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Bot Paranoia Gone Wild


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So I go into Neruda on Mercury to unlock Caduceus to work on my Archwing....


But of course a level 45 assassin has to show up, kill me, and waste one of my revives.


Understand something.  You Developers choose and design the mechanics of the entire in-game currency and cost tables for all commodities from money to time.  You choose to make a direct relationship between credits and those who spend money on the game.  You therefore choose to set up a situation where people take the time to look for credits in even the lower missions.  And when we find a mission to do over and over to earn a large amount of credits and you nerf it.  You thwart respect for your own design, the game's rules, while causing player dissatisfaction by doing these things.  We try to plan based on what we can generate and you make sure that the plan is regularly interrupted even if it follows the game's rules.


If only you Developes could appreciate that we aren't out to play a game seeking to be impoverished.  Of course the elitists and veteran players will boast of all they have and how easy credits are yada yada to counter the idea that new players are impoverished and being kept that way, but the bigger question is:  Developers are you saying your game has no room for new players, to make sure the new player experience is BETTER than it was for those Veterans and others, so you can encourage a higher percentage of the new player population to WANT to spend money on the game?


By these efforts to disrupt us when following the game's rules, and to make sure in-game currency is so controlled, the message you send is that you don't need old players to return and you don't need new players, that instead you are going to rely on the Veteran players alone to carry the game into the future, guaranteeing stagnance as a way to keep a naturally shrinking player base.  Apparently you are unaware that the shrinking loyal player base is a sign that you can and will run out of Veteran players when the latest and greatest game that excites them comes out (when they see Warframe as old and routine, where future expansions seem to be merely repeating the past with new graphics, nothing more.  Warframe has to appear and then retain a feeling of being new and exciting for new players you promote to, and for that new player influx to grow.  The retention is by in-game chat not regularly featuring activities that show player boredom instead of player interest in the game and enthusiasm (e.g. talking about other games, french fries, etc., and not about the next patch, builds and missions).


How's that work when you're so busy imposing an ideological economics upon the players instead of letting them express their own financial, and thereby build, strategy, social, and other interests by how they play the game?  Do you really think if you keep executing code that kills players and, over a few missions, exhausts all their revives on the Warframe they want to play and may be trying to level up that you'll FORCE them to buy some, FORCE them to spend money on the game?  Do you really think, in light of the boasting wealthy veteran players, that you're inhibiting a wealthy class in the game by what appears a developer paranoid imposition of bot controls that only make a player whose just trying to open up a whole planet on their navication list, that is now ticked off they can't level their frame, is going to then spend real money in your shop?  I strongly suggest you consider that whoever does believe this is who needs to be fired, be it one or a collective of many.  Players express ourselves by how we play.  We often play to b free from a variety of real world things, or to get our minds off of things sometimes just so we can gain a fresh perspective to tackle them later, or for a SIMPLE dose of fun.  Doing a simple 3-5 level mission just to open up a part of the map shouldn't be a cause for a level 45 control code imposition on any player.  Again, you have control of the maps, what locks and unlocks, on top of having designed the game's entire economy.  You designed the map so I have to do this mission to unlock the sector next door.  As the player who is killed, I can tell you it is received as "I follow your game rules and am penalized."


I'll strongly suggest (though of course this will be lost on the deaf ears of Devs and the elitist class in the game), that you review these things with full vision, with a macro focus to be sure you're not undermining your own game's rules and player respect for them by penalizing players for following them.  Though there is an ideology that runs by this method, this merely means there are those who will oppress, and in this case of a game wanting more players and more people spending money on their game, "suppress" the very market you are seeking to court for money out of our pockets.


So the feedback, if it isn't clear:


1) Do away with the bot paranoia assassin for missions where the financial outcome is nominal at best; or,


2) Make the assassin a player option toggle (again for missions either of nominal financial income, or below level 10, or where the condition of a player seeming to have only 20% of the locations of a planet left to do, they aren't unnecessarily penalized for following the rules and making a game play effort to finish opening up a planet).  And for those who leave the assassin on, if they beat him they gain a rare item such as a vaulted prime frame, an event reward, or an opportunity to be the assassin of whoever sent the assassin against them and will gain whatever treasure that person had including vaulted items etc.



