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[New Weapon] The Leviathan -- The Beast In Burst


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(Grineer Burst Fire Rifle)

I highly suggest and beg you to read at least the gun and reload mechanics section (At the bottom) before judging what kind of a weapon this is, moreover do not judge its damage output based directly off the stats, it is deceiving. The Leviathan is EXTREMELY unique, and beastly in its own right. It successfully combines a burst fire rifle, a revolver while providing the advantages of a shotgun reload system.

Type: Burst Fire Rifle
(5 Rounds Per Trigger Pull)

All Stats are listed beneath the G&R Mechanics Section.

The Leviathan’s Basics: (Not as informative or in-depth as the Gun & Reload Mechanics Section.)

The Leviathan is equipped with a fixed magazine toward the leading section of the barrel. This continuously feeds revolver like Cylinders containing 5 high caliber explosive rounds into the chamber. These Cylinders are then spun at a high velocity and all bullets within fired sequentially. Once all bullets have been fired the Cylinder is then ejected from the chamber of the leviathan and the next Cylinder is then fed from the magazine into the chamber.

I go more into depth about the special shotgun like reloading characteristics of the Leviathan in the Gun & Reload Mechanics section.


Sorry I did not draw the handle in this view. i tried like 30 times and just settled with leaving it out. As the results were more and more depressing.



I HIGHLY SUGGEST reading the Gun & Reload Mechanics Section Below BEFORE READING THE SECTION ON THE LEVIATHANS DPS. The Leviathan, due to its complex internal mechanics, is extremely versatile.


Burst Damage [DPS] Calculations and Comparison:

Fire-rate for this gun is very simple. Each Bullet during burst fire is fired with a 0.15 Second separation. Meaning, that, it takes 0.75 seconds for all shots in a single Cylinder be fired. There is then a 0.25 Cylinder Ejection and Reload period (“Cylinder Cycling”) as the Leviathan prepares for the next burst.

(If interested in how fire-rate and reload mods affect the Leviathan, Please read the Gun & Reload Mechanics Section)

Therefore DPS is calculated based off of the raw damage produced in one burst.          


The Leviathan’s Burst DPS: 21371
(Raw DPS) (All Calculations below after DPS v. DPS Comparison)

(Build: Serration, Split Chamber, Heavy Caliber, 4x 90% Elemental Mods, 1x 120% Physical Mod)

BEFORE YOU FLIP OUT GOING “ITS OP” Burst DPS COMPARISON: (1 second of firing assumed)

Boltor Prime (26866.4[DPS]) > Leviathan (21371[DPS])

Braton Prime (15373[DPS]) < Leviathan (21371[DPS])

DPS Conclusion:

What we can see here is that the Leviathan in terms of Burst DPS Hits the Sweet Spot between the Boltor Prime and the Braton Prime, Essentially Balancing the two in terms of Hard Hitting, Status and Rate of fire.

The reason I didn’t compare this to the Tiberon, Burston Prime, and Hind is because currently all their mechanics are moderately broken. Primarily, the Hinds’. Moreover I can’t seem to find any reliable source to get the RoF for Trigger Pulls v. Bursts / Cool down between bursts. However I can say with quite a bit of surety (I have a 5 forma Tiberon, and Burston.) That the Tiberon performs similarly to the Boltor and Burston the Braton in terms of DPS. (Unless you count Burston Syndicate which because of Enemy density + Radial Gas Procs can compete with the Boltor Prime in theory.)

Leviathan Calculations:


Calculate Added Damage From Serration, Heavy Caliber, and Split Chamber: (Assumes that those are all at max rank.)

[Damage For One Trigger Pull / One Second Of Firing.]

(2 is Split Chamber, 3.3 is the Additive multiplier of Serration and Heavy Caliber.)
2 * (475 + (475 * 3.30)) = 4085 [DPS]

Calculate Added Damage From 4 90% Elemental Mods: (Though everyone would use the 60 – 60 because of the 20% status chance.)

