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Has Mesa Ruined Warframe?


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"Don't hate the player, hate the game"  - remember, people will always use the easiest way, even if it means boring not-really-playing way.


And yes, designs that are just aimbot auto-turrets that let the game play itself ARE bad for the game.  Same with Banshee+infinite quick respawns (as was a E-Gate thing)


Good game creates a system where result (thus success) depends on player actions and skill. If skill and player actions are irrelevant and the best way becomes using an automation - it's a game void of gameplay, which quickly becomes boring and pointless.

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I will say that mesa is on the OP side, I have a few friends that have her and when one of them uses her I usually net about a third of the kills I would get if they used any other warframe. I love the idea behind mesa but the execution of said idea is horrible, I think it would be better if peace keeper was more like Valkry's Hysteria and less like Ash's bladestorm.


All this said i still wouldnt mind getting Mesa in hopes that they tweak her.


And honestly any warframe with the right build, and right loadout in the right hands can be extremely OP.

Edited by (XB1)Hades Cowboy
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Equation of game ruining in quite complicated.


Add following:


Bad tile designs.


Bad mechanics.


Bad frame designs.


Bad mod designs.


Horrible grind.


Crawling progression and grindwalls everywhere.


Affinity and credit nerfs.


Lazy players.


And some others.



In the end you get game which is in current state. I just hope new starchart will solve half of these issues.



 with all of that in mind what are you doing here? because that long list says i hate warframe


don't think so




This kind of thread shows up every 2 days it's ridiculous.



Peacemaker leaves much to be desired for Engaging Gameplay, but it's not the fault of the Warframe here.

as many other Warframes have been used for the same thing for years.

being the best candidate at any time for taking advantage of a problem does not mean you've created the problem.



I think people are overly dependant on Mesa.

Mesa can carry the team to 30 or so waves, really those waves are easy to begin with. Beyond that she increasingly is less effective. In reality she does not get players any further in the game than before she was around.

The fact that people are always asking for her is the problem, people aren't thinking and just going for what everyone else looks for. Saryn is still a powerful nuker.

I think to blame anything on Mesa you'd also have to blame Frost for his globe.


on side note, mesa is quite good as killing at a high rate, actually faster than you can adjust your aim

add to that most of people become lazier

and those grindwalls don't make it better

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She makes def missions too easy. She should get nerfed the same reason excalibur got nerfed.

Oh no

Some frame is good for some mission

Let's nerf him

All those threads in a nutshell.

But really, mesa needs specific setup and build to do this.And you don't want to see her in your group just go with friends or solo or with clanmates.

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Frames aren't in question here, it is more about whiners that want to break anything badly.


It is because a youtuber proposed a squad type for a particular type of mission and because news are spreading fast that we have that kind of situation.


People lacks of imagination, so they rely on something that is somehow assured to succeed because they saw it live.


Each frame have a good concept behind it, it is just YOUR feelings that are hurted somehow when you guys see someone perfomring better than you, and the worse, instead of checking what you've done wrong you directly come here and whine about it.


You're faultive here, quit arguing about other and start to check yourself first.



Last point, to enlight about the ridiculous of players here, Mesa ultimate isn't her main force, just try a duration+range+power efficiency build (2nd and 3rd abilities) and voilà, Mesa is able to cc mobs easily and start to be completely mobile.



Lack of knowledge is the killing mechanism, and that's the players fault.

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I think that a lot of people ask for a Mesa cause she makes it possible to finish T4D and ODD very fast. I don't hink she's a lot of fun to play cause people keep falling asleep playing her (no joke). I haven't played her myself yet, but she just doesn't seem all that great. I prefer other teams though, where at least everyone has something to do...if i play Frost with a Mesa on the Team i just get bored. Mesa basically makes all other Frames useless for the first 15 or 20 waves on everything. For farming purposes only i guess she is still a good choice since all you wanna do on that is get stuff quickly ^^.

