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Build Your Own Warframe


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So i always thought it would be interesting to mix and match abilities of different warframes Where each part of the warframe is tied to a power. First i will explain what power i would attach to each part and why starting in reverse order.


Ability 4 would be garnered by the chassis because alot of our frames have built in weapons that are attached to them like Ash, or Mesa and Valkyr.


Ability 3 would be tied to systems because in many cases its a defining indication of where their power is unleashed, frosts snow globe, embers ring of fire, Nyx's chaos. 


Ability 2 I am tying this one to the Blueprint it could feasibly be swapped for chassis i dont have good reasoning as why other then it was what was left. 


Ability 1 Would be tied to the helmet due to many number one abilities are a targeted directional extension of power, Excaliburs slash and dash, embers fireball, Ash's shuriken. 


So based on this build your own frame and let us know how you think powers should interact. 


My frame would be. 


Ability 1 Slash and dash

Ability 2. Invisibility

Ability 3. Snow Globe

Ability 4. Hysteria 


The idea would be the power source is frost so when you slash and dash it leaves a trail of frozen ground and also adds a slowing effect onto Hysteria's melee strikes with a chance to freeze. 


What would you build?

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A useful mag.


Also tieing abilitys to parts is probably a poor idea, since everyone will look the same due to popular frames being popular.


It'd probably be better to have them as cpu upgrades, or ability spheres or somesuch.

Edited by Sakatchi
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I never said that we tie the looks of a frame to the parts mostly because it would incredibly difficult just the abilities. So what abilities in our current set of abilities would you give to mag? and what abilities would you keep from Mag/.

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That sounds like something Warframe should have done from the Very start, you create you own Tenno with its own warframe look, start with some basic abilities from an specific arquetype and as you investigate more about other warframes you can learn to use those skills. That would require not just a rework on how the game works but also tweaks on the lore to beter fit these newborn Tenno, sounds like a much better game to be honest.


On the meantime why not having that ability to match skills on the Symulacrum? I love that place and that would make it all the more amusing.


If i had to choose i would do something like:

Ember with:

1- Rip line.

2- Bouncy Pad.

3- Overheat

4- Ethereal Blade, but instead of a Sword she would use a big Axe.

Edited by The_Sharp_Demonologist
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This idea's come up before - like, countless times - but it wont happen.


You'd take the most useful abilities from everything and then everything else would be left in the dust. No one would play any other frame for any reason because, hey, why do that when you have Banshee's Sonar and Mesa's Ult with Energy Vampire all nice and tucked up in your kit?


This is basically the same as saying "let's make a LoL or Dota champ in which you can mix and match the abilities of other champions" - too easy to abuse.

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This idea's come up before - like, countless times - but it wont happen.


You'd take the most useful abilities from everything and then everything else would be left in the dust. No one would play any other frame for any reason because, hey, why do that when you have Banshee's Sonar and Mesa's Ult with Energy Vampire all nice and tucked up in your kit?


This is basically the same as saying "let's make a LoL or Dota champ in which you can mix and match the abilities of other champions" - too easy to abuse.

Even after months of not comenting, the first comment i leave i found you on the same post, are you following me? or am i subconciously following you.....



Anyways thats what i said too, its something that should have happen from the very start of the game so the power would be balanced around that idea. And if you think about it it would make for a better story than maybe we are something that can jump from one frame to the other. Instead maybe we are newborn Tenno that as we can learn from Living Tenno like Ember or Excalibur to be able to use their skills or investigate ancient Tenno to uncover their mithical skills like CHroma or the Primes.

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Even after months of not comenting, the first comment i leave i found you on the same post, are you following me? or am i subconciously following you.....



Anyways thats what i said too, its something that should have happen from the very start of the game so the power would be balanced around that idea. And if you think about it it would make for a better story than maybe we are something that can jump from one frame to the other. Instead maybe we are newborn Tenno that as we can learn from Living Tenno like Ember or Excalibur to be able to use their skills or investigate ancient Tenno to uncover their mithical skills like CHroma or the Primes.


Well that's a matter of what you think Warframe should have been, which isn't what it is. There's nothing that can be done about it, and I don't see anything wrong with what we have currently (aside from we don't have enough of it).


