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Guides Of The Lotus ~ Program Launch Replies (Split From Original Faq)



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From what ive been seeing on Xbox chats, they are in need of some Gotl's pretty badly....

You don't need to be a GOTL to help those in chat buddy ;-) , i help new players out on there all the time. I think the issue is the overload of content they get post tuturial... Literally I get asked most the locations of resources, warframe parts and the likes which reminds me of how I found out this stuff personally - the wiki, NOT the game lol. Hopefully this GOTL programme has helped but I've yet to meet any of them on euro servers personally.

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You don't need to be a GOTL to help those in chat buddy ;-) , i help new players out on there all the time. I think the issue is the overload of content they get post tuturial... Literally I get asked most the locations of resources, warframe parts and the likes which reminds me of how I found out this stuff personally - the wiki, NOT the game lol. Hopefully this GOTL programme has helped but I've yet to meet any of them on euro servers personally.

I think he's talking about people being disruptive in the chats and the need for more moderation, not more Guides helping people.

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We try to do our best.  I even started inviting players who have questions to private voice parties to address their questions on XB1.  I have even invited them to chat parties mid mission.  Even when not in the relay, I try to make myself available for new players with game related questions.  I don't mind helping. 

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I think he's talking about people being disruptive in the chats and the need for more moderation, not more Guides helping people.

Alas the game is FTP so region chat was doomed from the get go in that regard. I remember the days when I compare the subbed Phantasy Star Uinverse community to the one on the free demo of it... Good God you IQ would degrade just reading some of the vulgar stuff people would type there haha. Still the kickbot does need some serious support in that regards none the less.

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Well, right now, I am doing the best I can with this program. As a Senior Guide, I try to help out with questions and moderation if need be when I can or when I am available. If you are having a very bad time in EU region, send me a message and I will check it out if I am available. You must keep in mind that the program is just now starting to pick up a bit for XB1 and PS4. The program is not that old yet and is still in the "learning to crawl" stage lol.

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The program is not that old yet and is still in the "learning to crawl" stage lol.

I skipped crawling and went straight to walking by duct taping my feet to the ground until I learned how to balance, after 30 hours of smacking my face off the floor I finally did it and this program can too.

Now I suppose I should say something slightly on topic. I have noticed quite a bit of toxicity in the chat lately, all we can do for now is try to change the subject or ignore those causing issues. But keep your heads up because I run into many new players every day and they appreciate the help.

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I skipped crawling and went straight to walking by duct taping my feet to the ground until I learned how to balance, after 30 hours of smacking my face off the floor I finally did it and this program can too.

Now I suppose I should say something slightly on topic. I have noticed quite a bit of toxicity in the chat lately, all we can do for now is try to change the subject or ignore those causing issues. But keep your heads up because I run into many new players every day and they appreciate the help.


As I said, I can't be everywhere at once. I try to do the best I can. I usually have time to sit in the Relay and Region for an hour or two at a time. I help out quite a lot of people everyday. And when I said we are still "learning to crawl", I meant that as a kind of metaphor, meaning we don't have many Guides on XB1/PS4. We have to make due with who we have. I know where your coming from, but there is only SO much that a small group of us can do and only so much time we can dedicate to helping others or trying to keep the community friendly and clean for everyone. When you get bombarded every minute with PM's when you offer to help, it gets pretty hard to keep track of Region chat, Relay chat, the other Pm's you have and other things.


As always though, I will continue to do the best that I can to help those who call upon me when I am available.   ^_^ 

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As I said, I can't be everywhere at once. I try to do the best I can. I usually have time to sit in the Relay and Region for an hour or two at a time. I help out quite a lot of people everyday. And when I said we are still "learning to crawl", I meant that as a kind of metaphor, meaning we don't have many Guides on XB1/PS4. We have to make due with who we have. I know where your coming from, but there is only SO much that a small group of us can do and only so much time we can dedicate to helping others or trying to keep the community friendly and clean for everyone. When you get bombarded every minute with PM's when you offer to help, it gets pretty hard to keep track of Region chat, Relay chat, the other Pm's you have and other things.