(4 elemental mods all adding 90% [.9] of the total damage per burst)
4085 + (4*(4085*.9)) = 18791[DPS]

Calculate Damage w/ Elemental Mods & 120% Impact Boost: (Which will be released and its either put that on or screw up DPS calculations by adding Anemic Agility which makes the math frustrating)

(Impact is . 526315789 of total damage, so multiply current DPS[Damage Per Burst /Trigger Pull] By .526315789 then 120% [1.2] and add too current running total for DPS)
18791 + ((.526315789)*( 4085)*(1.2)) = ~21371[DPS] [21370.999997678]

Boltor Prime Calculations: (Identical Build)

The Boltor Prime when modded Identically (Puncture 120% instead of Impact) is rated at: 26866.4[DPS]

(10 is the fire-rate, 2 is Split Chamber, 3.3 is the Additive multiplier of Serration and Heavy Caliber.)
10 * (2 * (55 + (55 * 3.30))) = 4730 [DPS]

(4730 DPS for 1 second of firing, adds the 4 90% Elemental Mods.)
4730 + (4*(4730*.9)) = 21758[DPS]

(Adds the 120% [1.2] bonus to puncture which only affects 90% [.9] of the Boltors damage.)
21758 + ((.9)*(4730)*(1.2)) = ~26866.4[DPS] (26866.4)

Braton Prime Calculations: (Identical Build)

The Braton Prime when modded Identically (Slash 120% instead of Impact) is rated at:

(10 is the fire-rate, 2 is Split Chamber, 3.3 is the Additive multiplier of Serration and Heavy Caliber.)
9.6 * (2 * (35 + (35 * 3.30))) = 2889.6 [DPS]

(2889.6 DPS for 1 second of firing, adds the 4 90% Elemental Mods.)
2889.6 + (4*(2889.6 *.9)) = 13292.16[DPS]

(Adds the 120% [1.2] bonus to slash which only affects 90% [.6] of the Braton’s damage.)
13292.16 + ((.6)*( 2889.6)*(1.2)) = ~15373[DPS] (15372.672)


Leviathan Sustained Damage:

SUSTAINED DAMAGE PER SECOND CALCULATIONS (I don’t want to run the Boltor’s/Braton’s Numbers again Forgive me XD go to WF Builder though I don’t know how he calculates his sustain DPS)

I calculate sustained damage in TWO segments Damage Output over 10 SECONDS and damage Output over 1 MINUTE or 60 SECONDS. I calculate this using the Leviathans fire-rate and reload speed. For the Leviathan you will see two numbers for each damage output time, one using Tactical Reloading and another using Basic Reloading.


            Basic Reloading (After Magazine Is Empty):

Time to fire 1 burst including Automated Cylinder Reload = 1.0 Seconds (With above Build).
Clip size = 6 bursts (30 Rounds, 6 Cylinders/Bursts)
Reload Time for 6 Cylinders = 3.5.
Total Time = 9.5 Seconds from firing to be ready to fire again.
(Every 9.5 Seconds the Leviathan releases 128226 points of damage. Calculations below.)

            10 Second Sustained DPS = ~141,048 Points of damage over 10 seconds.

            60 Second Sustained DPS = 833,469 Points of damage over 60 seconds.



10 Second:
Every trigger pull results in 5 rounds being fired over a period of 1 second. Each set of five rounds deals 21371 damage points. The Magazine Contains 6 Sets of 5 Rounds. Meaning can shoot the leviathan for 6 seconds before being forced to reload. The full reload takes 3.5 seconds.

21371 * 6 = 128226 (We are now six seconds in, 3.5 seconds pass reloading, we get one more trigger pull.)

The Burst rate of the Leviathan is .15 seconds between rounds. With a .25 break to auto Cylinder eject afterward between trigger pulls.

I.E. we can fire 3 more rounds in that .5 of a second.

128226 + ((21371 / 5) * 3) = 141048.6 Damage points over 10 seconds.


Tactical Reloading (Reload 1 Cylinder After Every Shot):

Time to fire 1 burst including Automated Cylinder Reload = 1.0 Seconds (With Above Build).
Time to Reload One Cylinder = 7/12ths of a Second (3.5 / 6)
Total Time = 1.5833 Seconds from firing to be ready to fire again.

