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How Is Greedy Pull An Exploit ? If Its Working As Intended

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The route of efficiency is only here because the grind is.

Problem is, the devs only change what is easy to change.

The players get lazy because getting stuff is boooooring and painful with the system the devs put in place.

The devs get lazy because actually fixing their game would require them to change one of its core components, which would also be a long and painful trip.


Everyone is lazy. Everyone loses.

Edited by Marthrym
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Everybody knows Gmag is broken in anything but a Mesa Based Defense/Interception and Draco/Void Defense

Have you tried to play with a Gmag in a regular planetary defense?

Have you ever felt the hate when you have an energy orb that you need in front of you and suddenly dissapears?

GMAG needs to be taken out. It has led to lazyness in this game.


If you play with random people you get random results. I'm not sure why that is an issue or surprising at all.


It's fun to blame every one else but if you're not making use of the tools you have available to you, in this case, to completely avoid the thing you hate then that is literally your own problem.


That's like purposely seeking out things you dislike, which I find extremely weird.

Edited by f3llyn
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Who said something about an exploit? As far as i know the problem is the high lazyness gmag is giving a lot of people see it like a problem .. even DE saw this.


Yeah we know this game is farm farm farm but here on pc some skills are been abused with bots "macros"(i know a lot use them).. So you to ask this.. blame the PC users mate sorry for CONSOLE players.


And yeah i myself wonder if DE knows what theyre doing xD, to add something into a game you should wonder how it would help  and how it would be a problem.



ok so fix it on pc & leave it alone on console. Warframe has the strangest community. It's basically a pve game & folks complain way to much. The game is grindy, We have the ability to make grinding a tad easier yet we complain.

Edited by (PS4)IcantBseriouS
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Everybody knows Gmag is broken in anything but a Mesa Based Defense/Interception and Draco/Void Defense

Have you tried to play with a Gmag in a regular planetary defense?

Have you ever felt the hate when you have an energy orb that you need in front of you and suddenly dissapears?

GMAG needs to be taken out. It has led to lazyness in this game.



I use her in a survival w/ nekros and we go the distance. It's great to take two hydroids, nekros and a gmag and farm for Orokin Cells, Neuroses & Neural Sensors. So nerfing mag will cut these long farms and force use to basically either buy materials or use those expensive blueprints.

Edited by (PS4)IcantBseriouS
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You're looking at it backwards. The need for gmap is just a symptom of the real problem. Nerfing gmag out of existance won't fix the actual problem.


It's like trying to cure a simple cough when the real issue is tuberculosis. Sure you can cure the cough for a little while, but sooner or later the real issue is going to pop up again and it's going to be worse because you neglected it the first time.


And this is an issue DE has been neglecting for a long time.

I never said it wasn't. Doesn't make it any less deserving to get nerfed. All these problems, are caused by the mod Fleeting Expertise aside from the RNG. Just remove it or have the negative status be something that actually makes you think twice about equipping it.

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I never said it wasn't. Doesn't make it any less deserving to get nerfed. All these problems, are caused by the mod Fleeting Expertise aside from the RNG. Just remove it or have the negative status be something that actually makes you think twice about equipping it.


Fleeting expertise has nothing to do with it. It's not even a symptom of the real problem which your proposal would do nothing to fix.


I'll say it again. The real issue has nothing to do with mods or warframes or their abilities. It has to do with the reward system in just about every way.


Fix that first before you start nerfing abilities and mods.

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Fleeting expertise has nothing to do with it. It's not even a symptom of the real problem which your proposal would do nothing to fix.


I'll say it again. The real issue has nothing to do with mods or warframes or their abilities. It has to do with the reward system in just about every way.


Fix that first before you start nerfing abilities and mods.


I suggest you read carefully what I just said again.



I never said it wasn't. Doesn't make it any less deserving to get nerfed. All these problems, are caused by the mod Fleeting Expertise ASIDE FROM THE RNG. Just remove it or have the negative status be something that actually makes you think twice about equipping it.