Warframe's future isn't dependent on a past who can abandon it at a moment's notice, and will if bored, which is pretty common as hardware, from CPU to display resolution, continues to become better and better.  Warframe's future is dependent on an growing group of new players sold by a great first impression of the game who then are encouraged to volunteer to support the game and spend money based on their first week to month's great player experience of game and community.  This leads to an easy decision for a business to build toward their future, a difficult one for ideologues trying to communicate and inculcate an agenda who require a drum beat of whatever message they are trying to send and must uphold a consistency to the past.  And anyone disagreeing, you're entitled to your opinion, but so too am I entitled to mine, and I am stating how the game is being received, and clearly by more than myself, with such a lackluster player base whose loyalty is to a game's state that isn't even finished, imposing their assumption and making every effort to hold back the development for the sake of what the game is now to them in their niche, irrespective of Developers, employees, bandwidth, etc., and all those involved in developing and maintaining these things needing to be paid, to feed their families, to put their kids through college, etc.  Things have to change for them to achieve these things with enough consistency they have a sense of security, and can begin to pursue new developments both for Warframe and as new game projects because this will require a lot more players and a larger percentage of those who are playing purchasing from the game store.  Anyone wanting to cite some new feature of the game to claim the game is fine, consider that invested money is borrowed, that the investor wants their money back and with a profit as well, spent borrowed money isn't a game sustaining itself, it is a game going under and the developments done in this setting are a "Hail Mary" pass by the losing team in an American Football game, often fumbled out of haste and pressure to turn the tide of the game.


And to you Warframe veterans, for the most part most of you should you're adverse to change but doubt you are ready to spend hundreds more a month to keep Warframe open and expanding. A long history of failed though well made games proves that the next similar game to Warframe that costs you 1/2 or 1/4 of what you spend now will get you to abandon Warframe regardless of whatever intensity you express in arguments to keep Warframe stagnant and its market small.  By the rules of instanity i guess you'll choose to repeat that history and not be considerate of the Developer and the gaming industry, today's and the future's industry of the interactive storyteller where we are interactive characters in the story.

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Assasins are here to stay, Infact they have a low chance of spawning per mission, (5%).

They aren't exactly that challenging either really, If it's Stalker, when he contacts you in the mission alert your squad about it, they will more than likely help out.

Edited by Latiac
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Wut? Something about a level 45 assassin, then a rant about the developer's mechanics, something about not playing a game seeking to be imoverished, something about elitists/veterans, then another thing about idealogical income, efforts of disrupting even though following the game's rules, then some bashing on the 'elitists' and veterans, something about suppressing the market you're trying to court, finally something that actually entails what the title suggests, and then some more stuff about warframe's future and being abandoned instantly, something about CPUs and hardware resolution, more bashing on veterans/elitists, etc.

What exactly are you talking about? This is a game, not an economy simulator.

Literally only 2 things that have something to do with what the title implies. Not sure if this is some sort of conspiracy thread, or just someone explaining that assassins should be removed in a very, VERY convoluted way that involves far too much explanations, while not really providing an actual reason to why they should be removed.

I understand that english might not be your main language, but if that's the case, then why not type that out in your main language, there are plenty of people that will be able to read and understand it, some even working for DE, and if you're so compelled to type this in english, please keep it simple, because if it's as long as that is, you're guaranteed to have many people confused and wondering what you're talking about, like me.


Assassins are meant to be a challenge, that reward well in the form of a blueprint for a unique weapon. If the assassin is level 45, then that means you're playing with either a high ranking player, or your conclave score is very high. If you're playing in solo mode, then be advised that this game wasn't designed for solo mode, nothing is easier if it's just you in a mission. If you want credits, then run some void missions, or simply run some easy missions on mercury.

Edited by PhoenixElite
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Post is long and difficult to follow.


A couple of observations,


* Higher level missions give more credits. A LOT more. Farming low level stuff for credits is not an efficient use of your time. Void and dark sectors (while not taxed) give big chunks of cash, and keep your eyes open for the 5-digit sums offered by alerts. Sell excess mods (they are worth 200/500/1k credits each!), sell excess stuff like Oberon parts or duplicate blueprints from login rewards.


* Assassins have a very small random chance to turn up regardless of level of the mission. The game is not trying to discourage you from pushing into more profitable areas.


* Every frame has its own set of 4 revives, and they are refilled for free every day.


* Beating an assassin has a chance to drop unique sigils and parts/blueprints for signature weapons.


* Game's difficulty does not adapt to solo play. If you play alone, you are opting for hardmode.

Edited by Momaw
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Level 45 assassin? You mean the stalker (Somoky, black+red, whispery fellow)?


