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If You Remove Coptering You Might As Well Remove The Entirety Of Melee.


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Hmm... fair enough. DE can remove the entirety of melee I guess.


As long as they refund me for the mods that is.



OT: Also, did DE touch the copter on Nikana? It used to be pretty bad copter weapon but since the Excal patch I'm getting ridiculous flight out of it. I'm talking daggers don't even come close to it... is it just me? Did they fix it yet,

Edited by LocoWithGun
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Misunderstood that for ya.



I'm all for trying new things. I'm not in favor of ripping something out that a lot of people like and use to make way for it.  Nothing that we have seen suggests that Parkour 2.0 and melee coptering are mutually exclusive. Don't raze and rebuild; expand and improve.


There aren't a lot of people that like coptering.  There's a loud minority that QQs over the loss of an overused, broken system.


We all want more skill-based play and that forces out broken garbage.  DE finally invested time in a rework and realized that logically coptering hurts their game.  Now its time for copturds to realize it too.

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Allow me to rephrase.


Why would I use the new parkour moves if coptering/melee air attacks get me around way faster?


Personally, I find melee air attacks to be a far bigger problem than coptering, since they provide a stupid amount of vertical mobility as well as horizontal. They're basically a nerfed version of Tail Wind. I've heard rumors that they're getting nerfed, and I would be pretty upset if they aren't nerfed severely. That was basically the entire point of my thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/459238-will-directional-air-melee-render-parkour-20-completely-worthless-all-evidence-says-yes-so-heres-how-we-change-that/

You can't rephrase, restructure, reword, etc. and make him understand.  He thinks that a broken movement system is mutually exclusive from an update to the movement system.


That's like saying Steel and Iron have nothing in common.

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My assault build: I use guns to close and melee to finish.

Killing coptering would be a huge mistake and disservice to the game if multiple alternatives aren't ready. Instead, focus on how to expand melee in other ways.

Keep coptering, and broaden the horizon. It's a unique part of the game and reminds me of Heavenly Sword.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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My assault build: I use guns to close and melee to finish.

Killing coptering would be a huge mistake and disservice to the game if multiple alternatives aren't ready. Instead, focus on how to expand melee in other ways.

Keep coptering, and broaden the horizon.

Coptering is going away.  Another system is replacing it.  Slide attacks remain.


Your demands have been met.

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I use melee atks 90% of the time with proper mods and some decent skill with each warframes abilities melee becomes twice as effective than guns. For example excals blind lets you clear out hords of enemy's using just melee or mags pull ability plus bo prime with decent mods can easily clear an entire room of foes just sayn

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If better alternatives have been tested and are ready to go AND add as much flavor as coptering did, then kudos to DE.

We shall see what the community thinks once implemented.

Flavor?  Coptering?


You mean to always have the fastest weapon possible only to press a macro in order to make you move?  That's not flavor, that's about as bland as you can make things.

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I use melee atks 90% of the time with proper mods and some decent skill with each warframes abilities melee becomes twice as effective than guns. For example excals blind lets you clear out hords of enemy's using just melee or mags pull ability plus bo prime with decent mods can easily clear an entire room of foes just sayn

Most of us who play this game well enough can use melee effectively.


Those who can't grab a fast weapon, make it faster, and macro ctrl+e.

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If they also nerf air melee i'll just assume they do it on sole purpose of slowing down our progression. There are tiles where you can't reliably jump from wall to wall just because of tile being too wide or ceiling too low, so the only option will be sprint. Or take that broken slash dash excal which is far better than any copter and zephyr combined if you avoid hitting enemies.

Edited by Trvldl
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Or take that stupidly slash dash excal which is far better than any copter and zephyr combined if you avoid hitting enemies.


Not only does Slash Dash simply not send you as far as Tail Wind, it also can only be used at limited angles and nullifies all momentum after it ends. You also can't cancel out of it with Dive Bomb and can't use sprinting tricks to make it send you further/not as far as it's supposed to.


I think Slash Dash is in a good place right now. It's a great mobility tool, but still surpassed by Tail Wind for the reasons stated above, as it should be.

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Not only does Slash Dash simply not send you as far as Tail Wind, it also can only be used at limited angles and nullifies all momentum after it ends. You also can't cancel out of it with Dive Bomb and can't use sprinting tricks to make it send you further/not as far as it's supposed to.


I think Slash Dash is in a good place right now. It's a great mobility tool, but still surpassed by Tail Wind for the reasons stated above, as it should be.

Unlike tail wind it has almost no cooldown and you don't get stuck on objects.

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Unlike tail wind it has almost no cooldown and you don't get stuck on objects.


You can avoid getting hung up on objects if you know how to manipulate Tail Wind correctly. That's another thing I like about it; it's a skillful ability, although you could consider that to be a disadvantage. Tail Wind's cooldown can be a disadvantage too, but touching the ground between casts takes care of the problem.


Do you know if Slash Dash to know if it can keep you in the air indefinitely like Tail Wind can? I haven't been able to do enough testing myself.

Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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Unlike tail wind it has almost no cooldown and you don't get stuck on objects.


However tailwind is built for duration, which benefits nearly all her abilities except Tornado.

If you want SD to be anywhere near TW, you will need overextended. Which eats into his E Blade and S Dash.


And it will still lose to TW in a straight line or gaining height.

Edited by fatpig84
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Do you know if Slash Dash to know if it can keep you in the air indefinitely like Tail Wind can? I haven't been able to do enough testing myself.