If you want to make that game, do it, I'll give it a play- heck, pay me and I'll do voice work for it -but that's not what Warframe is, was intended to be, or what it'll ever turn into on a dime. It's about using Warframes with abilities innate to them in conjunction with other players to overcome challenges with enemies.


And, as I said, from a mechanics stance it would be utterly broken.


As for whether I'm following you or not: I'm fuckin' everywhere on these forums. Don't take it personally.

Edited by Morec0
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This idea's come up before - like, countless times - but it wont happen.


You'd take the most useful abilities from everything and then everything else would be left in the dust. No one would play any other frame for any reason because, hey, why do that when you have Banshee's Sonar and Mesa's Ult with Energy Vampire all nice and tucked up in your kit?


This is basically the same as saying "let's make a LoL or Dota champ in which you can mix and match the abilities of other champions" - too easy to abuse.

Because you would not be able to have both sonar and EV since they are both number 2 abilities that is the game. 

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Well that's a matter of what you think Warframe should have been, which isn't what it is. There's nothing that can be done about it, and I don't see anything wrong with what we have currently (aside from we don't have enough of it).


If you want to make that game, do it, I'll give it a play- heck, pay me and I'll do voice work for it -but that's not what Warframe is, was intended to be, or what it'll ever turn into on a dime. It's about using Warframes with abilities innate to them in conjunction with other players to overcome challenges with enemies.


And, as I said, from a mechanics stance it would be utterly broken.


As for whether I'm following you or not: I'm fuckin' everywhere on these forums. Don't take it personally.

Awwww i was starting to feel special. But yeah i agree.


As i said its something that should have done from the very start so when you work on the abilities you can game it would be balance so there is no really "Ultimate combo". Kinda like Loadout and its gun cuztomization.

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This is a game its not a i think this is the way warframe should be. Its a make your own Frame game given all the abilities in the game. Post your frames that break the game or the ones that seem the most fun to you. Whatever the ones that have been posted are drastically different then what i would have make but very interesting. 

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That sounds like something Warframe should have done from the Very start, you create you own Tenno with its own warframe look, start with some basic abilities from an specific arquetype and as you investigate more about other warframes you can learn to use those skills. That would require not just a rework on how the game works but also tweaks on the lore to beter fit these newborn Tenno, sounds like a much better game to be honest.


On the meantime why not having that ability to match skills on the Symulacrum? I love that place and that would make it all the more amusing.


Doing something like this will remove the need of any warframe if you can just pick and choose your skills.  People would be farming for the skills to put in their frame.  I can see DE just selling skins for the custom frame too.


1) Molecular Prime

2) Energy Vampire

3) Invisible

4) Vortex

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Doing something like this will remove the need of any warframe if you can just pick and choose your skills.  People would be farming for the skills to put in their frame.  I can see DE just selling skins for the custom frame too.


1) Molecular Prime

2) Energy Vampire

3) Invisible

4) Vortex

Why not? we could learn from the Warframe themselves, Excalibur, Nekros, Ember they all could be characters and we would be their aprentices, maybe one day surpasing them.

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Why not? we could learn from the Warframe themselves, Excalibur, Nekros, Ember they all could be characters and we would be their aprentices, maybe one day surpasing them.

Because current meta is ruining the game, and setup where you can make one meta frame would ruin the game even more.



What would happen is that people would find the best power meta setup and use it everywhere.

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Doing something like this will remove the need of any warframe if you can just pick and choose your skills.  People would be farming for the skills to put in their frame.  I can see DE just selling skins for the custom frame too.


1) Molecular Prime

2) Energy Vampire

3) Invisible

4) Vortex

You have two number 4 abilities in there you can either have molecular prime or vortex. and you have two number two abilities either you get EV or invisibility. 

Edited by Moondancer
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Because current meta is ruining the game, and setup where you can make one meta frame would ruin the game even more.



What would happen is that people would find the best power meta setup and use it everywhere.


What would said setup look like whats the best frame build remember you only get one number 1 ability one number 2 so  you could not have both EV and Sonar. 

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