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Crazy Fan Theory - Warframe Design Genders, Guardian Origins


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"I still refute this, because I think it's the most idiotic half-baked explanation DE could of come up with, but I guess if it's considered canon now that's whatever"

You are of course entitled to your opinion but I find that attitude boring. That the a Tenno can, through some mechanic, change form to wear any model of Warframe (like swapping fighter jets), and according to Teshin, literary resurrect from death, is exploring posthuman themes while subverting gamey mechanic concessions.

"If the Warframe models were based off of the Guardians I don't feel the Stalker would of referred to himself so humbly in his codex as a "low Guardian" That doesn't sound like someone who was the "best of the guardians" and was chosen to be the template for Excalibur. "

As suggested by others, they read the low guardian with part sarcasm and part plot point. They where the best of best, but replaced by the supernatural Tenno.

"I don't feel the Stalker, was anyone special during the time of the Orokin, if he was, I don't feel he would of survived because it seemes as though with these recent Simaris entries that the Grineer hunted the Orokin to extinction aside for the few that remained and became the Corpus,"

He survived the slaughter in the stadium. Probably could handle some Grineer.

"And on another note, tell me what is the significance of the Orokin keeping those children alive after they recovered them from the ship ? They kept them alive for a reason, the beast we assumed to be Rhino stopped dead from a violent rage at the sight of these children for a reason."

I thought the consensus was they are the first generation of Tenno, that OP posits the guardians trained and the Tenno possibly based their Warframe themes off of.

"We know the Orokin loved to clone things that preformed well like that one lucky little Lancer, it's not really that far of a stretch to say that the current Tenno are clones of a small group of originals, warframe swapping nonsense aside."

Except that the Dev's gave an emphatic no to Tenno as clones. I think the Oro are a key component to being Tenno. But I haven't figured it out yet.

Edited by (PS4)MoRockaPDX
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"And on another note, tell me what is the significance of the Orokin keeping those children alive after they recovered them from the ship ? They kept them alive for a reason, the beast we assumed to be Rhino stopped dead from a violent rage at the sight of these children for a reason."


Because they were anomalies, probably. They survived the Void and it changed them into something. Specifically, it gave them innate Oro, which is presumably the very foundation of the Orokin Empire.

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"And on another note, tell me what is the significance of the Orokin keeping those children alive after they recovered them from the ship ? They kept them alive for a reason, the beast we assumed to be Rhino stopped dead from a violent rage at the sight of these children for a reason."


Because they were anomalies, probably. They survived the Void and it changed them into something. Specifically, it gave them innate Oro, which is presumably the very foundation of the Orokin Empire.


This deserves a new thread, if there hasn't already been a dozen Oro threads. I need to explore what exactly the Oro is. On one level it is DE subverting our expectations of an game mechanic (revives) by making it an in-game lore element. But, by naming it Oro DE is also hinting at something, given the Orokin Empire. As I understand it, under some language translation Oro means gold, and kin of course means family, or relative. I think that the etymology of the word has some basis in what an Oro is, but it is still very ambiguous. I have some ideas, but they are not well developed and might be to polluted by other fictional influences for me to separate right now.

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I feel like referencing Dune here, due to the many unavoidable posts about Tenno nature.

What makes a Tenno? Training for sure, the purpose of the Conclave is clear, likewise is the change in the Tenno when Lotus led them away from it.

Stoic and silent.

Complacent led like oxen.

The second part is power. Like all battlemages the Tenno use a source. This seems to be the Oro.

When a human in Dune, drink the water on Arrakis she changes, become gifted with magic abilities.

In Starwars its the Force that do the same.

In Wheel of Time it is the One Power.

But what happens to the Tenno if the Oro is removed or blocked off? Do they become a human again, or wither and die?

A warframe is a tool, the Excalibur to king Arthur, the Hammer to Thor.

I still believe that a Tenno MUST have the warframe, they form a unity.

The first Twisted ones were not called Tenno, they were called rejects. Only in the hour of their own Extinction did the Emperors bring the Tenno out and build the warmachines that is a warframe.

A new Code, the code of the Conclave? , meant they turned the tide in the war. Imagine the power these first Primes must have had.

In time, what if the Oro could be "taken" to create new Tenno? Trained novices of the Conclave. When they were Masters of gun and blade, they became transformed by the Oro and given a warframe.

To come full circle to Dune and the water of Arrakis.

