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What Warframe Do You Think Is Overpowered?


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none are really OP

Nova, Mesa, Mirage and banshee are the most proficient at killing

Vauban, Loki, and Nyx have some of the best CC

Valky and Excalibur (after his rework) will be ideal for melee

Chroma, rhino, Zephyr, Frost, and Limbo can Tank

Trinity is to a Heal, as Oberon is to a Cure

Nekros, hydroid, and Mag are Optimal for farming

Volt has great Utility, and a few decent stuns

Saryn and Ash have wonderful Ulties


Did i forget anyone?

Ember: What abou-

Me: You're not a Frame


Me: You're Self-frying chicken

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Nah, vauban isn't as great as loki/nova. He is only good when you know where the enemies are coming from so you can catch them in a choke point. He also has harder time on open maps, because he gets shot a lot before he can CC the mobs with either vortex of bastille. On top of that....you have to pick between bastille or vortex when minmaxing the build. It's duration vs range + power.

yeah I can't argue with that lol.
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 don't think there is really "OP" frames but some of them has it too easy and does not improv gameplay atall.


Example:Trinity.Despite the fact that i LOVE trinity,i like her because well...it heals.But this is boring and very very easy to do.Having a trinity in a group makes things so easy that the game does not give a challenge anymore.


Mesa:Her peacemaker ofc.Nowadays,people want Mesa for defense along with Gmag.Results ?Looks like most pug groups strong believe, mesa has to do EVERYTHING(including nullifers) ,has to stop any incoming damage etc..And ofc along with his best bud Greedy pull mag.I didnt fidn a single pug group for T4 defense who goes more than 20 waves now.Just wait for mesa +mag and afk.



Loki: this one...i played Loki aas my first frame and thought he was hard.Well..he would if there were any way to counter invisibilty.Oh wait..his radial disarm is completely stupid.There i said it,removing the power of any enemies using fire weapons is definitely stupid .I mean...seriously you basically counter the damage scaling of the enemies !Obsiously he's not op as hell since it works less against infested(even with augment).But i really  don't like this "Loki is hard frame to play" when he just need range,durations,efficiency mods to be one of the best CC frames around.


There is more.But i don't know...i don't find extremely op frames but i find some of them "forces" (obsiously they're not forced) to play in a way.A way of boring press 4 =>win .

I mean seriously...some people are insulting mesa players if they die on deF 4,Some people insult trinity's players if they die when they supposed to play carefuly etc..


But i really insist on Loki,i don't find him completely OP but i think his 4 ,even with its orignal concept, paired with ultimate survivability gived by his invisiblity is really really stupid in practive.it makes looks fun but it's improving gameplay and most important =>it makes him the most useful frames in most groups ,denying the others one.

Edited by THND3RZ
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Rhino. No one else even comes close to being a tank compared to a rhino with iron skin

I'm sorry, but I must lol.


Just kidding. But there are better tanks. Eg: Valkyr, Chroma



Hmmm......I would have t to say Loki.

The little guy is just too good.

No weaknesses at all.

I'm frankly surprised he wasn't nerfed.

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Nothing is currently OP.  Warframe's community has taken the term out of context severely.


I suppose when you say op, you mean over powered in any situation? If so, none that I've seen.  - Ded man


Basically the above.  Everything has it's limits currently.  Their are some A tier weaponry/frames but nothing brokenly OP.  Nothing I could compare to Trinity being able to absorb Void Defense lasers and killing everything near her while being in God-Mode.   Stuff like that is OP, fun but OP.

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man I did the exact same thing lol! Except with surv keys I didn't think the cores would ever get nerfed >~< my ! still hurts from that. One frame I thought would be really good was chroma......... I'm disappointed now :( anyway glad we were able to act like 2 adults and work out a dispute. It was a pleasure to meet you young man.

Chroma has more survivability than Valkyr, I have no idea where you're coming from.

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No frame is OP


There are a few frames which simply are not as good


But overall no frame is OP and the community will cry over something that actually works and DE will actually listen and eventually nerf it

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This topic yet again:)


Okay there is no OP frame, although I would say there are frame that are a bit more lackluster than some others. Here is my break down of the frames. I have all 24 frames. I don't do PVP in this game so I will not comment to the usefulness any frame has in that regard. So for PVE is here is general breakdowns.


First let us break down the mission types and their solo-ability versus group requirement needs


Exterminate - Highly soloable

Capture - Highly soloable

Spy - Highly soloable (even highly recommended to solo only)

Hive - Highly soloable

Rescue - Highly soloable

Deception - Highly soloable


Mobile Defense - Lower levels can be solo'd, but harder content starts to get into group only

Defense - Lower levels can be solo'd, but harder content starts to get into group only

Interception - Lower levels can be solo'd, but harder content starts to get into group only

Survival - Lower levels can be solo'd, but harder content starts to get into group only

Excavation - Lower levels can be solo'd, but harder content starts to get into group only

Hijack - Lower levels can be solo'd, but harder content starts to get into group only


The first 6 mission types can be solo'd by the right frame setup regardless of level of difficulty of the mission. Mainly because the missions themselves don't have unending waves of enemies that constantly get stronger and stronger. The second grouping of 6 missions in the list at the bottom do have unending waves that get stronger and the stronger the enemies that come at you the chances of solo-ing those missions drops dreastically. Especially the longer those unending missions last. So a good group is required for harder and longer lasting versions of the bottom 6.


With the missions in mind, there are various frames that are better suited to handling different missions to varying degrees. For the solo missions either massive CC or good tanking ability makes the harder versions of the solo missions easier. Here is the breakdown of those. You can solo with any frame, especially lower level missions, but the following frames are able to handle any of the current solo missions at any difficulty level.










