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Vauban Is The Most Annoying Thing Ever.


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I'm seriously about to leave any game I see a Vauban in.  All of his spells are uncessarily bright, and they also have extremely annoying mechanics that for some ridiculous reason not only effect enemies, but also effect other players. 


For instance, that stupid vacuum crap.  If two are placed, you can't even run away from them.  As if one being placed moving you and screwing your aim up isn't enough.

Also, why do half his skills seem to blur my screen to the point that I can hardly see?  I'm entirely sick of every other person playing one throwing 50 of those dumbass zappy grenades onto me which for some reason stay stuck to me for a ridiculous amount of time and are so bright I can't even see what my crosshair is on.

TL;DR:  Vauban is annoying as hell.  Tone down his graphics, and make his annoying mechanics not effect other players.  Also, stop making useless skills like that jump elevator thing, or give them a purpose.

Edited by OneOhOne
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.  Also, stop making useless skills like that jump elevator thing, or give them a purpose.

Bailing teammates out of an Infested moshpit. Skipping terrain like Grineer fences or gaps you can't normally clear. General mobility. The skills aren't useless, you're just not creative with them.

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Turn off Bloom in graphics? This helps a lot actually.



and because you are so annoyed by vauban, I assume that you'll never build it? never ever ever, like although you get all of the blueprint, you will let it sit in the foundry and never build it, or better, sell it?

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hahaha, first off, what graphic setting do you have?  If you have bloom on, ffs, turn that h!t off.  Bloom always causes issues.   Second, saying that a Warframe is stupid, is just your opinion.  There are plenty of people who already like the Warframe and are happy with his abilites.  Now, i will give you credit for his one vortex ability having the ability to draw in players, so that is annoying, however the Vayban frame is far from being useless.


Since you clearly have no idea how he works, I will not waste my time explaining each ability, but I will touch the jumping one.  FIrst, the jump ability is good for those maps where there is multiple levels to go to and there are a few secret areas that can be now easily accessed thanks in part to the jump ability.   Second, if you are on a infested map that has fairly high ceilings, then you can deploy a jump bad just when an Ancient is charging you.  This is great for defense maps with infested because you can be near the edge and then deploy a jump pad and then step aside as the infested gets shot up and fals out of the map (thus dying).

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I'm seriously about to leave any game I see a Vauban in.  All of his spells are uncessarily bright, and they also have extremely annoying mechanics that for some ridiculous reason not only effect enemies, but also effect other players. 


For instance, that stupid vacuum crap.  If two are placed, you can't even run away from them.  As if one being placed moving you and screwing your aim up isn't enough.

Also, why do half his skills seem to blur my screen to the point that I can hardly see?  I'm entirely sick of every other person playing one throwing 50 of those dumbass zappy grenades onto me which for some reason stay stuck to me for a ridiculous amount of time and are so bright I can't even see what my crosshair is on.

TL;DR:  Vauban is annoying as hell.  Tone down his graphics, and make his annoying mechanics not effect other players.  Also, stop making useless skills like that jump elevator thing, or give them a purpose.

Deal with it.

If you have graphic problems, turn them down.

If you don't like his mechanics in groups, go play on solo or private.

If you don't like him, just don't play him.

Problems solved.

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Bailing teammates out of an Infested moshpit. Skipping terrain like Grineer fences or gaps you can't normally clear. General mobility. The skills aren't useless, you're just not creative with them.

Not to mention that it gives ALL frames a chance to jump like Excalibur, making them able to reach safe perches for worry-free sniping and can be switched out by Loki as needed. Far from useless, maybe just saturated FX and not so skilled/teamworking Vauban players?

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Bailing teammates out of an Infested moshpit. Skipping terrain like Grineer fences or gaps you can't normally clear. General mobility. The skills aren't useless, you're just not creative with them.

I've actually killed a few enemies using bounce.




OP, deal with it.


The "zappy" grenades are fine, hell, I find it the best way to keep hostages alive when my whole team goes running through the damn level and leaves the poor hostage to be attacked. Go turn off bloom, and you'll be fine.


The tesla grenades should stay the same, the graphics should be tuned down a little, but that's it.

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hahaha, first off, what graphic setting do you have?  If you have bloom on, ffs, turn that h!t off.  Bloom always causes issues.   Second, saying that a Warframe is stupid, is just your opinion.  There are plenty of people who already like the Warframe and are happy with his abilites.  Now, i will give you credit for his one vortex ability having the ability to draw in players, so that is annoying, however the Vayban frame is far from being useless.


