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De Please Answer Us! Will You Buff Any Contents Inside The Founder Pack?


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Why would they buff Founders package contents?


Buffing time-limited exclusive items that are no longer available is a very poor idea

We don't ask for a OP buff, but like i said "most people want it to be in the same line as other prime... because in the past 2 years the term "Prime" has Evolved"

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Pure greed, Selfishness, we want more ?? No, most people want it to be in the same line as other prime... because in the past 2 years the term "Prime" has Evolved...

It is selfish.


I got what I paid for and I'm happy with it. I barely touch my Excal Prime but it's there as a sign of me being here when the game first started and to show my exclusivity for being one of the few who have it.


I don't think any of the founders gear deserve a buff, I believe they are fine as they are and buffing something that is a PAID exclusive is a horrendous idea and it shouldn't even be thought about doing.

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We don't ask for a OP buff, but like i said "most people want it to be in the same line as other prime... because in the past 2 years the term "Prime" has Evolved"

Sure it did, but does Prime frames and weapons make all non-prime equipments obsolete?


Not really.


For me Excalibur Prime's exquisite aesthetics is enough for it to be called "Prime".


That buff to armor or shield or powercap doesn't make the world's biggest difference.


Not to mention regular Excalibur is already on par with all frames out there.

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I do think that if the Primes are to have notable utility buffs then all the primes should be equal in that respect, Excalibur Prime included.


But I'm also a founder who has no issue with Excal/Skana/Lato Primes being available again. I don't justify the value of my purchases based on whether third parties do or do not also have the same thing.

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But that wasn't what you paid for though was it? What you paid for was just an ordinary Excalibur Prime which is what it is now and what it has remained for the past what, 2 years?


What you're asking for now is nothing but pure greed and eventually you'll come back and ask for more.


I don't think people would have this problem if DE stated clearly when the founders packages first came out "these weapons/frame will receive future updates in order to keep it up to par with current content" but they didn't so obviously anything you're asking for now is pure greed and selfishness.


You all got EXACTLY what you paid for and now you want more. In every game there will always be a class that outclasses the other, it's inevitable. Doesn't mean you should get royal treatment every time your item becomes outclassed.

Well in all honesty if you read my other posts in this thread you'd see I'm not just after an Excal Prime buff...I want ALL Primes to be on the same footing. The Orokin made Primes. They made them all in the same era. They were made to protect the Orokin from any and all threats. So tell me why they'd intentionally make weaker frames? Unless lore comes that explicitly states that those particular Primes are the reason they fell,there's no excuse....You don't make one part of your army an intentional weak link....

IF I was asking for the buff just to be greedy and selfish I wouldn't be asking for an Excal Prime buff that can be shared with regular Excal (just to a lesser degree)...Nor would I ask for the other neglected Primes to get a buff...

Edited by Chaosyn
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It is selfish.


I got what I paid for and I'm happy with it. I barely touch my Excal Prime but it's there as a sign of me being here when the game first started and to show my exclusivity for being one of the few who have it.


I don't think any of the founders gear deserve a buff, I believe they are fine as they are and buffing something that is a PAID exclusive is a horrendous idea and it shouldn't even be thought about doing.

what founders paid for is prime gear. the definition of prime gear back then was purely cosmetic. however since then primes have changed. primes all exceed past their normal variants now. again what we paid for are prime variants which now = better. we (masters and GMs) didn't pay for subpar weapons. all that's asked is to make skana prime essentially an alternate dakra and the lato prime an alternate lex. that isn't OP because it isn't stronger than everything in the game. its literally giving them stats of existing weapons that are available to the public.


wanna use lato prime? get the lex prime, its the exact same thing.


wanna use skana prime? get a dakra prime and presto!


the only issue is excal. i think a way to remedy this is to buff both vanilla excal and prime but give them different buffs. like have one be better at something than the other. maybe give vanilla excal more Shields and energy and move slightly faster while prime could get more armor, stamina and health.

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It is selfish.


I got what I paid for and I'm happy with it. I barely touch my Excal Prime but it's there as a sign of me being here when the game first started and to show my exclusivity for being one of the few who have it.


I don't think any of the founders gear deserve a buff, I believe they are fine as they are and buffing something that is a PAID exclusive is a horrendous idea and it shouldn't even be thought about doing.

Have you read the first pages ... because a lot of ideas have been given to make the founders and non-fouders to be happy ! So,no Selfishness allowed here !

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It IS fair.We supported wf when it was barebones.

Stop it son. This isn't middle age anymore, you ain't king, you ain't church.


I support warframe's ongoing growth, since i bought 6 PA so far in full price. You think you are more important than me? Than everyone else? You supported the beginning, awesome, i supported a little after the beginning, the present and will support in the future. Am I missing something? Any veiled right I am entitled to for having spent 900$ in this game?


If so, i want my sicarus prime to be better, I want my glaive prime to be better, I want my ember prime to be better, tired of reading? I have 5 more PAs to describe their contents and ask for a buff.

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Have you read the first pages ... because a lot of ideas have been given to make the founders and non-fouders to be happy ! So,no Selfishness allowed here !

Agreed.  Everyone wins if you treat EP as a skin (which it was when I bought it).  Release a new Excal Prime, Lato Prime and Skana Prime with BRAND NEW skins all around. The founders keep the old skins (call them Arcane Prime skins or some such) so we can show our early support and for showboating (yes I do that). Non-founders gain access to the new "forbidden prime". Excal Prime get's his much needed prime buffs without giving anyone an unfair advantage.  Everyone wins. No one loses.