Edited by arch111
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While I've argued this same thing before, I'm going to play Devil's advocate:


The Starcraft Tauren Marine: http://starcraft.wikia.com/wiki/Tauren_marine


It was given a background description, actually a pretty detailed lore, it appeared in-game in a few places... But as most Starcraft Lore enthusiasts will tell you, it's non-canon. It's not going to appear in any of the books, it's not going to have any impact on the story, it's just a fun little reference to another property of theirs.


For Blizzard and the Marine it's Warcraft.


For DE and Proto-armor it's Dark Sector.



But, ultimately, this all remains to be seen and confirmed or denied as we learn more about the Warframe universe.


That is one Devil's Advocacy to think on; and always fun to remember how seriously Blizzard tries to take their April Fools jokes even with most of the original crew gone. Always fun. Still, I think it would be a better comparison to draw between joke items like the mustache and bunny ears cosmetics and an April Fools joke that is just supposed to appear to be in a similar universe but is actually fake as part of the joke.

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We know the Orokin loved to clone things that preformed well like that one lucky little Lancer, it's not really that far of a stretch to say that the current Tenno are clones of a small group of originals, 


We have explicit statement that the Orokin viewed the Void as "Where our science and reason failed" that to me says they couldn't replicate, certainly not clone, the effects of the void on organics.


Doesn't mean the Orokin didn't clone people and they send them into the void. But I strongly doubt that Cloning would function as expected after.


Also. DE explicitly said the "didn't wan't to define what a player's Tenno looked like" Which would be the case if they had declared Tenno cloning to be a thing.


warframe swapping nonsense aside.


It's a much better game now that this has finally been put to bed. Magical Tenno pokeball of hivemind and blame sharing, was never a good look on this game, I'm glad it's been finally put-to-bed as dumb.

Edited by SilentMobius
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The second part is power. Like all battlemages the Tenno use a source. This seems to be the Oro.


I'm not sure this is a fair statement. All the "Oro" has been related to so far is the explicit ability to cheat death. The Tenno are unique in their specific exposure to the void and the power that comes from that, shaped by the Warframes. I don't think we can blame the Oro for Tenno powers at this stage, just our lmited, immortality.


IMHO the Tenno power source is the Void. The Oro is an Orokin creation

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I'm not sure this is a fair statement. All the "Oro" has been related to so far is the explicit ability to cheat death. The Tenno are unique in their specific exposure to the void and the power that comes from that, shaped by the Warframes. I don't think we can blame the Oro for Tenno powers at this stage, just our lmited, immortality.

IMHO the Tenno power source is the Void. The Oro is an Orokin creation

I know the weakness in this idea. We know that voidpower is channelled by Tenno or orokin machines into warframes, weapons or gear like the Eximus, Commanders etc use.

I take it one step further. If Oro is somehow a farmed substance and the orokin used it for Forma, Primes and Immortality, and Corruption since both Emperors and Corrupted were golden, what do this mean that the golden Oro in Tenno are?

I just had the Matrix Cropfields in my head where machines extract golden energy from human children who are then dumped as waste.

Horrifying image.

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Or maybe... just maybe... frames were built around the Tenno (like it's said on lore) so they're fitted to their figure.

This is like arguing why every TF2 heavy is a fat ruskie.

If this was a fastpaced pvp game like that, no one would care.

DE made the Tenno mysterious on purpose, we would have been fine with every warframe is its own character, or a tenno is a human and the warframe molds itself to its shape.

At least now we know we are 1 Tenno. The rest will be told this year.

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I know the weakness in this idea. We know that voidpower is channelled by Tenno or orokin machines into warframes, weapons or gear like the Eximus, Commanders etc use.

I take it one step further. If Oro is somehow a farmed substance and the orokin used it for Forma, Primes and Immortality, and Corruption since both Emperors and Corrupted were golden, what do this mean that the golden Oro in Tenno are?

I just had the Matrix Cropfields in my head where machines extract golden energy from human children who are then dumped as waste.

Horrifying image.


I'm assuming that the "Oro" is the motive part of a person. Soul or Brain-imprint even possibly void imprint. And it's the equipment that is installed in a person and the equipment elsewhere that receives the Oro and puts it into a new or fixed body that is the difficult bit.


From the name I'm guessing that "Orokin" is going to be all about the "Oro" and hence the defining line between Orokin and anyone else is the immortality. It also makes sense from the perspective of a decadent and strictly hierarchical society. Those who can have the Oro installed (Be it money or something else that is needed) would be the very top echelons of the empire, with a populous below then and servitor clones below that.


Maybe the Void will end up being like Notum in Anarchy Online, a pseudo-spiritual technical mechanism for immortality. but at the moment I can't help but feel that it the basis of Orokin superiority was dependent on the Void then the historical fear of the Tenno (A-la Mag Prime) wouldn't be as strong.


