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Crewman Synthesis Is Done


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It seems no one has considered that what if the Orokin made it to Tau. The elite few, those high ranking executors and an overall minority of the population. The lower ranked Orokin were left in the Origin system, along with all of their genetic creations, [Grineer, Corpus, Infestation] and problems.


Then after living in Tau system, they changed, THEY BECAME THE SENTIENTS, by assimilating that techonology into them. Now stronger they decide to returned to the Origin system to clean it up off the infestation. But upon arrival they found the empire they left still in place. The remaining Orokin re-established order, quarantined the infestation on Eris, and have become a ruling class. Perhaps they were even nicer to the lesser castes.


They travelled all this way back only to find they weren't needed. Possibly what's worse is they were ticked off that some sacred laws were broken. These orokin are extremely religious and this is echoed by the Lotus and Vor who look up to them or something. They feel that this new empire in their stead is an abomination and decide to destroy it, after all they don't need any of this anymore. They have evolved. This bring us to the timeline of the Sentient invasion, the Orokin creating Tenno to fight them and everything that follows.


Most likely that isn't what happened, but instead we'll get the cliche "AI turned against their masters". Time will tell, I'll maintain hope that it won't come to that.

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It seems no one has considered that what if the Orokin made it to Tau. The elite few, those high ranking executors and an overall minority of the population. The lower ranked Orokin were left in the Origin system, along with all of their genetic creations, [Grineer, Corpus, Infestation] and problems.


Then after living in Tau system, they changed, THEY BECAME THE SENTIENTS, by assimilating that techonology into them. Now stronger they decide to returned to the Origin system to clean it up off the infestation. But upon arrival they found the empire they left still in place. The remaining Orokin re-established order, quarantined the infestation on Eris, and have become a ruling class. Perhaps they were even nicer to the lesser castes.


They travelled all this way back only to find they weren't needed. Possibly what's worse is they were ticked off that some sacred laws were broken. These orokin are extremely religious and this is echoed by the Lotus and Vor who look up to them or something. They feel that this new empire in their stead is an abomination and decide to destroy it, after all they don't need any of this anymore. They have evolved. This bring us to the timeline of the Sentient invasion, the Orokin creating Tenno to fight them and everything that follows.


Most likely that isn't what happened, but instead we'll get the cliche "AI turned against their masters". Time will tell, I'll maintain hope that it won't come to that.

The thing is - Sentients aren't an AI. They are an artificial form of highly adaptive life. The 'sentience' they gained was most probably something that differs greatly from our understanding of the term.

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It seems no one has considered that what if the Orokin made it to Tau. The elite few, those high ranking executors and an overall minority of the population. The lower ranked Orokin were left in the Origin system, along with all of their genetic creations, [Grineer, Corpus, Infestation] and problems.


Then after living in Tau system, they changed, THEY BECAME THE SENTIENTS, by assimilating that techonology into them. Now stronger they decide to returned to the Origin system to clean it up off the infestation. But upon arrival they found the empire they left still in place. The remaining Orokin re-established order, quarantined the infestation on Eris, and have become a ruling class. Perhaps they were even nicer to the lesser castes.


They travelled all this way back only to find they weren't needed. Possibly what's worse is they were ticked off that some sacred laws were broken. These orokin are extremely religious and this is echoed by the Lotus and Vor who look up to them or something. They feel that this new empire in their stead is an abomination and decide to destroy it, after all they don't need any of this anymore. They have evolved. This bring us to the timeline of the Sentient invasion, the Orokin creating Tenno to fight them and everything that follows.


Most likely that isn't what happened, but instead we'll get the cliche "AI turned against their masters". Time will tell, I'll maintain hope that it won't come to that.


I think there's no consideration because we don't have anything to suggest that much of an event at this point. If some more stuff shows up that starts to point in that direction then it'll be something to think about, but for the time being...

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It seems no one has considered that what if the Orokin made it to Tau. [...] Then after living in Tau system, they changed, THEY BECAME THE SENTIENTS, by assimilating that techonology into them.


Oh. Hm. That would make no sense at all. Weren't the Orokin already sentient? Why would one name a new faction "Sentient" if it has always been sentient to begin with? The term would work if applied to a lifeform that wasn't supposed to have developed sentience, that is, the starfish-machine.


I agree with your very first sentence though. We have nothing indicating whether the Orokin ever reached Tau, and what they might have done there with these Sentients.

