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De Needs To Prime The Prime Warframes.


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Ember Prime should get a free polarity.

If anyone has already formaed her, DE could at least compensate with 1 forma.



However I'm always in favour of Prime WFs being skins tho.

Edited by fatpig84
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Ember Prime should get a free polarity.

If anyone has already formaed her, DE could at least compensate with 1 forma.



However I'm always in favour of Prime WFs being skins tho.

That was the original idea until Rhino Prime came along and then the trend snowballed to the mess that is Volt Prime. If there's to be consistency, the originals deserve the same treatment, so:

Mag Prime should get a health buff to compensate for her small health pool, and a shield buff to signify her expertise over magnetism

Frost Prime should get either a speed or stamina boost to improve his mobility, and either an armor or health buff for his "mighty glacier" status.

I know some people said they should get energy buffs, but that's not really where they need improvement.

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Buff ember prime speed and health pool.


Buff mag prime energy pool. She's a gawdamn caster, if any frame deserves an energy pool buff, it's her.


Buff frost prime's armor. He's a tanker and armor affects his snow globe. Perfect.


Excal Prime AND regular Excal : Increased base attack speed with long swords, nikanas and dual swords by 0.1.

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As if Speed is a significant difference.

Depending on your play style it can be. Not everyone uses ridiculous copter melee weapons all the time. Some of us like to use other melees for one reason or another, meaning that speed boost has a value. Even for those it does have value since it determines how fast you can sprint short distances that are too short for a copter.

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Well the others could get something similar but really something that small won't change much.

Ember just needs a rework on her skills like excalibro is getting and mesa needs a nerf, same for saryn . Okay lets not say nerf and lets call it a re-balance. :D

How DARE you. Mesa is perfect the way she is. She was made to be the ultimate gunfighter and she is. As for Saryn, yes I agree that Miasma is WAY too overpowered.

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Mesa's four needs to be completely reworked. It's a disaster right now, and with a mag, turns into nonstop aimbotting. Yeah... like that's how her ability should be. 


Right now she isn't an ultimate gunfighter. She's just an aimbot turret. At least, the way people use her anyway. If people actually ran around like a gunfighter with her, using mostly her first three abilities, and peacemaker for a short time to clear a lot of dangerous mobs in a bad situation, the way it was likely intended, then we wouldn't be hearing about Mesa needing to be rebalanced. 


As for primes. Mag, Ember, and to a smaller extent Rhino, and to some extent Nyx I think? Were really shorted when it comes to getting anything but maybe an extra polarity. Scrublord Prime got a small sprint speed buff I think, but that's not really much help. 


It is kind of absurd that some newer primes (looking mostly at you Volt) get huge buffs that make the old Volt essentially obsolete, but older primes get almost nothing. 


However, I wonder if the reason behind it was balance all along? It makes me think that the buff to Volt wasn't so much because he was a prime, but because they thought Volt was too weak. If that was true though, they should have buffed all Volt's to some extent, because now the regular Volt (a starter still!) is completely and utterly outshined by his Prime variant. 

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