Being able to spam abilities non stop shouldn't even exist in the first place. Fleeting Expertise is a corrupted mod, but I beg to differ.

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I suggest you read carefully what I just said again.




Being able to spam abilities non stop shouldn't even exist in the first place. Fleeting Expertise is a corrupted mod, but I beg to differ.


Why shouldn't it? Because you dont like it isn't a valid reason.


Plus DE have said they're never going to add cool downs which is one of the proposed ways of cutting down on ability spam.

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Why shouldn't it? Because you dont like it isn't a valid reason.


Plus DE have said they're never going to add cool downs.

This is not my opinion. Also I never mentioned anything about cooldowns so that is irrelevant to what we are even talking about. Just that Fleeting Expertise needs to actually act like a corrupted mod. Nearly all of the frames don't need duration for the stronger abilities which are spammed   non-stop


Ie : Peacemaker, Miasma Bladestorm and etc. As long as it only decreases duration, it will always be used to spam abilities. Hell, I can even stay in Exalted Blade for an entire 40 min survival without ever getting out of it. Why? Because I get energy faster than my energy gets drained due to it. This mod is used on every frame I seen so far. So its simple, just replace the - duration of Fleeting Expertise with something else that has a universal and an ACTUAL negative effect on every frame.

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All these people defending the Devs reactions without giving a proper counterargument is just disgusting. 


I'm likely going to get yelled at but you know what? I'm going to say it anyways.


Almost all of you people defending DE's actions are DE fanboys. I have seen several of you before and almost every time someone has some kind of criticism about how DE does things you people are usually there defending DE's actions.

It's like you people think DE is some kind of saint and that they can do no wrong. I have seen this before in other games you know, Warthunder, the early closed beta of Firefall, its the same goddamn thing all over again.


Is there no way GP can be fixed so that it is still useful to the team? Are you completely sure that it's not possible?

There are any number of ways that have been stated that are quite reasonable yet you people shout them down, label them as farmers, and provide little to no counter argument.


So now I will make my own suggestion.


Why not make greedy pull act like a corrupted mod? In other words, make it pull items in at a certain range that increases per rank and as you increase it's rank make it cost more energy to pull items in but at max rank it pulls items in at the maximum pull range. Also, limit it to LOS.

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This is not my opinion. Also I never mentioned anything about cooldowns so that is irrelevant to what we are even talking about. Just that Fleeting Expertise needs to actually act like a corrupted mod. Nearly all of the frames don't need duration for the stronger abilities which are spammed   non-stop


Ie : Peacemaker, Miasma Bladestorm and etc. As long as it only decreases duration, it will always be used to spam abilities. Hell, I can even stay in Exalted Blade for an entire 40 min survival without ever getting out of it. Why? Because I get energy faster than my energy gets drained due to it. This mod is used on every frame I seen so far. So its simple, just replace the - duration of Fleeting Expertise with something else that has a universal and an ACTUAL negative effect on every frame.


It's funny because you're literally the only person I've seen on this forums say anything regarding fleeting expertise being any sort of problem. Makes me think it is in fact, just your opinion.

Edited by f3llyn
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It's funny because you're literally the only person I've seen on this forums say anything regarding fleeting expertise being any sort of problem. Makes me thing it is in fact, just your opinion.

Thats all anything is from anyone here! Opinions! Opinions everywhere! That is literally all we can give!

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I think people are mostly farming credits and lazy leveling weapons/frames and not so much resources. Just in exploring the whole map I had more than enough resources to build everything I needed, and I only play a game a day and an hour or two on weekends if I am home. Resource farming is not that big of an issue with the exception of a few things. However, if there are people struggling to get everything they need then perhaps DE should adjust it up. My personal experience isn't reflective of the player base at large.