Did the test, excal can't fight the gravity. That does not make it less ridiculous. Also i'd personally prefer that no-brainer of chaining air melee, copter and wallflings to skillful use of one-button abilities. But if there is no choice I may become a dedicated zephyr user like you, until rework that makes her hover at sprint speed instead of flying, so you don't skip content too fast even if you want.




However tailwind is built for duration, which benefits nearly all her abilities except Tornado.

If you want SD to be anywhere near TW, you will need overextended. Which eats into his E Blade and S Dash.


And it will still lose to TW in a straight line or gaining height.

Don't always need to make all around good builds to do something, and don't say range doesn't benefit blind.

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Did the test, excal can't fight the gravity. That does not make it less ridiculous. Also i'd personally prefer that no-brainer of chaining air melee, copter and wallflings to skillful use of one-button abilities. But if there is no choice I may become a dedicated zephyr user like you, until rework that makes her hover at sprint speed instead of flying, so you don't skip content too fast even if you want.




Don't always need to make all around good builds to do something, and don't say range doesn't benefit blind.



RB and RJ are now affected by LOS or awareness. Overextended RB / RJ builds have long since gone the way of the dodo.

Overextended and stretch now only benefits Slash Dash targeting and is limited to 3 to 4 targets.


You will still use Stretch since it does help, but overextended doesn't really benefit Excal that much anymore.

Edited by fatpig84
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RB and RJ are now affected by LOS or awareness. Overextended RB / RJ builds have long since gone the way of the dodo.

Overextended and stretch now only benefits Slash Dash targeting and is limited to 3 to 4 targets.


You will still use Stretch since it does help, but overextended doesn't really benefit Excal that much anymore.

What is your point? I shouldn't equip OE if i want better mobility and bigger blind zone?

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If coptering is the only thing that holds you here then maybe you don't really like warframe.

Well yea, i liked it more back then when i first saw it and started to play. Now i see that things that i liked slowly go away and in exchange i will receive some improvements for a goofy clunky S#&$ which i don't care about like that parkour 2.0, 3.0 or whatever it called. There won't be any miracles because i know how weird the architecture of the levels may be and normaly the rework of a single feature won't help, it will require a complete rework for a levels as well, to make it work together, which ain't gonna happen for a well known reasons "$". And at the begining things won't be smoot as always so this means that the game will be unplayable and will take lots of updates and fixes which means more host migrations, dc's, crashes, logins failed etc i just saw too much of that to struggle more)

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There aren't a lot of people that like coptering.  There's a loud minority that QQs over the loss of an overused, broken system.


We all want more skill-based play and that forces out broken garbage.  DE finally invested time in a rework and realized that logically coptering hurts their game.  Now its time for copturds to realize it too.


More like there's a loud minority that QQs over the existence of something as awesome as coptering. The forum population is, as always in game, a tiny fraction of the player base. People don't come to forums to say good job, this is awesome. They come here to complain. Like the 200 people that dislike or outright hate coptering in a game of millions that like it.


Well yea, i liked it more back then when i first saw it and started to play. Now i see that things that i liked slowly go away and in exchange i will receive some improvements for a goofy clunky S#&$ which i don't care about like that parkour 2.0, 3.0 or whatever it called. There won't be any miracles because i know how weird the architecture of the levels may be and normaly the rework of a single feature won't help, it will require a complete rework for a levels as well, to make it work together, which ain't gonna happen for a well known reasons "$". And at the begining things won't be smoot as always so this means that the game will be unplayable and will take lots of updates and fixes which means more host migrations, dc's, crashes, logins failed etc i just saw too much of that to struggle more)


Also this. Nerfs everywhere, rarely buffs to things that need it (snipers, shotguns, frames especially), piling on more grind when they say they want to reduce it, outright removal of things many people enjoy. Meanwhile, bugs everywhere that never get fixes, or get fixes that don't fix anything (how many times have they "fixed" crown of crap? How about Bladestorm and it's numerous bugs that have been "fixed"?), more convoluted bs than ever (this weapon takes 3 other weapons to craft, this frame takes parts from 4 other frames plus his own parts, Starchart 2.0, the preview for Starchart 3.0, etc). The longer I play the more it seems like they made a game I found fun accidentally rather than on purpose lol

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Well yea, i liked it more back then when i first saw it and started to play. Now i see that things that i liked slowly go away and in exchange i will receive some improvements for a goofy clunky S#&$ which i don't care about like that parkour 2.0, 3.0 or whatever it called. There won't be any miracles because i know how weird the architecture of the levels may be and normaly the rework of a single feature won't help, it will require a complete rework for a levels as well, to make it work together, which ain't gonna happen for a well known reasons "$". And at the begining things won't be smoot as always so this means that the game will be unplayable and will take lots of updates and fixes which means more host migrations, dc's, crashes, logins failed etc i just saw too much of that to struggle more)


You'll be receiving a complete rework to the goofy clunky S#&$ to make it not goofy and clunky anymore.


Almost all environments are being reworked to better support parkour 2.0. I'm shocked you weren't aware of that, or would think otherwise.


I've seen you around on the forums several times now, and I literally don't think I've ever seen you post a single thing other than hate.

Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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I for one think that anyone that uses only their melee weapons/think their melee weapons actually do jack need to just stop playing (or just play past wave/round 20 and get their dookage pushed in while only using melee.) I suppose Valk is alright because of the not being able to die but anything else and not using a gun is just stupid.

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