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De Please Answer Us! Will You Buff Any Contents Inside The Founder Pack?


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Avenwing, you seem a bit miffed here. I'm all for buffing the Founders items and all, but you're getting angry and it's showing.

Me being miffed isn't about buffs, it's about a question posed by someone else in this thread.


Nobody here is complaining about that though, you made an unnecessary remark about non founders, people in this thread are trying to justify why he should have a buff above the normal version.

Again, this is about a question someone else in this thread posed.

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Me being miffed isn't about buffs, it's about a question posed by someone else in this thread.


Again, this is about a question someone else in this thread posed.

And all that person asked for was a honest answer not for you to curse at the majority of the community, you could have just said there is nothing DE could do to justify rerealising excal prime for me, I payed for an exclusive, not a item that would be rereleased one day.

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They won't buff your "starter" weapons founders, wake up.

Itsa a reward gun & blade that you can hung on your wall if you so please but it is not meant to give you and edge! It's a token of gratitude that comemorates your foundership. Nothing more nothing less.

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No i mean just for people who constantly buy alot...

sorry sarcasm on the forums doesn't show well I was trying to say that founder gear that was purchased so long ago shouldn't be buffed directly, but perhaps founder gear should be able to copy the stats of a weapon in your inventory of the same type, in order to make it on par with the prisma skana for those founders that baught the prisma skana, but would prefer to use their skana prime.

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And all that person asked for was a honest answer not for you to curse at the majority of the community, you could have just said there is nothing DE could do to justify rerealising excal prime for me, I payed for an exclusive, not a item that would be rereleased one day.

Meh, after countless "Give me founders stuff for free cause I want it." threads I've lost any and all patience when it comes to founders stuff.


They won't buff your "starter" weapons founders, wake up.

Itsa a reward gun & blade that you can hung on your wall if you so please but it is not meant to give you and edge! It's a token of gratitude that comemorates your foundership. Nothing more nothing less.

You're probably right, but it would be nice if they would actually make QoL changes to old weapons that were out before damage 2.0.

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Imo it was a terrible idea for DE to give us Founders 'Prime' Items....It shouldnt have been named Prime at least

Shouldve made it Dex or sth and have no other 'dex' warframe come out..(which still isnt a perfect solution but at least better)

Or even better a unique exclusive skin that applies to the normal version of the gear

I think I wouldve liked this

I myself wouldnt mind if the founder primes were released to the public(I can just think of it as I had earlier access to it just like it was for other event weapons/mods/Design Council)

But yeah if that were to happen then bringing Excal Prime closer to the other primes would be nice

At the current stage....I have no opinion about whether it should be buffed or not

Cus I feel both arguments(Excal Prime should be in line with other primes/Exclusive stuff shouldnt be buffed) have a point

I find it unfortunate whenever I see posts about founders stuff theres so much conflict and hate amongst ppl....

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Imo it was a terrible idea for DE to give us Founders 'Prime' Items....It shouldnt have been named Prime at least

Shouldve made it Dex or sth and have no other 'dex' warframe come out..(which still isnt a perfect solution but at least better)

Or even better a unique exclusive skin that applies to the normal version of the gear

I think I wouldve liked this

I myself wouldnt mind if the founder primes were released to the public(I can just think of it as I had earlier access to it just like it was for other event weapons/mods/Design Council)

But yeah if that were to happen then bringing Excal Prime closer to the other primes would be nice

At the current stage....I have no opinion about whether it should be buffed or not

Cus I feel both arguments(Excal Prime should be in line with other primes/Exclusive stuff shouldnt be buffed) have a point

I find it unfortunate whenever I see posts about founders stuff theres so much conflict and hate amongst ppl....

Well, I'm of the opinion that until very recently DE had absolutely no roadmap and was just winging everything. Originally primes were just going to be a fancy skin with very small buffs, then they evolved into massive improvements over the originals.

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Well, I'm of the opinion that until very recently DE had absolutely no roadmap and was just winging everything. Originally primes were just going to be a fancy skin with very small buffs, then they evolved into massive improvements over the originals.

Yes I think they messed up on the whole prime thing

I bet it has given them a lot of headache ever since Primes became different than what they were at the time of Founder packs...xD

I also remember them originally saying in one livestream that Prime warframe were not gonna have much advantage over the original version...(ex) Frost Prime/Mag Prime)

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Had a chance at founders pack but I didn't want to spend the cash. Without them you wouldn't be playing this game right now. Show some respect. As far as the Excalibur nerf- IT IS THE REASON I WILL BE PLAYING PLANETSIDE2 INSTEAD. I have more hours in then most of you and probably 2x as many kills as most of you (check my stats beeah). Nerfing radial blind is the reason I'm quitting. I've held on way too long as it is. Lot of wasted development and man hours for a weaker frame than just a simple Radial Blind build. Rework your though processes- seriously DE you gotta think - OK we are getting all these new people so I know lets Fup the whole game for 25% of our base and nerf our franchise warframe. Anyway I'm a quitter I know fme. Anyway I'll be giving away my maxd blind rages buzzkill high voltage etc etc June 23rd. If you would like Free maxd primed flow, bite or anything hit me up 6-23-2015 on my psn and I'll give you 1 thing for free. 

