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Ps4: Tubemen Of Regor (16.5.9 - 16.7.2 +Hotfixes)


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Drew's post about his announced dedicated presence on the PS4 forums was one of the posts I actually was looking for to highlight that issue. I have also experienced several of my posts moved to PC feedback. Posting in PS4 specific feedback was just as good as not posting at all.

If your posts were moved to PC Specific Feedback, this is obviously wrong.

If your posts were moved to General Feedback, Warframe Feedback, etc, this is correct.

Posts pertaining to all platforms belong in the feedback subforums for all platforms.

Posts pertaining directly to PS4 specific things, such as control schemes and certain UI functions, belong in PS4 specific feedback.

If you thread had asked for a change to enemy behavior, Warframe abilities, etc, this is feedback for all platforms and belongs in said feedback sections.

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Regarding those complaining that DE is holding things back from us:


They certainly didn't hesitate to give us update 16.7.2, they could have waited and released both updates for both consoles when they were ready, but they didn't - we got content ahead of XB1 because I suppose it was ready sooner due to certification time differences or something? 


If they are holding ONE skin back for a few days / a week  - so what?


I don't consider that a break in promise from DE, or holding back content.  We, on PS4 currently have several reinforcements which XB1 has not received yet.  Imagine how they feel (XB1 Community), yet here we sit complaining about a "Skin".  


I'm not trying to be rude in any way, shape or form, but please try to show some patience guys!  They work seriously hard on this stuff.  If they are holding the Nemesis Skin back until XB1 can have it at the same time, then there must be a good reason for it.

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Regarding those complaining that DE is holding things back from us:


They certainly didn't hesitate to give us update 16.7.2, they could have waited and released both updates for both consoles when they were ready, but they didn't - we got content ahead of XB1 because I suppose it was ready sooner due to certification time differences or something? 


If they are holding ONE skin back for a few days / a week  - so what?


I don't consider that a break in promise from DE, or holding back content.  We, on PS4 currently have several reinforcements which XB1 has not received yet.  Imagine how they feel (XB1 Community), yet here we sit complaining about a "Skin".  


I'm not trying to be rude in any way, shape or form, but please try to show some patience guys!  They work seriously hard on this stuff.  If they are holding the Nemesis Skin back until XB1 can have it at the same time, then there must be a good reason for it.


At the end of the day it feels like we are being punished because of a console we are not even playing on.


Sometimes the devs make stupid decisions this was one of those cases. No matter how much we make it clear we do not like this it will not make them release the skin. All of the complaints are really for nothing mine included considering the likely hood of them addressing this any further is unlikely. Although i am pretty sure no one wants to see this on a larger scale then just a skin. 


Also heart arrows wait wut.....>_> 

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Regarding those complaining that DE is holding things back from us:


They certainly didn't hesitate to give us update 16.7.2, they could have waited and released both updates for both consoles when they were ready, but they didn't - we got content ahead of XB1 because I suppose it was ready sooner due to certification time differences or something? 


If they are holding ONE skin back for a few days / a week  - so what?


I don't consider that a break in promise from DE, or holding back content.  We, on PS4 currently have several reinforcements which XB1 has not received yet.  Imagine how they feel (XB1 Community), yet here we sit complaining about a "Skin".  


I'm not trying to be rude in any way, shape or form, but please try to show some patience guys!  They work seriously hard on this stuff.  If they are holding the Nemesis Skin back until XB1 can have it at the same time, then there must be a good reason for it.

a few days or a week? lol try a month also it was not just the skin but the raid as well 

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Despite some setbacks and even some "broken promises" it still beats developers who dont even bother addressing the community. Overall, DE is awesome man.

The setbacks we're experiencing are not intentional. DE doesn't go to work, kick their feet up and laugh at the forums, these cats get to work. If they're lining up some content to come out on both consoles its not cause they want ps4 players to wait.

This game is getting bigger by the update. If we start giving em heat over a setback here and there soon these cats will go from beer to hard liquor on their devstream.

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At the end of the day it feels like we are being punished because of a console we are not even playing on.


