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Annoying Pvp Experience >>>Kogake Op<<<

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So i was playing PVP in the last time and i saw someone running with kogake. At first i thought nothing was wrong... until he started to Copter me down the whole time. This is how it works, the "Kogake copter strategy"... You take the Kogake, you copter on an enemy, he gets knocked down, you copter even more on him, he gets knocked down again and it keeps looping until you die and you can´t do anything about it.


As far as i noticed and know, this is the only weapons that does it (if this is not getting fixed then obex will be the next) and there are (as seen at the top) 3 problems. 1. you get knocked down, which means you can´t do anything while he keeps beating on you. 2. you have no chance of getting up, you keep getting knocked down. 3. While the kogake guy is coptering he is  very hard to hit and has a much easier time to hit you because he is faster unless you are coptering away yourself or you use the kogake yourself.


I think i have made myself clear and it´s not even rare. I went in 10 different matches and in 9/10 matches i see either 1 or 2 people doing it the whole time. I get the fact that DE trys to implement interesting twists on weapon to make them more unique and let them have more utility but this is annoying as f***... im sorry but i don´t have fun playing PVP when i spawn and 10 later im laying on the ground and i can´t do anything about it because some people have mastered "Kogaking"....


And please don´t come to me and tell me "just use the weapon aswell". If everyone would think so, then there would not be any other weapon because everyone would use this weapon. That would be boring and no one would play pvp.


SO DE PLEASE fix this, it´s allmost impossible to play in any way against these players, they are like piranhas.


And eslewise, have a nice day

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Warframe mods do help(handspring...), but yeah, it's crazy melee weapon.


The combo I commonly see is,


1) Run with Full Charged Bow

2) See someone

3) Jump Slide and then shoot right in front of the face



4B) Survives the shot


5) Mash him with Kogake :D



I like gunfights, but if I have to fight Kogake user in close range, I pick up my melee weapon to fight back... or just runaway using parkours.

Edited by Evansmaan
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Guys, something beat me.

It's OP.

Nerf it.

Seriously, anyone coming straight at me with a melee weapon, coptering or not, is going to regret it in a hurry.

Have you actually faced it? Don't just tell him to git gud when he can't even stand. It moves the hit box along with the player, you know that? A Kogake user is both attacking and dodging at the same time, while you are knocked down. Think before you speak.
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Guys, something beat me.

It's OP.

Nerf it.

Seriously, anyone coming straight at me with a melee weapon, coptering or not, is going to regret it in a hurry.

Pretty much this. And don't like getting knockdown then use handspring it helps alot . but I think bo prime and Dex dakra are more op then kogake in PvP by a long shot

Edited by (PS4)Akuma_Asura_
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I use handspring the whole time but i still isn´t helping, im still downed the whole time. Even pressing any dodge or move button does not help while my frame tries to get up. It´s annoying, frustrating and i refuse to go down on this train only to have some sort of chance to win...

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There is a difference between something being OP and being a noob.

I'm perhaps getting a little bitter with the direction the forums have been taking since the PvP rework =P  

One of the things I really like(d) about Warframe was the lack of people screaming about nerfs and balance and OPness.  I'm having a bit of a hard time dealing with the death of that.

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the problem is not the kogake, the problem is the recovery mechanics since alpha, the devs didn't improve that aspect of the game a while back when we complain about that, they only added pointless mods to recover faster but with they never realised that with only eight mod slots no one is going to use that **** over any other useful mod.

now apparently with parkour 2.0 they are working in improved recovery mechanics, but I can't hype about anything in this game anymore.

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Thank you for being someone who points this out.


Anyone who's been kogake spammed apparently hasn't experienced the horrors of spammed slam attacks from Gram, Fragor, Ripkas, Furax, or Kronen...something I hope more people become aware of.

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Knockdowns, stuns etc will always be broken in conclave.

The maps are too open, we move too fast, and there just isn't enough team backup to get around them.

Until we get a real counter to those stuns etc, there isn't much that can be done about them.

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Knockdowns, stuns etc will always be broken in conclave.

The maps are too open, we move too fast, and there just isn't enough team backup to get around them.

