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What Have They Done To You Ash Prime?!


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The customers opinion is important, but companies look at overall customer trends these days. When it comes to changes that affect everyone, they will go with what everyone wants the most, not what a few loud angry people want. That's just good business. The overall customer trends = King, individual customers do not = king. 


i have a feeling im wrong here but i think ash fans should have a bigger vote in this, i mean we are ash " fans" we have been playing him even non primed and loved him over other frames/primes in his normal state, why would a rhino player ( for example offc i dunno wut u play) have a heavier vote on ash prime's looks and preferences , so far and call me krayzie this might be coincidense but so far everyone with a ash profile pic has posted AGAINST this look. and everyone that votes AYE its good, is some random frame profile pic, farfetched i know but it is suprisingly catching my attention :) so in your theory a group of people that want ash to become the worst prime ever (( he has plenty haters)), could outweigh the actually ash playing fans, my tenno brother that is just madness and unfair to those who was actually waiting for him and ive been waiting since damn frost came out for ash prime :), even made a small uproar when volt was primed and not ash previously so i want this to happen from day 1, but not like this. tho offcourse everyone is still free to have his/her opinion :) and im free to have a counter opinion.

Edited by NickBoay
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The going into the void thing is just speculation, we don't know how or why he has those powers yet.


It's not so much a case of him being half modeled but the pose they put him in. He's bent over and forward in a sort of jumping pose, any frame would look weird like that. And the customer is king but they never know what they want and can't be trusted with anything, anyone who's worked in sales will tell you that. Bending to the whims of a customer is a bad idea.



It's almost like opinions don't exist. 

ive had my differences with you in the past but i think your actually right in what you say there and i actually pray you are right about the pose thingy, that would be a huge relief


ah fck.... doubleposted can a mod paste this in my post up here ^ , late time + high of weed = whoopsy

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i have a feeling im wrong here but i think ash fans should have a bigger vote in this, i mean we are ash " fans" we have been playing him even non primed and loved him over other frames/primes in his normal state, why would a rhino player ( for example offc i dunno wut u play) have a heavier vote on ash prime's looks and preferences , so far and call me krayzie this might be coincidense but so far everyone with a ash profile pic has posted AGAINST this look. and everyone that votes AYE its good, is some random frame profile pic, farfetched i know but it is suprisingly catching my attention :) so in your theory a group of people that want ash to become the worst prime ever (( he has plenty haters)), could outweigh the actually ash playing fans, my tenno brother that is just madness and unfair to those who was actually waiting for him and ive been waiting since damn frost came out for ash prime :), even made a small uproar when volt was primed and not ash previously so i want this to happen from day 1, but not like this. tho offcourse everyone is still free to have his/her opinion :) and im free to have a counter opinion.



Sure, you're entitled to your opinion on how he looks, but I do think it's interesting you and some others are already forming an opinion when you don't really know what he looks like yet -- that image is cropped badly and isn't even good resolution. I really strongly recommend waiting and seeing before setting your hair on fire. 


But here's the other thing man... that's just not how primes work. They didn't ask Volt fans for a say on what the final design would be for his prime, or for Rhino prime etc. That's up to DE's head Artist, he is the one who decides when a frame is ready to be primed (because he has a design he is happy enough with, that he made) and the design is his say, and his decision. 


And no offense, but a few angry people in a thread isn't proof a lot of people are unhappy. Overall the amount of people I have seen who are truly unhappy is probably less than 20. And most of them don't even sound that upset. That's not really enough to make a difference. Most people will just be happy to have a Prime version, and honestly are not as picky as you about design. 


Also, this elitism is silly man. Many people play Ash a lot but they haven't paid money for an avatar pack. Many of them use Ash as their main but haven't paid money for an avatar pack. Just because someone doesn't have Ash as their avatar doesn't mean their opinion isn't valid. You say others have a right to their opinion, but you think because you have an Ash avatar you should be able to try to veto the design and that your opinion is more valuable, or at least that's how it sounds... 

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Sure, you're entitled to your opinion on how he looks, but I do think it's interesting you and some others are already forming an opinion when you don't really know what he looks like yet -- that image is cropped badly and isn't even good resolution. I really strongly recommend waiting and seeing before setting your hair on fire. 