Sometimes the devs make stupid decisions this was one of those cases. No matter how much we make it clear we do not like this it will not make them release the skin. All of the complaints are really for nothing mine included considering the likely hood of them addressing this any further is unlikely. Although i am pretty sure no one wants to see this on a larger scale then just a skin. 


Also heart arrows wait wut.....>_> 


Like I said, we received the update before XB1, which would be considered larger scale than the skin, so do I think it will happen on a larger scale than a cosmetic? No not unless absolutely necessary -  Let me give an example by addressing the following:



a few days or a week? lol try a month also it was not just the skin but the raid as well 


 The Trial would certainly be considered larger scale, but it was held back so that they could optimize the game so the trial would actually be "enjoyable".  Even after the optimizations it is crashing at times (but it is very enjoyable in my experience thus far.)  If they would have released our trials when they initially planned to, without optimizations first I am assuming that it would've just caused more problems and frustration for both us and DE.  


Additionally, the time reference "a few days or a week" was an example.  A month?  Ok, that's fine, but my point still stands.  If it had been 3 - 4 months, and we still hadn't heard a chirp about it from the devs, then okay, I could see some complaints coming in for something that is simply cosmetic.


Please, don't get me wrong guys, you all are definitely entitled to your opinion, and if you really feel this strongly about the skin not being released on Ps4, then by all means, please continue to express your frustration in a civil manner as you are doing. I was simply expressing my opinion on the matter, thats all!  :-)


Oh, and the Heart Arrows, I honestly don't know.  I do know that this same thing happened with one of the color pickers once. (St. Patricks day I think?), which rolled back around for us and was released to us the next time around.  Maybe this will be the case with the heart arrows?

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If they are holding ONE skin back for a few days / a week  - so what?


If they are holding the Nemesis Skin back until XB1 can have it at the same time, then there must be a good reason for it.


First point:

 Not right away, but soon. Soon the ETA will be soon. It's soon to be soon. Soon soon.

I didn't miss this yet did I? This is one of the few platinum glamour items that actually feels worth the money; just like proto Excalibur and proto glaive.

Soon apparently became Not so Soon after all.

Still hasn't come out....for some reason.

So any news on the Nyx skin I feel like it's been forgotten about, what's the hold up??

No news on the nyx skin?

The only two reasons I can think of are: Don't want to release it while there's three extra items in the market (false prophet) or waiting for prime access so that more people have platinum. Still, news would be nice.

Any news about the Nyx Nemesis Skin?

Just to confirm, we did have plans to release the Nyx skin today, but we have to wait a little longer, unfortunately. 

Don't quote me on this, but


I don't think it will be made available through the PSN store.  It will more than likely be made available for for a limited time through the in-game Warframe Market for Platinum.  (Example:  Day of the dead skins / Excalibur's Proto skin)


I was watching the Devstream and from what I could tell, it looked like there was some sort of issue that is going to cause another certification to happen in order to get us the Nyx Nemesis skin.  I don't know if they will submit a cert for us for "Just the skin" or if we will have to wait until the next "big" cert. 


I'm not even entirely sure that it is a problem that needs certification to fix, this is just what I gathered from what I saw on the stream.


I hope this information is at least somewhat helpful!

I saw you Drew in the relay today next to Darvo. You and your Nova. Were you talking to him about his new delivery of nemesis skins being delayed due to formarions? Also, I stood beside you in the relay for half an hour waving and trying to meditate with you, are we not friends? (Got some screen shots too)

The Nyx Skin requires us to go through cert to make a necessary change. However, we are bundling a few other things with the fix. 

Nemesis nyx skin eta? 


Drew, when will the Nyx Nemesis Skin be avaliable? :P

Drew man don't make us wait another extra week for that skin I'm begging you

So ETA on nyx skin??? where is it update is live......no skin and DARVO IS STILL BROKEN!

Nyx nemesis skin time.........now! 

so when will the skin get here

DE Drew, any info regarding the nemesis skin?


A few days a week? So what? Sorry try again.


Second point:


I'm quite sure most of us would have no problem whatsoever if they actually gave us a reason. Instead of being upfront about the issue from the start they chose the silent treatment and not giving proper information. Which if you have read posts #378, #395 and #398 actually is a more deeper issue than "just a skin".


