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The 'tenno Are Energy' Theory Is Busted


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This thread have become the new Lore Speculation Thread (or No cats in the Future).

Anyway, for Corpus could DE not use the Gas City tileset, but change the location? Remove the gas-area, replace it with suitable apartment tiles and a shopping mall or other.

A bit like a Corpus Relay.

Add frequent traffic in the surrounding skybox maby.

Blatant lies. DE said "meow" in a recent devstream in a teaser.


My hypothesis is that our glorious feline overlords will once more return to save our relatively minimal lizard forces against the might of the vengeful Sentients.

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This thread have become the new Lore Speculation Thread (or No cats in the Future).

Anyway, for Corpus could DE not use the Gas City tileset, but change the location? Remove the gas-area, replace it with suitable apartment tiles and a shopping mall or other.

A bit like a Corpus Relay.

Add frequent traffic in the surrounding skybox maby.

Grineer, Streel Meridian is fighting a Grineer force in a settlement tileset similar to Phobos.

Instead of the Lotus telling us that all the colonists are dead, we get to actively see them board a ship and take off if we:

Hold a Defence Position.

Sabotage a grineer Cannon to prevent it from shooting the ship to pieces.

For example. We fail and the colonists die.


Hmmm... I actually really like that idea. I'm something of a fan of the "Syndicate specific relays" idea, though I'd speculate there'd need to keep them from overshadowing regular Relays and have some unique purpose, so I could get behind seeing that be translated into something.


PS - Gas City

SM - Phobos (should be Mars) Settlement

RV - ? Captured Grineer/Corpus ship?

NL - Earth Sanctuary

CS - ? Void?

AoH - ? Mock Tenno Dojo?


Would be a way to liven up Syndicate Missions and make them a little more unique, that's for sure.

Edited by Morec0
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Hmmm... I actually really like that idea. I'm something of a fan of the "Syndicate specific relays" idea, though I'd speculate there'd need to keep them from overshadowing regular Relays and have some unique purpose, so I could get behind seeing that be translated into something.


PS - Gas City

SM - Phobos (should be Mars) Settlement

RV - ? Captured Grineer/Corpus ship?

NL - Earth Sanctuary

CS - ? Void?

AoH - ? Mock Tenno Dojo?


Would be a way to liven up Syndicate Missions and make them a little more unique, that's for sure.

Oooh, and maybe there could be missions that are like alerts, or maybe even a tactical alert/event where you get to go to your enemy Syndicate(s) base, and kill their leader! Or just a high ranking member, to keep continuity.

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Oooh, and maybe there could be missions that are like alerts, or maybe even a tactical alert/event where you get to go to your enemy Syndicate(s) base, and kill their leader! Or just a high ranking member, to keep continuity.


I... I wont say this doesn't make sense, at least some, but it just kinda feels weird to me that the Tenno would turn around and aggressively attack the people that are - ultimately - doing more harm than good to them. I mean, Syndicate Death Squads are one thing, they're aggressing against you, but this... I dunno, I may have to give it more thought before I can have a solid answer.

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There's only one problem with city tilesets. Again; Tenno are the stuff of nightmares, and many live their entire lives not even believing we exist. We're shown this DIRECTLY in Mag Prime's codex entry.

Having some cities in the background would be great... but if I was a being who's continued existence likely hinged upon remaining at least somewhat clandestine, and I obviously could not be confused for human.... well, I wouldn't wanna go anywhere near a city.


Among both the Grineer and the Corpus, only the higher-ups know we exist. We're above the pay-grade of almost every single enemy we encounter. All they have are legends and rumors, a few might have been told something by their captain once upon a time. The Relays were made by factions that stepped out of the 'pay cycle' so to speak. They're black ops, CIA, MI6, KGB... what have you, of course they know. Are they going to share that information? [sarcasm] Yeah. Right. [/sarcasm] If we stepped into a civilian city, or even a civilian-populated area of a current settlement, we put the lives of all Tenno at risk, unless we are perfectly stealthy, or... well, no-one survives.


From the few and far between times I've played with randoms, stealth is not an option (but that's a rant for another time). I don't like the choice that leaves. I would prefer to be able to maybe see cities in the distance than have to face the resulting kobayashi maru were I forced too close.