10 Second Sustained DPS: ~134975 Points of damage over 10 seconds.

60 Second Sustained DPS: ~809847 Points of damage over 60 seconds.



10 Seconds / 1.5833 = 6.3157894736842105263157894736842 * 21371 = ~134975

60 Seconds / 1.5833 = 37.894736842105263157894736842105 * 21371 = ~134975




Reload Mechanics:

The Leviathan toward the front of the Barrel has a Fixed Magazine (FM); meaning it cannot be taken off and is permanently affixed to the body of the rifle.

The FM can hold up to 6, of what are similar to the Cylinders on a revolver. A single Cylinder on the Leviathan holds 5 high caliber explosive rounds in a circular formation along the perimeter. When firing a burst the Cylinder revolves at a high rate, allowing each round to be fired within 0.75 seconds (6.667 RoF). “Cylinder Cycling”; starts once all rounds are fired, the now spent cylinder is ejected via a port on the right side of the Leviathan, and the next Cylinder is pushed up the Magazine and into the Chamber. “Cylinder Cycling” takes all of .25 seconds, this means that the Leviathan can pump out 1 burst per second, or approximately 5 rounds per second.
(“Cylinder Cycling” is a process that occurs within the Leviathan and is not manually done.)

The Leviathan is reloaded using the Cylinders, which gives the option of Tactical Reloading. To perform a basic reload the Tenno operating it must push a loaded cylinder into the fixed magazine. You must push in each individual cylinder when fully filling the magazine. If all cylinders in the rifle have been spent then it takes approximately 3.5 seconds to completely reload your rifle.

However, Tactically Reloading the Leviathan does not require you to wait the full duration. By waiting 7/12ths (.5833) of a second you can reload one cylinder and fire a single 5 round burst before needing to repeat that process; as you have expended the one cylinder you loaded. This can be done until you burn through your ammo, or decided to partially or fully reload the Leviathan. On top of this you can interrupt your reload half way through giving you 3 Cylinders to fire, two thirds giving you 4, so on and so forth. What this also means is that if you only expend 4/6 cylinders it takes ~1.16 seconds to reload your weapon as you only need to push in 2 cylinders. (7/12 * 2 = 14/12 (1 & 2/12th’s of a second).

Tactical Reloading can be initiated during Cylinder Cycling unlike Firing. Meaning you can overlap your Tactical Reload Time with your Burst Duration’s, allowing advanced Tactical Reloading synthetically increasing the Tactical Sustained Damage. (Tactical Reloading Calculations above were not calculated with such an overlap as is Advanced Tactical Reloading never started at the same time as Cylinder Cycling.)

Burst Duration = Time to fire bullets + Cylinder Cycling.

            Firing Mechanics & Mods:

As you should know this is a burst fire rifle. Each burst empties the 5 shots contained in one cylinder. There are 6 cylinders in a fixed magazine, and between each burst a .25 second delay of “Cylinder Cycling” to prepare for the next burst. The gun can be reloaded at any time, and the reload time scales with the equation: Maximum Reload Time = Number Bursts * 7/12ths. While the Tactical Reload holds steady at 7/12ths of a second.

Reload Speed Mods: Along with the reload time, affect the Cylinder Cycling Speed. Meaning, that the Leviathans fire rate can be synthetically increased by reducing the time it takes for it to Cycle in a Cylinder.

Fire Rate Mods: Increase the number of bullets fired per second. The base RoF is ~6.667 (a 0.15 delay between shots, Burst Duration of: .75 Seconds).
(Burst Duration: The Amount of time it takes to fire all 5 shots (I.E. Time to fire one shot * 5). Does not including the .25 Cylinder Cycling times which are affected by reload mods.)