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Well, I'm of the opinion that until very recently DE had absolutely no roadmap and was just winging everything. Originally primes were just going to be a fancy skin with very small buffs, then they evolved into massive improvements over the originals.


Yeah, I still don't think that change of heart was a good idea.  It all started with Rhino Prime and spiraled down from there.


Bet it helped sell Prime Access packs, though.  So they've got that going for 'em.

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As a non Founder, im perfectly ok for a buff, i didn't support the game back then, they did, i don't have that gear and i don't  want it back.

I really don't get people that don't have that stuff and are against a more than legit and  deserved buff.

Then you go look to their profile and you found that they are Alloy Plates farmer or Draco Heroes...

Edited by -SkT-GarethJax
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As a non Founder, im perfectly ok for a buff, i didn't support the game back then, they did, i don't have that gear and i don't  want it back.

I really don't get people that don't have that stuff and are agaist a more than legit and  deserved buff.

Then you go look to their profile and you found that they are Alloy Plates farmer or Draco Heroes...

I have an issue with your last statement actually.

Please provide some examples and how they are confirmed to be said 'alloy Plates farmers' and 'Draco Heroes'.

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It's fairly simple...


DE made promises to two different groups of people. With Founders, you were promised gear that would never be released again. Frozen in time, as it were, at a point no one else could get at them.


So, why should it change? People who decided not to buy into Founders should also have THEIR unspoken promise kept, and thats that "The items I missed out on will always be THESE."


I understand quality of life and all that, but I mean come on, really...changing what was offered is just as bad as rereleasing what was offered. Just keep it the same, and everyones happy. I understand the new Skana variant has some Founders a lil tiffed but...new content is new content. It IS different, there is a difference between prime and the new Skana.


Just...let it go. Move on. No use dwelling on choices you made so many years ago. If you want the Non Founders to drop wanting old gear, you should also drop wanting old gear to change. Live and let live.


That being said, the one thing I would agree with is a "small" Excal Prime buff. That just makes sense in my mind. Warframes are the core of the damn game, Primes should be special. Maybe not with stats but how about a cute little bonus of some sort? You can get pretty creative here. It doesn't have to be "MOAR POWER"

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sorry sarcasm on the forums doesn't show well I was trying to say that founder gear that was purchased so long ago shouldn't be buffed directly, but perhaps founder gear should be able to copy the stats of a weapon in your inventory of the same type, in order to make it on par with the prisma skana for those founders that baught the prisma skana, but would prefer to use their skana prime.

here is the thing the last thing DE needs to be is pay to win. Giving founders an edge that other people don't have is something you should never do for a free to play. It's just a bad business practice. It's already bad we get people like this who think because they spent so much money in the game that they should also be given special rights . And if that's the case then I Damn well better be given the same rights since I do give this company alot of my money. You see where your logic goes wrong? Edited by (PS4)Mazda_07_
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I have an issue with your last statement actually.

Please provide some examples and how they are confirmed to be said 'alloy Plates farmers' and 'Draco Heroes'.


I mean "casual" players who ask for Exca Prime comeback only for mastery points, players that NEED the Buffed Version in order to use him in a 20 min Survival.

As i said before, i don't have that stuff and im ok with it, if the founders ask for a buff im ok.

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It's funny...You rarely see people cry this hard over guns from closed beta that aren't available,but the second the topic is Excal Prime....errybody loses their minds...


Again, NO ONE is asking for some OP buff.....just to have him on equal terms with all Primes.

I've even given people a solution by taking 1/4 of whatever buff EP gets (not that it will happen though)and giving it to Reg.Excal.

As for people that think they should get EP if he gets buffed?

Verbal contracts ARE binding,so no,he CAN'T come back.





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here is the thing the last thing DE needs to be is pay to win. Giving founders an edge that other people don't have is something you should never do for a free to play. It's just a bad business practice. It's already bad we get people like this who think because they spent so much money in the game that they should also be given special rights . And if that's the case then I Damn well better be given the same rights since I do give this company alot of my money. You see where your logic goes wrong?


good thing the post you quoted didn't suggest that, then

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Again, NO ONE is asking for some OP buff.....just to have him on equal terms with all Primes.

"Equal terms" includes "availability for all". Otherwise you wont reach "equal terms" ever.

Edited by Monster-T
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Just...let it go. Move on. No use dwelling on choices you made so many years ago. If you want the Non Founders to drop wanting old gear, you should also drop wanting old gear to change. Live and let live.



You're new here, right?

It's been two years of nonstop begging for Excal Prime to be re-released....AND us asking for an EP buff.....

The DIFFERENCE is that to every 150 threads begging for him you MIGHT have one buff thread...and there have been THOUSANDS of begging threads (Yes, I'm exaggerating...a bit)

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