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What Prime Mods/aura I Would Like To See.


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Primed Steel Charge:


(This was Steel Charge before Melee 2.0)


Man, what I would give to get that.



At max is gives +55%. The Current one gives +60% and is a LOT cheaper to max.


Why the hell would you want the old version for ???

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There are already plenty of threads about new content needed, mods op, bla bla bla. I think you missed the point of this thread. We would like to see more useful primed mods in general, or at least I would.


Now back to the topic. I would like primed pistol gambit. The reason is that there really isn't much for pistol crit builds. Most secondary weapons don't have a high crit chance. So this mod could buff an area which IMO needs a buff.


"More useful build". You mean more killing power, so you totally ignore that particular point I just made.


Whinging "I need more killing power" dilutes the game play. If you can't kill something with a particular weapon, then start a thread and be specific on what said weapon can and cannot do and provide examples and some decent math, don't request Mods that boost the killing power of EVERY SINGLE WEAPON in a class and not expect to break things.

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3.) Primed Regeration ( Restores 1.1 hp per second at maxed )

There isn't any mod named Regeneration and if you meant rejuvenation it has already 3hp per sec


Edit: I would like to see Primed Sure Footed or primed ?stance?

Edited by BrotherLeluchio
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At max is gives +55%. The Current one gives +60% and is a LOT cheaper to max.


Why the hell would you want the old version for ???


I was showing that it was a 10 rank mod when it first came out, not the stats...

(When fully maxed it gave almost another potato's worth of energy.)


I guess I didn't make that very clear in original post.

Edited by Reidmaster
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Primed point strike

Primed strech

Primed magazine wrap

primed pressure point

Primed quickdraw


A primed vigor would be interesting in it's own way?


Even though i would like to see primed intensify, streamline, i know they would be game breaking and should not see the light.

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Everyone keep naming Mods, and not one person specifies why.

Lets assume we get ALL Mods Primed. Lets even assume we can max all of them and STILL fit 10 of them on a Frame.


Then what? Go to wave 80 in T4 instead of just wave 60?


What exactly have you archived as far as making the game better?


All this nonsense is just about having something more powerful simply for the sake of seeing something more Powerful, with no understanding that it just shifts an arbitrary line in the sand further up the beach.


You know what happens in Borderlands 2 when you finally make it to OP8, and have all OP8 gear? You can only play that character in OP8 content, and you will probably be doing it alone, because like hell you will find 8 other mates that have gotten OP8 without hacking save games, and even then they probably won't want to run random missions for the nth time on OP8 playthroughs.


The reason "end game" is called that is not because it's what you play at the end, it's the point where you stop playing normally because you have exhausted all the content and actually do other things, like just finishing collect all the things, finish all the side quest, max out all the weapons you normally did not use, and finish exploring locations you skipped.


Endless is just that, it's the end of the line. If you are geared well enough to go for "x" hours and actually do so, you need a new game, not better gear to go an extra 20 waves.


We need more normal content, not better gear to trivialize the current content even further.

I... I'm actually agreeing 100% with DSpite here.


People, stop asking for MORE primed mods, don't you realize how they

1) increases the grind by astronomical amounts?

2) just makes us stronger when we don't need to become stronger, but that we rather need to nerf mods AND enemy scaling? That would be better for the overall longevity of the game, makes utilitymods more useful, is better for indirectly making damage-focused powers scalability, easier to balance, AND better for enemy scaling!


The best thing DE could do about primed mods? Delete them. Delete them ALL! >:(

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"More useful build". You mean more killing power, so you totally ignore that particular point I just made.


Whinging "I need more killing power" dilutes the game play. If you can't kill something with a particular weapon, then start a thread and be specific on what said weapon can and cannot do and provide examples and some decent math, don't request Mods that boost the killing power of EVERY SINGLE WEAPON in a class and not expect to break things.


If your going to quote me at least use something from my post when trying to counter me. I never used the words "More useful build" anywhere in my post. Look, we already have plenty of posts about what your talking about. Crying the game is imbalanced or not fun because of x or y mods is pointless here. The reason the game is fun to play IMO is because many of us LIKE to feel powerful. We are weapons of mass destruction and if it's not going to be press 4 to win, we'll do it with our 8 forma'd weapons.


No one here is whining for more killing power. Primed mod exist whether you like it or not. Why not have more useful ones then slip mag? If you can't have a little fun and dream a bit of what would be a great new primed mod then a really do feel sorry for you man. 


