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Proposed Starchart Changes [Megathread]


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A brainstormed idea from devteam for Star 3.0 is brewing rage and worries across the board


New Starchart

• Hoping to appear in U17
• 300 nodes are being condensed to 20 nodes
• There may be time-based instances, such as Vor appearing temporarily, dropping different things each time
• Similar to Alerts, but hopefully not something that punishes players for sleeping
• There will be some removal of player choice - you will no longer be able to select whichever mission type you want, whenever you want; hopefully this will be better for the game overall
• Re-viewing player made quests again and designing the starchart so that these will be able to fit into it; hopefully this will be the answer to players that resent the removal of choice

Also post from Rebecca on this topic:




Oh F*** me.

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At the very least DE could release a clarification of their idea, at the moment they basically walked in the UN and Declared Nazis are gonna take over the world, and then pulled out a gun and shot Russia, and the US.


Not the best impression to make

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you will no longer be able to select whichever mission type you want, whenever you want; hopefully this will be better for the game overall


Oh God, it gets worse.


"Yay, it's finally Spy! Too bad I'm Frost."

"Yay, it's finally Mobile Defense. Too bad I'm Loki."

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While I do generally trust DE I have a hard time trusting that they've actually figured it out to where its workable for any players.

The last time they made a change this big was Update 7 when they changed from the upgrade trees to mods.

It took them over a week to make mods actually have a decent chance of dropping.  During that week (running tons of missions per day) most people didn't even get 10 mod drops (not different mods, drops in total).

It killed gameplay entirely for that period because no one could do anything higher than earth or venus because no one had any mods.

And with all the complaints it still took them a week to make it possible to get mods.

I see it taking just as long, if not longer, if another situation like that happens where it becomes impossible to get certain resources until the nodes randomly rotate so that you can get them.  And good luck having your schedule match up with the resources you need.

And that isn't even touching on bosses.

With 20 nodes that is no where near enough to handle the boss nodes.

So what is going to happen when you're a new player and want a new frame?  Just sit there with it being completely impossible to get the frame until RNG decides that that boss node becomes available?  Because I see that could cause a hemorrhaging of new players....

I'm really hoping boss nodes will be done differently, although it seemed like they specifically addressed bosses in the stream and that wasn't the case. At worst (a far too imaginable worst) every frame's going to be as much of a pain to get as Vauban.

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Here is what they said in the stream:


Rebecca: The concern would be, that you will no longer be able to something you want at anytime.  So even though people complain about running their 20th t2 defence key mission, they still do it.  If you take that choice away to do something you want, when you want to do it are we causing more problems than we're solving?


Steve: I don't think we are but that will be an argument we hear on u17, it will be "I'm peed off, I used to have my node".

Edited by Spindle99
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Maybe, maybe not. One thing is for sure though, OP feels entitled. 


Just man up and pay your dollars, like you would with any other F2P mmo.


As a founder and a person who's payed into this game on several occasions. No. This change, as it's been described and broadcast so far, does not deserve his dollars. Or mine.


And feeling entitled is a normal thing after you've made an investment. Whether that's money, or your time playing this game, keeping DE's farming simulator populated so it's pleasant enough that others will pay.

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Honestly, the way Steve was acting was ridiculously childish and deplorable to me. 

It was. Normally I'd try and have some respect in my posts, I really would. But after this BLATANT disrespect for the playerbase in the last devstream, they honestly don't deserve it. DEReb is excluded, she seemed to be trying to rein them in, but honestly, one person cannot do it with that group. That group either needs to have everything but water removed, or someone even higher up sitting down there with them watching them, in order to keep them on track and topic.


I'm all for the occasional tangent, and joke, but ACTUAL communication has to come first. They shouldn't need Reb to be trying to keep themselves on track, they should all be trying to stay on topic when someone else starts deflecting or avoiding the question with jokes and what not. I'd much rather hear "We really can't answer that" than see Steve making a pretend beer hat. At least when they say "Can't answer that", they're being honest with us.