The major problem I see in the game is the use of ultimates and greedy pull. Ultimates are such a nuisance to me that something needs to be done with them. I dislike the term nerf but an adjustment of their functionality, much in the way Excalibur saw his changed. Most are annoying if they're spammed, Mesas's is absolutely ridiculous. I'm in the crowd of people who want LOS for most abilities and abilities to be used for enhancing gameplay. Just sitting in one spot for 5 rounds does not make me feel like an epic warrior, but an epic drone. Greedy Pull is both good and bad. I could see it being a boon if ultimates were not press four for apocalypse type abilities, and players were moving and working together more. In its current state it just encourages sitting in one place. If ultimates are reworked to be fun powerful abilities that required user thought while being used as opposed to one and done doom keys, then the problem would slide away.

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Guys stop complaining about the RNG.........

Easier stuff to get = lower price in the market and nobody will probably buy anything to be honest because they'll just farm it unless ofc the person is lazy as hell..................... 


If you guys don't think about farming the item you are farming while you are farming then farming is less boring and less burnout so yeah that's the strategy [ ofc it's hard not to think of the item you want but just play and have fun man ]

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Guys stop complaining about the RNG.........

Easier stuff to get = lower price in the market and nobody will probably buy anything to be honest because they'll just farm it unless ofc the person is lazy as hell..................... 


If you guys don't think about farming the item you are farming while you are farming then farming is less boring and less burnout so yeah that's the strategy [ ofc it's hard not to think of the item you want but just play and have fun man ]

You have not even played this game for a year. You have not dealt with crappy RNG for two years. Two years!

Since the stalker came out I have killed him hundreds of times AND NOT ONCE DID HE EVER DROP DESPAIR!

Don't tell me not to complain about RNG when RNG is what screws this game!

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OK. I see that 99% of this thread is complaints about RNG. OK... For anyone who doesn't realize... RNG increases content, and increase money income.

So please don't hate on the DE for being a company that wants money? I mean comeon that is the worse excuse I have ever seen for hating on anything. -.- Yes they want money, because it costs money to make games. Though ofcourse it is completely evil to ask for money.


Also RNG increases content which helps us get through the no update gaps, if we didn't have RNG we would be done with all the games content in a month. 


Greedy mag aloud frames like Mesa to basically go AFK and macro the game. The DE didn't realize this when they put it in the game because unlike popular belief they probably have 1 person testing each augment. They just want to make sure it works on release they probably didn't think of the exploits when developing it. 


Also remember the De has their own version of warframe with their own content. When they upload stuff to the actual game it can break and mess up. They can't control that but they can at-least do their best. That is why their are a thing called bugs.



P.S The DE has been working on RNG forever, they need time and resources. It isn't as easy as 1 2 3. They have to put it in small poportions because they don't want to make it so easy that everyone can get the best loot in one run. Though they know that right now it is kinda broken. Though in all honesty it isn't that broken, their are just some very unlucky people.

Edited by Feallike
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OK. I see that 99% of this thread is complaints about RNG. OK... For anyone who doesn't realize... RNG increases content, and increase money income.

So please don't hate on the DE for being a company that wants money? I mean comeon that is the worse excuse I have ever seen for hating on anything. -.- Yes they want money, because it costs money to make games. Though ofcourse it is completely evil to ask for money.


Also RNG increases content which helps us get through the no update gaps, if we didn't have RNG we would be done with all the games content in a month. 


Greedy mag aloud frames like Mesa to basically go AFK and macro the game. The DE didn't realize this when they put it in the game because unlike popular belief they probably have 1 person testing each augment. They just want to make sure it works on release they probably didn't think of the exploits when developing it. 


Also remember the De has their own version of warframe with their own content. When they upload stuff to the actual game it can break and mess up. They can't control that but they can at-least do their best. That is why their are a thing called bugs.



P.S The DE has been working on RNG forever, they need time and resources. It isn't as easy as 1 2 3. They have to put it in small poportions because they don't want to make it so easy that everyone can get the best loot in one run. Though they know that right now it is kinda broken. Though in all honesty it isn't that broken, their are just some very unlucky people.

