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Tennogen Vol. 2: Player Avatars!


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Question. I saw some some submissions here that I think are really awesome BUT they did not add in the  .psd file


Does that disqualify them?


it does apparently

Wrong. Go read OP carefully. It says " We must submit .psd at the end of the contest in order to win ". Also why would we want to post it in public anyways?

Edited by -OP-Skretax
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Who doesn't like our mad cephalon Ordis, even while he is responsible for "those" things, that happend while he can't remember it!






(didn't think it would be this hard but the original was like 16:9 and i had  to draw half of the cephalon myself ;p but it looks great in the very smal size of an avatar)

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Question. I saw some some submissions here that I think are really awesome BUT they did not add in the  .psd file


Does that disqualify them?



it does apparently




Wrong. Go read OP carefully. It says " We must submit .psd at the end of the contest in order to win ". Also why would we want to post it in public anyways?

Exactly that.
We don't have to post/ add a .psd here in this thread. If a submission is going to win, the user must give the .psd "at the end of the contest" to DE/ 1 of the DE-staff.
There is no need to include a .psd file in the submission we make in this thread. Some people do it , but you don't have to (If I make it into the next round I will probably post my .psd in the design council thread for funsies)
Edited by Fabpsi
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Here's what I've got so far. Unfortunately, I did this in Paint.NET (because I remember it having more options than Krita for actually editing things like screenshots, and I didn't feel like using Photoshop), and Paint.NET's a piece of crap that won't allow saving as .psd, but I can make a proper 400x400 .psd later today.


eugh liset background y no freecam

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I wanted to keep my submission simple to fit with the ones currently in game.

Submission: The very simple, and very cute, Kubrow smile.


fictdsk.png fictdskb.png

Kubrow Smile http://imgur.com/fictdsk



I also made this one, but I didn't think it would look good as a smaller avatar unfortunately.

Maybe you guys think otherwise. Let me know and I'll use it instead.


ATxbFTo.png ATxbFTob.png

Rising Sun http://imgur.com/ATxbFTo

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