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Lotus: "chroma?!... No... It's Can't Be..." A Theory As To What That Means:


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In My idea chroma doesn't seen to be working with the sentient.

I mean look at the quest name Stolen dreams.

and when we reflect what that refers to us now Chroma is more likely has no operator he has no one dreaming he has no dreams just the energy still flows to him.

I always wonder if the operator is like battery giving the warframe energy.

What if the operator dies and its body preserved yet still connected to the transference.

That would then imply that the energy can still flow to the warframe but now all that is their is a warframe with power.

and as we viewed at the end of 2nd dream the warframe could move a little bit by itself without power given to it.But now with operator gone he still lives. And just referencing proto rhino in the codex we also got a warframe naure is reflected when transference isn't on so in turn it could just be the warframe that has lived for so long that has gain a greater level of sentient it talk about how the womb in the sky empty for him doesn't that just enforce he misses his operator.

In the end I feel like those arcan devices were just the devices that held connection to him which he thought would allow him the ability of

Searching for his stolen dreams.

I mean I am not sure but it make sense apart from it being control by the sentient not sure if that is possible with the idea I provided but it was possible for Alad V t control mesa warframe so I am all up for any changes.

Edited by Leavith
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Can't remember if we have to kill him in the end of the quest ^^ if not i'd love to see a new Chroma assassin geared by hunhow, which would mark you after killing a certain amount of sentient ^


Hunhow, breeder of champion.

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But remember this,Hunhow wasnt awake till Tyl regor open the vault ,so neither could any Sentients be controlling Chroma,oh and remember what he said?


"Empty is the Womb of the Sky"


After the Second Dream,your warframe pulls out the sword by itself,how? this could mean Warframes are alive in some way


The Chroma in The new strange was lamenting the loss of his operator,hence him going berserk


but thats just my guess   

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Uh super far out there. Wasn't expecting that op.

Personally I think chromas operator was killed somehow, maybe in the devastation that occurred on the moon, so that might be why lotus is so suprised, his operator died so his frame is just a husk, I think it most likely happened while he was fighting the infested and instead of destroying him, he was absorbed.

Empty is the womb of the sky? His link was cut from his operator.

P.s. still hoping we get a dragon pet, I want to use it while using chroma, when he is being stupid I just pop off my pelt and tell him that could happen to u.

Edited by PainXGain
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The more we know about the Sentient, the more this sounds legit.


I mean think about it y'all, Chroma's Vex Armor in particular shows this in terms of building up damage resistance (armor) the more damage he takes. And how Effigy's wings shares its pattern with the Pakal's and War's energy patterns.


StallordD's video of Hunhow here shows us how Granddaddy Lotus looks like, and I am seeing a lot of Chroma's pelt on him.

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But remember this,Hunhow wasnt awake till Tyl regor open the vault ,so neither could any Sentients be controlling Chroma,oh and remember what he said?

"Empty is the Womb of the Sky"

After the Second Dream,your warframe pulls out the sword by itself,how? this could mean Warframes are alive in some way

The Chroma in The new strange was lamenting the loss of his operator,hence him going berserk

but thats just my guess

You remove that piece of audio from the Arcane Machine, which means that was there for countless time, and I believe it is Hunhow speaking about the mission he gave to Natah and believe she had complete it.

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