Since you clearly have no idea how he works, I will not waste my time explaining each ability, but I will touch the jumping one.  FIrst, the jump ability is good for those maps where there is multiple levels to go to and there are a few secret areas that can be now easily accessed thanks in part to the jump ability.   Second, if you are on a infested map that has fairly high ceilings, then you can deploy a jump bad just when an Ancient is charging you.  This is great for defense maps with infested because you can be near the edge and then deploy a jump pad and then step aside as the infested gets shot up and fals out of the map (thus dying).

oh and it can spin the cryopod

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I ranked the Vauban to 30 in the same night it came out and i have had no problems with him, even playing in a group with 3 Vaubans using the Vortex.

My Graphics are at Max, that including PhysX. Minor lag spites every now and then, specialy in a Vauban team but nothing that kept me from playing and less from killing.


I have used Bounce many times with both my Boyfriend and guild friends, helping them some times cross places their having trouble wall running or getting up from. Every now and then fooling around with them too throwing it on the wall they got to wall run on and making them bounce off. :P

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I hate vauban users. Not because its the new warframe, not because I don't have that warframe, but because intead of killing things - those just  levitate them in the air(not confirmed but shockwave moas still generate shocvkwaves being in air). Floating targets are much harder to hit with melee. Also they toss their jumping pads at teamates sending them in the air. I do not like it being tossed in air without my will.

This troll frame should never exist.

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I hate vauban users. Not because its the new warframe, not because I don't have that warframe, but because intead of killing things - those just  levitate them in the air(not confirmed but shockwave moas still generate shocvkwaves being in air). Floating targets are much harder to hit with melee. Also they toss their jumping pads at teamates sending them in the air. I do not like it being tossed in air without my will.

This troll frame should never exist.



Try dealing with a 12 year old who figures out Mag's pull


Then talk to me about annoying.


or a a 12 year old who figures out Loki's Teleport Switch

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Why are you standing close to vortexes anyways? You're supposed to lead enemies into them.


And those stupid zappy things are killing rollers and any other enemies that get close to you.

Edited by Zeddypanda
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I ranked the Vauban to 30 in the same night it came out and i have had no problems with him, even playing in a group with 3 Vaubans using the Vortex.

My Graphics are at Max, that including PhysX. Minor lag spites every now and then, specialy in a Vauban team but nothing that kept me from playing and less from killing.


I have used Bounce many times with both my Boyfriend and guild friends, helping them some times cross places their having trouble wall running or getting up from. Every now and then fooling around with them too throwing it on the wall they got to wall run on and making them bounce off. :P



Whats this?  A female amongst us?  Damn, too bad she's taken =/

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I'm seriously about to leave any game I see a Vauban in.  All of his spells are uncessarily bright, and they also have extremely annoying mechanics that for some ridiculous reason not only effect enemies, but also effect other players. 


For instance, that stupid vacuum crap.  If two are placed, you can't even run away from them.  As if one being placed moving you and screwing your aim up isn't enough.

Also, why do half his skills seem to blur my screen to the point that I can hardly see?  I'm entirely sick of every other person playing one throwing 50 of those dumbass zappy grenades onto me which for some reason stay stuck to me for a ridiculous amount of time and are so bright I can't even see what my crosshair is on.

TL;DR:  Vauban is annoying as hell.  Tone down his graphics, and make his annoying mechanics not effect other players.  Also, stop making useless skills like that jump elevator thing, or give them a purpose.

Vaubans skills may be annoying in a graphics way and I do agree that can be turned down (I haven't had many problems but I have turned off most of the graphics options) but DON"T ask to change his uniqueness! There are no other frames yet to be as versitile as him. That sticky grenade is a big help for a tank. Tank can't do enough damage to kill all the mobs surrounding him? No problem! Vauban throws on some grenades and BOOM! Now he is not only smacking the ground and knocking everything down but there is lightning flying off him and helping to deal with everything.


All in all please don't ask to take away creativity and versatility from the gameplay

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Vaubans skills may be annoying in a graphics way and I do agree that can be turned down (I haven't had many problems but I have turned off most of the graphics options) but DON"T ask to change his uniqueness! There are no other frames yet to be as versitile as him. That sticky grenade is a big help for a tank. Tank can't do enough damage to kill all the mobs surrounding him? No problem! Vauban throws on some grenades and BOOM! Now he is not only smacking the ground and knocking everything down but there is lightning flying off him and helping to deal with everything.


All in all please don't ask to take away creativity and versatility from the gameplay

Agreed, I for one find the abilities the Vauban has as unique and awesomely creative gameplay elements. OP should try playing as the Vauban before knocking it.

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Bailing teammates out of an Infested moshpit. Skipping terrain like Grineer fences or gaps you can't normally clear. General mobility. The skills aren't useless, you're just not creative with them.

Wrong.  Everything it does, you can do with a simple air-slide.  It's not hard.  It's useless.

@whoever told me to turn of my bloom.  Why the hell should I have to turn down my settings to be able to play the game?

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