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Any High Mr Or Veteran Players That Haven't Done Raids?


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One other thing to add... just because you can do it with 8 players doesn't necessarily mean you should. 5-6 is a much more comfortable number IMO, for both the regular and nightmare. More frames, more problems! A trinity, disarming loki, big bubble frost, slow nova and a bastille-crazy vauban makes a great combo for completing it with 5.

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Look, that's just something you're going to have to live with. My advice? Stop caring about other people, because it's the easiest meta.

You said above that players make exagerrations or leaping conclusions. Did you ever consider that multiple experiences with players in anything other than Trial can leave a player questioning whether or not plaiyng with people can be toxic? It's not an exagerration when I say that Recruiting chat is filled with a vast majority of common Trial players. Common, as in "LF experience". No one will ever bring in a newbie to the Trial willing to teach and then not blame them for a small blunder

From what I've seen, much of the Trial community is horrible and I want to avoid it all costs.

Am I ignorant? Yes. Have I ever done the Trial at least once? No. Do I want to? No.

I choose to be ignorant. People are horrible and this is the reason why I'm a solo player and despise DE for making me miss content because they're shoving "four or more" down my, along with every other solo player's, throat.

If DE continues to make me miss content because of poorly made "Raid" missions, I'm saying goodbye to Warframe.

Would ... You like to play with me? I promise you no one will be toxic and everyone will be friendly and helpful :3

If it's just the players that are dissuading you, I can help out with that :D Every time I've raided I take 2-3 of my more experienced friends with me, then 3 or more new players so they can experience this part of the game.

Edited by Withthegoodrice
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MR 19, over a thousand hours in the game, all the shebaz you expect from someone who would be doing the raid. I don't like raids. I don't have a microphone for communication (strike 1), I don't know how the Trial works from point to point (strike 2) and my connection is not super reliable at times because I live in a rural area (strike 3). Plus if we're going for bonus points I'm tired of Vay Hek. I've had to fight him so many times now and I can't stand him any further. I don't want to hear him slosh his jowls around and yell more propaganda nonsense while I also get yelled at by someone because I was 4 inches too far to the left. It's too stressful in my opinion.

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MR19 here. Maxed out almost everything without draco farming or the like, more than a thousand hours ingame etc etc, I don't do raids because I don't find them fun.


Maybe I'd enjoy them more if I had a well coordinated team of people who know how the puzzles and the meta works, but I generally solo whenever possible and my clan is pretty casual, so I don't have access to that without braving recruiting chat.


Me not having a working microphone doesn't help matters either.


I don't feel like I'm missing much - arcane enhancements are such a pain in the butt to level that they're basically worthless to me, and while the badges look pretty cool, eh, my clan badge and the slingstone badge is cool enough for my purposes.


I am really irritated that J3 is locked behind raids though, because again, I generally prefer to solo whenever I can for extra challenge and less distractions and I don't have access to a reliable team of raiders.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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MR 19, never done it and have no reason to start. Money? Sechura\Seimeni. Arcane enchantment? Have enouth plat to buy all of them but i can't say it's realy worth for frames i like to play. Solo player to the bone, coz i know my limit and how i handle things. Coop-ing only for endless mission, when i need to farm something and don't have a void key. Only thing that i can find interesting in trials-nm badge, but meh

Edited by Hekovashi
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I stopped playing for a really long time and just recently came back a few months ago.  Nearly to MR15 and I don't play raids just because the communication system is lacking and if I can't communicate effectively with my teammates while I'm trying to figure stuff out then I'm nothing but a liability.

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I'm mr 14 (if that even matters) and i havent done a single one, cause... well..


Rewards are not really worth the time and investment.

Artificial difficulty is something, that i hate with a passion.

I'm not too much interested in that so called "challenge".

Doing a raid with 4 people is pretty much annoying, while maintaining a team of whopping 8 is ridiculous.

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I've had people yelling at me to spam EV on everything. I then type back that maybe they should kill a few enemies instead of having me attempting to kill with EV. I have my Trinity set to be an all-around frame, always with Abating Link, and none of the corrupted mods because I don't want to lose range, efficiency, etc. It seems like I should build another Trinity specifically for raids, with regular and corrupted mods all going towards EV.

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I always try to invite a couple of new players every normal raid I do, given that they're interested in learning. Oddly enough, I actually get a decent amount of new players that are MR 14+.

Is there any reason why people don't do raids :o? They're really quite fun, at least the first couple times. Do they just seem complicated or intimidating?


