

I hear you though. Anything everything personal preference.

Conservation of literal (space magic) ninjutsu?


Also, these factions span an entire star system. They can have way more than seven billion on hand, and if the vast majority of those are troops (for the Grineer) and lowly, but absurdly heavily armed crewmen (for the Corpus), there you go - endless hordes of cannon fodder. Especially for the Grineer, who presumably just melt their dead down into new Grineer.

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Well, this world REALLY need to show us proper Cities. With real populaces.

I still have no feeling that there ARE people besides soldiers and VIPs. Even in warhammer we know there are people, and that is a whole universe locked in eternal war.

Warframe seems to be Grineer everywhere, Corpus hiding, and "the few remaining colonies" that Steel Meridian fight to protect.

Give me a city Tile, hell even a 10 sec scinematic of a teeming city would go a long way at this point.

And for those who don't care bacause hey this is just a action game ,

It DOES matter. We need context. Like those missions where grineer kill all the colonists before we get there, or blow up the ships.

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Well, this world REALLY need to show us proper Cities. With real populaces.

I still have no feeling that there ARE people besides soldiers and VIPs. Even in warhammer we know there are people, and that is a whole universe locked in eternal war.

Warframe seems to be Grineer everywhere, Corpus hiding, and "the few remaining colonies" that Steel Meridian fight to protect.

Give me a city Tile, hell even a 10 sec scinematic of a teeming city would go a long way at this point.

And for those who don't care bacause hey this is just a action game ,

It DOES matter. We need context. Like those missions where grineer kill all the colonists before we get there, or blow up the ships.

Seriously _this_ the relays are interesting and valuable, but a handful of militarised future-humans doesn't cut it for scene setting.

IMHO we _need_ to see these settlements, even in the distance, but also, why the hell can the "defense" maps actually sometimes be us defending the entrance to a cilvillian settlement, or part of one, not a simple Corpus/Orokin cryopod._again_.

Personally I'd like a running record of the lives we've saved.

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Well, this world REALLY need to show us proper Cities. With real populaces.

I still have no feeling that there ARE people besides soldiers and VIPs. Even in warhammer we know there are people, and that is a whole universe locked in eternal war.

Warframe seems to be Grineer everywhere, Corpus hiding, and "the few remaining colonies" that Steel Meridian fight to protect.

Give me a city Tile, hell even a 10 sec scinematic of a teeming city would go a long way at this point.

And for those who don't care bacause hey this is just a action game ,

It DOES matter. We need context. Like those missions where grineer kill all the colonists before we get there, or blow up the ships.


Seriously _this_ the relays are interesting and valuable, but a handful of militarised future-humans doesn't cut it for scene setting.


IMHO we _need_ to see these settlements, even in the distance, but also, why the hell can the "defense" maps actually sometimes be us defending the entrance to a cilvillian settlement, or part of one not simple Corpus/Orokin cryopod._again_.


Personally I'd like a running record of the lives we've saved.


Ooooh, that's an interesting idea...



Personally, I find it easier to take DE's word for it that they're there, but I could really get behind the idea of seeing it. I'm worried, though, that if we DO get a city tileset (imo, it should be on Neptune) the argument will change to "We need to see a city that has no Corpus or Grineer in it" similar to how the argument changed from "we need to see these civilians" to "we need to see these settlements" when Relays came out.


We're not going to get a Goldshire, a Brill, a Razor hill in this game. It's just not geared towards that kind of free-form exploration - action game or not. It's just not what it's for. To me, the Relays signify that the civilian presence is there and that's what we're working to help fight for.


And, again, I feel that with the numbers of the Grineer and Corpus pretty much would HAVE to have to keep the kind of grip on the WHOLE OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM, to the point where they're able to pretty much individually control planets and moons, their numbers would have to FAR outstretch those of any modern-day Earth Population.


Hence "17 million Tenno" ISN'T that much in comparison.

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Ooooh, that's an interesting idea...



Personally, I find it easier to take DE's word for it that they're there, but I could really get behind the idea of seeing it. I'm worried, though, that if we DO get a city tileset (imo, it should be on Neptune) the argument will change to "We need to see a city that has no Corpus or Grineer in it" similar to how the argument changed from "we need to see these civilians" to "we need to see these settlements" when Relays came out.

I'm imagining a floating city, with a dark atmosphere, like Nar Shadaa (or however it's spelled) that was floating, right? Well, something like that, anyway.

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I imagine a city like Couroscant, or spacestations or cities under ground or in rock.

I imagine Phobos, but more and with visible civilian life.

Imagine what lights in windows, freighters taking off, smoke coming from chimneys, ships moving in the sky in the skybox, signs of corporations, advertising, books, a news broadcast, the list can go on and on.

A Grineer patrol executing a civilian just as we arrive on the scene ...

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I'm imagining a floating city, with a dark atmosphere, like Nar Shadaa (or however it's spelled) that was floating, right? Well, something like that, anyway.


I imagine a city like Couroscant, or spacestations or cities under ground or in rock.

I imagine Phobos, but more and with visible civilian life.

Imagine what lights in windows, freighters taking off, smoke coming from chimneys, ships moving in the sky in the skybox, signs of corporations, advertising, books, a news broadcast, the list can go on and on.

A Grineer patrol executing a civilian just as we arrive on the scene ...


I imagine Couroscant as well. Personally I'd like to see it as a Corpus version of Uranus - Archwing and Foot missions combined. Fight through Administrative and Indoctrination Temple rooms and then break through the glass into the airway streets, fighting off patrols high above Corpus traffic below to make your way to the next building. Heck, they already have the models for traffic in the Relay skyboxes.


I could certainly get behind the idea of there being advertisements and whatnot all over the place, though... aren't chimney's kinda old fashioned? Suppose it would depend on the locale.


The issue with the Grineer executing people right within our visible range is that the programming involved for such a scene seems a little out of place in the RNG-styled system of the regular missions. In a quest, like a cutscene or something, it would work, but that's not an argument against it... Eh.

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This thread have become the new Lore Speculation Thread (or No cats in the Future).

Anyway, for Corpus could DE not use the Gas City tileset, but change the location? Remove the gas-area, replace it with suitable apartment tiles and a shopping mall or other.

A bit like a Corpus Relay.

Add frequent traffic in the surrounding skybox maby.

Grineer, Streel Meridian is fighting a Grineer force in a settlement tileset similar to Phobos.

Instead of the Lotus telling us that all the colonists are dead, we get to actively see them board a ship and take off if we:

Hold a Defence Position.

Sabotage a grineer Cannon to prevent it from shooting the ship to pieces.

For example. We fail and the colonists die.

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