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Guides Of The Lotus ~ Program Launch Replies (Split From Original Faq)



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Thank you so much guys! I would've replied to all the GL's sooner but my Internet has been out for about 20 hours.

I am truly honored and grateful to be apart of the GOTL program! Thank you all for the support! Good luck, and good hunting, Tenno!

You can find me in my spare time at the Vesper Relay (XB1) on planet Venus if you need assistance. If I am not there and you need assistance, please just PM me anytime on the game and I will respond as soon as possible! You are free to add me to your friends list for further reachability!

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Thank you so much guys! I would've replied to all the GL's sooner but my Internet has been out for about 20 hours.

I am truly honored and grateful to be apart of the GOTL program! Thank you all for the support! Good luck, and good hunting, Tenno!

You can find me in my spare time at the Vesper Relay (XB1) on planet Venus if you need assistance. If I am not there and you need assistance, please just PM me anytime on the game and I will respond as soon as possible! You are free to add me to your friends list for further reachability!


Welcome to guides of the Lotus, xXx STR1FE xXx.

Good Luck in the relay, hope you don't get many trolls in there.

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That would be much appreciated, here in the Europe region barely any guides are on

I'm a GOTL based in the EU and I'm on quite a bit tbh, you may have just been unlucky in missing me, plus I've sorta been hammered with work irl over the last few days.


I will be about as usual later on today after I finish work, and hope to see some of you guys over at the relay.


Edit, would like to welcome strife to the team, and I'm glad to see this program gathering pace and support.


Enjoy your day Tenno :)

Edited by (PS4)D-onlinekilla-4D
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Thank you so much guys! I would've replied to all the GL's sooner but my Internet has been out for about 20 hours.

I am truly honored and grateful to be apart of the GOTL program! Thank you all for the support! Good luck, and good hunting, Tenno!

You can find me in my spare time at the Vesper Relay (XB1) on planet Venus if you need assistance. If I am not there and you need assistance, please just PM me anytime on the game and I will respond as soon as possible! You are free to add me to your friends list for further reachability!

Once again, Good Luck bro your gonna need it lol

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[DE]Danielle, will you please seperate the platforms by console? It was mentioned by people on X1, Vesper Relay during a GotL discussion.

That 1 x1 player is kind of lost in the list of Senior Guides.

Pc Senior

Pc junior


Ps4 Senior

Ps4 Junior


X1 Senior

X1 Junior

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Very good idea and program, if you need an additional seasoned veteran to help your german players specifically, i'd gladly sign up for it.And despite the fact that i've been (not maliciously!) highly critical of aspects of warframe and particularly its monetization in the past, i would gladly help new players avoid some of the mistakes you can easily make as a new player (throwing your 50 plat at a rush and then noticing you don't have a third warframe slot, even i did that back in my day).


One more thing that should be added to the Q&A is the question of the time-frames guides will spend in the relays and when to typically find them. That might be worth adding. And maybe even, for new players who have just gotten started, have lotus do a little voice-acted advice on the fact that these guides exist and have it pointing players to the respective relay, so they know this help exists, in the actual game. Could be an added little VO at the end of Vor's Prize ^^ something like "Tenno, i know you have a lot of questions, there's still a lot of work to be done to bring balance back to the origin system, but you're not alone in this fight. You can find my guides here and here" ::)

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Hhmm should'nt gotl stay within They're own regions, i thought that was the whole concept to help players in They're timezone!

Technically, yes. However most of the players reside in the East US region, if lets say a EU guide gets on when it is 11pm their time, they'll be able to help more people in the US region than the Europe region as most people in the EU won't be online at that current time

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[DE]Danielle, will you please seperate the platforms by console? It was mentioned by people on X1, Vesper Relay during a GotL discussion.

That 1 x1 player is kind of lost in the list of Senior Guides.

Pc Senior

Pc junior


Ps4 Senior

Ps4 Junior


X1 Senior

X1 Junior

There are already tags to separate the guides from different platforms. The ones on PS4 have (PS4) tag in the front of their name, Xbox One players have the (XB1) tag in the front of their name, and PC guides have just their name with no special tags.

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There are already tags to separate the guides from different platforms. The ones on PS4 have (PS4) tag in the front of their name, Xbox One players have the (XB1) tag in the front of their name, and PC guides have just their name with no special tags.

Regardless, there becomes little need to search through an ever growing list of players when there is some simple organization. Plus, players are Guides for multiple platforms.

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Well, I survived my first 36 hours of being a GOTL today. I was at the Vesper Relay for about 11-12 hours total today. What an experience!


Where do I begin... Ok, first off, I cannot begin to count just how many players I was able to help out today. So many questions and people asking these questions! But, I am so happy to help out the players. As I like to believe, we all started somewhere in the game, and knowledge is key for starting out fresh!


On to my second topic about today: The Trolls....

So, out of the 11-12 hours I spent in the Relay today, I ran into two players who literally threatened me and blackmailed me. Quite interesting indeed. One accused me of bad mouthing him, when I was assisting players in Relay chat, making jokes with others whilst waiting for questions to come my way. The player constantly harassed me, talked crap and was bullying others, then accuses me of bad mouthing them and then proceeding to say they snap shotted the conversation and was going to send it in to DE and get me kicked from my new found position.


