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Furious Javelin Has Been Indirectly Nerfed


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Before you could hit a bunch of enemies. Hit 20 and get around a 200% bonus or more if you hit more. Now, with only 12 summonable javelins, it's been made useless.

I would like it to either be changed or removed and replaced with something more worth of being called an augment.


To be clear, I'm saying that this mod doesn't come up to standards with his other three augments. (Maximized power strength = 300% in these calculations, as I rounded)

Furious Javelin Maximized Power Strength: 180% melee bonus damage

Radiant Finish Maximized Power Strength: 900% armor ignoring finishing damage.

Surging Dash Maximized Power Strength: 1 hit = 12 combo counter hits.


Combo counter bonuses:

+.5x added every time you reach 3x the previous combo counter activation.

1.5x = 5 combo counter hits. (1 surging dash hit.)

2x = 15 combo counter hits. (2 Surging dash hits.)

2.5x = 45 combo counter hits. (4 surging dash hits.)

3x = 135 combo counter hits. (12 surging dash hits.)

3.5x = 405 combo counter hits. (34 surging dash hits.)

and so on.

Edited by (PS4)theelix
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Buy Furious Javelin and have fun.

At least, try it.

I've been using it since it came out on PS4. I've made it get into the 250% melee damage. But if they're going to cap me like that, and make a mod that's ridiculously situational also capped at 170%~ then I really don't see a point in it even existing, now, if you can easily use radiant finish and get nearly double the bonus, or just whack an enemy with a stick a few times and get equal damage.

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So it's now completely useless because you can only hit max 12 enemies. That makes no sense. If it was completely useless, it would be Radial Finish, which has absolutely no effect anymore (I think).

Because the bonus from all of his other augments are much better than this one, since it's now capped at around 170% damage.

Surging dash, since it's now homing, gives a faster 2x bonus than this, and radiant finish just makes the damage go through the roof on base power strength.

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So it's now completely useless because you can only hit max 12 enemies. That makes no sense. If it was completely useless, it would be Radial Finish, which has absolutely no effect anymore (I think).


Radial Finish just increases finisher damage on blinded targets by 300% since its primary function was incorporated into radial blind itself. Finishers are so ridiculous without it that it basically makes the mod useless. When you can kill a level 95 bombard with one finisher, it doesn't seem like it's worth sacrificing a mod slot for it over more survivability or damage.


If they hard capped the amount of targets on radial javelin, then the augment is probably worthless. Radial Javelin should hit anything that's aware of the excal and not have a cap, and I can't exactly speak if it's bugged or not, but while playing with the augment I haven't gone over 100% bonus damage with it since the update.


Edit: Just noticed you were on ps4, so most of what I just said is probably useless to you ;-;

Edited by TheGuyverOne
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Because the bonus from all of his other augments are much better than this one, since it's now capped at around 170% damage.

Surging dash, since it's now homing, gives a faster 2x bonus than this, and radiant finish just makes the damage go through the roof on base power strength.


My point is that calling it ''indirectly worthless'' goes towards the very definition of 'worthless' which it's not. It does give you SOMETHING. 

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Radial Finish just increases finisher damage on blinded targets by 300% since its primary function was incorporated into radial blind itself. Finishers are so ridiculous without it that it basically makes the mod useless. When you can kill a level 95 bombard with one finisher, it doesn't seem like it's worth sacrificing a mod slot for it over more survivability or damage.


If they hard capped the amount of targets on radial javelin, then the augment is probably worthless. Radial Javelin should hit anything that's aware of the excal and not have a cap, and I can't exactly speak if it's bugged or not, but while playing with the augment I haven't gone over 100% bonus damage with it since the update.


Edit: Just noticed you were on ps4, so most of what I just said is probably useless to you ;-;

I've done the math and seen the gameplay, which is why I'm making this post now. This mod, now with your cap, at Maximized damage on Excalibur only gives you a 180% boost, as maximized power strength on excalibur is 299%, which boosts the mod to 15% damage per hit enemy, and you can only hit a maximum of 12 enemies, and 15 * 12 is 180.


With Radial Finish, you can boost the damage of the finisher with power strength, so on the same build, Furious javelin is worth less than the bonus of Radial Finish, and doesn't add enough of a bonus to radial finish to be any more useful.

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