Increases content?! WHAT!? All it does it delay you from getting content! That is all it does! It doesn't add anything!

Do you really think it is right for some people to be unable to get a certain item because RNG screws them every time? I sure don't freaking think so. Some of the rarer items need to be dropped by a quest, #of times completed, or something. 

Doing runs hundreds of times just to get one freaking item is ridiculous! 


G-mag is not broken. What is broken is the combined power of certain frames that have a unique synergy. In other words, they work well as a team! Is teamplay being discouraged now? Is that what is going on now? It is their goddamned job to think of the exploits before they implement something if they don't do it then they better admit their mistake! DE most assuredly does not have just their version of the game, they have ours too you know, hell they PLAY it on a stream! Some things have been broken for well over a year now and you mean to tell me that is not enough time for them to fix these things!?

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OK. I see that 99% of this thread is complaints about RNG. OK... For anyone who doesn't realize... RNG increases content, and increase money income.


But... grind is no content. Warframe barely has actual content.

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Increases content?! WHAT!? All it does it delay you from getting content! That is all it does! It doesn't add anything!

Do you really think it is right for some people to be unable to get a certain item because RNG screws them every time? I sure don't freaking think so. Some of the rarer items need to be dropped by a quest, #of times completed, or something. 

Doing runs hundreds of times just to get one freaking item is ridiculous! 


G-mag is not broken. What is broken is the combined power of certain frames that have a unique synergy. In other words, they work well as a team! Is teamplay being discouraged now? Is that what is going on now? It is their goddamned job to think of the exploits before they implement something if they don't do it then they better admit their mistake! DE most assuredly does not have just their version of the game, they have ours too you know, hell they PLAY it on a stream! Some things have been broken for well over a year now and you mean to tell me that is not enough time for them to fix these things!?


Actually it does. It increases how long you play the game and articially increases content and gametime. Also I have played games where you had to farm the same enemy thousands of times. If you have ever played Diablo, Dark souls, Terriaria, Dota, Borderlands. Then you will start to understand grind. Grind is a fundamental part of games, Warframe is no different. It may be annoying but it does increase gametime.


I actually loled at this. No, manipulating the games mechanics to increase enemy spawns is a exploit. Just because the DE put the ability in the game doesn't mean they wanted it used that way. They don't know how we will react to abilities. Exploitation doesn't equal team play. Also they aren't this huge triple A developer they are humans and small. They probably have a small team of 3-5 people who create the Augment mods. Their job is to make augments that the other devs like and make sure they work. Exploits aren't obvious to them because they spend more time developing then playing the game. 


It took them 2 years to create parkour 2.0, and melee 2.0. Do you know how long we asked for Melee 2.0, damage 2.0, and parkour 2.0?? DO YOU!?!?!?! The answer is MUCH MORE THAN 2 YEARS!



But... grind is no content. Warframe barely has actual content.


Content means anything new we can use. Meaning weapons, warframes, sentinals, kubrows, missions, syndicates, etc. So ya it has a good amount of content. The DE needs time to create more content so we don't have nothing to do. So grind is pretty necessary. 

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Content means anything new we can use. Meaning weapons, warframes, sentinals, kubrows, missions, syndicates, etc. So ya it has a good amount of content. The DE needs time to create more content so we don't have nothing to do. So grind is pretty necessary. 


Yes but its all the same category of content. You grind for keys which use use to grind for prime parts and then you grind for recources needed to build the prime weapons. Then you use the new weapons to grind for xp to level your mastery to unlock more nodes and weapons in order to keep grinding and etc and etc.


Sooo yeah in that case I don't think Warframe has much content to offer. I was thinking we could get content like lore related. Where what we do and play somehow makes a difference in the gameplay. Just an example.


I know Warframe is a grind game but really it has become excessive and its only getting worse. Huge shame because Warframe has the potentional to offer so much more and better.

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