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Will You Still Use Rhino Now?


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Murdered? it still reduces damage by 80% at max so it's still pretty dang use full. Yeah Trinity is technically now does better as a tank but you got to remember that this is a PvE game not a PvP game so it doesn't really matter.

Not being able to have fun does matter. Balancing? I'm down with that, but balance properly. Iron Skin was spammable 20 seconds of god mode, but it made Rhino unique. Balancing should be done by increasing energy cost and reducing duration while maintaining invulnerability to all damage. This way Iron Skin's uniqueness would have been preserved (as opposed to what it is now- Overheat with some perks) while stile preventing spamming.

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No i wont use it anymore and here is why:


- This is a plain nerf, no balance, that's BAD.

- Ppl should stop say "80% is enough" that was not the point of Iron Skin, let me enlight you: Iron Skin was awesome because you could avoid Ancient Disruptors's energy/shield drain, Toxic's poison and all sort of CC while also recharging shields, that's why, NOT BECAUSE OF 0% DMG TAKEN, i would be fine if IS still kept all the above and only reducing the dmg mitigated.

- If i want a similar playstyle with better DPS there are better classes (i'll go back to my Excalibur)


So long story short: No, i wont use it anymore

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 I didn't care for his abilities before.  It just wasn't what I would want to play.  But now, I would be much more interested in playing him.  If I hadn't already leveled him to 30 and sent him on his way.  I have other frames that I prefer playing.  Key word there, "playing".

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Ok Iron Skin seems currently bugged (DE said it). There is no damage mitigation  / or too low mitigation right now. This could also mean that Focus doesn't work properly and you will soon be able to get 104% damage reduction with max focus. Time will tell.

Edited by Thypari2013
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No. I played as a support caster/tank. I only have 2 skills, Iron Skin and Rhino Stomp.


NO immunity to CC and Poison?


No Immunity to damage?


Average Health?




What is Rhino's role now?

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Nope. The Rhino is slow, all of his skills are mediocre at best except Iron Skin before this update, and now even Iron Skin is 100% useless since it won't help you nullify staggers or knockdowns, or help your shield regenerate by nullifying damage temporarily, or be of any use at all when I really need it. I won't outright delete the frame YET, but if Iron Skin doesn't get a re-buff, and Frost Prime doesn't come with its own slot, I would trash Rhino without a second thought. I really still can't believe that DE would ruin the only tanking ability of a tanking frame.

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Not wanting to start a rant topic or anything, I'm just wondering how many of you will still use rhino, and how many have already thrown him into the garbage


He was my main, i liked the idea of a solo tank who drew fire on him and kept them at bay for squad to shoot them down. Now his only useful skill was murdered and it seems like it has no purpose, regarding energy and usefulness... his other skills are.... mediocre at best, and the new frame is infinite times better for crowd control. Even trinity with vampiric energy can use link indefinitely and was already better than iron skin before. Now rhino cant even go melee toxic ancients and even ember can have more dmg % resistance with focus on overheat :/.


It seems like any use of rhino was utterly destroyed, what do you guys think?

I will not use Rhino or buy any item from the store with real cash until this stupidity of NERFING stops

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Nope. The Rhino is slow, all of his skills are mediocre at best except Iron Skin before this update, and now even Iron Skin is 100% useless since it won't help you nullify staggers or knockdowns, or help your shield regenerate by nullifying damage temporarily, or be of any use at all when I really need it. I won't outright delete the frame YET, but if Iron Skin doesn't get a re-buff, and Frost Prime doesn't come with its own slot, I would trash Rhino without a second thought. I really still can't believe that DE would ruin the only tanking ability of a tanking frame.

Exactly but seems like the majority of the players want Rhino destroyed whatever.

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Nope. Switching back to Excalibur now.


Slash Dash and Rhino Charge are pretty much the same.


If I can't tank with Iron Skin, why would I even tank? Why would I even cast Iron Skin and go bash the enemies with a Scindo? Why would I even care to resurrect a fallen team mate in the middle of Ancient Disruptors and Toxic Ancients if I know I might die too while doing it? I don't know what others think but this nerf made playing Rhino NOT FUN anymore (at least for me).


Just spam Slash Dash with Excalibur! Why not just spam Rhino Charge with Rhino? NO, because Rhino's sprint speed is slow and it pains me whenever I press "2" and take damage.

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I won't lie, when I found out about the nerf, I was furious. Of course, that was mainly because I found out about it the hard way.As it turns out, realizing one of your go-to skills has been re-balanced during an Alert Mission on Hades, one of the most difficult missions (if not THE most difficult mission) possible in the game, is hardly ideal. Also, it didn't help that I thought only to bring my Rhino along with me, figuring that weapon choice wouldn't matter. And yes, I realize how that particular train of thought is a testament to exactly how bad the Rhino needed to be nerfed to begin with.


So yeah, there I was, wading into a group of some of the hardest possible enemies in the game in order to res a teammate while wielding random weak weapons in the hopes of leveling them a bit when I noticed the change. I was NOT a happy camper. In fact, I'm ashamed to say I approached near catastrophic 14-year-old-playing-CoD levels of butthurt rage. I promptly launched into a spirited tirade during which I called into question the intelligence, parentage, and romantic preference of every person currently employed at DE while simultaneously vowing retribution, the methods of which would be violent, creative, and highly disturbing. Not that anyone would have known. Most of my rant was unintelligible at best, and there was an astonishing amount of slobber and spit on my screen afterward.


In the end though, I managed to learn several important things:

1. Always read patch notes.

2. Never attempt difficult missions after a patch.

3. Mute your headset before launching on a tirade because...

4. ...A great many people tend to find certain invective extremely offensive even when it is mostly unintelligible and not even directed at them to begin with.


Now that I've regained my capacity for rational thought though, I can say that I do still plan on using the Rhino. It's still a good tank, even if it has lost its status as “Catharsis Incarnate” for boss battles. If anything, I'll just be using it, you know, with a scowl from now on.
Edited by TheSlyJ
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im a rhino, always will be

i will say i wont be using his abilities for the most part as im not wasting mod slots on cont flow and stream

when the use of my abilities isnt needed as others can do it better. Swapping those for fast deflection and steel fiber as 150 energy should be more than enough now

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Nope. The Rhino is slow, all of his skills are mediocre at best except Iron Skin before this update


They should have buffed Rhino's other powers.


Here's a comparison. When they fixed Saryn's Contagion to no longer give invulnerability, they also buffed Venom, Molt, and greatly increased the melee damage Contagion was supposed to grant. 


Here, we've had a big nerf to Iron Skin, but nothing to compensate. 

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i vote they just remove iron skin and swap in an ability that does dmg...i find IS pointless at this time as i can get the same effect dmg mitigation wise using steel fiber and just throw on fast defl and hide when shields are low

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