Still, I think it's all very vague right now, but we are heading to a place where we can finally grasp something abut our nature. I mean if the Oro ends up being a soul-print or similar then maybe it is what gets tainted by the Void, not the body.... oh there's a thing, what if the Oro method of Resurrection didn't work on those who were void-tainted, that would explain why the Tenno were considered unfortunate. that might provide a reason for the "why is there a dummy body in a Warframe" problem with the people who subscribe to the "Energy Tenno" notion.




What if the Tenno body degrades due to the presence of a Void-tainted Oro tearing apart the natural working of the body?

However the Void energy is very powerful, can result is "abilities" (Ember codex)  but is difficult to control and shape

(Excalibur Codex) However Warframe can drain away the Void Energy, shaping and channeling it and sustaining the body

Typical Orokin Resurrection doesn't work on the Tenno because of the Void taint in their Oro, but if the Tenno's body is cloned _into_ the Warframe then it acts as a "lightening rod" that can attract the Void Tainted Oro naturally If close enough).


Hmm, It's still missing something, doesn't feel complete yet. But I like the idea of cloning the Tenno's own personal body into a Warframe then moving their void-tainted Oro into it.


I wonder if "the corrupted" has anything to do with a the tech that would allow a person to have an Oro, hmmm, more data needed.


We need that Corrupted Ancient synthesized ASAP ;)

Edited by SilentMobius
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I still refute this, because I think it's the most idiotic half-baked explanation DE could of come up with, but I guess if it's considered canon now that's whatever


As MoRock said, you're entitled to your opinion, but keep in mind that we have direct confirmation that the Tenno can wear different frames from Ordis. Whether or not the idea is liked, it's the lore. I can understand the sour feeling it leave in your mouth - I felt and still feel the same way about the Overmind apparently having been a good guy all along - but the lore is the lore.


"And on another note, tell me what is the significance of the Orokin keeping those children alive after they recovered them from the ship ? They kept them alive for a reason, the beast we assumed to be Rhino stopped dead from a violent rage at the sight of these children for a reason."

I thought the consensus was they are the first generation of Tenno, that OP posits the guardians trained and the Tenno possibly based their Warframe themes off of.


The significance? Research? Science? Vor said after Arid Fear that they "could find nothing to explain their powers" when they pulled a Tenno corpse from the Warframes, so it seems that when a Tenno dies their energy dissipates with them.


As for why the Rhino stopped dead, I think the Tenno have some ability to control the Technocyte of their Warframes.


Or maybe... just maybe... frames were built around the Tenno (like it's said on lore) so they're fitted to their figure.

This is like arguing why every TF2 heavy is a fat ruskie.



The problem with that again comes when considering the switching between frames. If they can switch to any frame, why are they so uniquely tied to the Tenno's appearance? And if the original Tenno, as some have suggested, couldn't switch frames, then what made them unique compared to our modern Tenno who can?

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I wonder if "the corrupted" has anything to do with a the tech that would allow a person to have an Oro, hmmm, more data needed.


We need that Corrupted Ancient synthesized ASAP ;)


I don't know if the corrupted had anything to do with Oro, but I think they were SUPPOSED to be the Orokin army - soldier drones, even Infested monsters, bound to the will of a program to protect and serve the Orokin. Of course, when the Sentients show up with their ability to manipulate and turn Orokin technology against them that just doesn't fly anymore, and non-corrupted soldiers (Grineer, Tenno) were needed.


Whatever the Sentry is, though, it's clear it's powerful enough to overwrite the Infested Hivemind and instincts.



But yes, we NEED the Synthesis.

Edited by Morec0
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That is one Devil's Advocacy to think on; and always fun to remember how seriously Blizzard tries to take their April Fools jokes even with most of the original crew gone. Always fun. Still, I think it would be a better comparison to draw between joke items like the mustache and bunny ears cosmetics and an April Fools joke that is just supposed to appear to be in a similar universe but is actually fake as part of the joke.

Makes sense.

Ever play monster hunter?

It has Tessaiga from Inyuasha, Mario clothes and LoZ Link armor.

References to a popular anime and popular games on the same system that you actually use and affect the game with.

The characters are most likely not in the game.

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I don't know if the corrupted had anything to do with Oro, but I think they were SUPPOSED to be the Orokin army - soldier drones, even Infested monsters, bound to the will of a program to protect and serve the Orokin. Of course, when the Sentients show up with their ability to manipulate and turn Orokin technology against them that just doesn't fly anymore, and non-corrupted soldiers (Grineer, Tenno) were needed.