Edited by MartianJellyfish
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Oh. Hm. That would make no sense at all. Weren't the Orokin already sentient? Why would one name a new faction "Sentient" if it has always been sentient to begin with? The term would work if applied to a lifeform that wasn't supposed to have developed sentience, that is, the starfish-machine.


I agree with your very first sentence though. We have nothing indicating whether the Orokin ever reached Tau, and what they might have done there with these Sentients.


Near as I can figure, sure, the Orokin may have reached Tau (or at least, the Empire did), expecting the proto-sentients to have paved the way for them (as discussed in this entry).  However, instead of subservient worker-bees they found a thriving autonomous Sentient society that didn't wish to be shut down or subjugated, and the Orokin subsequently made war on them.  Leading to the Orokin v Sentient War. And while the Sentients themselves couldn't ride the rails back to Origin, their ability to control and subjugate machines would mean they could still strike at Origin using captured Orokin tech. Hence the eventual reliance on the Tenno to lead the fight against the Sentients of the Tau system, and after the Tenno won the war/put down the Sentient uprising, the Tenno returned triumphant through the Terminus (Pluto) relay, and immediately executed the Orokin Emperors. (Likely as a sort of "punishment" for the Orokin initiating an unjust war).


That the Sentients are returning implies to me that some survived in the Tau system, and have taken the "long way" home, coming back the way they came to attack Origin once again. 

Edited by Gelkor
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I just realise, if this lore truely does depict the birth of the sentients, doesn't this kind of conflict with excalibur entry?

If they already knew that void energy was poisonous to them, wouldn't creating a tenno be one of the first and not the last thing they try?


The Orokin are still kinda silly and obsessed about appearances.  The twisted and disfigured survivors of the Zariman are disgusting to them, and really just lab rats, so relying on that is a last resort.


It's also possible that the creation and training of the Tenno also involves some violation of the Seven Principles.  The Orokin have a real apprehension when it comes to creating something that can both think for itself and rival them in power, recall that all of their other subjects are pretty much clones with bred in subservience.  Even the non-grineer citizens, who later become the Corpus, "didn't have parents" like modern humans do, likely genetically engineered and grown, as with the Lorists we saw in the last entry.  Everyone is designed to serve the Empire, not think independently.


And to be fair, the Tenno executed the Emperors when they finished with the Sentients, so apparently the Orokin had good reason to be apprehensive about creating such a force.

Edited by Gelkor
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These would be the most obvious options, yes.

It kinda fits with my prediction that the Sentients were never the true enemy, the Orokin were, but now that we've stepped on their lawns they're pretty upset and will have to be dealt with by us Tenno once more. (I also almost understood the Sentient-Corpus link at some point on one of the previous lore entry threads, but I'll have to dig through my posts to find what exactly I had in mind then.) Found my post, here:

Which makes me a whole lot worried that the Corpus are rebuilding those [Outer Terminus] rails. At first I thought it was because of curiosity, as if they didn't know what lied on the other side and wanted to risk finding out. But now I'm getting this feeling (more of a hunch, actually) that maybe they do know exactly what to look for there...


Sounded like madman's gibberish at the time, but I guess I wasn't so wrong after all...


I'm also hoping that, once here, these Sentients can be somewhat reasoned with, since, well, the Orokin Empire is gone and the Tenno no longer follow it. I want to fight them, but not exterminate them. I want them to be like the Eridian Guardians from Borderlands. They're far too interesting creatures.

Edited by MartianJellyfish
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These would be the most obvious options, yes.

It kinda fits with my prediction that the Sentients were never the true enemy, the Orokin were, but now that we've stepped on their lawns they're pretty upset and will have to be dealt with by us Tenno once more. (I also almost understood the Sentient-Corpus link at some point on one of the previous lore entry threads, but I'll have to dig through my posts to find what exactly I had in mind then.)


I'm also hoping that, once here, these Sentients can be somewhat reasoned with, since, well, the Orokin Empire is gone and the Tenno no longer follow it. I want to fight them, but not exterminate them. I want them to be like the Eridian Guardians for Borderlands. They're far too interesting creatures.


I almost wonder if it's a vendetta with the Sentients, they are only truly interested in hurting the Orokin themselves, and the Tenno killed the Emperors to remove any final reason for the Sentients to ever return to the Origin system again.  But some Orokin (may have, they certainly tried to) escaped to the void.


Maybe Vor and/or Nef Anyo awoke the remaining Orokin in hiding in the void, and they're coming back to claim what's theirs, leading to the "void explosion."  And the Sentient's are stirring because they've sensed their ancient rival is returning?