Back on topic: Still think having a primed pistol gambit mod wouldn't break the game or make us too powerful that we could go to wave 1000. It's as I said before, there really isn't much in terms of crit builds for secondary weapons, so this would help fill that gap without having the devs buff crit chance on many secondary weapons.


On a side not: I own many of the primed mods, yet I haven't put a single core into any of em. I'm still waiting for that special primed mod that I will use a legendary core on. None so far seem worth the effort. So some might complain that they are ruining the game, when I see them as small upgrades to their none primed counterparts. Hardly worthy of my cores/creds.

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Primed Quick Thinking would definitely be OP.

I'd rather the Status Chance mods get the buff they deserve before they get a primed version.

Primed Auras are an interesting concept though...

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I want to put out suggestions for Prime Mods :D


- Primed Dead Eye (+80% damage on Sniper Rifle)

- Primed Rage (Convert +90% damage on health to energy)

- Primed Steel Charge (+ 120% damage on melee)

- Primed Streamline (+55% Efficiency)

- Primed Hammershot (+120% Critical Damage +80% Status Chance)

- Primed Split Chamber (+200% multishot) <- LOL too OP.

- Primed *status damage for shotgun* (+165% *status damage not chance*)


Wohooo! XD

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- Add a small icon "Prime" for a prime-mods(remove the prefix in the name "prime" mods, it would have helped a little non-English versions of the client). To the icon could be that it is the prime mode.

- Overboost not popular mods or rebalancing their.

- Aura Prime :D

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That was practically my whole point.


The only reason of asking for more powerful mods is to be more effective killing machines, which is only needed if the enemy is too powerful, and yet, if the enemy is too powerful - as in so powerful that it's OP - then the enemy is the one that needs balancing, not the players getting more powerful mods.


What the hell is the point of getting difficult content if you just up the mods and turn that content back to easy?

Getting stronger to kill guys faster is literally the entire point of the game, sorry to break it to you.


Primed mods were made for veterans to have a bigger time sink for a smaller payout to keep them playing the game.

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I'd rather we didn't have primed mods. They might not be too hard to get (for someone that plays a lot) or too good, I'd just rather see some more non-primed mods brought up to par. Having Primed Point Blank and similar mods just seems harsh to new players, especially compared to Hornet Strike and Serration.

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If your going to quote me at least use something from my post when trying to counter me. I never used the words "More useful build" anywhere in my post. Look, we already have plenty of posts about what your talking about. Crying the game is imbalanced or not fun because of x or y mods is pointless here. The reason the game is fun to play IMO is because many of us LIKE to feel powerful. We are weapons of mass destruction and if it's not going to be press 4 to win, we'll do it with our 8 forma'd weapons.


No one here is whining for more killing power. Primed mod exist whether you like it or not. Why not have more useful ones then slip mag? If you can't have a little fun and dream a bit of what would be a great new primed mod then a really do feel sorry for you man. 


Back on topic: Still think having a primed pistol gambit mod wouldn't break the game or make us too powerful that we could go to wave 1000. It's as I said before, there really isn't much in terms of crit builds for secondary weapons, so this would help fill that gap without having the devs buff crit chance on many secondary weapons.


On a side not: I own many of the primed mods, yet I haven't put a single core into any of em. I'm still waiting for that special primed mod that I will use a legendary core on. None so far seem worth the effort. So some might complain that they are ruining the game, when I see them as small upgrades to their none primed counterparts. Hardly worthy of my cores/creds.


Ok, if what you are after is to feel more powerful, I don't mind that either, but then should we not request  DE to step up their game and give us a proper "step up" scenario to use what we now have?


Simply increasing stats on current units is not enough. There has to be a line, and we reached it, not only that, Primed Mods keep allowing us to overstep it. I don't FEEL powerful saying "I just killed a level 500 Butcher!", that is why MMO games have rats, and have Dragons. No one brags they just killed a level 200 rat, they brag they killed a level 30 Dragon. They would also think it strange that that level 200 rat might be able to kill the level 30 Dragon.


Lets keep asking for a bigger variety of things to kill, not more Mods or guns to just move the goalpost to a new location with higher level rats.

Edited by DSpite
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Primed rage sounds great 

How about primed vigor that gives the same increases as aa maxed vitality and redirection combined? 

Primed Berserker (the speed increase lasts longer than the original) 
Primed Shred 
Primed True steel
Primed Point Strike (get those sniper rifles usefull...) 

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