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Rhino's Dignity Nerf


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When you, dear devs, decided to "balance" rhinos IS, you decided to nerf it hard.


I have no problems with 80% damage reduction, hell, you could go to no reduction at all!!!! 0, zero, nothing, nada!!!!


But the thing that ancient disruptor can drain me, intoxicate me etc... I mean what the heck where you thinking??? 


I would trade 0 damage reduction for the sake of not being KITED SO HARD when I cast that, once unpenetrable, white looking outfit.


When my team mates fall now on xini im useless. I stomp, just to get disrupted from another ancient or charger who was not stomped within the radius...


Ppl tend to leave when they see Rhino on xini now on lvl 5 for heated charge mod. Is that awesome mod or the thing that they have a liability and not someone u can count on anymore.


RHINO was one of few if not the only one who was able to go into abbys, swarm from hell, to get to team mate when he or she made mistake. NOW he can only be a sad witness of his capability to DO NOTHING!!!!  


With this "balance" of his ability u took his pride, his dignity, his essence.


RHINO isnt what was intended no more.


THATS just SAD... 

Edited by crncogorac
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The amount of moaning threads i've seen since the patch. Rhino lost his dignity a long time ago.


I understand that every player feels their gripe is far more important than the other millions and that somehow theirs gives additional insight and will save the day with but a few keystrokes, however, it won't.

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To be honest here to my guts, I enjoyed that feeling that other ppl had while playing xini


- we have rhino he may just sit for first 15 waves but when all the hell brake lose we will have a GUARDIAN ANGEL to get us from the swarm storm!!!


I want that back!!!

Edited by crncogorac
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The amount of moaning threads i've seen since the patch. Rhino lost his dignity a long time ago.


I understand that every player feels their gripe is far more important than the other millions and that somehow theirs gives additional insight and will save the day with but a few keystrokes, however, it won't.

Rhino lost his dignity a long time ago.  what?

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Rhino is still an awesome 'Frame. Iron Skin is good as it is now. if you need the Invul to survive you werent a good player Imho :/ I know another Rhino player who can do Pluto without sentinels and IS. Actualy he doesnt use the powers at all... Why dont people learn to avoid damage instead of standing still and taking everything head on? and the Ancients Just SHOOT THEM before they get close or Radial Blast them it knocks them down  If you are so keen on being invicible just take Trinity then.  I Possibly cant fathom why everyone has to rant about a darned FIX! they made IS the way its supposed to be. something to reduce the damage taken as IS is supposed to be. then add Rhino's armor to that and a decent armor mod and you take so litle damage...  (And the Ancients just kill them. i know its annoying but just live with it... in the end ITS JUST A GAME. If you get angry about it please take a break man. take a chill pill go watch sports or a documentary for all i care just cool down then come back and think.

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Everything you just said is WHY they nerfed rhino.


Being able to run in, alone, into an innumerate volume of infested and pick somebody up with the press of a button



Revives, teamwork, ultimates

They exist for a reason.



a one button wonder so strong that it can save entire teams should not exist, reason or otherwise.


The nerf doesn't make rhino unplayable, it simply brings him in line with other warframes.



RHINOS was one of few if not the only one who was able to go into abbys, swarm from hell, to get to team mate when he or she made mistake.


Right there, that's where you should see why you're wrong.


"He or she made a mistake"


If you make a mistake, you deserve to reap the consequences.

You should not be alone sorrounded by infested in a high level defence mission

Mistakes should not be rectified just because a rhino decided to hit the "Give no S#&$s" button.

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What do u do if Excalibur makes only 5% wrong angle when he tries to slash and dash and get himself in a wrong place??????? 


Oh and btw I know coupla of ppl who can solo xini to lvl 15 easy. Everyone knows some incredibly skilled person who can SOLO SOMETHING. But what about that Excalibur i mentioned??? or other 80% of CASUAL PLAYERS who used to count on ur help to get them out of bad situations???

TRY TO HELP, rush there, stomp there, cast iron skin and do nothing even if u have 1000/700 shield/hp????


Oh and I saw big satisfaction in a lot of ppl cuz this nerf happened. Then I realized they were ENVY the whole freaking time!!!!!!! They just had a complex of inferiority that is now ended cuz they nerfed Rhino. 

Human nature - instead of asking for more, they are now happy cuz someone can do less!!!


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That was...

some pretty S#&$ty english.



And what's stopping the other 3 people helping the excalibur who made a 5% "wrong angle" with his slash dash?