Now, by "that group" I mean the group of regulars on the stream, and not EVERYONE on the stream is constantly derailing it, all the time.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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At the very least DE could release a clarification of their idea, at the moment they basically walked in the UN and Declared Nazis are gonna take over the world, and then pulled out a gun and shot Russia, and the US.

Not the best impression to make

What? Is DE the Un and the players the US and Russia or is DE the Nazis. Is RNG the Nazis. Is the starchart the Russians. Good thing Warframe is going to China I guess.
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Don't know about you guys, but I can't wait for Update 17.  


I finally crafted the Miter so I have officially completed the Star Chart.  I'm going to hold back my thoughts until something new is introduced to the new "Star Chart."  


I'll just give 1 prediction.  New ---------- will be introduced just like Chroma.  ---------- will require various Warframe/Weapon parts.  The required Warframe/Weapon parts will be scattered through the nodes.  These selected nodes will be time based.  When the time is read you will get to farm that node, and inside that node will be a Boss or something that drops said part.  That boss/enemy will also have a chance to drop the part.  One would think the boss will only drop that ONE part though...


Basically I heard you like RNG, so we put RNG inside your RNG so you can RNG while you wait for RNG to RNG the RNG.


Side note:  I wouldn't sell or run any Void keys or sell any Prime parts.....if I were you...

Edited by Ishki88
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I would wait for more intel on what the future star map will be, but can't say the perspectives make me optimistic


I would be fine if the map changed to each planet where we choose the type of mission with one type of each mission on the node, would greatly simplify the map, & most nodes on planets are pretty redundants. doesn't really matter if we do an extermination on earth Eprime or eurasia or everest after all (except a small level difference but is that really relevant)


what wouldn't be fine would be to be sent in a completely completely random mission type when you select the planet with no choice of ours (I doubt DE would come to this, still, you never know...)

and the bosses available during limited time windows would probably be the most annoying thing I think: some of us have lives in the real world & spending our time waiting for the boss to appear isn't an appealing idea. would also greatly penalize new players (unless all frames become quest-obtainable but I highly doubt that)

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Don't know about you guys, but I can't wait for Update 17.  


I finally crafted the Miter so I have officially completed the Star Chart.  I'm going to hold back my thoughts until something new is introduced to the new "Star Chart."  


I'll just give 1 prediction.  New ---------- will be introduced just like Chroma.  ---------- will require various Warframe/Weapon parts.  The required Warframe/Weapon parts will be scattered through the nodes.  These selected nodes will be time based.  When the time is read you will get to farm that node, and inside that node will be a Boss or something that drops said part.  That boss/enemy will also have a chance to drop the part.  One would think the boss will only drop that ONE part though...


Basically I heard you like RNG, so we put RNG inside your RNG so you can RNG while you wait for RNG to RNG the RNG.


Side note:  I wouldn't sell or run any Void keys or sell any Prime parts.....if I were you...


They know this the same as you do, they can easily invalidate hording by making new items after the patch (thus making all old parts useless). 


Also from how I read it keys are no longer going to work anyway.

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If I can farm WHAT I want, WHEN I want, I don't care how DE changes HOW I farm it. However, if farming everything is given a second layer of RNG... that might be what is needed to kill Warframe for me.


Watch the stream again.  There is a clear perception that they do not want you to do what you want when you want.  Example, Draco.  There is a perception of doing what you want when RNG allows it.  BasedGod Rebecca was trying allude to something but was put off by something....



They know this the same as you do, they can easily invalidate hording by making new items after the patch (thus making all old parts useless). 


Also from how I read it keys are no longer going to work anyway.


Keys not working for their current roll does not equal up to them not being used for something new.  IMO, keep your keys if you have completely your objectives.  Hold off farming for plat until everything flushes out. 


Your first statement, I mean..that's what I said.  I'll hold my opinion and feelings on that until I get to actually see how it pans out.

Edited by Ishki88
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According to them in the stream, they say the new system will involve more story based daily mission series. I'd like to see this than the current one because that'd be more engaging.


The current one is only good for farming. Other then that it has nothing and that's one of the biggest downside of this game. They only need to adjust this as well to make it right IMO.

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The new star chart sounds bad, the developers admitted on the stream that they think we will hate it but they are going ahead with it anyway.


