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Guides Of The Lotus ~ Program Launch Replies (Split From Original Faq)



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Strife, if you have people foul mouthing you over being a guide, remember to take screenshots of their names and pm them to Danielle.


OK! I will remember this. I am usually the kind of guy that doesn't "tattle-tale" like a little kid, but after yesterday, I see what you guys mean about "Good Luck!".


Strife did an excellent job on the relay.  He even calmed a troll, and snapped that Troll back under the bridge.  I was happy to see the xb1 players enjoying themselves, and game related questions were timely answered. 


Overall Great Work Strife.


I got your back.


Thank you Aflem! I appreciate the help from you and Unholy Trojan yesterday!


You can add me on xbl and pm me when you need help, I can  jump on if im home. PM Danielle about harassment


Sounds like I may need to if things like what happened to me happen normally. Expect to see a notification soon. And I did PM her. I will start screenshotting with my Xbox when things get happenin'.

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Sounds like I may need to if things like what happened to me happen normally. Expect to see a notification soon. And I did PM her. I will start screenshotting with my Xbox when things get happenin'.

It tends to be more hectic in the east relay so you may find yourself "tattle tailing" more than you'd like. Edited by (PS4)immanks102
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mybe the DE will make a lotus room in relays and the guides of the lotus can hang out there and help players

p.s dont know if I shuld apply i have 2019 h in game and i have played since it came out form beta, but its been on and off so thats why only 2000h

There's no application process, so you can't apply.

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mybe the DE will make a lotus room in relays and the guides of the lotus can hang out there and help players

p.s dont know if I shuld apply i have 2019 h in game and i have played since it came out form beta, but its been on and off so thats why only 2000h

You have to be recommended by a guide and considered by the DE or DE invites you to be one.  

(granted you meet the requirements they posted) 

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Newbies ask for help on Region (or other random channel), where someone will answer, its usually some stupid questions for us (like, where i can find Neurodes, and 5 peoples will answer them), they dont know what sigil means, or what is Relay. Most of the time they need help with some mission that is hard for them, and thay always come to Recuiting channel, invite random person, select mission, etc., without talking, so sometimes i think thay dont even know how to chat. If they miss something, like WTB Neural Sensors, always someone will jump on their whisper, help them or explain. Also some peoples went for fun into a low level missions, for some loot or to help newbies (or for rare drop, once i got 2x Jagged Edges and 1x Rage in MR0 team), and they will ask something, because they sow something new on you, something cool, they will add you for friend, so he can ask you something again, with time they got more friends, latter went into a clan, so newbie will always ask friends for help.

That is why i think this project is not so good. Its better to open Help channel on chat, where good peoples (or peoples who dont have anything to do, or somone who will just check from time to time) can help. With time, they will become popular helpers.

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Hello, nVidiaContractor,


Guides are volunteers. We do not have to do this type of thing. We are here to help others. Even if something like what you said happens, that doesn't matter. The fact that a Guide was of assistance and successfully aided another player to begin with should be good enough. If they DO add one of us, that just makes it easier for them to get ahold of us for reasons such as, kicking the bad seeds in chats, regions and so on. Additionally, if they require more assistance, whether it is 1 day from adding us as a friend or a year as a friend, we will be there to help them once again. It just comes with the title. I firmly believe this is an AWESOME program!

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Hello, nVidiaContractor,

Guides are volunteers. We do not have to do this type of thing. We are here to help others. Even if something like what you said happens, that doesn't matter. The fact that a Guide was of assistance and successfully aided another player to begin with should be good enough. If they DO add one of us, that just makes it easier for them to get ahold of us for reasons such as, kicking the bad seeds in chats, regions and so on. Additionally, if they require more assistance, whether it is 1 day from adding us as a friend or a year as a friend, we will be there to help them once again. It just comes with the title. I firmly believe this is an AWESOME program!

I argee, the program is very welcomed and I've it in action first hand. Strife has been a fine help and his excitement and motivation shines through his help.

Keep up the good work Guides. :D

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A Help channel would be incredibly impractical, since it would have to be monitored 24/7 to keep it 100% people asking questions and having those questions be answered. The Guides program, however, does not need this, since it is people asking people questions one on one, instead of an open chat where there isn't any regulation outside of a team of people who would have to watch it constantly.