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Watch 'em again. ^w^ In the most recent one (as of the time of this post), while they were talking about elements of Parkour/Movement 2.0, they kept mentioning the Focus system and passives/ideas of what to add for it. They were brainstorming across the table as they were running the devstream. ^w^ I loved it. Even better, they were looking at it seriously, more like a 'this is going to happen as soon as we figure out how' rather than a 'this is fun to play with but nah.'

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I understood it like Focus has been canibalised to everything else. Untill they know how to do the skill-tree thing they have been discussing, I think Focus will continue to not really be a high priority.

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Wait. -growl- You're telling me that the Focus mechanic is designed to be pvp only? ...

I'm going to go kill something now.

Who knows for sure what goes on in Steves mind?

He DID say that Focus have allready been used for alot of different things. He did NOT say Focus is a PvP-thing only. But that elements of it have been reused for PvP, channeling and other things.

Oh and stances too.

I think Focus was/is meant to be a way to use Mastery to unlock special abilities/gear/stances/mods that gives a RPG aspect to a Tenno.

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There's only one problem with city tilesets. Again; Tenno are the stuff of nightmares, and many live their entire lives not even believing we exist. We're shown this DIRECTLY in Mag Prime's codex entry.

Having some cities in the background would be great... but if I was a being who's continued existence likely hinged upon remaining at least somewhat clandestine, and I obviously could not be confused for human.... well, I wouldn't wanna go anywhere near a city.

Among both the Grineer and the Corpus, only the higher-ups know we exist. We're above the pay-grade of almost every single enemy we encounter. All they have are legends and rumors, a few might have been told something by their captain once upon a time. The Relays were made by factions that stepped out of the 'pay cycle' so to speak. They're black ops, CIA, MI6, KGB... what have you, of course they know. Are they going to share that information? [sarcasm] Yeah. Right. [/sarcasm] If we stepped into a civilian city, or even a civilian-populated area of a current settlement, we put the lives of all Tenno at risk, unless we are perfectly stealthy, or... well, no-one survives.

From the few and far between times I've played with randoms, stealth is not an option (but that's a rant for another time). I don't like the choice that leaves. I would prefer to be able to maybe see cities in the distance than have to face the resulting kobayashi maru were I forced too close.

Mag Prime codex was from a completely different time period, several centuries before now.


"The Grineer are a decaying race of militarized humans motivated by fear and envy. They have targeted the Tenno for extinction."

The Grineer mainly fight the Tenno. The Corpus main thing is studying / stealing Orokin artifacts in order to fight the Tenno and sometimes the Grineer.

Sometimes you even fight with the Grineer / Corpus.

In the trailer, you can see a Grineer platoon getting ready to capture a Tenno.

So a decent amount of Grineer / Corpus are knowledgeable about the Tenno.

Oh, and is there a way for us to redo the tutorial?

I think Vor says "This one is different than the rest (of the Tenno)." Not sure what that means though.

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Mag Prime codex was from a completely different time period, several centuries before now.


"The Grineer are a decaying race of militarized humans motivated by fear and envy. They have targeted the Tenno for extinction."

The Grineer mainly fight the Tenno. The Corpus main thing is studying / stealing Orokin artifacts in order to fight the Tenno and sometimes the Grineer.

Sometimes you even fight with the Grineer / Corpus.

In the trailer, you can see a Grineer platoon getting ready to capture a Tenno.

So a decent amount of Grineer / Corpus are knowledgeable about the Tenno.

Oh, and is there a way for us to redo the tutorial?

I think Vor says "This one is different than the rest (of the Tenno)." Not sure what that means though.


Where are you getting the information that the primary goal of either faction is getting rid of the Tenno? In lore, it's stated that the Grineer want only full-system domination, nothing more. All who stand in their way, no... all who are not Grineer, will pay the ultimate price. Their weaponry, their mentality... they're designed to fight the Corpus more than the Tenno.