With Vile Acceleration:
( (1/.15) + ((1/.15) * .9)) = 12.667
1 / 12.667 = ~0.8 (0.07894736842105263157894736842105)
Shortens Burst Duration to:  ~0.38  (0.08 Per Shot)

Speed Trigger:
( (1/.15) + ((1/.15) * .6)) = 10.667
1 / 10.667 = ~0.9 (0.09375)
Shortens Burst Duration to: ~0.46875 (0.09 Per Shot)

            Projectile Mechanics:

The Leviathan fires High Caliber Explosive rounds that deal 25 Blast damage on initial impact (First Object hit) with a small 3m radius. All subsequent hits from Punch Through do not apply the weapons blast damage. If the Leviathan is modded for Blast damage the reduction of damage is only taken from the Base 25 Blast Damage, however on the initial hit the radial damage is the sum of all the modded Blast Damage.

                        Firestorm applicable? Yes. But its only 3m.

                        Hitscan? Yes.

Firing Sounds & FX

Visual FX:

For each projectile fired the leviathan along the muzzle will flash with ignited gasses exiting the barrel and chamber. Every shot will Result in it pumping back lightly into is Pneumatic Suspension. And during Cylinder Cycling we will be able to see cylinders moving up the Fixed Magazine.

Sound FX:


This gun will sound like the Dakka Dakka that we all dream of and love. Given how high caliber its rounds are it will sound like a .50 cal on steroids with seriously unneeded compensation issues. It will sound like god himself gave mankind the perfect Dakka Dakka. It will be glorious. Each bullet fired will result in a rounded thick balanced bass filled glorious reverberating blast that will please your ears to heaven and back. And that’s just the sound it makes when it fires.

Cylinder Cycling:

            The Cylinder once spent is ejected and it makes a softer but heavy bass Ka-chunk that results’ in the spent cylinder being ejected from the right side of the Leviathan. (Ideally the cylinder also makes a nice sound when it bounces on the ground but that’s wishing to much.) After ejection the next cylinder will slide in with a nice solid chiik-chiik sound similar to the bolt on a bolt action sniper rifle being slammed forward and back by a sniper in the heat of battle.


            Will sound as satisfying as hell. Each cylinder being rammed into the fixed magazine will make a solid louder deeper and slightly more mechanical reload noise similar to the reloading of a shotgun in halo. One burst cylinder at a time.


Base Statistics:


Mastery Level: 9
Weapon Slot: Primary
Weapon Type: Heavy Machine Gun (Uses Rifle Mods)
Trigger Type: 5 Round Burst Fire

Projectile Speed: Hitscan
Noise Level: 65.0m
Fire Rate (RoF): ~6.667
Accuracy: 28.6 (Prior to update was 60)
Recoil: None (or Equal to the Burston. Due to Pneumatic Recoil Absorption)

Magazine Size: 30 Rounds (6 Cylinders I.E 6 Bursts)
Max Ammo: 330
Reload Time: 3.5 Seconds ( Adaptive depending on how many Cylinders need to be reloaded.)
Tactical Reload Time: 0.5833 (Per Cylinder Reloaded)

Total Damage: 95 (Per Round)

Physical Damage: 65
            Puncture: 15
            Impact: 50
Elemental Damage: 30 Blast (Applied Within 5m Radius of Initial Hit)

Crit. Chance: 2.5%
Crit. Multiplier: 1.5x
Status Chance: 20%

Polarities: --- , V

Crafting Requirements and Blueprint Acquisition:

            Blueprint Drop: Extremely rare drop from a manic. (2% drop chance) OR Grineer Research Lab.

Manufacturing Requirements: Hind, 1,500 Rubedo, 1 Neural Sensor, 1 Forma, 2 Detonite Injectors, 250 credits.

Total Cost:

Total Manufacturing Cost: 2,700 Rubedo, 500 plastids, 2000 Salvage, 7 Neurodes, 2 Neural Sensor, 1 Orokin Cell, 1 Morphics, 2 Control Modules, 20 Detonite Ampules, 160,250 credits.

Platinum Cost: 275P

EDIT #1:

Lowered accuracy from 60 to 28.6.

