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Gonna Assume That Most People Don't Know What 'coptering' Is?


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I don't see an issue with it really.


There is a huge issue with a selection of weaponry only being used for things the category of weaponry shouldn't be used for.


Weapons shouldn't be selected for mobility and maneuvering through stages, but the system of mobility should be overhauled and thats what this whole parkour 2.0 is about. So that people can move better and effectively as intended without relying on something completely unrelated to do that.

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The only issue with it is that it prevents exploration and viewing of the beautiful environments for any substantial amount of time. In time the tilesets all blend together and people eventually fail to notice the beauty in them or even the differences

To be fair, running the same tile set for a millionth time, it simply becomes "ugh, gotta finish this faster so I can hopefully get X or Y"

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Are you asking what it is and what the issues are?


Coptering means stacking attack speed and doing slide attacks in mid air. The game calculates momentum and speed funny so the high attack speed can make the physics go nuts and send you flying, sometimes to the point that you can actually get stuck with so much momentum pushing you against a wall that it takes a few seconds before you can move away from the wall.


The "issue" is that DE Steve doesn't like it. A more amicable way to put it would be that it does not meet their quality standards. They want movement to be consistent and predictable, so that it can be considered skillful and be rolled into the rest of the game as something you can master, rather than giving wonky inconsistent results and being wildly different from weapon to weapon, build to build.

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The only issue with it is that it prevents exploration and viewing of the beautiful environments for any substantial amount of time. In time the tilesets all blend together and people eventually fail to notice the beauty in them or even the differences


when You did explore 99999999 same tiles you don't need more exploration , If i want exploration I go for medal hunting , all the tiles is same , even if you add "RNG" to get different map everytime , I just feel like I'm running the same map so I don't even need to check where I'm going , I already did it and doing it again so why re explore something that i know and can do eyes closed?

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Well, realisitically the best thing to do would be to remove coptering but make everyone faster in general to make up for the decrease in speed. Also make flip-ups, rolls, backflips and wall-hops based off of speed rather than a fixed speed dependant on frame.


Which they're doing so...yeah.

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To be fair, running the same tile set for a millionth time, it simply becomes "ugh, gotta finish this faster so I can hopefully get X or Y"



Are you asking what it is and what the issues are?


Coptering means stacking attack speed and doing slide attacks in mid air. The game calculates momentum and speed funny so the high attack speed can make the physics go nuts and send you flying, sometimes to the point that you can actually get stuck with so much momentum pushing you against a wall that it takes a few seconds before you can move away from the wall.


The "issue" is that DE Steve doesn't like it. A more amicable way to put it would be that it does not meet their quality standards. They want movement to be consistent and predictable, so that it can be considered skillful and be rolled into the rest of the game as something you can master, rather than giving wonky inconsistent results and being wildly different from weapon to weapon, build to build.


this is what im trying to pinpoint in my OP.


the first part of the second person's post I quoted is what I think is misconstrued. To be put simply.. 'coptering' in the state its in now is a glitch. Spin attack does and should allow some movement, but stacking attack speed to get unrealistic movement speeds is something that should be looked at. 

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Well, realisitically the best thing to do would be to remove coptering but make everyone faster in general to make up for the decrease in speed. Also make flip-ups, rolls, backflips and wall-hops based off of speed rather than a fixed speed dependant on frame.


Which they're doing so...yeah.


Right, it's something that has to be looked at. Also, coptering is the spin attack in the air to catapult you across the room depending on your attack speed w/ certain weapons. 


I dont think they'll be removing jump attacks which they worked so hard to implement. In my opinion it's better to jump attack than copter.. feels more fluid.

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Coptering has been such an integral part of my Playstyle for so long that im going to have to re-think the whole game if it leaves. Problem is that we never get actual answers about it. Its been said, by Steve even, that Coptering is here to stay, but He has also lately said that Its going....Which totally confuses me.


Speed Kills, its a viable playstyle that people used to use all the time. It is a means toward a goal, and that goal is to get something done fast, Or get from enemy to enemy as fast as possible. The only reason the vast majority of people complain about it is that they can't keep up, and thats why when im doing it, I either go Solo, or with a group of friends that are doing the same thing as me. Its simply a tool that some of us use, others don't. I see no reason to remove it.


Sure, some places are pretty. But removing coptering wont make anyone stop and enjoy the scenery, it will just slow coptering players down and invalidate over half of the weapons that use it well. Removing an aspect of the game, regardless of how it came to be, just to appease people who complain about others doing it, is pretty ridiculous. If you dont like it, Don't use it....Thats been said of many things in this game so far. But why complain so much that it gets taken away from the ones that truly enjoy it?

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this is what im trying to pinpoint in my OP.


the first part of the second person's post I quoted is what I think is misconstrued. To be put simply.. 'coptering' in the state its in now is a glitch. Spin attack does and should allow some movement, but stacking attack speed to get unrealistic movement speeds is something that should be looked at. 

Its no longer a Glitch. It was for almost a year, but it has now been tweaked and touched up, intentionally. Use Throwing weapons (Despair, Kunai, Hikou) and you only copter half as far. It has been actively modified, so it can no longer be called a glitch. The only Glitch associated with it now is the fast running feet that others see when you do it.

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The only issue with it is that it prevents exploration and viewing of the beautiful environments for any substantial amount of time. In time the tilesets all blend together and people eventually fail to notice the beauty in them or even the differences


That's an issue with mobility, not coptering. And I don't even think it's that bad of an issue.

If you're able to move fast, then no problem, levels are replayable. People can explore levels solo at their own pace and take in all the details as they please. If you force everyone to do this, every single time they run the mission, then you end up with the same problem that Vindictus has (most notably Season 2, Episodes 2-3), where players end up bored and frustrated because they spend more time holding SHIFT+W than actually fighting.


Slowly strolling through a map is a breathtaking experience for the first three or four times. Less so for the hundredth.

Edited by SortaRandom
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Sounds to me like coptering is just like call of duty's infamous quick scoping. Born from a glitch/physics exploit that was never meant to be there in the first place, the CoD fans cried and cried over the removal of quick scoping to the point that the developers let it be a thing, thus forever solidifying Call of Duty sniper rifles as the most pointless thing in a game ever. More so than Excal's super jump, even.

On that same note, why would you put a sniper rifle capable of a lethal shot as far as 2 miles (3.21 kilometers) in a game where the furthest distance on a given map is approximately 200 yards? (~180 meters).

Anyways, this strikes me as the same thing. Some people are glad to see it go, but a lot of people are going to say "wah, muh exploitz" and threaten to leave because they aren't getting their way.

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Without coptering I'm afraid some of the slower frames would rarely get used except in specialized situations. Like frost for defense.

It would actually make the missions much more difficult. Cause now we can rush to the objective, globe, wait, then rush to exit. Without coptering, one mission would take FOREVER. Maybe thats what they are going for....Forcing us to deal with things we dont have to at the moment. I cant say its a totally bad thing....but its going to make things more tedious, in an already very tedium heavy game.

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A lot of you are missing out on the fact that with the removal of glitch-coptering comes a new movement system that's much more consistent, capable, and fluid than what we have right now. We may also have increased run speeds since it's a thing that's been begged for since the ancient days of Warframe's Open Beta.

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