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I almost wonder if it's a vendetta with the Sentients, they are only truly interested in hurting the Orokin themselves, and the Tenno killed the Emperors to remove any final reason for the Sentients to ever return to the Origin system again.  But some Orokin (may have, they certainly tried to) escaped to the void.


Maybe Vor and/or Nef Anyo awoke the remaining Orokin in hiding in the void, and they're coming back to claim what's theirs, leading to the "void explosion."  And the Sentient's are stirring because they've sensed their ancient rival is returning?


From my understanding, the Tenno defeated (albeit temporarily) the Sentients in Tau, and, upon returning to Origin, killed the Emperors because they deserved it. The Empire needed to end, it was a threat to the system. There are also Ordis' quotes, especially the one he says there were lies (I can't find a transcript to it right now but, you know, that one). It hints at the Tenno finding out about something they weren't supposed to, and retaliating.


I also think we were the ones who triggered the Sentients' attention again - during the Stolen Dreams quest, by activating the "machine" which sent out a transmission. And then again, in The New Strange.

Edited by MartianJellyfish
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From my understanding, the Tenno defeated (albeit temporarily) the Sentients in Tau, and, upon returning to Origin, killed the Emperors because they deserved it. The Empire needed to end, it was a threat to the system. There are also Ordis' quotes, especially the one he says there were lies (I can't find a transcript to it right now but, you know, that one).


I also think we were the ones who triggered the Sentients' attention again - during the Stolen Dreams quest, by activating the "machine" which sent out a transmission. And then again, in The New Strange.


True, but did we trigger the Sentients directly? Or the Sentients vis a vis the hidden Orokin.  Just a thought, likely wrong.  The Emperors deserved it, but I wonder if it was also insurance, or even a stipulation of the defeat of the Sentients.  The Origin system only knows that the Tenno returned and (likely led by the Lotus), declared the Sentients defeated, but what if it was only a draw, a truce?  The Tenno came to realize how corrupt the Orokin truly were, and agreed to leave the Tau system and Sentients alone in exchange for the Sentients cessation of hostilities, stipulated on the execution of the Emperors by the Tenno. 


So many theories to be had!

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  • 1 month later...

I just realise, if this lore truely does depict the birth of the sentients, doesn't this kind of conflict with excalibur entry?

If they already knew that void energy was poisonous to them, wouldn't creating a tenno be one of the first and not the last thing they try?

Well, the Void is poisonous to the Sentient. That doesn't necessarily mean that things made in the Void will be effective against the Sentient. Humans are vulnerable to fire, that doesn't make charcoal a great basis for a weapon.



True, but did we trigger the Sentients directly? Or the Sentients vis a vis the hidden Orokin.  Just a thought, likely wrong.  The Emperors deserved it, but I wonder if it was also insurance, or even a stipulation of the defeat of the Sentients.  The Origin system only knows that the Tenno returned and (likely led by the Lotus), declared the Sentients defeated, but what if it was only a draw, a truce?  The Tenno came to realize how corrupt the Orokin truly were, and agreed to leave the Tau system and Sentients alone in exchange for the Sentients cessation of hostilities, stipulated on the execution of the Emperors by the Tenno. 


So many theories to be had!


I don't think it was a draw or a truce, or the Lotus wouldn't have been sent to destroy the Origin system.

Edited by motorfirebox
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It seems no one has considered that what if the Orokin made it to Tau. The elite few, those high ranking executors and an overall minority of the population. The lower ranked Orokin were left in the Origin system, along with all of their genetic creations, [Grineer, Corpus, Infestation] and problems.


Then after living in Tau system, they changed, THEY BECAME THE SENTIENTS, by assimilating that techonology into them. Now stronger they decide to returned to the Origin system to clean it up off the infestation. But upon arrival they found the empire they left still in place. The remaining Orokin re-established order, quarantined the infestation on Eris, and have become a ruling class. Perhaps they were even nicer to the lesser castes.


They travelled all this way back only to find they weren't needed. Possibly what's worse is they were ticked off that some sacred laws were broken. These orokin are extremely religious and this is echoed by the Lotus and Vor who look up to them or something. They feel that this new empire in their stead is an abomination and decide to destroy it, after all they don't need any of this anymore. They have evolved. This bring us to the timeline of the Sentient invasion, the Orokin creating Tenno to fight them and everything that follows.


Most likely that isn't what happened, but instead we'll get the cliche "AI turned against their masters". Time will tell, I'll maintain hope that it won't come to that.


That's a good hook but people could also argue it was taken directly from Civilisation Alpha Centauri/After Earth.

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