You have described a pay-to-win system, which Warframe has been extremely famous for avoiding. If anything Warframe hold a pay-to-not-farm system, in which you pay real money instead of running the same missions over and over to get a part or resources so you can get/build your neat frame or gun. However, I bet DE gets most of their money off of cosmetic sales. Since we're on this topic, there is not one single bit of content that you cannot experience by not spending real money. Pretty much everything you see that isn't cosmetics you can get by doing. Seriously. Want that frame? Kill this boss. Want that gun? Go spend credits to get a blueprint and farm on that planet for those resources.


I see you're new to F2P MMO's. Most MMO's implement a revive/redo system in where you spend a point to continue your mission half-way, and once you run out, game over. Restart from the beginning. Then once you run out of those points, you either wait the 24 hours, or spend some real money to refill it.


Most mission-interrupting assassins will go away either if they are killed, or the target player is killed. If and when they hit, their mark goes away. Moreover, such assassins have an extremely low chance of actually appearing. Many players like I go out of their way to obtain the assassins' marks (because they drop special somethings), but rarely see them actually attack (you'll be able to safely run a few hundred missions before one attacks you).


Lastly, I know you're upset from losing all your revives, but developer/community bashing isn't going to help. If you need help in some mission, in the chat box, on the "Recruiting" tab, tell what you're doing and ask for help. More times than not, you'll get a few people saying that they can help. If you genuinely think there's an issue with the difficulty to new, incoming players, explain your situation and thoughts in full and complete detail.

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Assasins are here to stay, Infact they have a low chance of spawning per mission, (5%).

They aren't exactly that challenging either really, If it's Stalker, when he contacts you in the mission alert your squad about it, they will more than likely help out.

no that cheap bich stalker only appears for me when i just fomaed my frame or took crappy weapons unranked, and what squad can do if he oneshots anything low lvl? - he just does his job and turns into his cheap invulnerability state and vanishes, so that he cant even get what he deserves and not leting your teammates to avenge for you. Hate him cheap fuk pus bich. 

Edited by Grom-84
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no that cheap bich stalker only appears for me when i just fomaed my frame or took crappy weapons unranked, and what squad can do if he oneshots anything low lvl? - he just does his job and turns into his cheap invulnerability state and vanishes, so that he cant even get what he deserves and not leting your teammates to avenge for you. Hate him cheap fuk pus bich. 


Stalker 101.


He one shots you (well, a lot of the time) with his bow. Arrows have a flight time. If Stalker comes after you and you have a team, stay mobile to avoid the arrows and let your team deal with him. He focuses on the player he's come to kill. If you're solo you can try side-scraping a corner, taunt him into shooting while you are millimeters from cover and then get a few hits while he reloads. Or just get close and circle strafe him. His melee weapon is nowhere near as deadly as his bow (but run away if he starts Absorbing). Heck, if your sentinel is pumped enough then it's easily possible your sentinel can kill him for you.

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So I go into Neruda on Mercury to unlock Caduceus to work on my Archwing....


But of course a level 45 assassin has to show up, kill me, and waste one of my revives.


You killed a boss somewhere and got a mark. Then you complain as Assassin came after you.


He killed you, and instead of restarting the mission with the mark now gone, you used a revive ... on a Sabotage Lev 3-5 mission?


You are MR4 and have a maxed Excalibur, Ember and a Mag, yet you chose to burn the revive. A Sabotage mission takes 2 minutes to run on a Maxed Frame on Mercury.


You are really complaining over nothing.


... and another thing: Zero revives means you can't "revive in mission" anymore, it does not mean "you cant play that Frame anymore". If you are getting killed so often that you need to burn revives, you are playing the game rather badly.

Edited by DSpite
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Stalker 101.


He one shots you (well, a lot of the time) with his bow. Arrows have a flight time. If Stalker comes after you and you have a team, stay mobile to avoid the arrows and let your team deal with him. He focuses on the player he's come to kill. If you're solo you can try side-scraping a corner, taunt him into shooting while you are millimeters from cover and then get a few hits while he reloads. Or just get close and circle strafe him. His melee weapon is nowhere near as deadly as his bow (but run away if he starts Absorbing). Heck, if your sentinel is pumped enough then it's easily possible your sentinel can kill him for you.

You described a perfect scenario without infested running around) and i cant imagine what youll need to equip on sentinel that he would be able to kill stalker) probably you think that any novice player have maxed sentinel fully stuffed with 8 formas and catalysts on his weapons, has maxed primed point blank or maxed serration+heavy+piercing caliber or something like that? try to kill him solo with mag for example having as a main weapon paris or a braton your expirience will be different try to refresh it. My only problem with him for now is that i may not be fast enough getting to a teammate which stalk is hunting on, or his cheap invulnerability when he leaves(not absorb sphere)  

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