Edit: Oh gosh that's alot of reasons why >_<.  Please, if anyone feels like toxicity, or intimidation, or fear of being a liability is anything close to what's stopping them from running Raids, add me as a friend on client or PM me and I'll invite you into a friendly group :3. Just a reminder that this is still a game, to have fun, and in the right conditions Raids can be just that :D! 


Edit2: Now I feel really privileged ;-;. Are comp/internet specs and bugs that big of a deal? I really haven't encountered to many problems with them. 


Edit3: I just ran an awesome raid with 4 people that I got from this thread and a friend of mine :3. All 4 of them were brand new, and I have to say it was one of the smoother raids I've gone through. 


Again, add me if you want to run one before the next Raid is released in U17! It's really not to complicated, and it's alot of fun.

The raid, really? You mean that one mission that is very hard, requires lots of teamwork and is about as rewarding as a T1 mission? Yeah, no, thanks.

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I've had people yelling at me to spam EV on everything. I then type back that maybe they should kill a few enemies instead of having me attempting to kill with EV. I have my Trinity set to be an all-around frame, always with Abating Link, and none of the corrupted mods because I don't want to lose range, efficiency, etc. It seems like I should build another Trinity specifically for raids, with regular and corrupted mods all going towards EV.


O dear.

Yes, there is a very specific way you should build her >_<. You're not attempting to kill enemies with EV, but to give energy to your team :P.

That's what they mean when they say spam EV - give em energy. Abating Link isn't that great when you have 4 CPS.

There are two general builds, blessing and EV. I'll pm you.

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The raid, really? You mean that one mission that is very hard, requires lots of teamwork and is about as rewarding as a T1 mission? Yeah, no, thanks.

Trials have decent rewards if you can do them efficiently.  Free pre-built clan tech resources, boosters that get you around 400k credits at mission end, guaranteed G3, and arcane enhancements (some of which are very useful).  If you already knew that and you're just hating I apologize for telling you what you already know.  But if you can do them why not?  I mean, besides just not liking them, which is a pretty valid reason not to do them.

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I would rather play Archwing.  It's not fun and the rewards aren't good.


I also have a thing against arcanes even existing.  We were told that we would be able to wear any cosmetic item we want without it affecting our stats back when the helms were being made limited - and I believed them until they came out with more arcanes instead.  So I just don't put arcane effects on any of my cosmetics and swap my shiny things around as I please, and hope they pull their heads out of their asses on this one eventually.

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As a MR18 and a Warframe veteran (not as much as the others, but still.), the only raid I've done was on the release day, which I have never fully completed. To this day, I haven't bothered touching the raids because of a few reasons:

1. I prefer to play with my friends. Currently, I would be very lucky if I even had a team that includes 3 friends of mine, never mind a full 8 of us.

2. Every raid host I've seen in recruiting demanded "teammates with experience". I have no experience with anything past the pressure plates on phase 2, and I am reluctant to join a raid to learn since I'd end up being a burden to the team.

3. While I recognize that some hosts and teammates are patient and willing to teach others, I've come to adopt the mindset that such players are few and far between. The details behind this mindset will stretch on for a while, but simply put, I cannot muster enough faith to put in others because of past experiences.

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MR 19, havent done one. Dont appeal to me. This is Warframe, not WOW. Game is going off on a wrong tangent as of late is my opinion, things like raids are an example of something that the game simply doesnt need.


wtb moar boring yet more important than raids bug fixes, pst


p.s the mantra of "fun" has ruined more games than saved them

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MR 19, played one raid, had three other 19s - two experienced, two of us new to raids. The rest were friends of varying ranks from 15 - 8.


We did well until the pit where you have to get the core and dump it in a chamber to detonate. several times we did it and nothing happened.  Our Trinity EV lagged out and couldn't reconnect. Then our Trinity Healer went down and couldn't revive.  I was playing FP and running around trying to keep important points globed but without an energy feed I was rapidly going through ER's I wiped out 50+ Energy restores, unknown but high numbers of heals and shield restores in that raid). Eventually our Loki Reser went down and it didn't last long after that.  All of it cascaded from  a single person bugging/lagging out on a perfectly respectable 25mbps low latency connection. 

No more raids for me until that crap is taken care of. getting friends to do what was needed was bad enough, I can't imagine what a nightmare cat herding scenario it must be for pubs. 


I doubt my group of friends will ever have enough high level players to make it an enjoyable experience.. I like the concept - it just that it's to far out of the reach of to many players.

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