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I know, but when we talk about newbies facts as i said, i think Help channel is much better and probably easier option.

My only gripe with that is how will you filter out the people that perhaps might give out false info on that channel? With the Gotl program you can look and see who is certified by DE and then ask that person via pm your question. That way you're getting one answer from one guy instead of multiple answers from multiple people.

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Welcome new Xbox 1 guides and good luck in the relays.


I second this also,

good luck Tenno and remember have fun too :)


Wow, now we have right about the same amount of guys on both consoles.

That was a quick jump I didn't expect.

Welcome new Guides!

Just from my interactions with you two on the forums, Lord, and Swag, I can't see how it could have possibly been a wrong choice.

Ummm -_^ :p lol

Welcome Lord and Swag! It's nice to know that I have some backup now instead of being the only "on everyday" active Guide! Good luck guys! Your going to need it!


Thank you,


Whats a Guide of the Lotus? Joke(I dont want to be compared to Poe again) :p

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Wow, now we have right about the same amount of guys on both consoles.

That was a quick jump I didn't expect.

Welcome new Guides!

Just from my interactions with you two on the forums, Lord, and Swag, I can't see how it could have possibly been a wrong choice.

It is great to see that Xbox now have more guides at long last :D
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My only gripe with that is how will you filter out the people that perhaps might give out false info on that channel? With the Gotl program you can look and see who is certified by DE and then ask that person via pm your question. That way you're getting one answer from one guy instead of multiple answers from multiple people.

^This...so many times over.  A help channel sounds great but what is going to stop it from becoming more of the same....people spamming, cussing, degrading, just being down right disgusting...

Edited by (PS4)jwernecke
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^This...so many times over.  A help channel sounds great but what is going to stop it from becoming more of the same....people spamming, cussing, degrading, just being down right disgusting...

Senior Guides of the Lotus do have the ability to kick/ban individuals as needed. This should help alleviate troll issues in chat and any type of Assistance channels.

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Welcome Lord and Swag! It's nice to know that I have some backup now instead of being the only "on everyday" active Guide! Good luck guys! Your going to need it!

u hurt mai feels bro



Senior Guides of the Lotus do have the ability to kick/ban individuals as needed. This should help alleviate troll issues in chat and any type of Assistance channels.

im here when you need me(if im home), just add me on xbl

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Senior Guides of the Lotus do have the ability to kick/ban individuals as needed. This should help alleviate troll issues in chat and any type of Assistance channels.

Yes and no....They can control it while they are there...but after that there are not enough of us....even if all of the new junior guides were bumped to senior guides there would be points of time that lacked coverage.  Just like now...I can message Crackle or Devoid or Drew if he is on and they can boot people from the chats but as soon as they leave it goes right back to the way it was.  That is the only reason I am opposed to having a help chat, even if it had an MR cap it would still be bad imo.


Aside from that welcome to the guides!

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So senior guides have the option to throw ppl out of relays! Well thats good the last few days (and i will not name or shame) theres been prolific amount of profanity there, i would recommend a ban on said persons during void trader visits to maybe let them know this is is a friendly community and not a place to explicitly insult others!

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My only gripe with that is how will you filter out the people that perhaps might give out false info on that channel? With the Gotl program you can look and see who is certified by DE and then ask that person via pm your question. That way you're getting one answer from one guy instead of multiple answers from multiple people.

Its not that hard, theres moderators, and guides on help channel? There is also reporting system.

Let see it in this, newbie ways, if you ask a question (eg. where can i get Frost?), and there is 5x true answers (Ceres, Ceres, ceres, boss on ceres, Ceres), there is 3x possible true answers (Void, vault, vault for prime), and there is 1x fake answer (eg. kill lotus to get frost), will you notice a troll? I dont know for you, but as a newbie, i will stand for Ceres Boss... sometimes someone will jump on your whisper too, usually with true information.

And its not region/global, its help channel, and usually peoples in any games dont coming to help channel to give false informations, in fact, lots of games (that is much more complicated and bigger then WF) got help channel with reason.


This guides sounds good, but put yourself into a newbies position, what is a sigil, what is Relay, where it is, where on Relay, what sigil looks like, where is Lotus, what, where, etc., i didnt even got informations about Guides (because i just installed a game and play), but, wait, i see help chat, maybe i can get help there?

Edited by nVidiaContractor
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