As always though, I will continue to do the best that I can to help those who call upon me when I am available.   ^_^ 


You should also lean towards people who need help, it's what i do i always ask if people need help because it gets more people to draw in rather than waiting and seeing someone run up to you and ask.





(Just a random dude passing through trying to help out that's all you don't have to do it just a suggestion)

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I had a particularly rough weekend with a couple players that I have since reported.


Some more guides would be most welcome but in the two particularly gruesome encounters I had neither of the players would accept that I was indeed anyone officially available to help other players. (neither would even accept or even observe the sigil).   


In turn, I spent much time documenting their misbehaviour and in one case actually had to report one to Microsoft/Xbox as he later stalked me onto Xbox messenger.


I still feel as if I am helping but not sure if the benefit offset the pain at least this past weekend.  Yesterday truly was a "labor" day.

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As I said, I can't be everywhere at once. I try to do the best I can. I usually have time to sit in the Relay and Region for an hour or two at a time. I help out quite a lot of people everyday. And when I said we are still "learning to crawl", I meant that as a kind of metaphor, meaning we don't have many Guides on XB1/PS4. We have to make due with who we have. I know where your coming from, but there is only SO much that a small group of us can do and only so much time we can dedicate to helping others or trying to keep the community friendly and clean for everyone. When you get bombarded every minute with PM's when you offer to help, it gets pretty hard to keep track of Region chat, Relay chat, the other Pm's you have and other things.

As always though, I will continue to do the best that I can to help those who call upon me when I am available. ^_^

Aah I apologize, my comment was not supposed to make you feel like I think you guys are slacking, we all have real life issues come up plus Warframe isn't the only game we play. What I meant was I feel like we do need some more moderators for our chat as it does get out of hand every so often.

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I had a particularly rough weekend with a couple players that I have since reported.


Some more guides would be most welcome but in the two particularly gruesome encounters I had neither of the players would accept that I was indeed anyone officially available to help other players. (neither would even accept or even observe the sigil).   


In turn, I spent much time documenting their misbehaviour and in one case actually had to report one to Microsoft/Xbox as he later stalked me onto Xbox messenger.


I still feel as if I am helping but not sure if the benefit offset the pain at least this past weekend.  Yesterday truly was a "labor" day.

Try not to let it get to you, even the senior guides and moderators get treated like that from time to time. Occasionally people just message me out of the blue to tell me that they hate me ^^;

For all that the angry, bitter, or trolling are loud and easy to remember most of the community is really decent, yes on the consoles too. If you ever have issues you want or need to talk about feel free to message me on the forums. I may not be able to help on xbox but I can always lend an ear. :)

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You should also lean towards people who need help, it's what i do i always ask if people need help because it gets more people to draw in rather than waiting and seeing someone run up to you and ask.





(Just a random dude passing through trying to help out that's all you don't have to do it just a suggestion)


Oh trust me, I do this everyday! Lol

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I had a particularly rough weekend with a couple players that I have since reported.


Some more guides would be most welcome but in the two particularly gruesome encounters I had neither of the players would accept that I was indeed anyone officially available to help other players. (neither would even accept or even observe the sigil).   


In turn, I spent much time documenting their misbehaviour and in one case actually had to report one to Microsoft/Xbox as he later stalked me onto Xbox messenger.


I still feel as if I am helping but not sure if the benefit offset the pain at least this past weekend.  Yesterday truly was a "labor" day.


As I have told you before Swag, if you need some assistance, PM me while I am online and when I am free, I will fly in to give you some "answering questions" help or moderation assistance (if need be).

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I know you are on alot.....Str1fe but you were not on when these two individuals were.  


Not a major deal as I have rather thick skin.  

At least by having them follow me to xbox messages, I got them away from the WF Community for a little while.


I was bringing it up to highlight my belief that we need more Xbox GOTLs and possibly some way of letting the community know who we are (besides the sigil and outside this forum).

Edited by (XB1)SwagScapegoat
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