Some players are saying, wait and see.


If it sounds bad and the devs think we will hate it should we not just take a wait and see approach and ask for a heck of a lot more clarification before they spend a lot of money making it and put it into the game?

If even the devs are having second doubts about their decisions then it raises a red flag that something will eventually go wrong.

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IMO this is only a problem for thos kinda people who only care about MR and farming. ATm there are just to much things to do . Every time I log in I saw 300+ Nodes most of them are the SAME with diferent enemy lvls. I dono why the hell do people complein? cos they lose Draco and they can't farm rep? I'm happy with the upcoming change since it will reduce MY PERSONAL burn out. For me there are to much things to do, so much taht I roughter don't do anything just play random warframes everywhere and build 1 forma each day

Well truth be told once you've reached MR 18 and MR 19 your only thing to do in game in min-max frames and gear that means adding 4-5 formas on all if not most of your gear to make it reach its full potential. I play casual random games with any of my frames in any of the nodes can't you see that this change might take that away and replace it with RNG missions?

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Oh God, it gets worse.


"Yay, it's finally Spy! Too bad I'm Chroma."

"Yay, it's finally Mobile Defense. Too bad I'm Nekros."


Loki on MD can do fine by disarming, actually almost all frames are viable for MD; it only boils down to random grouping which is where it hurts the most.

Edited by Fionntan
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Maybe, maybe not. One thing is for sure though, OP feels entitled. 


Just man up and pay your dollars, like you would with any other F2P mmo.

Of course I feel entitled don't we all? Everybody has a different opinion here in forums see all the different "nerf/buff pls change" threads here every single player is a client for DE so yes we have the right to feel "entitled" especially if we invested time and money on this game.

As a founder and a person who's payed into this game on several occasions. No. This change, as it's been described and broadcast so far, does not deserve his dollars. Or mine.


And feeling entitled is a normal thing after you've made an investment. Whether that's money, or your time playing this game, keeping DE's farming simulator populated so it's pleasant enough that others will pay.


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Watch the stream again.  There is a clear perception that they do not want you to do what you want when you want.  Example, Draco.  There is a perception of doing what you want when RNG allows it.  BasedGod Rebecca was trying allude to something but was put off by something....




Keys not working for their current roll does not equal up to them not being used for something new.  IMO, keep your keys if you have completely your objectives.  Hold off farming for plat until everything flushes out. 


Your first statement, I mean..that's what I said.  I'll hold my opinion and feelings on that until I get to actually see how it pans out.


This is what we foresee and what we FEAR the most I'm glad some people realize it.

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Well truth be told once you've reached MR 18 and MR 19 your only thing to do in game in min-max frames and gear that means adding 4-5 formas on all if not most of your gear to make it reach its full potential. I play casual random games with any of my frames in any of the nodes can't you see that this change might take that away and replace it with RNG missions?

You play casual RANDOM games AND youre upset the sytem will be RANDOM?



WTP?????????????? Bruhhhhhh.......

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According to them in the stream, they say the new system will involve more story based daily mission series. I'd like to see this than the current one because that'd be more engaging.


The current one is only good for farming. Other then that it has nothing and that's one of the biggest downside of this game. They only need to adjust this as well to make it right IMO.

Then why can't they just integrate a campaign mode purely for story why touch the star chart and create story based missions with a twist of RNG if it would impede the farming process is story/lore a good enough justification to replace GRIND with RNG cause you do know that at least with GRIND you can work for it with RNG your not even sure you'll get what you want. I say why not just make a campaign mode and create a different star chart or mission system there that has story tied quests and a separate star chart not tied with the campaign purely for farming as WARFRAME is and will always be a FARMING game with bits of story and lore thrown into it.

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You play casual RANDOM games AND youre upset the sytem will be RANDOM?



WTP?????????????? Bruhhhhhh.......

I play casual and games at the planets and tile sets I CHOOSE because of it means if i want to do Outer Terminus I can do Outer Terminus. If i want to do Xini I can do Xini if I want to hang out with newbies in Terminus I can choose to do so as well,

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