Until we get a real counter to those stuns etc, there isn't much that can be done about them.


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Fast speed on warframe let you dodge everithing, i dont know why people complain, one more thread for kogake and my pc its gonna explode.
You may learn some dodge mechanics that in game exist, yes i play pvp, and i know how to counter kogake and never had problems with that, you just need to adap about all variants of choice in the pvp.

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A look into the mind of OP and his thoughts on things being OP:


"Kogake is OP, it knocks me down! 


I know, I'll use Kogake and pwn!


What's this?  Everyone's moving!  I can't hit them consistently!  They just copter away from me then shoot me!  Bo Prime OP!


And when I do hit them, they don't always fall down!  It's like there's some mod that allows them to not get knocked down every time!  And then they kill me near instantly in point blank range! Shotguns OP!  Heck, sometimes I knock them down and they get up so fast that they kill me first!  Is there a mod for that?  Sounds OP!


HUH?!  These Gram and Furax users can't be knocked down while meleeing, and they do more damage than my OP Kogake?!  I die?!  What OP garbage! 


And that's if I can even get to close range at all!  Bows OP!  Boltor OP!  Tonkor OP!  Warframe Abilities OP! 


Jesus, it's almost like Kogake is actually a low-mid tier weapon that has faced multiple nerfs and almost completely fallen out of the meta!  It's like someone would have to be a complete idiot who stands still and right click aims in order to be beaten by Kogake! 


But that's impossible, because it beats me, and I'm obviously not an idiot, so its MUST be OP!


In fact, it seems like EVERYTHING beats me!  Therefore, EVERYTHING is OP!  DE please fix!"


Step up your game


Edited by Drinniol
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Well, if you run, shoot and concentrate on other people, and suddenly a random kogake comes from the side or behind with 3 knockdowns per seconds then even handspring won´t work, and i have no complains about any other stuff, the bows are killing me instandly because i like to play nyx and she is squishy, so whatever. heavy weapons like the fraggor etc. were never the problems, i never had the problems with them, i get that they are heavy and have a groundslam ok but they are slow and you can move around them very easily. The kogake are very fast and it is very hard to dodge it, even when i rolled or copterd, there was very often the situation that i get knocked down midair or midroll and then beaten up again.


lex prime kills me 3 hit, well whatever its a powerfull weapon with high recoil and low attackspeed, the guy can aim so he deserves it, same with the bows. When someone knocks me down with shootguns and gun me down, well should have been higher range, my fault. But they are still slow shooting (except boar prime but well... it has a high spread so it balances it out)


Everything seems balanced for me... except the kogake. It´s fast, it knocks you down the whole time (and i repeat it now again for god sake how much that handspring does nothing to me, i try to do any movement but i can´t get up because he knocks me down faster then i can get up) and as TheBrsrkr said, you are dodging and hitting at the same time, and this very fast. You arent fast with allmost any weapons while coptering, You can gunned down really fast. Calling someone a noob or flaming someone without knowing the results this guys went through is idiotic at best. Your taunts with "everything kills me op nerf bla bla bla" is pathetic and instead of insulting you should get your facts right and at least ask for other factors, listen and then speak instead of going full &#036;&amp;*^mode...

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Yeah right, there are many ways to counter / run from kogake spammer, using handspring helps to recover faster from knockdown but u still need to copter away with your melee and its not working with all melee weapon.

Best way to deal with kogake spammer to me is using powers or using my dual raza to melee his face back.

The hardest kogake combo to deal with for me is a valkyr using a full kogake+channeling, its like you have no chance at all when you have no energy then she get close and proceed to knock you down.

I am excalibur guy and using shotgun alot in pvp, i already meet many kogake spammer, for me many of them  arent threat anymore but there will be always someone that is really good with kogake ( usually host due to advantage being host) that knock you down endlessly even after you get up he/she will knock down you again and again until you die.

All i can say is kogake giving a different approach to conclave, giving another way to fight your enemies but if it makes too many people using this cheap weapon (ive witnessed a full squad of kogake user) its getting boring and frustating for some players.

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