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Some Things I Don't Get About The New Event Poisoned Seeds.


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before I start ill say that im not complaining exactly. im just pointing out some things I found that had flawed logic in the event.


and before someone says it, don't worry I know its just a game and doesn't really have to make sense :)


but for a bit of discussion im writing down the things that didn't make any sense to me.


first off, how frohd bek tells you not to use melee weapons otherwise you might spread the juggernaut spores.




what spores? I never seen any signs if them while I was hunting the corpus capture targets. and did he ever consider how big of an impact some weapons can do.


like for instance my jat kittag. I was pulling off so many ground slams with it that I might as well be using a penta. by the end I bet I would  have sprayed spores all over the place.







next is the infected goop on the walls. why is it there? from what I understood the corpus renegades are carrying around a few seeds in canisters, not spraying all over the walls with super soakers.



the next thing I don't get is how the renegades were even allowed to be on venus or jupiter. carrying and using infested stuff is against corpus law.



and from how many corpus are sent after you when you do a mission on venus or jupiter, I doubt the renegades could have wiped out the entire security force and then set up base in both of those places.






and then theres eris. how in the void did they set up shop in eris!? that place is an infested bomb shell ever since alad ruined it. and now there are moa's and crewmen patrolling the place with no infested in sight.



another question I did have but I answered myself was why are the corpus in the last mission working with you. but then I realized they were beks men and not the renegades.




also with how well a single bura can take a juggernaut I don't get why bek needs any help on the last mission at all.



anyway that's all.


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Hmm... Oh... Yeah... I see...spores... melee weapons.... .... Yes... (go to the last line)....a single Bursa can take care of juggernaut...








I think he tried to make this legible, but it doesn't work to me.


edit : What I wanted to say...is  that they have happened from LOOONG ago(restrictions; conclave ratings, weapons, whatever...) (background; DE wants, that's it.) and will continue forever... and on.. and on..




Anyways, of course the capture mission stage chasing Nulifier target was happening at Infested Ship since Bek sends message to us that Black Seed have let Juggernaut Spores to escape.


Better discuss why is it so tough to kill.

Edited by Evansmaan
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Hmm... Oh... Yeah... I see...spores... melee weapons.... .... Yes... (go to the last line)....a single Bursa can take care of juggernaut...








I think he tried to make this legible, but it doesn't work to me.

A problem of yours.

It's comprensible and has its points.

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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Yeah, my first thought on hearing we had to go melee to prevent spore spread was 'A +300% Blast damage Jat Kittag is fine but I can't use an Ignis?  Y'know, fire being used to dispose of contagious biological matter for centuries...'


I would guess that the renegade operatives have been working incognito on Venus and Jupiter until now.  They probably weren't handing out business cards and Black Seed promotional leaflets.


When you are on Eris is when the infested are there in stage 4.  Stage 3 is actually orbiting Europa.  Although it uses the Eris tileset as the Black Seed operatives have wrecked a ship with their messing with infested stuff.  Will these people never learn?

Edited by Katinka
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Yeah, my first thought on hearing we had to go melee to prevent spore spread was 'A +300% Blast damage Jat Kittag is fine but I can't is an Ignis?  Y'know, fire being used to dispose of contagious biological matter for centuries...'


I would guess that the renegade operatives have been working incognito on Venus and Jupiter until now.  They probably weren't handing out business cards and Black Seed promotional leaflets.


When you are on Eris is when the infested are there in stage 4.  Stage 3 is actually orbiting Europa.  Although it uses the Eris tileset as the Black Seed operatives have wrecked a ship with their messing with infested stuff.  Will these people never learn?

for your second point. it made sense at first but how would one of the black seed members explain their ship getting scanned for infestation? they had that stuff all over the walls.


also you make a good point that its their own ship that they are stuffing around with but again. how could they avoid being scanned and blown up by the local corpus navy?

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Anyways, of course the capture mission stage chasing Nulifier target was happening at Infested Ship since Bek sends message to us that Black Seed have let Juggernaut Spores to escape.



wait... you just said spores. not a single spore.  now im wondering why there wasn't 20 juggernauts instead of 1.

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for your second point. it made sense at first but how would one of the black seed members explain their ship getting scanned for infestation? they had that stuff all over the walls.


also you make a good point that its their own ship that they are stuffing around with but again. how could they avoid being scanned and blown up by the local corpus navy?


Bribery?  We even have a radio chatter thing that is an intercepted half of a conversation in which a guy bribes someone not to inspect his cargo.  Instead of getting boarded he sends over some crates that the inspectors can keep as long as they inspect them on their own ship and don't board his.  Once it was discovered that they were moving infested materials Frohd Bek contacted the Tenno rather than leaving it to his own troops which was probably a smart move and also something he has done before.

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