The second person came in out of the blue while I was finishing up answering someone in the Chat and called me by my real name in public, which breaks the CoC, which is also not available to anyone but my friends, and the person said they had a snap shot of me calling someone a bad name I cannot say, several weeks ago and tried using it as blackmail on me for some reason. I was very confused. Luckily, many players of the Relay stood up for me in the midst of these players and eventually, both players left the Relay after angering the horde.


Last but not least, I had an idea for the GOTL program given to me by LordPuck tonight, stating that maybe the GOTL members should have their own chat tab, possibly when the program gets big enough to actually have a reason to have a chat tab made.


Anyways, once again, I am glad to be here to help my fellow Tenno! Feel free to message me anytime on the game or on the Forums!


Junior Guide Strife, signing off!

Edited by (XB1)xXx STR1FE xXx
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Last but not least, I had an idea for the GOTL program given to me by LordPuck tonight, stating that maybe the GOTL members should have their own chat tab, possibly when the program gets big enough to actually have a reason to have a chat tab made.

If they do, I really hope DE adds an option for us to pick which tabs we see in the chat menu beforehand; it's already impossible to see PMs in a relay if you're in a clan, an alliance, and DC...


Anyway. Congrats on your first 36 hours, despite the bumps!

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well the guides was a failure... well on EU side anyway its mostly back to normal on EU region I havent seen purple text on EU region in a few days, so its just us regioneers that will start saying go ask wiki when we finaly got fed up enough again after needing to answer the same question several times in a row, at least the "why are you purple" question gone since well purple text aint nowhere to be seen.... the Delayed kicks has increased tho (aka human intervention kicks not kickbot insta kicks of doom).. sooo we know they are there... just not answering questions anymore.... and I finally found one on Larunda Relay and he was AFK... like really what was the point of going there to AFK.. what show of you sigil? its a earned and constantly earned sigil that can be taken away, not a bragging right. would post this as a ticked or PM but I see thoses will get ignored soo was the spot of I should post this

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well the guides was a failure... well on EU side anyway its mostly back to normal on EU region I havent seen purple text on EU region in a few days, so its just us regioneers that will start saying go ask wiki when we finaly got fed up enough again after needing to answer the same question several times in a row, at least the "why are you purple" question gone since well purple text aint nowhere to be seen.... the Delayed kicks has increased tho (aka human intervention kicks not kickbot insta kicks of doom).. sooo we know they are there... just not answering questions anymore.... and I finally found one on Larunda Relay and he was AFK... like really what was the point of going there to AFK.. what show of you sigil? its a earned and constantly earned sigil that can be taken away, not a bragging right. would post this as a ticked or PM but I see thoses will get ignored soo was the spot of I should post this

Not all guides have purple texts, meaning you cant really tell if a player answered a question or a junior guide.

Guides often have several chat tabs open as well as keeping an eye on region/relay chat. It's not a small job and it can sometimes take some time to reply in the public chat as some conversations drags on. Not only that, I personally often read replies like yours whilst either standing in the relay on the forums to keep up to date.

When were you around in the relay? If you intended me to be the AFK one as I spent 10-12 hours there yesterday I don't recall your name at all. The times I go AFK I leave the relay unless it's 2 minutes to go grab a coffee.

About guides not answering on region chat, from talking to other guides and from personal experiance there is no need to answer a question that've already been answered. If someone gives accurate information more often than not the guides erase what they typed out. Not all of us have the privilage of purple text, meaning our answers can be lost in the bunch.

But it also states on the FAQ that a way to get a guides attention is to PM them Ingame, try that next time too if you want to check if a guide is AFK or just busy.

Edited by Rexian
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Strife did an excellent job on the relay.  He even calmed a troll, and snapped that Troll back under the bridge.  I was happy to see the xb1 players enjoying themselves, and game related questions were timely answered. 


Overall Great Work Strife.


I got your back.

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The player constantly harassed me, talked crap and was bullying others, then accuses me of bad mouthing them and then proceeding to say they snap shotted the conversation and was going to send it in to DE and get me kicked from my new found position.


The second person came in out of the blue while I was finishing up answering someone in the Chat and called me by my real name in public, which breaks the CoC, which is also not available to anyone but my friends, and the person said they had a snap shot of me calling someone a bad name I cannot say, several weeks ago and tried using it as blackmail on me for some reason. I was very confused. Luckily, many players of the Relay stood up for me in the midst of these players and eventually, both players left the Relay after angering the horde.


Last but not least, I had an idea for the GOTL program given to me by LordPuck tonight, stating that maybe the GOTL members should have their own chat tab, possibly when the program gets big enough to actually have a reason to have a chat tab made.


Anyways, once again, I am glad to be here to help my fellow Tenno! Feel free to message me anytime on the game or on the Forums!


Junior Guide Strife, signing off!

You can add me on xbl and pm me when you need help, I can  jump on if im home. PM Danielle about harassment

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