(We'll ignore the fact that a 5% change in angle really, really doesn't change the outcome of a slash dash)

Surely 3 people can run in and help him up

If not, then the situation is so grim that excalibur should not have been slash dashing if such a minor error resulted in a garunteed death.


What's more, if such a situation were to arise, rhino should not be able to run in alone and save the guy.



You don't understand, just because you could before, and it can do cool things, doesn't mean it should be there.


It'd be like arguing the twin vipers should do 200 damage a shot (How else could you solo to wave 80!?)

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As i said and it concerns all the ppl asking for nerf on everything that they dont like- 



Human nature - instead of asking for more, they are now happy cuz someone can do less!!!

Edited by crncogorac
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Calm down Tenno, I think stun/disruptor/toxic immunity will be restored with the next patch/update which literally within arm's reach. The 80% DR just change Rhino's gameplay into more brain, less reflex. Just use it before you decide to run head on into large group of mobs instead of in the middle of them.


However, Rhino still suffers from a bit of redundancy in power design though. Radial blast and Rhino stomp still too similar imo.

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What is the Point of having abilities if they are useless?

Isn't this game about having different warframes with different playstyles and abilities to do different things?

Well a Rhino to me is a TANK. Standing there, taking damage. A nerf was in order, but should have been taken out on the time-limit for the IronSkin, like instead of 15 seconds it may only last maybe 8 seconds to make it challenging again. Maybe raise the energy cost to use it, something along those lines.


Like someone mentioned earlier in this thread - people should learn to avoid damage, to use the weapons from a distance e.t.c. Well mate, what's the Point of this game if you can go out and buy Battlefield och Call of Duty and be a sniper on a roof somewhere? If that's what you want then there are games suitable for you out there.


This is in the Space. The Warframes are "space ninjas". If they have no abilities that makes them individual from the other frames, then this game has lost its purpose.


A Tank can take more damage. Simple as that.


So was it really the correct way to nerf the Rhino to this extent?

I don't even play as a Rhino, but the nerfing makes Little sense to me.

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(We'll ignore the fact that a 5% change in angle really, really doesn't change the outcome of a slash dash)


Not trying to argue on the "Rhino saving Excalibur's &#!" or anything but it actually does.


Particularly if you have a high level continuity mod.


5% change in angle can send you off the edge of a platform and really far away from the cryopod, enough for the cryopod to be destroyed by the time you get back.

Edited by OoKeNnEtHoO
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Everything you just said is WHY they nerfed rhino.


Being able to run in, alone, into an innumerate volume of infested and pick somebody up with the press of a button



Revives, teamwork, ultimates

They exist for a reason.



a one button wonder so strong that it can save entire teams should not exist, reason or otherwise.


The nerf doesn't make rhino unplayable, it simply brings him in line with other warframes.


Please explain the the fourth ability button. Doesn't that do the same thing? Avalanche, Radial Javelin, Overload etc, you still press a button infested don't bug you cuz they're dead. How is that any different? Frost go in, press 4, Frost press revive. How is that simpler then Rhino go in, press 2, Rhino revive? HELL you even deal damage! How much do you want to bet a Frost doing that can deal more damage then a Rhino would using 2 Iron Skins 7/10 times?


As for armour making him a tank, I think there's a minor misconception that armour reduces overall damage to health which does not come back automatically without rejuvenation and might I remind you Rhino has the slowest sprint speed out of all the warframes (only matched by the Frost I believe) and this extra armour is generally used to help the Rhino reach it's cover rather then prolong it's time in battle. Now if armour affected shield duration I'd take my statement back but sadly it doesn't.

Edited by jrkong
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You've obviously never used avalanche against ancients.... it barely scratches them, about 200 damage iirc. Freeze can work, as it will freeze the target, but it's a single target and will get broken the minute your manical team mate gets trigger happy. Snow globe can be good for it, but you still take full damage, unlike Rhino.

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You've obviously never used avalanche against ancients.... it barely scratches them, about 200 damage iirc. Freeze can work, as it will freeze the target, but it's a single target and will get broken the minute your manical team mate gets trigger happy. Snow globe can be good for it, but you still take full damage, unlike Rhino.

I have used avalanche before sure it doesn't kill off ancients but it doesn't take long to kill off an ancient or 2 after the room is cleared of the more squishy infecteds especially if you had 2 other trigger happy teammates with you. Besides if the room was that full of infecteds is it not counter productive for the invincible Rhino to revive his teammate anyways as in all likelihood the teammate will die in a matter of moments after being revived (I've seen it happen several times).

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