Edited by Olivionic_Gearhart
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This is actually really cool! I'd definitely build one of these even if it took 50 tellurium! (But I'd have to farm Manic's for the BP ;_;) This is an amazing weapon design and I hope DE sees it.


Might I recommend getting a digital artist to represent it in 3D, or even attempting to do it in Google SketchUp?


Also, LOVE the "Tactical Reloading" bit! Fantastic thinking!

Edited by Your_Very_Best_Friend
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This is a really neat idea. Both the mechanics and looks fit the grineer weapon style very well.


I like the reload mechanic and the crafting requirements. The gun seems pretty well balanced and I like the idea of explosive rounds (although a 5m radius sounds a little bit to much, maybe make it 1 or 2?).


Upvoted, great idea.

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LOVE the "Tactical Reloading" bit! Fantastic thinking!


Hahaha Thank you :) I thought it would be an interesting mechanic, allowing for more versitle game play :)

This is a really neat idea. Both the mechanics and looks fit the grineer weapon style very well.


I like the reload mechanic and the crafting requirements. The gun seems pretty well balanced and I like the idea of explosive rounds (although a 5m radius sounds a little bit to much, maybe make it 1 or 2?).


Upvoted, great idea.


Thank you! ANd yes your right 5m is a bit much. I would say more like 3m would be reasonable. 1m is too short and 2m well also feels a bit too lackluster.

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i think the only problem with this is that DE most likely wont add dynamic/tactical/whatever-you-call-it reloads. i would love to be able to see that on some guns such as tetra and this where you have more than just one magazine, but i get the feeling it wont happen. other than that, it sounds like a very interesting weapon.

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TL;DR, I skimmed part of it, was disappointed that you decided to use fully modded dps, which will change depending on builds. can you use unmodded builds please? Not only would that make it much easier to read, but I don't have to wonder what mods you're using. boltor prime does 550 dps, as long as you're comparing weapons that use the same kinds of mods, modded dps will not matter.

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TL;DR, I skimmed part of it, was disappointed that you decided to use fully modded dps, which will change depending on builds. can you use unmodded builds please? Not only would that make it much easier to read, but I don't have to wonder what mods you're using. boltor prime does 550 dps, as long as you're comparing weapons that use the same kinds of mods, modded dps will not matter.

Boltor Prime = 550

Leviathan = 475

Braton Prime = 336

There you are. The reason I did modded DPS was because anyone can calculate base DPS (Damage x RoF) And in the case of the leviathan it is exactly 1 burst.

Personally I prefer to see the Modded DPs becuase in the end that is what matters especially with more damage direct weapons like the Boltor/Leviathan/Braton (Braton / Leviathan have status which make up for the gap in Damage).



i think the only problem with this is that DE most likely wont add dynamic/tactical/whatever-you-call-it reloads. i would love to be able to see that on some guns such as tetra and this where you have more than just one magazine, but i get the feeling it wont happen. other than that, it sounds like a very interesting weapon.


The thing is that the reload wont really be "dynamic" the code for it would be extremely straight foward. I.E. Do the reload animation over and over again with x speed modifier, for every completed reload add 5 rounds to the magazine. When magazine reaches 30  freeze repetitions. All you need to do is make it so that the player can interrupt the stream of reload animations at any time. Personally I dont see why they dont do this, its mabye a half hour to one hour of coding. (Not including the animation which is probubly more but becuase its a short animation it shouldnt be as long to animate for as the majority of weapon animations, also its relatively simple; warframe reaches back, slams object agaisnt the base of the magazine, rinse and repeat.)

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Boltor Prime = 550

Leviathan = 475

Braton Prime = 336

There you are. The reason I did modded DPS was because anyone can calculate base DPS (Damage x RoF) And in the case of the leviathan it is exactly 1 burst.

Personally I prefer to see the Modded DPs becuase in the end that is what matters especially with more damage direct weapons like the Boltor/Leviathan/Braton (Braton / Leviathan have status which make up for the gap in Damage).