Ash (if setup for infinite smokebomb)


For the group based mission they tend to be based around a heavy nuker warframe with support frames to keep the nuker alive and going. Mainly because the missions themselves are designed around sitting around camping a spot to protect something. So typically the following frames are used for nukers.







They reach out the furthest and hit the hardest if setup right out of all the frames. Ash would be on the list if it wasn't for his limit of 18 targets per nuke and the fact he can get stuck doing his nuke from time to time.


Once a nuker is picked, the other 3 frames in the group tend to be support. The following frames are all picked for various reasons.



















What supports get picked depends on the primarily upon which nuker is used and the other supports that can be picked. A common setup for a very powerful group is the following.



Mag (with greedy pull augment)




That team can sit on a point safely and blow away anything within 50 meters at a continual non stop basis. Mesa provides the damage output, the mag pulls all the energy globes that spawn as well as all the loot to the group to keep the mesa powered, the nekros spawns additional loot and energy balls to keep the group going, and the frost provides protection to the group so errant stray shots don't take anyone down.


There are other ways to make a group, but there is no one single OP frame.


Now for the frames that are a bit on the downside and don't really fit well into the game right now. It is a short list at least.






Chroma is a wanna be tank or wanna be point defender. He just doesn't excel at either that other frames eclipse him in totally. That is not to say a player can't use him, but the frame is a jack of all trades frame that tries to do everything without excelling at anything. It's a frame that is part nuker, part tank, part buffer, and isn't exactly the best at any of those.


Oberson is part tank, part support healer/buffer, part nuker. Again the frame tries to do too much but is hampered by limitations on effectiveness for any single role so doesn't excel at anything.


Zephyr is a mix nuker and CC frame, but the randomness of the abilities doesn't allow for the frame to be completely reliable with either role. So while the frame can be used, it is just outdone by other frames for whatever role you are trying to use zephyr for. Overall, all frames can be used successfully with most missions, and most end game high level missions with the right group make up. Although I would probably not use Chroma, Oberon, or Zephyr right now as my main go to frames any time soon personally.


Now this topic tends to come up a lot because most people think the frame that deals the most damage is the most OP frame. Which is nonsense based on how this game is designed. If your goal is to do massive damage then check out the nuker frame list I provided a pick from any of those. Of course you will have to mod specifically to be a nuker even when you take those frames (the exception is Mesa which doesn't need any mods beyond power max and power efficiency to nuke for high amounts). If damage numbers is what tickles your epeen then pick a nuker frame and have fun with it.

Edited by CheckYourSix
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A good Chroma can stay that long too, but instead you don't have to spam 4 and sit there. He requires more skill instead of mindless E mashing.

You don't even know me, you don't even know people, why do you think that? Get out of your bedroom.

I don't use Hysteria, why i would do that whit nullifiers? Are you ... new?

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I'm going to say Nova is OP. Molecular Prime is still sort of an issue. It doubles damage, slows enemies to a crawl, also reduces their damage output by equally slowing their fire rate and, on top of all that debuffing, makes them explode. A skill that did two of those things would be outstanding. There are other team setups that could be called OP, but I refuse to call anything requiring teamwork overpowered. It's teamwork. You're supposed to wreck shop when using it.


Loki is OP in the good way. Yes, you can be invisible through everything, but you're still plenty vulnerable to AoE, stray fire, and one of the squishiest frames out there. Damn you, bleed procs. High risk, if you become visible in the wrong place, but for a fun reward.

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If we're talking lvl 100+ enemies, from my own experience, I'd say Loki due to Irradiating Disarm and Invisibility. Just need to watch out for AoE blasts and keep an eye on your Invisibility timer.

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everything we have is underpowered, or at least feels like it. nearly half of the guns in the market are only good for low tier enemies, and the other small handle are good enough to get the job, barely. there are only a small amount of war frames(in my opinion) that are too weak to even use half of the time. 


armor makes no sense to me, my friend said that it decreases the amount of damage you can take when your shields are down. and yet, the grineer(most over powered faction at the current time) are able to just smack the living day lights out of any war frame regardless of the mods you have on. 


i really don't know whats gonna happen when the sentients come into play. i have no idea if when they do put into play, if they are gonna buff all enemies again or just do around round of nerfing things. 


don't get me wrong, i love this game and its so much more fun to play than most of the xbox one games that are currently out on the market, but it just feels like no matter what mods i put on my war frames, I'm going to get my butt kicked no matter what. all of the friends i play with, agree with this to some degree and wonder the same thing sometimes. 


i hope that when the sentients do come around, that we at least get a fighting chance and not just walked over 24/7 like it feels currently. the one enemy that needs the nerf hammer, is the grineer seeker. that guy can two or three shot any war frame and his accuracy is just ungodly unfair. 

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This is possibly the best and most reasonable argument I have ever seen defending the powerspam/press4towin play style. You have my respect. 

I agree that there are no "overpowered" frames, but at the same time I think that excelling too much in a certain role (e.g. Defensive Frost, Aimbot Turret Mesa, Greedy Pull Mag, Farmer Nekros) can be just as detrimental for any Warframe. Those who want to use the frames differently, more often than not, find themselves being asked/ told to "play this way because it's what the frame is good for". It may also hurt the creative experience and playstyle of new players that pick up these frames, since they'll be told that the frame is "meant to be used for x purpose". 

I don't agree, however, on Oberon, Chroma and Zephyr "not fitting" into the current game. While they don't excel anywhere, they don't fall short in too much, either. A good user of any of those frames will be able to adapt different playstyles and keep the gameplay dynamic, rather than burn themselves out using a frame for it's "intended purpose". 

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