As for the Corpus... the majority of what we fight, according to lore, would be robots. In-game this is different, and something that needs adjusting, but still. We know that they are likely remnants of Orokin society, whether the Orokin themselves or second-class citizens, we don't know. Of course the older Corpus might remember, they have the stories from their grandfathers and great-great grandfathers... but how many actually listen and believe the stories their grandfathers tell them? Especially if the proof of those stories has been in complete hiding for a few thousand years.


In both cases, the higher-ups and their squads are the ones who know; again, the black ops. In that trailer, it was one of Sargas Ruk's troops maybe, or more likely some up-and-coming young general who got too big for his leg prosthetics after being briefed on the Tenno's existence and having found one... especially considering what he SAID. 'You're not going to steal the glory from me, old man!'

In the Corpus trailer (Profit), we see only five high-society (and high rank) Corpus who are privy to Alad's research... likely privy to his obsession as well. The Corpus call us the Betrayers, and most likely believe us to be just legends. Why not defend themselves from the bigger enemy, who uses armor and not shields? ... guess what their weapons primarily are designed to fight? Armor, and not shields. Radiation and pierce damage to power through Grineer... not Tenno.


And yes, you are correct about the tutorial. Vor does say something along those lines. Sadly, no, there's no way to redo it at this time.

Edited by WolvenEdge
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Grineer Queens to Vor:

"Kill them before they hatch!"

Soldier in Mag Prime Codec during the Sentient War.

"The Emperors set the demons loose."

Of course the Tenno is both boogeyman and fact.

But consider the following for a minute. Cities, nations, worlds ruled by the Grineer. They live their lives in fear and must show their allegiance to the Empire at all times.

Then tiny whispers of a resistance appear in the dark corners, the secret meetingplaces.

The Steel Meridian break free from the Grineer doctrin and oppose them.

Rumor about warriors, heroes even, meeting and defeating the grineer in combat take flight like wildfires.

A glimpse of a warframe here, intercepted transmissions there, and a hope begins to spire in the opressed masses, a hope that there are someone out there fighting for THEM!

Imagine then the word spoken in secret, like the poeple around a radio during world war 2.


Imagine then being saved by one of these legendary heroes. Imagine the cry for saviours, for heroes, for a way to freedom.

No, I do not think all know that the Tenno are out there. But word is spreading, and if DE wanted to, a revolution could be at hand.

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Where are you getting the information that the primary goal of either faction is getting rid of the Tenno? In lore, it's stated that the Grineer want only full-system domination, nothing more. All who stand in their way, no... all who are not Grineer, will pay the ultimate price. Their weaponry, their mentality... they're designed to fight the Corpus more than the Tenno.

As for the Corpus... the majority of what we fight, according to lore, would be robots. In-game this is different, and something that needs adjusting, but still. We know that they are likely remnants of Orokin society, whether the Orokin themselves or second-class citizens, we don't know. Of course the older Corpus might remember, they have the stories from their grandfathers and great-great grandfathers... but how many actually listen and believe the stories their grandfathers tell them? Especially if the proof of those stories has been in complete hiding for a few thousand years.

In both cases, the higher-ups and their squads are the ones who know; again, the black ops. In that trailer, it was one of Sargas Ruk's troops maybe, or more likely some up-and-coming young general who got too big for his leg prosthetics after being briefed on the Tenno's existence and having found one... especially considering what he SAID. 'You're not going to steal the glory from me, old man!'

In the Corpus trailer (Profit), we see only five high-society (and high rank) Corpus who are privy to Alad's research... likely privy to his obsession as well. The Corpus call us the Betrayers, and most likely believe us to be just legends. Why not defend themselves from the bigger enemy, who uses armor and not shields? ... guess what their weapons primarily are designed to fight? Armor, and not shields. Radiation and pierce damage to power through Grineer... not Tenno.

And yes, you are correct about the tutorial. Vor does say something along those lines. Sadly, no, there's no way to redo it at this time.


Both Grineer and Corpus target the Tenno and if necessary, each other.

Nothing suggests that the commander was following orders, if anything the exact opposite.

It was also most likely not a general since captain Vor flat out kills him and no one does anything. Vor would be in major trouble for killing someone high up.

There are also missions where we let the majority of the crew live. Only Exterminate has us killing all of them.

Edited by Jakcal
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