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Agreed.  Everyone wins if you treat EP as a skin (which it was when I bought it).  Release a new Excal Prime, Lato Prime and Skana Prime with BRAND NEW skins all around. The founders keep the old skins (call them Arcane Prime skins or some such) so we can show our early support and for showboating (yes I do that). Non-founders gain access to the new "forbidden prime". Excal Prime get's his much needed prime buffs without giving anyone an unfair advantage.  Everyone wins. No one loses.

Lol, the "forbidden Prime"


I'm actually liking this idea.

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Agreed.  Everyone wins if you treat EP as a skin (which it was when I bought it).  Release a new Excal Prime, Lato Prime and Skana Prime with BRAND NEW skins all around. The founders keep the old skins (call them Arcane Prime skins or some such) so we can show our early support and for showboating (yes I do that). Non-founders gain access to the new "forbidden prime". Excal Prime get's his much needed prime buffs without giving anyone an unfair advantage.  Everyone wins. No one loses.

if this were to happen, i think the founders should get the new skins and the current items should be released as is. only seems fair. why keep an old skin that literally just looks like an alt helm with gold glitter glued on.

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Wow the founders came out in force to get their exclusive gear buffed. Gg. I propose Prisma Excal Wraith Vandal. Excal prime skin can be put on by founders and everyone can get the Prisma Excal. Gg


Much can be learned about your personalities. Constructive criticism please.

Edited by Acidulant
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Much can be learned about your personalities. Constructive criticism please.

Criticism about what? I think that if there must be an improved excal, instead of being exclusive excal prime, make it something everyone can get? Is that too much?  I dont think its unreasonable, everyone wins etc. Founders keep excal prime with buffs, everyone else gets something comparable. 

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If they're gonna make it an improvement, that's OK - though they should allow some way for non-founders to upgrade their regular Excals to equivalence statwise, just without the bling.


I don't mind if founder pack items get buffed or not, but if Excal Prime was this would be a pretty nice way of handling it imo.


It's a more sensitive situation about buffing the Frame over the weapons, as you're more likely to see an 'Excal main' rather than a 'Lato main' or 'Skana main'.

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if this were to happen, i think the founders should get the new skins and the current items should be released as is. only seems fair. why keep an old skin that literally just looks like an alt helm with gold glitter glued on.

some founders probably don't want their skin to change

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if this were to happen, i think the founders should get the new skins and the current items should be released as is. only seems fair. why keep an old skin that literally just looks like an alt helm with gold glitter glued on.

The new Excal Prime should be treated like any other Prime Access frame. The founders keep what they purchased (a skin) to show their early support.  I don't feel entitled to anything new that would be released including a new Excal Prime (with a new skin). I'm only entitled to what I paid for which was an exclusive EP skin.

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Criticism about what? I think that if there must be an improved excal, instead of being exclusive excal prime, make it something everyone can get? Is that too much?  I dont think its unreasonable, everyone wins etc. Founders keep excal prime with buffs, everyone else gets something comparable. 

Excal Prime, skin or not, will never be available. Going by this logic, Wouldn't Frost Prime & Mag Prime just be skins as well? No, they are frames.

Edited by Prometheium
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I would not mind a buff for founders if they buffed them. If it ever happens please let normal excalibur use death orbs for energy to be fair maybe even for all normal warframes should also be able to use death orbs for energy, maybe even buff the non primed Lato+Skana status chance and Critical chance but slightly not too much though maybe make there stats similar like karak wraith or braton prime.

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If Excalibur Prime was EVER a skin I wouldn't have been able to have Prime AND Regular at the same time....Nope,it's a Frame.

If it was a skin when I got rid of my Regular Excal I would have had NO WAY to use it....

It was NEVER "just a skin" it was ALWAYS a PRIME FRAME...

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If Excalibur Prime was EVER a skin I wouldn't have been able to have Prime AND Regular at the same time....Nope,it's a Frame.

If it was a skin when I got rid of my Regular Excal I would have had NO WAY to use it....

It was NEVER "just a skin" it was ALWAYS a PRIME FRAME...

Excal Prime, skin or not, will never be available. Going by this logic, Wouldn't Frost Prime & Mag Prime just be skins as well? No, they are frames.

So only founders get the op excal that they want? If not about making your exclusive stuff better,then why is a buffed excal that everyone can get along with an excal prime buff that's identical, not equal? I can site multiple instances of people downplaying their founders pack as basically an excal skin with an extra forma plus improved but still lame weapons when people ask for the founders pack. then when they want buffs, its not a skin, they should be endgame viable etc. Seriously give it a rest you already have the only thing nobody can get. Be happy Edited by (PS4)buterz56
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So only founders get the op excal that they want? If not about making your exclusive stuff better,then why is a buffed excal that everyone can get along with an excal prime buff that's identical, not equal? I can site multiple instances of people downplaying their founders pack as basically an excal skin with an extra forma plus improved but still lame weapons when people ask for the founders pack. then when they want buffs, its not a skin, they should be endgame viable etc. Seriously give it a rest you already have the only thing nobody can get. Be happy

OP? Have you read pages 10-13? I explained why Excal Prime should get a buff there. Excal was never OP to being with.

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