But here's the other thing man... that's just not how primes work. They didn't ask Volt fans for a say on what the final design would be for his prime, or for Rhino prime etc. That's up to DE's head Artist, he is the one who decides when a frame is ready to be primed (because he has a design he is happy enough with, that he made) and the design is his say, and his decision. 


And no offense, but a few angry people in a thread isn't proof a lot of people are unhappy. Overall the amount of people I have seen who are truly unhappy is probably less than 20. And most of them don't even sound that upset. That's not really enough to make a difference. Most people will just be happy to have a Prime version, and honestly are not as picky as you about design. 


Also, this elitism is silly man. Many people play Ash a lot but they haven't paid money for an avatar pack. Many of them use Ash as their main but haven't paid money for an avatar pack. Just because someone doesn't have Ash as their avatar doesn't mean their opinion isn't valid. You say others have a right to their opinion, but you think because you have an Ash avatar you should be able to try to veto the design and that your opinion is more valuable, or at least that's how it sounds... 

well i been smoking, i guess avatars its too farfetched indeed, it was just catching my attention, also about volt rhino etc's design i must say nobody needed to say anything there volt is pro , rhino also their primes are awesome looking imo, when im really honest down to the core of my very being, its that im jalous that all the other primes will be so much cooler then ash prime as i currently see him, but for now like i said in OP and in other topic about ash, im already in the wait and see mode. and no hard feelings ur right about alot of stuff there i just hope they did at least review the design or minorly tweaked it if it was indeed to bulky but for now yeh, i think this topic will slowly die out, cuz ash prime infront the door, and that means hes done , also end of volt prime access announced today.

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I don't understand people just saying it's a weird pose and low res picture. I could take a picture of a cockroach with a crappy flip phone from 2002 or a Nikon from today, it's still a picture of a cockroach. That helmet is just hideous. I'm not saying it should or shouldn't have looked like the fan art, I'm just saying from what we've seen so far he's not a good looking frame. I don't expect him to look radically better when not sitting in a weird pose. Fwiw, I think Frost/Loki/Nyx/Nova/Volt/Ember look fine, and Mag/Rhino/Excal were mostly passable, so it's not like I dislike the entirety of 'Orokin' styling.


As always though, looks are a matter of opinion. I'm sure some people like it.

Edited by Racter0325
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just gonna slide on in here before this is gone :)




oh we ain't going no where son, still have at least 2 weeks til Failed Prime is released, so just sit back relax and enjoy the battle between the fan boys and the nay sayers

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I just think the fight is funny at this point. Maybe I won't end up liking the design when we see it, and you will love the design when we see it. Right now, what we saw may not even be the final, decided, finished, polished product -- not even considering the poor cropping/resolution/positioning etc. Maybe I won't like it, maybe I will, I actually am not a naysayer or a fan boy yet, I am waiting to see what I will think when I really see what it looks like. 

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New Ash Prime concept released






He's not even out yet and I can already enjoy Ash fanboy tears about how he's not kewl & edgy enough (with equally garbled grammar). Oh, the joys of gaming with young 'uns. 


well i guess some people have to get their fun in other ways then normal people do, now kiddo if you could just stay away from here and find urself something usefull to do in life, instead of enjoying other people's negative emotions about a certain subject. Wich is disturbing on its own... had a tough life? / was you bullied as a kid?/ abused even maybe? cuz idk what could make you enjoy someone's else suffering/unpleasant feelings about something. anyway here have my tears, and my oh i feel so bad and feel terrible stuff and i hope it benefits you, idk seems waste of time to me but here ya go. lol

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His side view isnt that Bad, I see he didnt Lose his Edge! 

He is Lord Nobunaga Prime! 

Master of Bushido.


Yoshimitsu Prime is what he looks like

They should release a new Alternate Ash helm similar to Yoshimitsu, call it Hannya or Oni helm.

Tengu keeps up with our Japanese folk lore i thought a Hannya or Oni woupd be appropriate.


Anyway Im finally excited for Ash prime, i just really wanna grind up another 10 Arcane Trickery for Ash primes helm.

Its time fellow Ash brethren. x)

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