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I don't mind Mesa at all. When I was new and eager to kill stuff I remember kinda wishing people wouldn't just arrive with their optimized builds, press 4 and kill everything forever. But since then I have kinda mellowed on it, I prefer not being the mesa in a game because it levels weapons I'm not using faster. Also, the game is very repetitive. If I can have an easy and fast game where I don't have to do any of the heavy lifting now and again, I don't mind. I still get the drops and the xp.


Finally, I don't get people complaining about only certain frames being requested. That will happen without mesa. And in every game, forever. The most effective, simplest set ups will always be sought out. The only way it won't is if perfect balance is achieved. And the only way to do that is to have them all be mechanically Identical.

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People are too focused in this thread on the aimbot... it's a power, tons of powers "aimbot". Volt homes in on the general direction of your enemy while most of the nukes for Frost, Ember, Nova etc all automatically target and hit every mob in the area.

Aimbot isn't the problem with Mesa. It's the fact that unlike nuker frames she has a 50m perpetual kill range that ignores solid obstacles and doesn't have any real limits on her power so long as she is fed a constant supply of energy orbs. To pull off what she does as Saryn you would still need to actually roam the map getting shot at, not standing protected in a bubble for the entire round sniping mobs in the distance.

An actual aimbot program is limited by the ammo on your guns. It cannot spam shots forever and ammo drops run out as enemies get harder to kill. Mesa doesn't have that problem because energy is ever plentiful and can even be restored by certain frames. The only thing that restores ammo beyond mob drops is a limited duration consumable pad.

Obstacle do stop it though, you need to at least be able to see the enemy if you look towards their direction. Edited by (PS4)inuyasha279
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I think if they just got rid of aim bot and add actual skill to peacemaker a lot off issues would be fixed. Mesas design is one of my favorites, sadly she is one of the most boring frames to use. Never understood why they made peacekeeper make you stand in place in a game so revolved around mobility.

Maybe being able to run and shoot and take out or reduce the amount she's able to shoot through walls at max damage.

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Hello Tenno, the topic I would like to talk about today is Mesa.  Has she completely ruined the game or is she the best thing to ever happen?  I like to know what everyone opinion is on this, I got mixed feelings myself.  I liked her when she first came out, but i'm starting to think now she is well over used. If you look in recruiting all you see is H - Darco need mesa, H- T4D need mesa and gmag - Hosting T1D - need mesa and frost. 


Its actually come to the point where when people join your key they tell me what frames to run and what you need or a what no mesa and they leave.  Its everything need mesa.  20 waves in a T1D and you need mesa.  That's just crazy if you ask me. 


I have gone 60 waves in a T4D with nova, sayrn, frost and rhino, 80 minutes in a T4S with a loki, gmag, rhino and level 18 unpotato'd frost no trouble and 85 minutes in a ODS with a Nova, Nekros, Ash and Oberon and the Oberon was fully leveled up either.  We did start having trouble around 75 minutes though.  And you know what.... all that was FUN.


I do understand why people want mesa for T4D, and i'm not bad mouthing anyone who do, i'm guilty off it myself, so please no rude comments.  I'm actually just looking for everyone idea on the subject.  I do honestly hope that mesa gets nerf just because she is way over used.  way more then Excalibur for rep farm, is you have a mesa or you don't play.  Shes at the point where DE is going to have to make her a start farm just for the new people to play.  and you know it is coming, they nerfed Excalibur because every second post was need excaliber for rep farm.  now its every 7 out of 8 posts need mesa for everything.  they also patched e-gate to prevent afk farming and that is kinda what mesa, frost, gmag does.


So I'm what do my fellow Tenno think, I kinda got both views but leaning towards shes a bad thing but I'm sure there are lots of people who will disagree with me.  Just remember, please keep it clean

Mesa is pretty much the tenno version of the heavy gunners, almost essential to have a chance at survival, but i do agree that everyone is overusing mesa.

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