So if they had a good reason for it they would surely have known why and certainly when we could expect it. Instead we get:


4.june :Not right away, but soon. Soon the ETA will be soon. It's soon to be soon. Soon soon.


12.jun: We did have plans to release the Nyx skin today, but we have to wait a little longer, unfortunately.


15.jun: The Nyx Skin requires us to go through cert to make a necessary change


22.jun: It'll be available on PS4 and XB1 at the same time. We're waiting to coordinate them together.


Why not just say: The Nyx skin will be released as soon as both version of XX go live on PS4 and XB1.


It is all about communication......

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Event is tied   n the rewards are 50k creds Nef       vs    150k Alad         18 hours left.  If   event doesnt end fair becuz DE is lazy Im  deleting app.    B4 u ppl tell me to calm down ill stop u now.    Theres no point in doin events or even playing a game if its completely biased on all platforms.   I wouldnt have even ran it more than the reqired 4 times if i knew the outcome  was predetermined.         Not a doom thread just opinion.     RIGGED EVENT   =TRASH      here comes a forum ban n it wasnt even beligerent or obnoxiously wriiten.  Just opinionated which is a no-no to these forums

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Event is tied   n the rewards are 50k creds Nef       vs    150k Alad         18 hours left.  If   event doesnt end fair becuz DE is lazy Im  deleting app.    B4 u ppl tell me to calm down ill stop u now.    Theres no point in doin events or even playing a game if its completely biased on all platforms.   I wouldnt have even ran it more than the reqired 4 times if i knew the outcome  was predetermined.         Not a doom thread just opinion.     RIGGED EVENT   =TRASH      here comes a forum ban n it wasnt even beligerent or obnoxiously wriiten.  Just opinionated which is a no-no to these forums

Dude your opinion is welcome, but try not to go in hard on the Devs, cos at the end of the day it's a game, a Beta at that.


Your post seems fine to me, but that is my opinion, don't delete buddy, have fun :)

Edited by (PS4)D-onlinekilla-4D
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Ive been more than lenient. And as I said if there is no choice in a predetermined outcome theres no sense in acting like choices matter. I'm not the only 1 that feels this way and i'm not speaking solely on my behalf.   It needed to b said and if I retire my account, I'd rather it be well known.  So pretty sure i'm chill. 

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Is prime accessories pack worth the $60? I got it saved up on my PSN but I'm not sure if I should get PA or buy Batman or something...

If you enjoy Warframe it is definitely worth the $60. I purchased mine last week and I've been very satisfied, you receive exclusive prime Edo armor and a nice sugatra for melee, both of which have a cool electric energy flowing through it. On top of this, you receive a large amount of platinum AND 90 days worth of credit and affinity boosters.

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Event is tied   n the rewards are 50k creds Nef       vs    150k Alad         18 hours left.  If   event doesnt end fair becuz DE is lazy Im  deleting app.    B4 u ppl tell me to calm down ill stop u now.    Theres no point in doin events or even playing a game if its completely biased on all platforms.   I wouldnt have even ran it more than the reqired 4 times if i knew the outcome  was predetermined.         Not a doom thread just opinion.     RIGGED EVENT   =TRASH      here comes a forum ban n it wasnt even beligerent or obnoxiously wriiten.  Just opinionated which is a no-no to these forums


Agreed, heartily. Maybe with the exception of opinions being unaccepted on the forums.

Next event I hope the rewards are more balanced, ToR has been disappointing & frustrating to say the least for those of us "supporting" Nef.  I just wanted to see the story be genuinely affected by player decisions. That doesn't exactly work if there are huge differences between these factions/sub-factions reward pay-outs because it encourages those who aren't following the game to be involved in the story to flock to whichever side pays better on any given battle without regard for the final outcome.

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On the bright side, Nef won anyways. Just goes to show how supportive the PS4 community was in hopes of finally getting exclusive content and a timed exclusive weapon for us after two years of receiving hand-me-down content from PC. Despite the rewards being very in favor of Alad (Nef never gave more than 50k creds or 20 uncommon cores, while Alad gave numerous potatoes and rare cores) we still in the end got what we wanted.

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