Ah, ok, thank you, that's quite a bit clearer, I tried reading it again, but my attention span still won't hold out for me. XD

from what I can tell, its a well thought out suggestion at a top tier automatic(?)  burst rifle. From the small bits I've read, I think it does a 5 round burst then has a short time before another five round burst? (and so on?) anyway, it seems well balanced, any suggestion for a new high tier weapon is welcome to me, so long as its not horribly overpowered.

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Personal view only of course.


For the record, I don't need MORE guns in this game that just boil down to "this gun does X DPS" we need guns that do interesting things, and when I say interesting, I mean mechanics wise. If this gun for example :


* Fired rounds that exploded on impact with a valid target.

* Became proximity mines if they hit terrain.

* Had a secondary fire that spooled shells for firing

* etc etc


then it would be a start, but if a new gun is just "point at target, keep firing, deliver X damage over 1 second" then we already have a ton of guns that do that already.


I'm sorry but I don't see just "re-loading mechanics" as a "new" gun, and everything else is just another DPS value.

Edited by DSpite
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Personal view only of course.


For the record, I don't need MORE guns in this game that just boil down to "this gun does X DPS" we need guns that do interesting things, and when I say interesting, I mean mechanics wise. If this gun for example :


* Fired rounds that exploded on impact with a valid target.

* Became proximity mines if they hit terrain.

* Had a secondary fire that spooled shells for firing

* etc etc


then it would be a start, but if a new gun is just "point at target, keep firing, deliver X damage over 1 second" then we already have a ton of guns that do that already.


I'm sorry but I don't see just "re-loading mechanics" as a "new" gun, and everything else is just another DPS value.

The idea is its a new burst fire weapon that can utilize pretty much all available mods. Did you read how mods affected the weapon at all?

Moreover yes it has rounds that explode on impact with a valid target, and no they dont turn into proximity mines cuase that makes little to no sense at all. How would a Hitscan Bullet turn into a proximity mine? Why would you want a spool mechanic? That essentially nerfs the firerate of the burst. The idea is that it almost instantly fires all of the rounds in one cylinder. Your comment makes little to no sense to me.

And we have plenty of weapons already that do the exact things you listed which means we don't need more. We don't however have a burst fire rifle that scales to the endgame nicely, we dont have a burst fire weapon that's DPS is easily calculated. And we don't have a weapon that has a dynamic reload solely dependent on how much of your ammo you have shot, and rewards players who use less ammunition with a faster reload time.



i love this weapon concept. the art is very attractive and the mechanic well designed.

if it uses shotgun ammo instead of rifle ammo i'll be like "shut up and thake my platinum"

Thanks man! :) I was thinking about having it take shotgun ammo but... then they might give it fall off. And its a burst fire rifle XD But other then that regardless thank you!

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the clip is way too close to the end of the barrel to then give it 60 accuracy.  that is higher accuracy than the majority of weapons in the game, while it is designed to have the barrel length of a snub-nose pistol. just saying. 


edit -also 5 round burst at 95 per round is so very OP.  

Edited by Suthurn
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the clip is way too close to the end of the barrel to then give it 60 accuracy.  that is higher accuracy than the majority of weapons in the game, while it is designed to have the barrel length of a snub-nose pistol. just saying. 


edit -also 5 round burst at 95 per round is so very OP.  

I do agree that 60 accuracy is a bit much given the barrel length but you would think that the Lex and Marelok would also be significantly more inaccurate. (Part of the reason it is 60 is i have no idea how WF handles recoil and where that value is stored and how it is compared and this gun has 0 recoil due to the pneumatic recoil absorption built into the stock/butt of the rifle.

I suggest reading the damage per second section of my post above. Compared to the Boltor Prime it deals significantly less Damage per second, as the gun goes through several phases during firing that lower DPS. The reason the rounds hit that hard is because they are Heavy Caliber Explosive Rounds I.E they hit like trucks, this is however counter balanced by the guns mechanics. Thank you for the feedback though :)

I will go lower the accuracy rating. Make it more on par with similar weapons.

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Really nice concept, would love to see this in game especially if it has all those complex reload animations. Partial reload is another huge plus that i would like to see just added in general to a few shotguns/launchers/rifles.

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