I see what you're saying but "The Corrupted"? that is not a moniker you give to generic just-happen-to-the-super-loyal-due-to-tech troops. That is the sort of thing you give to damaged beings that are somehow made useful.


It sounds more like the "corrupted" is the pre-service appellation and "The glorious Orokin find a use for even those corrupted"


Like: if you do bad things against the empire your Oro is forever "corrupted" and hence you are given over to the Neural sentry.

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I see what you're saying but "The Corrupted"? that is not a moniker you give to generic just-happen-to-the-super-loyal-due-to-tech troops. That is the sort of thing you give to damaged beings that are somehow made useful.


It sounds more like the "corrupted" is the pre-service appellation and "The glorious Orokin find a use for even those corrupted"


Like: if you do bad things against the empire your Oro is forever "corrupted" and hence you are given over to the Neural sentry.


Well, I never meant to imply the Corrupted were Loyal, only they had been made to serve... Perhaps augmentation with mechanical technology was seen as a Corruption for the Orokin? Something to have been avoided - as a theorist who thinks the New Loka are basically "we want to be as pure as the Orokin" I say that makes sense.


Might also explain why they were so quick to turn to something like the Infested....


But that's speculation and we need more evidence before anything can be solidly suggested.

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I'm assuming that the "Oro" is the motive part of a person. Soul or Brain-imprint even possibly void imprint. And it's the equipment that is installed in a person and the equipment elsewhere that receives the Oro and puts it into a new or fixed body that is the difficult bit.


Have to admit, since the aspect of Oro cropped up, I've been wondering if the 'Void Imprint' in Hidden Messages is actually the 'Oro' of the original Mirage. Body lost, no suitable alternative, she's reduced to something fundamental?


Still, I think it's all very vague right now, but we are heading to a place where we can finally grasp something abut our nature. I mean if the Oro ends up being a soul-print or similar then maybe it is what gets tainted by the Void, not the body.... oh there's a thing, what if the Oro method of Resurrection didn't work on those who were void-tainted, that would explain why the Tenno were considered unfortunate. that might provide a reason for the "why is there a dummy body in a Warframe" problem with the people who subscribe to the "Energy Tenno" notion.


It's plausible. Have to admit, since Oro entered the picture, the potential of a synthesis between the theories cropped up. Oro is the emergency 'cannot really die' state barring some extreme situations such as implied by Teshin (from what I'm gleaning). Again, this could be why Mirage may just be an 'imprint' now. Her Oro just...persisted until the current era could reclaim what knowledge she had.


Can't really say anything concrete here, but...it's a bit of a sombre thought, isn't it? The potential for Tenno that didn't have their Oro destroyed/consumed in the war to just be...'floating' in the System just...there. Waiting to live again, or to pass on something to their kin, so their fate isn't the same?


Wouldn't be the first time long dead warriors hold on until they can pass on something to others.


Any rate, Corrupted Ancient is nearing 50% last I saw so...a little while yet before we might get a bit more information on things.

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Well, I never meant to imply the Corrupted were Loyal, only they had been made to serve... 


Sorry I was being factious, I mean if you are stripping all semblance of autonomy and controlling a living being for your own benefit it would be odd to justify that and still call the beings "corrupted" but you might _do_ that to someone you had previously considered or have made "corrupt"

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Sorry I was being factious, I mean if you are stripping all semblance of autonomy and controlling a living being for your own benefit it would be odd to justify that and still call the beings "corrupted" but you might _do_ that to someone you had previously considered or have made "corrupt"


It's all very, very weird. Needs further clarification.

Any rate, Corrupted Ancient is nearing 50% last I saw so...a little while yet before we might get a bit more information on things.


Wait, really?


Wow, this is faster than I thought...

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Well, Teshin implied that the Sentients also have Oro, and they may have known that Mirage did, and stolen and destroyed it. What remained might have been merely a "void imprint" like the Grineer use to track Tenno activity.

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The Grineer track the void radiation we give off everywhere. Its probably like a slow radiactive leak at the best of times, flaring and starting cover everything near us during stress or strenous activity. I'm sure the Grineer and Corpus just figure, does it look like the void just showed up and slashed up our dudes? Must be a Tenno. It would be interesting if the Oro was tied to the void radiation but since the Orokin turned to the Void in desperation after the Sentients turned the Orokin Tech against them, it might be safe to say that Oro didn't come from the void if it existed before the Orokin turned to heavy research of the Void itself.

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